Dr. Malone’s substack of this morning asked all to please donate. I most certainly will. You are a true warrior. God bless you Dr. Lawrie. My prayers are with you.
The company M did work with is a "global partner" look it up for yourself and make your own decisions about who to trust. When the trucker organizer chose to use GFM I was suspicious because I know GFM has canceled causes that it didn't like before...I could't remember specifics, but it stuck out...I wasn't surprised when they did what they did. Be wary donating to M.
Yes indeed , The UN , WHO was created and is controlled by the deepstate or more precisely the Pilgrim society and committee of 300. As most of you are aware compromised Tedros who is not even a medical Doctor was involved in the genocide of millions of Ethiopians in 2013 to 2015 making him the ideal candidate to carry on the genocide at the WHO but on the global world when they appointed him in 2017
Their stances are very different than before their appointed positions. Have listened to them from the start. And there is a huge change. You can smell it in the air.
They have both been interviewed by Freddie Sayers whom are hosting the podcast UnHerd.com
Tegnell said back in 2020 something like 'we trust the Swedes to be obedient'. If he souled out it was a long time ago. Don't forget he's London School of Tropical Medicine too.
I know that he souled out a long time ago, he ‘pretended’ to have another view as he was only grooming people as per advised from his masters. Maybe should have stated that in my comment, forgot that I am Swedish and know these things by seeing his ways over here during ‘press conferences’, questions against the narrative were not allowed. Our media is bought and paid for as well as health officials, other ‘influencers’ and government the like. The play setting is just a little different.
Thanks for your dedication. The WHO is attempting to become the Vatican of healthcare, and it will fail, just as much as the Vatican had to forgive Galileo eventually, even if it took 350 years. They will have to back down eventually, it may just be a very painful and long process. For anyone who can read statistics, it is clear we never had a pandemic, only a pandemic of not thinking, as Dr. Tom Cowan calls it. If 95% of Covid deaths in 2019/20 had 4+ comorbidities, and 67% had 6 or more, then all we ever had is a comorbidity problem, never a virus problem. Garbage attracts flies, but flies are not the cause of of the garbage. That is the essence of terrain theory to me, regardless of the fairly academic point if the virus has been isolated or not, or if it causes the disease, whether it exists or not, it is clearly an epiphenomenon of the real disease which is diet and lifestyle. And we know from Lifestyle Medicine that these chronic diseases which are the most popular causes of death today, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, auto immune diseases and so on can almost all be largely or wholly prevented or reversed with a whole foods, plant-based diet. In fact, last year, a paper was published in BMJ documenting that people on a plant-based diet had a 73% reduction in risk of 'moderate to severe" Covid outcomes. I can attest to that, at age 70, 7 years on a #WFPB diet, with BMI 23, upping my vitamin D from my usual 2000 iu daily to 5000, some C, Zinc, Quercetin, and some NAC, lots of liquids and lots of insipid TV, I was over Covid in a week.
listen, we all pick our own poisons, nobody gets out of here alive anyway, so do what you enjoy. But if there is such a thing as "good quality proteins" it is plant-based, for they tend to inhibit tumor growth, while animal protein stimulates tumor growth. Also read up on TMAO. If that doesn't cure you nothing will.
I think the plant based diet is from the same people that have brought us these excellent vaccines. Better than the standard diet, sure. But not empowering or giving optimal health. There is a thing called protein quality indeed. Most plants do not provide (enough of) the total spectrum of amino acids and thus limit protein utilisation. Most people are protein defficient. Especially when eating vegetarian / vegan.
Plant proteins surely come with costs, like lots of carbs, digestion inhibitors and other toxins, like estrogen as the xeno-estrogens in soy.
I think keto paleo (organic, nose to tail) is the most healthy diet.
Higest concentrations of TMAO btw is found in fish. I think it is an artificial constructed fear (just like the pandemic!)
not at all. Read T.Colin Campbell, The China Study, Whole and The Future of Nutrition. Raised on a dairy farm, his research led him to conclusions utterly opposite to the prevailing paradigm. He would not touch those vaccines with a 10-foot pole. That type of work and research is the very essence of what terrain theory is all about. We had a comorbidity problem, not a virus problem.
People have said that. Nobody has systematically refuted it. Not easy to overcome 70 years of NIH funded, peer-reviewed research. And I have seen the results with hundreds of patients and those results speak for themselves and healthcare insurance often picks up the cost for the initial training of the patients. T2D and CVD are propbably 95% reversible with the diet and the patient retention after a year is 70-80%, whereas with statins most people give them up over the side effect, so by 6 months you have less than 50% retention. .
It's a book, not a published and peer-reviewed study. And a very biased book based on his already pro-vegan beliefs, and he cherry-picked data that fit his bias. Campbell and the book is a diagrace to science and nutrition.
The book is complete with references to all his peer-reviewed studies, so it is documented to a T, and contrary to what you state, he started out being raised on a dairy farm and studying traditional nutrition. He began to change only when his research in the field and some findings of other scientists woke him up to the fact that something was wrong. He spent the rest of his life documenting what he found. I have seen and heard him being cussed out by many, but I have yet to see anyone deliver proper, peer-reviewed refutations of his major findings. Name calling is the easy way out and does not impress me. In the meantime, I am also familiar with hundreds upon hundreds of patient case studies showing very consistent results. And, as Dean Ornish notes, after one year he usually has 70-80% compliancs, but with e.g. statins, the compliance will be below 50% in six months because of the side effects.
I don't think the people behind the covid scare made the vegan diet up, I think they embraced it as a way to weaken us. Testosterone will plummet for example. So making people more agreeable and less able to defend them selves. Not to mention the small amount of muscle most vegetarians and vegans have. They won't be fit to defend themselves. They don't want to eitheir because their hormone profile changed. So that's am easy fight.
Sad to see I can't find "Polish a turd and find a diamond?" by Kurt Harris, MD on the internet, even using the Wayback Machine. It was another excellent critique of The China Study.
It's very hard, sometimes impossible to get addicts to accept that their addition is harming or killing them. True for alcoholics, smokers, drug addicts, serial spikeshot takers, and that includes people who are addicted to and convinced they need meat, dairy, eggs. It's a waste of time to try to convince them; they display the same kind of cognitive dissonance protecting arguments as covidians, as you see here, and I've found over the years that it is best to leave them to discover the truth on their own, hopefully not the hard way.
Indeed, so this is about secondary gain as Freud recognized, i.e. we do things against our own long term interest for satisfying a short term pleasure. I have a letter up for peer review on Academia about that very issue: The Wilful Ignorance of Secondary Gain in Public Health in General and Lifestyle Medicine in Particular
All vegans and vegetarian people I know saw a decline in their health when they started. I tried it, and yes I did it right, and saw a decline in my health. On keto paleo I regained my health. So, yeah, it is hard to argue with that experience.
Excellent article. I always ask people ,” what did humans actually eat BEFORE domesticated farming and grain 12 k years ago. They love to say Berries. I remind them that most climates only provide Berries for 3-4 months of the year. When they lose that portion of the discussion some revert back to the Bible and Adam and Eve in the Garden where all fruit and vegetables were provided. Which is where the convo ends . We are omnivores. Our teeth say it all. And when people realize we ate weeds ( greens ) fruit berries and small ANIMALS as well as large animals to keep our bodies going , all this vegan insanity will end.
I did read up on it for decades Rogier. I got a degree in research and revisited alot the “ studies and research “ that posits plant based diets are healthier. They are equally bastardized. Highly biased. I strongly suggest you revisit them as well. The Green Movement which is part of the vegan vegetarian movement is there to drive us into eating bugs now
- in the classical sense maybe. But it doesn't matter in a totalitarian system. North Korea has been failing for quite a few decades.
When total surveillance, social credit score, programmable money are implemented.
You won't be able to buy more than the usual amount of food e.g. for a dissident refugee you're hiding, or for materials to make primitive weapons - the AI doesn't agree you need that.
This is not like any time before in history. There'll be no escape. Not even countries to run to, if you can even travel. The less technologized countries, I guess they'll somehow "take care" of them. They do have precious resources.
Do watch the 2010+ UN-financed propaganda videos like "Planned-opolis & 3 other scenarios", or UN (EU?) documents w.r.t. "Smart City" - key phrase "post choice society". Or what Klaus Schwab et al write ("4th industrial revolution") and say, or the predictions of the myterious Bill Gates.
They _really_ mean it. While the deep sleep sheep still giggle saying: "stop watching Alex Jones!" - well, look at what the perps are actually putting out there.
Better is a carnivore diet. Take a look at Bill Gates. He is trying to stop us eating meat. What does that say? I am strict carnivore, 62 years and I have never been as healthy as I am now.
Agree 1000%. Never felt better since I've gone carnivore. The SECOND I introduce anything else (potatoes or greens for instance), I feel like crap. Our choices are beef, pork, and eggs. We also enjoy cheeses. But that's about it!
Here is a doctor (Periodontist) who followed that protocol (along with others listed on his website) after an incurable multiple myeloma diagnosis. He recovered, and now helps others: http://drdanenberg.com/about/
Here is the daughter of Jordan Peterson (Mikhaila Peterson) presenting a TEDx talk that TEDx wouldn't publish about how by consuming a carnivore diet she experienced complete remission from a list of serious pathologies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ka9WBEijhk
PLEASE read this research by ALEPH2020 on vested interests (BlackRock, WEF, the Rockefeller Foundation, The World Resource Institute, etc) involved in steering the world population toward more "plant-based" eating https://aleph-2020.blogspot.com/2020/08/ideologies-and-vested-interests.html Frédéric Leroy - @fleroy1974 on Twitter has some excellent twitter threads on the subject of vested interests: https://twitter.com/fleroy1974
Any suggestions on' Whole Foods'? Not sure what that means exactly. Not sure where to start. Is it affordable? Plant based diet? There's so much info, much of it useless. I don't know where to begin
Taking and have been all the supplements you do. Thank you kindly!!
The simple principle is that whole foods means "minimally processed" i.e. cutting and cooking are OK but not extracting, refining, Or check out this guy: https://plantbasedonabudget.com/
Please read KETO books. Not from recipe books but medical science. Don’t go down the vegan / vegetarian path. A diet of mostly carbs is unhealthy. I know. I did it for almost a decade. Just make sure whatever you eat is organic.
As a reformed vegetarian / vegan for 9 years wfo believed and read all the plant based books like “ Diet for a small planet et AL : it was all lies designed to trap us in the world they have planned for us. It took me going on a KETO diet to learn that I could eliminate pain and other diseases by eating like our ancestors did before domesticated. Farming. I went off it and am suffering. FYI. I do believe a diet mostly of pasture raised or wild meat , butter fat minimal amd vegetables fruit is the healthiest diet there is
There is no accounting for what anyone thinks. But in the realm of evidence, I am familiar with truckoads of evidence where even within 10 days on a serious #WFPB diet people lower their A1C by 20% and in a vast number of cases go on to completely reverse diabetes in 3 weeks to 3 months.
It's endemic here in NZ. Worse than elsewhere. Supposedly the bad diets of the working classes, mostly Polynesians and Maori. I have a hunch that it's a toxin in the environment so I'm taking aim at the mostly likely source of those toxins. It's just a hunch though.
always follow your hunches and figure them out to the point you can validate them or reject them. However, do some 10-day jumpstarts as well. https://plantpurecommunities.org/oasis-jumpstart-program/ The typical experience is about a 20%-ish improvement in A1C even within the 10-day period and commensurate improvements in cholesterol levels, weight loss, blood pressure, lipid panels. It's a canned program that is available through the not for profit plant pure communities, so your only problem is having a local clinic to work with, and a provider for the meals for the 10-day program. The format is to take the vitals before and after, teach them to make their own breakfast and healthy snacks, and then to provide lunch and dinner from outside, and depending on the configuration those ban be frozen meals that they can heat up at home. The point is making sure they are on the diet for the full 10 days, and then you do the vitals again afterwards.
I lowered my blood sugar to normal going on keto. Eating a vegetarian meditereanian diet ( no sugar but fruit ) my diabetes stayed present. That’s what the research says
No it was mixed. Meat dairy and veggies not high in carbs. I’m diabetic. Severe Gmo damage in 1998 after GMOs released into US food’s caused my gallbladder to fail , my pancreas to go haywire and I got a SEVERE egg allergy after eating eggs all my life. Within one year I gained over 50 lbs! Since then I’ve been diabetic. The only time my blood sugar was almost normal was on keto. I ate less than 35 carbs a day. Less than 1/2 cup of blueberries a day. No other fruit. Id be a fruitarian vegetarian if possible. I simply read medycal books on keto and challenged ALL the “ research” done use to defend vegetarianism/ veganism. The claims are easily proven false ir biased when one actually digs in. It’s a cult. Nothing more. I’m a trained hypnotherapist. Most people are cult believers.
I think what might work for one person might not work for another. It wouldn't surprise me that someone from Scandanavia had a higher need for meat in their diet than someone from the Mediterranean. And I don't know where that leaves me as ma was pretty Nordic in appearance and pa is pretty Med in appearance. I seem to have abandoned the Nordic in me I guess, re diet anyway. I'm quite happy with it, no cult here.
Thanks for all you do Dr. Lawrie. Here is my submission from two days ago: maybe others can use it as a starter!
Substantive Elements in a new international instrument for pandemic preparedness and response should INCLUDE:
-- no legal obligations by any city or county or their police / militia to enforce WHO laws, rules, or dictates regarding: 1) shutting down any business for any reason, 2) NO forcing of any human to submit to drugs, treatments, or any substance that interacts with the body, 3) No forcing any human to wear any mask or body covering not proven with high statistical proof(95% Confidence and N > 10000) to be effective at reducing community risk, 4) No experimental vaccines, gene therapy, or medical treatments of any kind shall be allowed on any human for any reason.
-- Complete transparency to all WHO documents, access to all WHO scientists by any human who asks within 24 hours with no redaction of any kind on any document under pain of jail by all preventing such transparency and access.
-- Full proof of existence and full isolation of any and all pathogens claimed by any agency inside or outside the USA using Koch's rules.
-- Full electron microscope image proof of viral or pathogen existence with a jury of observers in attendance
-- Full Proof of pathogenecity.
-- Local and county authorities will have higher jurisdiction and power than any Federal or outside US organization including the WHO and CDC and NIH to choose to enforce external rules or dictates of any kind or communicate with citizens regarding such.
-- No action shall be allowed on the part of any body, group, or agency outside the USA to implement physical, psychiatric, or financial effects on citizens of the USA directly or indirectly.
-- LEGAL, informed consent in all cases of offering any medical treatment.
Can you help me? I am a nonconsensual subject in Darpa #braini and have had my head bludgeoned for 10 years for brain mapping, AI, predictive programming, robotics. Now I am literally getting radiation streamed to nonconsensual wifi implants in left ear and base of skull. I have reached out to many for help including Dr. Malone to no avail. These are crimes against humanity that equal abuses of Mengele. I need a surgeon to remove this repugnant wifi from me. You can email me through Substack.
Neuralink probably won't help, I heard the 15 marques out of 23 who died did not consent to have their brain connected to neuralink. Sorry that you were not give informed consented to be a subject. Eat a real food diet for optimum vitality.
You'd think if someone was running around with illegally- implanted government cybernetics that people could see for themselves that the government in question would just, like, kill them and disappear them and take the implants back. It's not like that's very difficult.
You have a very odd hostile reaction to reports of extreme abuse. To anyone sincerely interested in knowing and helping please reach out. Guttermouth’s targeting is likely intended as discrediting. What I am reporting is real.
I believe outlandish stories when they come with evidence.
Escaping, alive and free to move about the country, from a secret military facility with secret government implants that were illegally implanted against your will, and being constantly surveilled and yet permitted to repeat this story (unaccompanied by direct evidence that you have secret military implants in your skull) is an outlandish story.
I'm not directly saying you're lying, but the more parsimonious explanation is that you are mentally ill or that you're seeding the forum with outlandish, irrelevant comments to stir the pot. I suspect the latter, as you copy-pasted your comment twice in the same thread a short time apart with only minor differences, which is what spammers and cointel do.
I've stopped joking around because I've decided that if you're not a troll seeding the forum with strange, irrelevant comments to make the community look weird, you're mentally ill and I don't tease people for that. I suspect not, though, as you seem remarkably skilled at switching your tone and going on the offensive.
Rest assured I won't be responding any more and you can continue eliciting responses to your story without further interference.
You write "I'm not directly saying you're lying, ”
And a few lines later "you're mentally ill"
Ah ye that's much better of course!
You looked up mk ultra already? They can let people free because people are just like you programmed to dismiss these stories. They make it so extreme no one will believe them and dismiss it as a psychiatric illness.
Oh yes. You’re so kind, sensitive, thoughtful that you won’t taunt the ‘mentally ill person’ now that you’ve created a fuss. No more comments because you came here to do what you did: to DISCREDIT ME. Your entire thread is dismissive, rude, mocking and frankly raises more questions about your mental stability than mine. Escape from a lab? I never made such a claim. YOU ARE OBSERVED IN THE LABORATORY OF YOUR HOME. Here Harari speaks of it. https://twitter.com/butchernumber/status/1514691927731494914?s=21&t=lEpehJbxWTdPlJz8UF8V0Q
Maybe I'll just copy/paste the same message lower down in the comment thread. It seems like the thing to do and maybe no one will notice. Plus, I can help undermine the credibility of the forum I'm doing it in.
I'm shaken reading this. Who on earth do they think they are that they can make decisions for the world's populations just because the have a title? They must be shilling for the pharmaceutical industry. I really think they are sick. Well I'm not taking any of their 100 day vaccines as long as I live.
This is why we must push back, Simon. Keep on standing your ground, I do believe many more people are waking up to the scale of corruption and with enough of us resisting...
I hope so, I've been awake since March 2020. The nonsense was apparent to me from the start and I was appalled as friends and relatives embraced the lockdowns, thinking they were smashing capitalism but oblivious to the damage inflicted on people's livelihoods. And next they were berating and finger pointing at people for sitting in parks on their own or walking in the countryside. I live in Japan which has luckily for me, protected people's individual rights so far as vaccination goes. But even here the damage done to society is horrible. The peer pressure to wear face masks is impossible to resist for 99.9% of the population. 3 year olds are spending the day masked, coerced by their parents. What is shocking to me is now thought normal by almost everyone. I have never been so dismayed. But the work you and other real expert doctors are doing is giving me hope. Thank you.
Hey Simon. I visited Japan in 2000. Their population is nearly like robots in rigid compliance. Like you state, the peer pressure not to stand out is completely overpowering.
Here in Minnesota, rural USA, 99%+ people do NOT wear masks. Only doctor's and dentist's office personnel still wear them en masse. At the GP's office last week I was offered one and said thanks for offering, you have done your job. The receptionist was nice and just smiled. . . but, ALL other patients wore them. I was alone. Same thing happened at the CT scan clinic except one of the techs tried to insist I wear one and I just said: "Oh, I get really anxious when I wear those." She dropped it and went on with it.
We all must be courageous, not just Dr. Tess! Take back NORMAL-- one at a time.
See - that's what bugs me. We have to "lie" to not be forced to wear face diapers. Why not just "no!" Or "I will not." Or "I don't want to?"
While I understand the dynamics of human interaction, it just stinks that people have to use "word salad" to get what they wish, instead of just pure honesty.
More people need to say straight-forward things like "F you and your stupid masks! Use your brain, moron!"
I recall an sentence I read years ago by Bertrand Russell, which went something like, you need to comply with public opinion to the extent that it's enough to make life tolerable. Of course he knew that public opinion can be wrong and that there are limits to what a good person may tolerate.
But applying it to myself, I tolerate the mask rules to get into the office, half wear one in meetings, but the only reason is to protect my livelihood. Also I can tell many colleagues are doing the same out of peer pressure. But outside of that, I have the law down pat in my head, ready to defeat any in store little Hitler. If the don't back down they get a F--- off Likewise with strangers on the train who say "please wear a mask" I politely give them the law and if the don't desist they get a mouthful of abuse. I think it's understandable to protest where possible but comply when the well being of your family depends on it. I see people struggling with this everywhere.
Well, I have actually done that too. Early on at the Menards home building store the assistant manager insisted I put a mask on to remain in the store and have the ability to place my money in his coffer. This was April 2021 and I had both jabs. I told him I had the vax and to F off. I walked out and have never returned.
I have spent 10's of thousands of dollars there. Now my business goes to Home Depot.
To your point though:
-- This is not the Christian thing to do
-- It is not going to change the situation like feigning "mask anxiety" did.
-- The anxiety angle gives the other person a "way out". When you consider that most people working in these stores make little money and are coerced themselves into an ironic and no-win situation to enforce lies on those who pay their wages, it is better to allow them to "do" their job, so to speak, rather than humiliate them with cussing and anger.
a few days earlier . . . at my doctors office I was offered a mask by the nice receptionist. "We have been asked to offer masks to patients."
I simply said:"thanks for doing your job." She just went on with checking me in. It was as if I said: "These are not the droids you are looking for."
I said Good Bye to her at the conclusion of my doctor's visit using her first name. I never do that.
In Japan, the law is clear, no one has authority to enforce mask rules, and 99% of the time no one does. Most when I explain just say, sorry my boss told me, and we can smile about it. The ones who don't accept the legal explanation are usually the true believers who take it upon themselves to try and humiliate me, so I have little compunction in giving them a taste of their own medicine.
Hi there, I'm in JP too. Just to add, some elements of peer pressure stem from biased info by the mainstream mass media and some scientists & MDs, plus extreme germaphobic nature of the people. It seems psychologically calculated - they didn't need to mandate it like other countries did. As far as the jabs are concerned, the govt seems to be playing the game, perhaps bc of the past mistakes. But I see nowadays more people walking around without masks outdoor. A positive side is JP hasn't experienced the same level of violence and hardcore lockdowns like other countries have (tho this may not help ease your feeling).
Yes, there's a blanket silence in the media on dissenting voices. I met a group of women outside a station trying to warn people against vaxxing children, I had a talk with them, but it seems they are struggling to get attention.
I hear you. And I wonder if it is a 'culturally appropriate place' for them to bring up the issue. This is why, in any case, one fit all approach doesn't work. It's easy to yell from the outside, but if you're not careful, equally you might run a risk of 'coercing' them and turning them away more and more. This runs so much in parallel to so many other issues such as Fukushima.
Sometimes, people don't get it until they experience it and make that connection by themselves . Those who are conscious and also intuitive (with or without sufficient info), have already avoided the jabs and protected themselves and their children. I say this even from my own experience.
Re the media influence, some accurate info has come through but I guess, you have to be extremely attentive on the mainstream platforms. Also, I don't know if you've noticed it (do you read in Japanese?), one of the mainstream news papers has been recently revisiting the Qanon topic. I find it odd to see that at this timing...
Dr. Lawrie, there is extreme nonconsensual experimentation occurring on innocent citizens. The goal of WHO & WEF is to CHIP us all. Targeted individuals know this. It is disingenuous to speak of pushing back against their controls without mentioning the people who have been fed into their control
yeah, 100 day vaccines. That simply means gene therapy. A laptop computer running molecular medicine design software allows new gene therapy design in hours-- not days. They can take 99 days to do rat studies and call it "good"!
Thank you for your courage and determination, I hope you aren’t too disappointed, at the response.I know you have a steely centre. As I submitted my comments, I knew deep down that no one would ever read them. But at least you know we are all with you.😊
This is part of a well oiled plan started years ago, and asking for our comments is just a tick box exercise that the UK Gov have colluded with.The problem is we, all loving caring, empathetic people of this world, are at a disadvantage, trying to apply logic and fair rules.
The WHO and large NGO’s with wealthy backers (more money than some countries) have rigged them.
We all have to work tooth and nail applying psychology to win over the disbelievers, not complying where possible, educating ourselves with the facts so that we can speak with conviction ( never anger)I am optimistic by nature but this will be one hell of a fight.
Just sent my comment to WHO and believe I've just squeaked under the comment deadline. Many thanks to you, Dr. Lawrie, and to Drs. Malone, Cole, Cory, McCollough, etc. and all the other medical and research professionals who bravely stepping up to raise worldwide awareness to this most dangerous direction that global humanity is careening toward. You are heroes all!
Here's the text I submitted to the WHO, borrowed liberally from your suggested topic list so that I might be able to get my comment timely submitted since just reading Dr. Malone's substack only this morning.
"I vehemently oppose this WHO proposed global agreement which is both unnecessary and unwanted. Every human must retain the God given basic human right to bodily autonomy and to make one's own decisions about what and when to be subjected to medical procedures.
National and local leadership must retain full autonomy, while reserving the right to make decisions based on what is best for their own people.
This includes he ability of nations and local municipalities to opt out of any and all portions of any agreement as they see fit, without consequence.
At all times, this must be an open and transparent process with the ability for all people of the world to vote on including fail-safe measures that will prevent the application of any global agreement in any place where a majority of the people do not want it.
Also measures must be adopted that explicitly prohibit any influence in the process by any and all pharmaceutical companies or other global health profiteers.
Thank you for permitting my input."
I've also signed on to your important substack as a paid subscriber this morning. May God bless you and keep all you brave souls safe to continue His important work for humanity.
I did not receive a email verification of my submission like I did for regulations.gov US comments site for the FDA dockets. Did anyone else get an email receipt for their submission to WHO site?
I didn't receive an email verification either. I only have a screen shot of the followup page: "Public hearings regarding a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response: written component. Thank you for providing your input."
Thank you Dr. Lawrie. Fired off a written response to WHO this morning. Standing in with you in support as well as all of our physicians who are in the eye of the storm. God bless you and keep you strong.
Tess, thank you and the whole WCH so much for everything you do! I submitted my written statement, asking for a democratic process, the retainment of human rights, the sovereignty of goverments, the respect for the freedom of choice of every individual and a transparent and accountable to the public WHO. Yes, no idea whether any of this will be heard or make a difference. But I join you in the belief that it is necessary to state these and speak out.
Dr. Tess, Can you help me? I am a nonconsensual subject in Darpa #braini and have had my head bludgeoned for 10 years for brain mapping, AI, predictive programming, robotics. Now I am literally getting radiation streamed to nonconsensual wifi implants in left ear and base of skull. I have reached out to many for help to no avail. These are crimes against humanity that equal abuses of Mengele. I need a surgeon to remove this repugnant wifi from me. I am an ordinary citizen being horrifically abused. They have stolen everything from me. The US federal govt. is diseased and harming innocent people in nonconsensual experiments. The medical field & law enforcement have been corrupted to smear the victims as mentally ill. We need help. Please help us.
That's horrible beyond words. You have internet access, from the darpa facility or did you manage to escape? Are you at your own home now? Can you flee? In mexico I am sure you can find a doc that is willing to help. Also, destroying the electronics with an emp or disabling communication with a farraday cage could be helping.
I am also a mind control victim, from back 1980's as part of satanic ritual abuse, that no one was able to believe just because it was so extreme. I have no implants as far as I know.
When you have ‘injectable implants’ powered by wifi and radiowaves, there is no escaping. Thank you for your respect. I literally have spent last three months traveling looking for escape without success. The topic generates extreme responses for obvious reasons. I hoped one of these brave doctors would help. These inhumane abuses must stop.
I prefer the FBI have to rely on their unConstitutional mindreading to accuse me of specious ‘thought crime’ rather than actually conspire. But thank you for the invite.
Well what if EC is writing the truth? Look up project MK ultra. These things are real and have been done and probably still are being done by governments.
You are a modern Joan of Arc DrLawrie. I also retweeted Malones stack about you this morning as well and will sign on as a recurring world council for health supporter
Thank you Dr Lawrie for so bravely sacrificing your last career for the sake of humanity. We laymen are doing all we can but so it’s hard to get friends and family on board to hear that the jabs they have had are so dangerous after they were convinced(and my family and friends still are) that they would be saved by them. Who would have ever have thought that so many people could have succumbed to such mass coercion. I think your new career is just beginning, I love that you are able to turn what must be total frustration into looking ahead with optimism to the future of a new kind of healthcare system. I’m right behind you. Bravo to you.
I do not believe our Federal government has the right under our constitution to enter into this sort of agreement. It would need to get the consent of all 50 states.
Here's something I've been thinking about a lot after my initial panic and rage subsided- the "take and hold ground" phase of thinking, as Fathermouth would put it.
From the above article:
So if a nation concludes a vaccine is not safe – as has happened in this last pandemic – the WHO would have the power to override that and jab their population anyway.
Very scary indeed.
Who (no pun intended) is "overriding" and "jabbing anyway"? What actual people are on the ground doing this in a country that had decided to buck the agreement? Are they soldiers, policemen, health workers? From where? Wearing whose uniform, and what are they empowered to do if people resist being "jabbed anyway"?
If the country that bucked the treaty tries to expel or imprison or forcefully repel the "WHO Jab Marines" for going after their citizens on sovereign soil, are signatories obliged to go to war against them, like NATO?
The more I thought about this, the more ridiculous it sounds, like virtually every strongly- worded statement from any department of the United Nations. Sure, honey, I'm officially condemned.
Just like when China (fuck, EVERYONE) clutches the UN's skirts when other countries do them dirty and then rightly "refuse to acknowledge their unlawful interference" when they need to kill a bunch of Uighyurs. The only people getting policed by blue helmets are third world nations with weak militaries who want free police. No other nations would tolerate that incursion.
Here's the bottom line: a WHO "treaty" is simply going to give cover to nations that were going to engage in public health tyranny of their citizens anyway. The ones that were gonna, will, the ones that weren't, won't.
If you're worried, fight to stop your own national government from tyrannizing you. Whatever bullshit the WHO says is simply wordy justification, not cause, for them tyrannizing you.
Make your government a government that's going to protect your freedoms and flip global organizations the bird when it doesn't suit their purposes, like they always do.
“The only people getting policed by blue helmets are third world nations with weak militaries who want free police. No other nations would tolerate that incursion”
Not true. Here in first world Canada our Prime Minister brought in foreign troops to squash the Trucker Freedom Convoy in Ottawa. UN planes were spotted in Canada at the time. It’s just like China here now, maybe worse. We cannot board a train, plane, bus or any other means of public transportation if we are not vaccinated. Only country in the world right now who’s citizens cannot leave. Complete TYRANNY.
While I agree that Canada's response was insane and tyrannical, do you have any proof that UN troops were deployed in Canada and used against Canadians? In what context did this occur?
My Lord, look at the photos, why don't you? U.N. planes parked at the airport, U.N. troop carriers moving through the streets, and what appear to be U.N. mercs or goons confronting and beating up people in the street who oppose them.
Dear Dr Laurie. I used to love the WHO and what it represented but it is clear to see that it is now captured by private individuals and organisations including people with agendas. Bill Gates makes millions on his vaccine stocks and shares if his 'philanthropy projects' get the go ahead. Gates openly stated that his 100 day vaccine would skip the safety part of the clinical trials! What world are we living in where this is okay? The Medicines Healthcare and Regulatory Association (MHRA) are a joke too. I watched one meeting where they spent the majority of a meeting praising themselves and a dame and less than five minutes discussing adverse reactions to these vaccines (this was only addressed because a member of the public asked). Most of that short discussion on adverse reactions involved them speaking about them bringing in a new automated system to monitor adverse reactions! They aren't even monitoring the one they have now effectively!
I knew the WHO was lost when they posted on Facebook that vaccine immunity was better than natural immunity shortly after the vaccines were rolled out. In the absence of long-term data on safety and efficacy, no one can make such assured statements. Even the people who made this do not know what the long-term impacts will be. This makes it even more horrifying that healthacre regulators globally have said with such confidence that these vaccines are safe and effective, and safe for use in pregnant women and children! Have birth statistics been released yet? I honestly feel so demoralised that so few people understand science, bioethics, and the drug development process in order to understand just how wrong this is. This is totalitarianism under the guise of 'health security' and this is exactly why our government used psychological operations (SPI-B) to scare people into compliance and media funded propoganda to shame the unvaccinated and turn society on them. This is why they took liberty from the unvaccinated (even if it was temporary here) - to get people used to using a digital ID (vaccine passport) and to coerce vaccine uptake. We are becoming a digital surveillance state and I fully anticipate we will end up with a Chinese-style social credit system that will be linked to carbon credits in the future. It is obvious the 'climate crisis' is the next crisis. This is where we are - the WHO changed the definition of a pandemic so that they can invoke emergency powers for a declared crisis. They now have the power to declare anything a crisis!
We are being pushed towards Centralised Digital Banking Currencies (CDBCs) because that gives the banks ultimate control over us and how we spend our money. If we don't comply with government mandates, they can switch off our access to money! We have already seen a glimpse of what can happen in Canada with the World Economic Forum (WEF) infiltrators there. They deemed donations to the truckers convoy illegal retrospectively and froze people's accounts! This is tyranny!
I honestly despair for the future that is coming, the future that our so called representatives are ushering in without even consulting us!
I travelled Europe to study the events that led up to the Holocaust because I could not understand how some people could be so evil, and how a nation of people could go along with it. It didn't start with the final solution, it started with propoganda, intimidation, othering, blaming specific heritages and faiths of people for the ills in society and the spread of disease. This is why I can clearly see where this has the potential to lead. When holocaust survivors (like Vera Sherav) and their descendants are raising the alarm, it's time to wake up and pay attention!
Listen to Noah Yuvall Harari and how he refers to us as "useless eaters" and how technology can "give the elites full power and control over us", how "our privacy data will be used against us in the future", and how there will be "a global underclass of useless peole who can't live in a world that is dominated by tech" and how they will use technology to "know you better than you know yourself". He talks of a new phase of evolution and that our age of liberty, privacy and self advocacy "is over". He also asks "what do we do with these useless eaters". Welcome to the world of transhumanism!
This is why I am so grateful to people like you, for fighting the good fight. I have battled tyranny from every angle, every step of the way but it has been exhausting because so many people still have not woken up to what is happening. Yet, even the most hard core believers are starting to ask questions which brings me faith that there is still hope for the Great Awakening over the Great Reset.
All I do know is this:
I will never take a drug that is not thoroughly tested (by my standards having worked in the pharmaceutical industry).
I will never use a digital ID.
I will utilise every other option available even if that means working for accommodation rather than a salary before accepting CDBCs.
They have underestimated one thing with me: my health is my greatest wealth. There is nothing in this world that can be taken away from me that is more important than that.
Here are some things I have done to help stop the tyrrany:
I started shopping at local independent stores (greengrocers, butchers, garden centres etc). These people are less likely to side with tyrranical dictats compared to large organisations. Look at Morrisons, Next, and IKEA. They stopped paying unvaccinated workers sick pay even though a fully vaccinated person could still go to work ill and spread the disease to unvaccinated colleagues. They no longer get my custom! Large corporatons have too much power.
I stopped shopping at Amazon. These made billions whilst small businesses suffered during lockdowns. Shopping locally may take more effort but it has helped me to reconnect to my community.
I have started using cash again. We need to keep cash in circulation to that it does not become irrelevant. Getting rid of cash means there is a greater chance of CDBCs coming in. Transactions are anonymous when you use cash. There is no digital trail.
I have stopped using Google. I don't agree with them filtering information and deciding what I see. I use Duck Duck Go now but even they have started screening Russia / Ukraine information.
I have left Gmail and Microsoft platforms. These people will likely collect your data and they will likely be involved in any digital ID system or social credit system in the future. This is my opinion.
Get off any social media platforms that censor scientists and the scientific debate. If a platform uses uneducated fact checkers who have no scientific qualifications, you can be sure the information they are posting supports the government narrative, not actual science. Many fact checkers have labelled facts as untruths and they don't correct their statements when they get it wrong! Support platforms like Gettr that value free speech, and scientific debate and discussion. That's where I follow scientists that have been censored. Genuine misinformation can be corrected with facts and arguments which is why scientific debate is so important.
I never downloaded the NHS app. I decided to stay home rather than support a system that is backed by people like Blair who have already said "humans need to get used to showing their disease status". We are humans, not cattle!
Support independent journalists. Don't even tune into any media organisation that has pushed propoganda and tried to take away your liberty. If you stop supporting them, they lose income and viewership and will fail. Research the Trusted News Initiative and ask why you have to pay a TV licence fee to the BBC that are supposed to be impartial! Why are they taking funding and ideas from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to control what information we have access to? Why are the Telegraph accepting funding to promote posts by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation? Have a look who owns the various media platforms! They aren't all UK based!
Keep writing to your MP, the 1922 Committe, and the Conservative Way Forward. Tell them how you feel and how you have been impacted by lockdowns and restrictions. Tell them you reject the WHO takeover.
When our amazing doctors and scientists (like Dr Tess Laurie) ask you to take a course of action, please take the time to do it. It is the only way we can group together to fight tyrrany. It is important now more than ever whilst we still have free speech and freedoms. It will be harder to protest or complain in the future under such a system because laws are being changed left, right, and centre.
Make sure you find time to switch off every once in a while and do something you love. Stressing 24/7 won't help. Keep fighting little and often to protect your own health and wellbeing. Prolonged stress and anxiety can weaken your immunity. You are at your best when you are mentally and physically well.
And above all, know one thing. You are not alone. The ocean is formed of billions of water molecules. And an ocean of dissent is forming right now!
Thank you so much. I'm glad you found some small comfort in the last few paragraphs. I appreciate you taking the time to read my post - I realise it was long.
I think a lot of people are focused on the darkness at the minute, which doesn't surprise me given how heavy the burden of it all is. However, I see so much light right now too. People across the globe are coming together to fight for truth and justice, countless brave souls are walking away from jobs and speaking out (regardless of the cost) in order to shine a light on corruption for all to see. Countless more people are waking up daily. And many of us will never give up until the truth comes out. We have truth on our side, and truth always prevails in the end. For now, we must keep resisting and battling these dark forces.
I truly belive we will witness the Great Awakening over the Great Reset because I see the forces of good and acts of bravery on a daily basis, and those vibrations of good grow larger and louder with each passing day.
We have more power than we give ourselves credit for, and right now our greatest power is the ability to collectively say no to tyrrany and tyrannical policies!
Happy Easter to you too. I hope you have found some peace and joy this weekend. It is easy to feel alone in all of this but we are part of a global community of good people who just want the best for each other, and all of humanity. I have deep gratitude for the people in this community, and knowing likeminded people are out there battling on as I do, brings me comfort.
I just posted a comment ....copied below..... to the WHO 'consultantion with only 30 mins to go!
Thank you so much Dr Tess for bringing this to my attention and for being such a great leader, role model and force for good in this sad and frightening time for the whole of Humanity. Bless you and the great work you are doing.
Dr. Malone’s substack of this morning asked all to please donate. I most certainly will. You are a true warrior. God bless you Dr. Lawrie. My prayers are with you.
Thank you so much, Laura.
Seriously THANK YOU Tess! Didn't realize you were here on Substack. Not much, but now a monthly paying subscriber.
You may wish to look up alchem/Malone and or watch the video I just did on his relationship with Mukesh Ambani, Trustee of WEF
I subscribed as well; just as Laura, I had no idea that Tess was on Substack. Thank you, Tess <3! You are a true HERO!
The company M did work with is a "global partner" look it up for yourself and make your own decisions about who to trust. When the trucker organizer chose to use GFM I was suspicious because I know GFM has canceled causes that it didn't like before...I could't remember specifics, but it stuck out...I wasn't surprised when they did what they did. Be wary donating to M.
When did he leave, and why? Everybody “cancels” people and ideas they don’t like. I’d do it, and aren’t you trying to cancel him?
When did he leave, and why? Everybody “cancels” what they don’t like. I do, and aren’t you trying to cancel him?
We know who is behind the WHO, so really scary for sure. Thank you for all the good fight.
Yes indeed , The UN , WHO was created and is controlled by the deepstate or more precisely the Pilgrim society and committee of 300. As most of you are aware compromised Tedros who is not even a medical Doctor was involved in the genocide of millions of Ethiopians in 2013 to 2015 making him the ideal candidate to carry on the genocide at the WHO but on the global world when they appointed him in 2017
I gather Giesecke and Tegnell from Sweden are part of the WHO now. Should be voices of reason!
They have both souled out.
Their stances are very different than before their appointed positions. Have listened to them from the start. And there is a huge change. You can smell it in the air.
They have both been interviewed by Freddie Sayers whom are hosting the podcast UnHerd.com
I went to watch video and couldn’t locate it from link. Help ? Tia
You have to search for each separate interviewees that Freddie S has done on Unheard.
Tegnell said back in 2020 something like 'we trust the Swedes to be obedient'. If he souled out it was a long time ago. Don't forget he's London School of Tropical Medicine too.
I know that he souled out a long time ago, he ‘pretended’ to have another view as he was only grooming people as per advised from his masters. Maybe should have stated that in my comment, forgot that I am Swedish and know these things by seeing his ways over here during ‘press conferences’, questions against the narrative were not allowed. Our media is bought and paid for as well as health officials, other ‘influencers’ and government the like. The play setting is just a little different.
I agree. Great term to coin.
The Nazis plus the communists. They arose from Marxism which arose in Germany, the home of Germ Theory.
Add in the Roman Catholic Church, particularly the Vatican as it is not without good reason that 'Vaccination' is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican'.
All roads lead to Rome.
Thanks for your dedication. The WHO is attempting to become the Vatican of healthcare, and it will fail, just as much as the Vatican had to forgive Galileo eventually, even if it took 350 years. They will have to back down eventually, it may just be a very painful and long process. For anyone who can read statistics, it is clear we never had a pandemic, only a pandemic of not thinking, as Dr. Tom Cowan calls it. If 95% of Covid deaths in 2019/20 had 4+ comorbidities, and 67% had 6 or more, then all we ever had is a comorbidity problem, never a virus problem. Garbage attracts flies, but flies are not the cause of of the garbage. That is the essence of terrain theory to me, regardless of the fairly academic point if the virus has been isolated or not, or if it causes the disease, whether it exists or not, it is clearly an epiphenomenon of the real disease which is diet and lifestyle. And we know from Lifestyle Medicine that these chronic diseases which are the most popular causes of death today, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, auto immune diseases and so on can almost all be largely or wholly prevented or reversed with a whole foods, plant-based diet. In fact, last year, a paper was published in BMJ documenting that people on a plant-based diet had a 73% reduction in risk of 'moderate to severe" Covid outcomes. I can attest to that, at age 70, 7 years on a #WFPB diet, with BMI 23, upping my vitamin D from my usual 2000 iu daily to 5000, some C, Zinc, Quercetin, and some NAC, lots of liquids and lots of insipid TV, I was over Covid in a week.
Very well put, Rogier.
I am not plant based and will probable never be. Good quality protein feeds the body and quality meats do as well.
As a heritage beef and pork rancher, I approve this message. Healthiest I've ever been.
Also, go back to drinking whole milk. Look up "lactoferrite COVID." There's good stuff in there.
listen, we all pick our own poisons, nobody gets out of here alive anyway, so do what you enjoy. But if there is such a thing as "good quality proteins" it is plant-based, for they tend to inhibit tumor growth, while animal protein stimulates tumor growth. Also read up on TMAO. If that doesn't cure you nothing will.
I think the plant based diet is from the same people that have brought us these excellent vaccines. Better than the standard diet, sure. But not empowering or giving optimal health. There is a thing called protein quality indeed. Most plants do not provide (enough of) the total spectrum of amino acids and thus limit protein utilisation. Most people are protein defficient. Especially when eating vegetarian / vegan.
Plant proteins surely come with costs, like lots of carbs, digestion inhibitors and other toxins, like estrogen as the xeno-estrogens in soy.
I think keto paleo (organic, nose to tail) is the most healthy diet.
Higest concentrations of TMAO btw is found in fish. I think it is an artificial constructed fear (just like the pandemic!)
not at all. Read T.Colin Campbell, The China Study, Whole and The Future of Nutrition. Raised on a dairy farm, his research led him to conclusions utterly opposite to the prevailing paradigm. He would not touch those vaccines with a 10-foot pole. That type of work and research is the very essence of what terrain theory is all about. We had a comorbidity problem, not a virus problem.
That book has shown some serious fiddling the studies
People have said that. Nobody has systematically refuted it. Not easy to overcome 70 years of NIH funded, peer-reviewed research. And I have seen the results with hundreds of patients and those results speak for themselves and healthcare insurance often picks up the cost for the initial training of the patients. T2D and CVD are propbably 95% reversible with the diet and the patient retention after a year is 70-80%, whereas with statins most people give them up over the side effect, so by 6 months you have less than 50% retention. .
Vegan here, grew up on a diary farm. Pretty much allergic to dairy. I also hate vaccines. But each to their own. And we are all different.
It's a book, not a published and peer-reviewed study. And a very biased book based on his already pro-vegan beliefs, and he cherry-picked data that fit his bias. Campbell and the book is a diagrace to science and nutrition.
The book is complete with references to all his peer-reviewed studies, so it is documented to a T, and contrary to what you state, he started out being raised on a dairy farm and studying traditional nutrition. He began to change only when his research in the field and some findings of other scientists woke him up to the fact that something was wrong. He spent the rest of his life documenting what he found. I have seen and heard him being cussed out by many, but I have yet to see anyone deliver proper, peer-reviewed refutations of his major findings. Name calling is the easy way out and does not impress me. In the meantime, I am also familiar with hundreds upon hundreds of patient case studies showing very consistent results. And, as Dean Ornish notes, after one year he usually has 70-80% compliancs, but with e.g. statins, the compliance will be below 50% in six months because of the side effects.
I don't think the people behind the covid scare made the vegan diet up, I think they embraced it as a way to weaken us. Testosterone will plummet for example. So making people more agreeable and less able to defend them selves. Not to mention the small amount of muscle most vegetarians and vegans have. They won't be fit to defend themselves. They don't want to eitheir because their hormone profile changed. So that's am easy fight.
Some of the people here might be familiar with Chris Masterjohn's excellent research on Covid-19 and are subscribed to his new substack. He has a PhD in Nutritional Sciences. Here was his review on The China Study and Denise Minger's critique: https://www.westonaprice.org/denise-mingers-refutation-of-campbells-china-study-generates-continued-debate/
Here is the link to Denise Minger's critique: https://deniseminger.com/2010/07/07/the-china-study-fact-or-fallac/
Sad to see I can't find "Polish a turd and find a diamond?" by Kurt Harris, MD on the internet, even using the Wayback Machine. It was another excellent critique of The China Study.
It's very hard, sometimes impossible to get addicts to accept that their addition is harming or killing them. True for alcoholics, smokers, drug addicts, serial spikeshot takers, and that includes people who are addicted to and convinced they need meat, dairy, eggs. It's a waste of time to try to convince them; they display the same kind of cognitive dissonance protecting arguments as covidians, as you see here, and I've found over the years that it is best to leave them to discover the truth on their own, hopefully not the hard way.
Indeed, so this is about secondary gain as Freud recognized, i.e. we do things against our own long term interest for satisfying a short term pleasure. I have a letter up for peer review on Academia about that very issue: The Wilful Ignorance of Secondary Gain in Public Health in General and Lifestyle Medicine in Particular
All vegans and vegetarian people I know saw a decline in their health when they started. I tried it, and yes I did it right, and saw a decline in my health. On keto paleo I regained my health. So, yeah, it is hard to argue with that experience.
Omnivores eat all. It remains a question of dose.
Dr. Georgia Ede had a great review on the topic of TMAO https://www.diagnosisdiet.com/full-article/does-carnitine-from-red-meat-cause-heart-disease
Excellent article. I always ask people ,” what did humans actually eat BEFORE domesticated farming and grain 12 k years ago. They love to say Berries. I remind them that most climates only provide Berries for 3-4 months of the year. When they lose that portion of the discussion some revert back to the Bible and Adam and Eve in the Garden where all fruit and vegetables were provided. Which is where the convo ends . We are omnivores. Our teeth say it all. And when people realize we ate weeds ( greens ) fruit berries and small ANIMALS as well as large animals to keep our bodies going , all this vegan insanity will end.
I did read up on it for decades Rogier. I got a degree in research and revisited alot the “ studies and research “ that posits plant based diets are healthier. They are equally bastardized. Highly biased. I strongly suggest you revisit them as well. The Green Movement which is part of the vegan vegetarian movement is there to drive us into eating bugs now
"it will fail"
- in the classical sense maybe. But it doesn't matter in a totalitarian system. North Korea has been failing for quite a few decades.
When total surveillance, social credit score, programmable money are implemented.
You won't be able to buy more than the usual amount of food e.g. for a dissident refugee you're hiding, or for materials to make primitive weapons - the AI doesn't agree you need that.
This is not like any time before in history. There'll be no escape. Not even countries to run to, if you can even travel. The less technologized countries, I guess they'll somehow "take care" of them. They do have precious resources.
Do watch the 2010+ UN-financed propaganda videos like "Planned-opolis & 3 other scenarios", or UN (EU?) documents w.r.t. "Smart City" - key phrase "post choice society". Or what Klaus Schwab et al write ("4th industrial revolution") and say, or the predictions of the myterious Bill Gates.
They _really_ mean it. While the deep sleep sheep still giggle saying: "stop watching Alex Jones!" - well, look at what the perps are actually putting out there.
Better is a carnivore diet. Take a look at Bill Gates. He is trying to stop us eating meat. What does that say? I am strict carnivore, 62 years and I have never been as healthy as I am now.
Agree 1000%. Never felt better since I've gone carnivore. The SECOND I introduce anything else (potatoes or greens for instance), I feel like crap. Our choices are beef, pork, and eggs. We also enjoy cheeses. But that's about it!
Bill Gates has some fake meat. Watch out for it I got very little info and lack trust!!
... but then again - was isn't fake regarding Gates?
So some say. LOL.
I disagree with the diet needing to be plant-based, and have worked with clients suffering from "chronic" disease who improved their conditions through greater consumption of animal products and elimination of problematic plants. Please look into the research of Paleomedicina Hungary. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323151200_Therapeutic_protocol_of_ICMNI_-_Paleomedicina_Hungary
Here are scientific articles they've posted on their website: https://www.paleomedicina.com/en/?page=tartalom&tipus=cikk
Here is a doctor (Periodontist) who followed that protocol (along with others listed on his website) after an incurable multiple myeloma diagnosis. He recovered, and now helps others: http://drdanenberg.com/about/
Here is the daughter of Jordan Peterson (Mikhaila Peterson) presenting a TEDx talk that TEDx wouldn't publish about how by consuming a carnivore diet she experienced complete remission from a list of serious pathologies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ka9WBEijhk
PLEASE read this research by ALEPH2020 on vested interests (BlackRock, WEF, the Rockefeller Foundation, The World Resource Institute, etc) involved in steering the world population toward more "plant-based" eating https://aleph-2020.blogspot.com/2020/08/ideologies-and-vested-interests.html Frédéric Leroy - @fleroy1974 on Twitter has some excellent twitter threads on the subject of vested interests: https://twitter.com/fleroy1974
Dr. Paul Mason has a lot of great videos on the topic of injurious plant toxins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjQZCCiV6iA
.. as does Dr. Paul Saladino: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKikI_uNTnA
Nutrition experts have been battling research misconduct/fraud, unreported COIs, and epidemiological exaggerations for decades in the nutrition space (like Dr. Zoe Harcombe https://www.zoeharcombe.com/2022/03/will-cutting-meat-dairy-make-you-live-longer/, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick https://www.crossfit.com/essentials/malcolm-kendrick-ddc-lecture , and Dr. John Ioannidis https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2698337 ). Greg Glassman provided a platform for these experts & more, and fought the corruption https://www.crossfit.com/battles/crossfit-settles-lawsuit-with-hhs-after-agency-agrees-to-release-redacted-emails He became a wellcome target to accuse of racism in 2020. Complete loss in the fight against corruption plaguing our Public Health Institutions. I don't know ANY expert who was familiar with all the decades of malfeasance in Nutrition Research/Science who wasn't also quick to recognize covid inconsistencies and implausibilities in 2020. Here is my favorite dietician opining on the study you mentioned suggesting a plant-based diet had a 73% reduction in risk of moderate to severe covid outcomes: https://www.sacredcow.info/blog/being-vegan-contracting-covid-19
That is a wonderful summary! Thank you! I love carnivore.
Any suggestions on' Whole Foods'? Not sure what that means exactly. Not sure where to start. Is it affordable? Plant based diet? There's so much info, much of it useless. I don't know where to begin
Taking and have been all the supplements you do. Thank you kindly!!
Here is a course: https://nutritionstudies.org/plant-based-health-mini-course/
The simple principle is that whole foods means "minimally processed" i.e. cutting and cooking are OK but not extracting, refining, Or check out this guy: https://plantbasedonabudget.com/
Thank you kindly.
Please read KETO books. Not from recipe books but medical science. Don’t go down the vegan / vegetarian path. A diet of mostly carbs is unhealthy. I know. I did it for almost a decade. Just make sure whatever you eat is organic.
As a reformed vegetarian / vegan for 9 years wfo believed and read all the plant based books like “ Diet for a small planet et AL : it was all lies designed to trap us in the world they have planned for us. It took me going on a KETO diet to learn that I could eliminate pain and other diseases by eating like our ancestors did before domesticated. Farming. I went off it and am suffering. FYI. I do believe a diet mostly of pasture raised or wild meat , butter fat minimal amd vegetables fruit is the healthiest diet there is
I think diabetes is a manufactured disease. From poisons in the environment. Maybe in the water on occasion.
There is no accounting for what anyone thinks. But in the realm of evidence, I am familiar with truckoads of evidence where even within 10 days on a serious #WFPB diet people lower their A1C by 20% and in a vast number of cases go on to completely reverse diabetes in 3 weeks to 3 months.
It's endemic here in NZ. Worse than elsewhere. Supposedly the bad diets of the working classes, mostly Polynesians and Maori. I have a hunch that it's a toxin in the environment so I'm taking aim at the mostly likely source of those toxins. It's just a hunch though.
NZ has not got fatter since 2006
always follow your hunches and figure them out to the point you can validate them or reject them. However, do some 10-day jumpstarts as well. https://plantpurecommunities.org/oasis-jumpstart-program/ The typical experience is about a 20%-ish improvement in A1C even within the 10-day period and commensurate improvements in cholesterol levels, weight loss, blood pressure, lipid panels. It's a canned program that is available through the not for profit plant pure communities, so your only problem is having a local clinic to work with, and a provider for the meals for the 10-day program. The format is to take the vitals before and after, teach them to make their own breakfast and healthy snacks, and then to provide lunch and dinner from outside, and depending on the configuration those ban be frozen meals that they can heat up at home. The point is making sure they are on the diet for the full 10 days, and then you do the vitals again afterwards.
I lowered my blood sugar to normal going on keto. Eating a vegetarian meditereanian diet ( no sugar but fruit ) my diabetes stayed present. That’s what the research says
Your keto is vegetarian or not?
No it was mixed. Meat dairy and veggies not high in carbs. I’m diabetic. Severe Gmo damage in 1998 after GMOs released into US food’s caused my gallbladder to fail , my pancreas to go haywire and I got a SEVERE egg allergy after eating eggs all my life. Within one year I gained over 50 lbs! Since then I’ve been diabetic. The only time my blood sugar was almost normal was on keto. I ate less than 35 carbs a day. Less than 1/2 cup of blueberries a day. No other fruit. Id be a fruitarian vegetarian if possible. I simply read medycal books on keto and challenged ALL the “ research” done use to defend vegetarianism/ veganism. The claims are easily proven false ir biased when one actually digs in. It’s a cult. Nothing more. I’m a trained hypnotherapist. Most people are cult believers.
I think what might work for one person might not work for another. It wouldn't surprise me that someone from Scandanavia had a higher need for meat in their diet than someone from the Mediterranean. And I don't know where that leaves me as ma was pretty Nordic in appearance and pa is pretty Med in appearance. I seem to have abandoned the Nordic in me I guess, re diet anyway. I'm quite happy with it, no cult here.
Thanks for all you do Dr. Lawrie. Here is my submission from two days ago: maybe others can use it as a starter!
Substantive Elements in a new international instrument for pandemic preparedness and response should INCLUDE:
-- no legal obligations by any city or county or their police / militia to enforce WHO laws, rules, or dictates regarding: 1) shutting down any business for any reason, 2) NO forcing of any human to submit to drugs, treatments, or any substance that interacts with the body, 3) No forcing any human to wear any mask or body covering not proven with high statistical proof(95% Confidence and N > 10000) to be effective at reducing community risk, 4) No experimental vaccines, gene therapy, or medical treatments of any kind shall be allowed on any human for any reason.
-- Complete transparency to all WHO documents, access to all WHO scientists by any human who asks within 24 hours with no redaction of any kind on any document under pain of jail by all preventing such transparency and access.
-- Full proof of existence and full isolation of any and all pathogens claimed by any agency inside or outside the USA using Koch's rules.
-- Full electron microscope image proof of viral or pathogen existence with a jury of observers in attendance
-- Full Proof of pathogenecity.
-- Local and county authorities will have higher jurisdiction and power than any Federal or outside US organization including the WHO and CDC and NIH to choose to enforce external rules or dictates of any kind or communicate with citizens regarding such.
-- No action shall be allowed on the part of any body, group, or agency outside the USA to implement physical, psychiatric, or financial effects on citizens of the USA directly or indirectly.
-- LEGAL, informed consent in all cases of offering any medical treatment.
This is excellent. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I pray we have a unified resistance to these tyrants.
Can you help me? I am a nonconsensual subject in Darpa #braini and have had my head bludgeoned for 10 years for brain mapping, AI, predictive programming, robotics. Now I am literally getting radiation streamed to nonconsensual wifi implants in left ear and base of skull. I have reached out to many for help including Dr. Malone to no avail. These are crimes against humanity that equal abuses of Mengele. I need a surgeon to remove this repugnant wifi from me. You can email me through Substack.
Neuralink probably won't help, I heard the 15 marques out of 23 who died did not consent to have their brain connected to neuralink. Sorry that you were not give informed consented to be a subject. Eat a real food diet for optimum vitality.
The humans did not give their consent either.
You'd think if someone was running around with illegally- implanted government cybernetics that people could see for themselves that the government in question would just, like, kill them and disappear them and take the implants back. It's not like that's very difficult.
But yes, also eat real food.
You have a very odd hostile reaction to reports of extreme abuse. To anyone sincerely interested in knowing and helping please reach out. Guttermouth’s targeting is likely intended as discrediting. What I am reporting is real.
I believe outlandish stories when they come with evidence.
Escaping, alive and free to move about the country, from a secret military facility with secret government implants that were illegally implanted against your will, and being constantly surveilled and yet permitted to repeat this story (unaccompanied by direct evidence that you have secret military implants in your skull) is an outlandish story.
I'm not directly saying you're lying, but the more parsimonious explanation is that you are mentally ill or that you're seeding the forum with outlandish, irrelevant comments to stir the pot. I suspect the latter, as you copy-pasted your comment twice in the same thread a short time apart with only minor differences, which is what spammers and cointel do.
I've stopped joking around because I've decided that if you're not a troll seeding the forum with strange, irrelevant comments to make the community look weird, you're mentally ill and I don't tease people for that. I suspect not, though, as you seem remarkably skilled at switching your tone and going on the offensive.
Rest assured I won't be responding any more and you can continue eliciting responses to your story without further interference.
You write "I'm not directly saying you're lying, ”
And a few lines later "you're mentally ill"
Ah ye that's much better of course!
You looked up mk ultra already? They can let people free because people are just like you programmed to dismiss these stories. They make it so extreme no one will believe them and dismiss it as a psychiatric illness.
Oh yes. You’re so kind, sensitive, thoughtful that you won’t taunt the ‘mentally ill person’ now that you’ve created a fuss. No more comments because you came here to do what you did: to DISCREDIT ME. Your entire thread is dismissive, rude, mocking and frankly raises more questions about your mental stability than mine. Escape from a lab? I never made such a claim. YOU ARE OBSERVED IN THE LABORATORY OF YOUR HOME. Here Harari speaks of it. https://twitter.com/butchernumber/status/1514691927731494914?s=21&t=lEpehJbxWTdPlJz8UF8V0Q
They don’t kill outright. They prefer to torture to self-murder. More plausible deniability that way. Touchless torture is the method.
Harari is speaking of these experiments here: https://twitter.com/butchernumber/status/1514691927731494914?s=21&t=lEpehJbxWTdPlJz8UF8V0Q
I agree, click here for discount Cialis and make thousands from home.
Sorry for your, um, disability. Please solicit the treatment elsewhere.
Maybe I'll just copy/paste the same message lower down in the comment thread. It seems like the thing to do and maybe no one will notice. Plus, I can help undermine the credibility of the forum I'm doing it in.
I'm shaken reading this. Who on earth do they think they are that they can make decisions for the world's populations just because the have a title? They must be shilling for the pharmaceutical industry. I really think they are sick. Well I'm not taking any of their 100 day vaccines as long as I live.
This is why we must push back, Simon. Keep on standing your ground, I do believe many more people are waking up to the scale of corruption and with enough of us resisting...
I hope so, I've been awake since March 2020. The nonsense was apparent to me from the start and I was appalled as friends and relatives embraced the lockdowns, thinking they were smashing capitalism but oblivious to the damage inflicted on people's livelihoods. And next they were berating and finger pointing at people for sitting in parks on their own or walking in the countryside. I live in Japan which has luckily for me, protected people's individual rights so far as vaccination goes. But even here the damage done to society is horrible. The peer pressure to wear face masks is impossible to resist for 99.9% of the population. 3 year olds are spending the day masked, coerced by their parents. What is shocking to me is now thought normal by almost everyone. I have never been so dismayed. But the work you and other real expert doctors are doing is giving me hope. Thank you.
Hey Simon. I visited Japan in 2000. Their population is nearly like robots in rigid compliance. Like you state, the peer pressure not to stand out is completely overpowering.
Here in Minnesota, rural USA, 99%+ people do NOT wear masks. Only doctor's and dentist's office personnel still wear them en masse. At the GP's office last week I was offered one and said thanks for offering, you have done your job. The receptionist was nice and just smiled. . . but, ALL other patients wore them. I was alone. Same thing happened at the CT scan clinic except one of the techs tried to insist I wear one and I just said: "Oh, I get really anxious when I wear those." She dropped it and went on with it.
We all must be courageous, not just Dr. Tess! Take back NORMAL-- one at a time.
See - that's what bugs me. We have to "lie" to not be forced to wear face diapers. Why not just "no!" Or "I will not." Or "I don't want to?"
While I understand the dynamics of human interaction, it just stinks that people have to use "word salad" to get what they wish, instead of just pure honesty.
More people need to say straight-forward things like "F you and your stupid masks! Use your brain, moron!"
I recall an sentence I read years ago by Bertrand Russell, which went something like, you need to comply with public opinion to the extent that it's enough to make life tolerable. Of course he knew that public opinion can be wrong and that there are limits to what a good person may tolerate.
But applying it to myself, I tolerate the mask rules to get into the office, half wear one in meetings, but the only reason is to protect my livelihood. Also I can tell many colleagues are doing the same out of peer pressure. But outside of that, I have the law down pat in my head, ready to defeat any in store little Hitler. If the don't back down they get a F--- off Likewise with strangers on the train who say "please wear a mask" I politely give them the law and if the don't desist they get a mouthful of abuse. I think it's understandable to protest where possible but comply when the well being of your family depends on it. I see people struggling with this everywhere.
Well, I have actually done that too. Early on at the Menards home building store the assistant manager insisted I put a mask on to remain in the store and have the ability to place my money in his coffer. This was April 2021 and I had both jabs. I told him I had the vax and to F off. I walked out and have never returned.
I have spent 10's of thousands of dollars there. Now my business goes to Home Depot.
To your point though:
-- This is not the Christian thing to do
-- It is not going to change the situation like feigning "mask anxiety" did.
-- The anxiety angle gives the other person a "way out". When you consider that most people working in these stores make little money and are coerced themselves into an ironic and no-win situation to enforce lies on those who pay their wages, it is better to allow them to "do" their job, so to speak, rather than humiliate them with cussing and anger.
a few days earlier . . . at my doctors office I was offered a mask by the nice receptionist. "We have been asked to offer masks to patients."
I simply said:"thanks for doing your job." She just went on with checking me in. It was as if I said: "These are not the droids you are looking for."
I said Good Bye to her at the conclusion of my doctor's visit using her first name. I never do that.
In Japan, the law is clear, no one has authority to enforce mask rules, and 99% of the time no one does. Most when I explain just say, sorry my boss told me, and we can smile about it. The ones who don't accept the legal explanation are usually the true believers who take it upon themselves to try and humiliate me, so I have little compunction in giving them a taste of their own medicine.
The amount of courage it requires which you and I have is not common. I’m fed up.
God bless you. Stand STRONG!
Hi there, I'm in JP too. Just to add, some elements of peer pressure stem from biased info by the mainstream mass media and some scientists & MDs, plus extreme germaphobic nature of the people. It seems psychologically calculated - they didn't need to mandate it like other countries did. As far as the jabs are concerned, the govt seems to be playing the game, perhaps bc of the past mistakes. But I see nowadays more people walking around without masks outdoor. A positive side is JP hasn't experienced the same level of violence and hardcore lockdowns like other countries have (tho this may not help ease your feeling).
Yes, there's a blanket silence in the media on dissenting voices. I met a group of women outside a station trying to warn people against vaxxing children, I had a talk with them, but it seems they are struggling to get attention.
I hear you. And I wonder if it is a 'culturally appropriate place' for them to bring up the issue. This is why, in any case, one fit all approach doesn't work. It's easy to yell from the outside, but if you're not careful, equally you might run a risk of 'coercing' them and turning them away more and more. This runs so much in parallel to so many other issues such as Fukushima.
Sometimes, people don't get it until they experience it and make that connection by themselves . Those who are conscious and also intuitive (with or without sufficient info), have already avoided the jabs and protected themselves and their children. I say this even from my own experience.
Re the media influence, some accurate info has come through but I guess, you have to be extremely attentive on the mainstream platforms. Also, I don't know if you've noticed it (do you read in Japanese?), one of the mainstream news papers has been recently revisiting the Qanon topic. I find it odd to see that at this timing...
Dr. Lawrie, there is extreme nonconsensual experimentation occurring on innocent citizens. The goal of WHO & WEF is to CHIP us all. Targeted individuals know this. It is disingenuous to speak of pushing back against their controls without mentioning the people who have been fed into their control
experiments. https://twitter.com/johnkbest81/status/1512820620286828544?s=21&t=ShiVsznWpwDx2AW5S7Ykbw
yeah, 100 day vaccines. That simply means gene therapy. A laptop computer running molecular medicine design software allows new gene therapy design in hours-- not days. They can take 99 days to do rat studies and call it "good"!
Withholding food=obedience
Dear Dr Tess,
Thank you for your courage and determination, I hope you aren’t too disappointed, at the response.I know you have a steely centre. As I submitted my comments, I knew deep down that no one would ever read them. But at least you know we are all with you.😊
This is part of a well oiled plan started years ago, and asking for our comments is just a tick box exercise that the UK Gov have colluded with.The problem is we, all loving caring, empathetic people of this world, are at a disadvantage, trying to apply logic and fair rules.
The WHO and large NGO’s with wealthy backers (more money than some countries) have rigged them.
We all have to work tooth and nail applying psychology to win over the disbelievers, not complying where possible, educating ourselves with the facts so that we can speak with conviction ( never anger)I am optimistic by nature but this will be one hell of a fight.
I agree completely. I am scheduled to speak third during the final session.
I have your number James, thank you. Please feel free to remove it from your comment as suggested.
Just sent my comment to WHO and believe I've just squeaked under the comment deadline. Many thanks to you, Dr. Lawrie, and to Drs. Malone, Cole, Cory, McCollough, etc. and all the other medical and research professionals who bravely stepping up to raise worldwide awareness to this most dangerous direction that global humanity is careening toward. You are heroes all!
Here's the text I submitted to the WHO, borrowed liberally from your suggested topic list so that I might be able to get my comment timely submitted since just reading Dr. Malone's substack only this morning.
"I vehemently oppose this WHO proposed global agreement which is both unnecessary and unwanted. Every human must retain the God given basic human right to bodily autonomy and to make one's own decisions about what and when to be subjected to medical procedures.
National and local leadership must retain full autonomy, while reserving the right to make decisions based on what is best for their own people.
This includes he ability of nations and local municipalities to opt out of any and all portions of any agreement as they see fit, without consequence.
At all times, this must be an open and transparent process with the ability for all people of the world to vote on including fail-safe measures that will prevent the application of any global agreement in any place where a majority of the people do not want it.
Also measures must be adopted that explicitly prohibit any influence in the process by any and all pharmaceutical companies or other global health profiteers.
Thank you for permitting my input."
I've also signed on to your important substack as a paid subscriber this morning. May God bless you and keep all you brave souls safe to continue His important work for humanity.
Well done for getting it in and thank you so much for all your support
I did not receive a email verification of my submission like I did for regulations.gov US comments site for the FDA dockets. Did anyone else get an email receipt for their submission to WHO site?
No I didn't.
I didn't receive an email verification either. I only have a screen shot of the followup page: "Public hearings regarding a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response: written component. Thank you for providing your input."
I didn't either. The only acknowledgement was upon submission, a message came up thanking me for my comment at the top of the page.
Thank you Dr. Lawrie. Fired off a written response to WHO this morning. Standing in with you in support as well as all of our physicians who are in the eye of the storm. God bless you and keep you strong.
Tess, thank you and the whole WCH so much for everything you do! I submitted my written statement, asking for a democratic process, the retainment of human rights, the sovereignty of goverments, the respect for the freedom of choice of every individual and a transparent and accountable to the public WHO. Yes, no idea whether any of this will be heard or make a difference. But I join you in the belief that it is necessary to state these and speak out.
Thank you so much, SC.
Dr. Tess, Can you help me? I am a nonconsensual subject in Darpa #braini and have had my head bludgeoned for 10 years for brain mapping, AI, predictive programming, robotics. Now I am literally getting radiation streamed to nonconsensual wifi implants in left ear and base of skull. I have reached out to many for help to no avail. These are crimes against humanity that equal abuses of Mengele. I need a surgeon to remove this repugnant wifi from me. I am an ordinary citizen being horrifically abused. They have stolen everything from me. The US federal govt. is diseased and harming innocent people in nonconsensual experiments. The medical field & law enforcement have been corrupted to smear the victims as mentally ill. We need help. Please help us.
That's horrible beyond words. You have internet access, from the darpa facility or did you manage to escape? Are you at your own home now? Can you flee? In mexico I am sure you can find a doc that is willing to help. Also, destroying the electronics with an emp or disabling communication with a farraday cage could be helping.
I am also a mind control victim, from back 1980's as part of satanic ritual abuse, that no one was able to believe just because it was so extreme. I have no implants as far as I know.
When you have ‘injectable implants’ powered by wifi and radiowaves, there is no escaping. Thank you for your respect. I literally have spent last three months traveling looking for escape without success. The topic generates extreme responses for obvious reasons. I hoped one of these brave doctors would help. These inhumane abuses must stop.
I agree, let's publicly conspire to commit felonies, click here.
I prefer the FBI have to rely on their unConstitutional mindreading to accuse me of specious ‘thought crime’ rather than actually conspire. But thank you for the invite.
Ooh, not a bot, just a cut and paster. Interesting.
Well what if EC is writing the truth? Look up project MK ultra. These things are real and have been done and probably still are being done by governments.
You are a modern Joan of Arc DrLawrie. I also retweeted Malones stack about you this morning as well and will sign on as a recurring world council for health supporter
Thank you so much, shaktideva
Thank you Dr Lawrie for so bravely sacrificing your last career for the sake of humanity. We laymen are doing all we can but so it’s hard to get friends and family on board to hear that the jabs they have had are so dangerous after they were convinced(and my family and friends still are) that they would be saved by them. Who would have ever have thought that so many people could have succumbed to such mass coercion. I think your new career is just beginning, I love that you are able to turn what must be total frustration into looking ahead with optimism to the future of a new kind of healthcare system. I’m right behind you. Bravo to you.
I do not believe our Federal government has the right under our constitution to enter into this sort of agreement. It would need to get the consent of all 50 states.
I hope this holds, but so many crazy actions have occurred like denied injuries and unconsented participants seems like any action remains possible
Here's something I've been thinking about a lot after my initial panic and rage subsided- the "take and hold ground" phase of thinking, as Fathermouth would put it.
From the above article:
So if a nation concludes a vaccine is not safe – as has happened in this last pandemic – the WHO would have the power to override that and jab their population anyway.
Very scary indeed.
Who (no pun intended) is "overriding" and "jabbing anyway"? What actual people are on the ground doing this in a country that had decided to buck the agreement? Are they soldiers, policemen, health workers? From where? Wearing whose uniform, and what are they empowered to do if people resist being "jabbed anyway"?
If the country that bucked the treaty tries to expel or imprison or forcefully repel the "WHO Jab Marines" for going after their citizens on sovereign soil, are signatories obliged to go to war against them, like NATO?
The more I thought about this, the more ridiculous it sounds, like virtually every strongly- worded statement from any department of the United Nations. Sure, honey, I'm officially condemned.
Just like when China (fuck, EVERYONE) clutches the UN's skirts when other countries do them dirty and then rightly "refuse to acknowledge their unlawful interference" when they need to kill a bunch of Uighyurs. The only people getting policed by blue helmets are third world nations with weak militaries who want free police. No other nations would tolerate that incursion.
Here's the bottom line: a WHO "treaty" is simply going to give cover to nations that were going to engage in public health tyranny of their citizens anyway. The ones that were gonna, will, the ones that weren't, won't.
If you're worried, fight to stop your own national government from tyrannizing you. Whatever bullshit the WHO says is simply wordy justification, not cause, for them tyrannizing you.
Make your government a government that's going to protect your freedoms and flip global organizations the bird when it doesn't suit their purposes, like they always do.
“The only people getting policed by blue helmets are third world nations with weak militaries who want free police. No other nations would tolerate that incursion”
Not true. Here in first world Canada our Prime Minister brought in foreign troops to squash the Trucker Freedom Convoy in Ottawa. UN planes were spotted in Canada at the time. It’s just like China here now, maybe worse. We cannot board a train, plane, bus or any other means of public transportation if we are not vaccinated. Only country in the world right now who’s citizens cannot leave. Complete TYRANNY.
While I agree that Canada's response was insane and tyrannical, do you have any proof that UN troops were deployed in Canada and used against Canadians? In what context did this occur?
My Lord, look at the photos, why don't you? U.N. planes parked at the airport, U.N. troop carriers moving through the streets, and what appear to be U.N. mercs or goons confronting and beating up people in the street who oppose them.
I see the pictures. I didn't argue with anyone. I just asked a question.
Dear Dr Laurie. I used to love the WHO and what it represented but it is clear to see that it is now captured by private individuals and organisations including people with agendas. Bill Gates makes millions on his vaccine stocks and shares if his 'philanthropy projects' get the go ahead. Gates openly stated that his 100 day vaccine would skip the safety part of the clinical trials! What world are we living in where this is okay? The Medicines Healthcare and Regulatory Association (MHRA) are a joke too. I watched one meeting where they spent the majority of a meeting praising themselves and a dame and less than five minutes discussing adverse reactions to these vaccines (this was only addressed because a member of the public asked). Most of that short discussion on adverse reactions involved them speaking about them bringing in a new automated system to monitor adverse reactions! They aren't even monitoring the one they have now effectively!
I knew the WHO was lost when they posted on Facebook that vaccine immunity was better than natural immunity shortly after the vaccines were rolled out. In the absence of long-term data on safety and efficacy, no one can make such assured statements. Even the people who made this do not know what the long-term impacts will be. This makes it even more horrifying that healthacre regulators globally have said with such confidence that these vaccines are safe and effective, and safe for use in pregnant women and children! Have birth statistics been released yet? I honestly feel so demoralised that so few people understand science, bioethics, and the drug development process in order to understand just how wrong this is. This is totalitarianism under the guise of 'health security' and this is exactly why our government used psychological operations (SPI-B) to scare people into compliance and media funded propoganda to shame the unvaccinated and turn society on them. This is why they took liberty from the unvaccinated (even if it was temporary here) - to get people used to using a digital ID (vaccine passport) and to coerce vaccine uptake. We are becoming a digital surveillance state and I fully anticipate we will end up with a Chinese-style social credit system that will be linked to carbon credits in the future. It is obvious the 'climate crisis' is the next crisis. This is where we are - the WHO changed the definition of a pandemic so that they can invoke emergency powers for a declared crisis. They now have the power to declare anything a crisis!
We are being pushed towards Centralised Digital Banking Currencies (CDBCs) because that gives the banks ultimate control over us and how we spend our money. If we don't comply with government mandates, they can switch off our access to money! We have already seen a glimpse of what can happen in Canada with the World Economic Forum (WEF) infiltrators there. They deemed donations to the truckers convoy illegal retrospectively and froze people's accounts! This is tyranny!
I honestly despair for the future that is coming, the future that our so called representatives are ushering in without even consulting us!
I travelled Europe to study the events that led up to the Holocaust because I could not understand how some people could be so evil, and how a nation of people could go along with it. It didn't start with the final solution, it started with propoganda, intimidation, othering, blaming specific heritages and faiths of people for the ills in society and the spread of disease. This is why I can clearly see where this has the potential to lead. When holocaust survivors (like Vera Sherav) and their descendants are raising the alarm, it's time to wake up and pay attention!
Listen to Noah Yuvall Harari and how he refers to us as "useless eaters" and how technology can "give the elites full power and control over us", how "our privacy data will be used against us in the future", and how there will be "a global underclass of useless peole who can't live in a world that is dominated by tech" and how they will use technology to "know you better than you know yourself". He talks of a new phase of evolution and that our age of liberty, privacy and self advocacy "is over". He also asks "what do we do with these useless eaters". Welcome to the world of transhumanism!
This is why I am so grateful to people like you, for fighting the good fight. I have battled tyranny from every angle, every step of the way but it has been exhausting because so many people still have not woken up to what is happening. Yet, even the most hard core believers are starting to ask questions which brings me faith that there is still hope for the Great Awakening over the Great Reset.
All I do know is this:
I will never take a drug that is not thoroughly tested (by my standards having worked in the pharmaceutical industry).
I will never use a digital ID.
I will utilise every other option available even if that means working for accommodation rather than a salary before accepting CDBCs.
They have underestimated one thing with me: my health is my greatest wealth. There is nothing in this world that can be taken away from me that is more important than that.
Here are some things I have done to help stop the tyrrany:
I started shopping at local independent stores (greengrocers, butchers, garden centres etc). These people are less likely to side with tyrranical dictats compared to large organisations. Look at Morrisons, Next, and IKEA. They stopped paying unvaccinated workers sick pay even though a fully vaccinated person could still go to work ill and spread the disease to unvaccinated colleagues. They no longer get my custom! Large corporatons have too much power.
I stopped shopping at Amazon. These made billions whilst small businesses suffered during lockdowns. Shopping locally may take more effort but it has helped me to reconnect to my community.
I have started using cash again. We need to keep cash in circulation to that it does not become irrelevant. Getting rid of cash means there is a greater chance of CDBCs coming in. Transactions are anonymous when you use cash. There is no digital trail.
I have stopped using Google. I don't agree with them filtering information and deciding what I see. I use Duck Duck Go now but even they have started screening Russia / Ukraine information.
I have left Gmail and Microsoft platforms. These people will likely collect your data and they will likely be involved in any digital ID system or social credit system in the future. This is my opinion.
Get off any social media platforms that censor scientists and the scientific debate. If a platform uses uneducated fact checkers who have no scientific qualifications, you can be sure the information they are posting supports the government narrative, not actual science. Many fact checkers have labelled facts as untruths and they don't correct their statements when they get it wrong! Support platforms like Gettr that value free speech, and scientific debate and discussion. That's where I follow scientists that have been censored. Genuine misinformation can be corrected with facts and arguments which is why scientific debate is so important.
I never downloaded the NHS app. I decided to stay home rather than support a system that is backed by people like Blair who have already said "humans need to get used to showing their disease status". We are humans, not cattle!
Support independent journalists. Don't even tune into any media organisation that has pushed propoganda and tried to take away your liberty. If you stop supporting them, they lose income and viewership and will fail. Research the Trusted News Initiative and ask why you have to pay a TV licence fee to the BBC that are supposed to be impartial! Why are they taking funding and ideas from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to control what information we have access to? Why are the Telegraph accepting funding to promote posts by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation? Have a look who owns the various media platforms! They aren't all UK based!
Keep writing to your MP, the 1922 Committe, and the Conservative Way Forward. Tell them how you feel and how you have been impacted by lockdowns and restrictions. Tell them you reject the WHO takeover.
When our amazing doctors and scientists (like Dr Tess Laurie) ask you to take a course of action, please take the time to do it. It is the only way we can group together to fight tyrrany. It is important now more than ever whilst we still have free speech and freedoms. It will be harder to protest or complain in the future under such a system because laws are being changed left, right, and centre.
Make sure you find time to switch off every once in a while and do something you love. Stressing 24/7 won't help. Keep fighting little and often to protect your own health and wellbeing. Prolonged stress and anxiety can weaken your immunity. You are at your best when you are mentally and physically well.
And above all, know one thing. You are not alone. The ocean is formed of billions of water molecules. And an ocean of dissent is forming right now!
I will never comply with tyrrany.
Wonderful to read about the actions you are taking, Lee - thank you for sharing.
Beautifully stated. Thank you most for the last couple paragraphs.. I needed it today. Happy Easter!!
Thank you so much. I'm glad you found some small comfort in the last few paragraphs. I appreciate you taking the time to read my post - I realise it was long.
I think a lot of people are focused on the darkness at the minute, which doesn't surprise me given how heavy the burden of it all is. However, I see so much light right now too. People across the globe are coming together to fight for truth and justice, countless brave souls are walking away from jobs and speaking out (regardless of the cost) in order to shine a light on corruption for all to see. Countless more people are waking up daily. And many of us will never give up until the truth comes out. We have truth on our side, and truth always prevails in the end. For now, we must keep resisting and battling these dark forces.
I truly belive we will witness the Great Awakening over the Great Reset because I see the forces of good and acts of bravery on a daily basis, and those vibrations of good grow larger and louder with each passing day.
We have more power than we give ourselves credit for, and right now our greatest power is the ability to collectively say no to tyrrany and tyrannical policies!
Happy Easter to you too. I hope you have found some peace and joy this weekend. It is easy to feel alone in all of this but we are part of a global community of good people who just want the best for each other, and all of humanity. I have deep gratitude for the people in this community, and knowing likeminded people are out there battling on as I do, brings me comfort.
Best wishes,
Thank you kindly. It was long but so worth it. Most people can't get further than headlies. Too busy with nonsense. I agree whole heartedly.
I just posted a comment ....copied below..... to the WHO 'consultantion with only 30 mins to go!
Thank you so much Dr Tess for bringing this to my attention and for being such a great leader, role model and force for good in this sad and frightening time for the whole of Humanity. Bless you and the great work you are doing.
Thank you Ana, great work