You have a very odd hostile reaction to reports of extreme abuse. To anyone sincerely interested in knowing and helping please reach out. Guttermouth’s targeting is likely intended as discrediting. What I am reporting is real.
You have a very odd hostile reaction to reports of extreme abuse. To anyone sincerely interested in knowing and helping please reach out. Guttermouth’s targeting is likely intended as discrediting. What I am reporting is real.
I believe outlandish stories when they come with evidence.
Escaping, alive and free to move about the country, from a secret military facility with secret government implants that were illegally implanted against your will, and being constantly surveilled and yet permitted to repeat this story (unaccompanied by direct evidence that you have secret military implants in your skull) is an outlandish story.
I'm not directly saying you're lying, but the more parsimonious explanation is that you are mentally ill or that you're seeding the forum with outlandish, irrelevant comments to stir the pot. I suspect the latter, as you copy-pasted your comment twice in the same thread a short time apart with only minor differences, which is what spammers and cointel do.
I've stopped joking around because I've decided that if you're not a troll seeding the forum with strange, irrelevant comments to make the community look weird, you're mentally ill and I don't tease people for that. I suspect not, though, as you seem remarkably skilled at switching your tone and going on the offensive.
Rest assured I won't be responding any more and you can continue eliciting responses to your story without further interference.
You write "I'm not directly saying you're lying, ”
And a few lines later "you're mentally ill"
Ah ye that's much better of course!
You looked up mk ultra already? They can let people free because people are just like you programmed to dismiss these stories. They make it so extreme no one will believe them and dismiss it as a psychiatric illness.
Hermes, truly truly I am touched by your kindness. I need more here to respond as you do. I need real help as I had to flee my apartment because I was being gassed. Karen Stewart formerly of NSA speaks of these gas assaults. These programs are literally demented and our govt. ought not be doing this to anyone. Our DOD is the one carrying out the torture while private investors collect the data for the development of tech, products, etc. All under title, ‘Darpa Brain Initiative.’
EC I know the feeling of how it is like to be up against such a big and dark entity. I am a survivor of SRA so I know how extremely lonely it can be that no one believes you but you need help desperately.
I also know what they are up to, what these people are capable of.
I won't dismiss someones story just because it sounds too extreme. Or label it as a psychiatric disorder. It's very damaging and instead of helping people in the most vulnerable positions, most people in society will kick down. I am not sure if I can help you beyond some words of support and trying yo be helpful. Can you share a bit on how long these experiments have happened to you? Do you know how big it is? I can imagine that the first step that can help you is to damage the electronic cirquit. That can be done with an electromagnetic pulse. Like, for example, from a microwave. An alternative whould be a farrayday cage to stop radio transmission.
To physically remove the implant, I would try to have it on a hospital picure (mri / ct / echo/ rontgen, not sure on which it should be visible), and if it is visible, to find a surgeon that is willing to help you to remove it. Make sure to document it. Not sure if you should tell him the whole story, certainly not before. Just tell you need help to get it removed.
It's really horrible to read that they still do this to people. But remember, they are not all powerful.
Been ten years of torture. It’s for Darpa brain initiative. They have stolen my cognition and brain imagery and now they are trying to force me to suicide by constantly radiating my head. No one — not even Dr. Malone or Dr. McCullough or even Dr. Lawrie helps. They have stolen everything. They forced me from my last apartment — they were gassing me. I am under 24/7 surveillance — they have a transponder and other tech in me. All correspondence is watched in real time. I have gone to multiple doctors — some acknowledge feeling something hard — others pretend nothing there. Radiologists lie too — but the implants show up at airport screens.
Thanks Hermes. But that person is here to sow doubt in the readers’ minds. These crimes are occurring, virtually our entire govt., law enforcement, many in academia, medicine, tech are profiting. I really appreciate your support. Do you know any doctor who will remove the wifi from my ear and skull? Can you contact your Congressional office and tell them to end the Darpa brain initiative now? Harari alludes to the targeting program in this clip.
Oh yes. You’re so kind, sensitive, thoughtful that you won’t taunt the ‘mentally ill person’ now that you’ve created a fuss. No more comments because you came here to do what you did: to DISCREDIT ME. Your entire thread is dismissive, rude, mocking and frankly raises more questions about your mental stability than mine. Escape from a lab? I never made such a claim. YOU ARE OBSERVED IN THE LABORATORY OF YOUR HOME. Here Harari speaks of it.
You have a very odd hostile reaction to reports of extreme abuse. To anyone sincerely interested in knowing and helping please reach out. Guttermouth’s targeting is likely intended as discrediting. What I am reporting is real.
I believe outlandish stories when they come with evidence.
Escaping, alive and free to move about the country, from a secret military facility with secret government implants that were illegally implanted against your will, and being constantly surveilled and yet permitted to repeat this story (unaccompanied by direct evidence that you have secret military implants in your skull) is an outlandish story.
I'm not directly saying you're lying, but the more parsimonious explanation is that you are mentally ill or that you're seeding the forum with outlandish, irrelevant comments to stir the pot. I suspect the latter, as you copy-pasted your comment twice in the same thread a short time apart with only minor differences, which is what spammers and cointel do.
I've stopped joking around because I've decided that if you're not a troll seeding the forum with strange, irrelevant comments to make the community look weird, you're mentally ill and I don't tease people for that. I suspect not, though, as you seem remarkably skilled at switching your tone and going on the offensive.
Rest assured I won't be responding any more and you can continue eliciting responses to your story without further interference.
You write "I'm not directly saying you're lying, ”
And a few lines later "you're mentally ill"
Ah ye that's much better of course!
You looked up mk ultra already? They can let people free because people are just like you programmed to dismiss these stories. They make it so extreme no one will believe them and dismiss it as a psychiatric illness.
Hermes, truly truly I am touched by your kindness. I need more here to respond as you do. I need real help as I had to flee my apartment because I was being gassed. Karen Stewart formerly of NSA speaks of these gas assaults. These programs are literally demented and our govt. ought not be doing this to anyone. Our DOD is the one carrying out the torture while private investors collect the data for the development of tech, products, etc. All under title, ‘Darpa Brain Initiative.’
EC I know the feeling of how it is like to be up against such a big and dark entity. I am a survivor of SRA so I know how extremely lonely it can be that no one believes you but you need help desperately.
I also know what they are up to, what these people are capable of.
I won't dismiss someones story just because it sounds too extreme. Or label it as a psychiatric disorder. It's very damaging and instead of helping people in the most vulnerable positions, most people in society will kick down. I am not sure if I can help you beyond some words of support and trying yo be helpful. Can you share a bit on how long these experiments have happened to you? Do you know how big it is? I can imagine that the first step that can help you is to damage the electronic cirquit. That can be done with an electromagnetic pulse. Like, for example, from a microwave. An alternative whould be a farrayday cage to stop radio transmission.
To physically remove the implant, I would try to have it on a hospital picure (mri / ct / echo/ rontgen, not sure on which it should be visible), and if it is visible, to find a surgeon that is willing to help you to remove it. Make sure to document it. Not sure if you should tell him the whole story, certainly not before. Just tell you need help to get it removed.
It's really horrible to read that they still do this to people. But remember, they are not all powerful.
Been ten years of torture. It’s for Darpa brain initiative. They have stolen my cognition and brain imagery and now they are trying to force me to suicide by constantly radiating my head. No one — not even Dr. Malone or Dr. McCullough or even Dr. Lawrie helps. They have stolen everything. They forced me from my last apartment — they were gassing me. I am under 24/7 surveillance — they have a transponder and other tech in me. All correspondence is watched in real time. I have gone to multiple doctors — some acknowledge feeling something hard — others pretend nothing there. Radiologists lie too — but the implants show up at airport screens.
Thanks Hermes. But that person is here to sow doubt in the readers’ minds. These crimes are occurring, virtually our entire govt., law enforcement, many in academia, medicine, tech are profiting. I really appreciate your support. Do you know any doctor who will remove the wifi from my ear and skull? Can you contact your Congressional office and tell them to end the Darpa brain initiative now? Harari alludes to the targeting program in this clip.
Oh yes. You’re so kind, sensitive, thoughtful that you won’t taunt the ‘mentally ill person’ now that you’ve created a fuss. No more comments because you came here to do what you did: to DISCREDIT ME. Your entire thread is dismissive, rude, mocking and frankly raises more questions about your mental stability than mine. Escape from a lab? I never made such a claim. YOU ARE OBSERVED IN THE LABORATORY OF YOUR HOME. Here Harari speaks of it.