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Thanks for your dedication. The WHO is attempting to become the Vatican of healthcare, and it will fail, just as much as the Vatican had to forgive Galileo eventually, even if it took 350 years. They will have to back down eventually, it may just be a very painful and long process. For anyone who can read statistics, it is clear we never had a pandemic, only a pandemic of not thinking, as Dr. Tom Cowan calls it. If 95% of Covid deaths in 2019/20 had 4+ comorbidities, and 67% had 6 or more, then all we ever had is a comorbidity problem, never a virus problem. Garbage attracts flies, but flies are not the cause of of the garbage. That is the essence of terrain theory to me, regardless of the fairly academic point if the virus has been isolated or not, or if it causes the disease, whether it exists or not, it is clearly an epiphenomenon of the real disease which is diet and lifestyle. And we know from Lifestyle Medicine that these chronic diseases which are the most popular causes of death today, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, auto immune diseases and so on can almost all be largely or wholly prevented or reversed with a whole foods, plant-based diet. In fact, last year, a paper was published in BMJ documenting that people on a plant-based diet had a 73% reduction in risk of 'moderate to severe" Covid outcomes. I can attest to that, at age 70, 7 years on a #WFPB diet, with BMI 23, upping my vitamin D from my usual 2000 iu daily to 5000, some C, Zinc, Quercetin, and some NAC, lots of liquids and lots of insipid TV, I was over Covid in a week.

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Very well put, Rogier.

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I am not plant based and will probable never be. Good quality protein feeds the body and quality meats do as well.

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As a heritage beef and pork rancher, I approve this message. Healthiest I've ever been.

Also, go back to drinking whole milk. Look up "lactoferrite COVID." There's good stuff in there.

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listen, we all pick our own poisons, nobody gets out of here alive anyway, so do what you enjoy. But if there is such a thing as "good quality proteins" it is plant-based, for they tend to inhibit tumor growth, while animal protein stimulates tumor growth. Also read up on TMAO. If that doesn't cure you nothing will.

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I think the plant based diet is from the same people that have brought us these excellent vaccines. Better than the standard diet, sure. But not empowering or giving optimal health. There is a thing called protein quality indeed. Most plants do not provide (enough of) the total spectrum of amino acids and thus limit protein utilisation. Most people are protein defficient. Especially when eating vegetarian / vegan.

Plant proteins surely come with costs, like lots of carbs, digestion inhibitors and other toxins, like estrogen as the xeno-estrogens in soy.

I think keto paleo (organic, nose to tail) is the most healthy diet.

Higest concentrations of TMAO btw is found in fish. I think it is an artificial constructed fear (just like the pandemic!)

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not at all. Read T.Colin Campbell, The China Study, Whole and The Future of Nutrition. Raised on a dairy farm, his research led him to conclusions utterly opposite to the prevailing paradigm. He would not touch those vaccines with a 10-foot pole. That type of work and research is the very essence of what terrain theory is all about. We had a comorbidity problem, not a virus problem.

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That book has shown some serious fiddling the studies

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People have said that. Nobody has systematically refuted it. Not easy to overcome 70 years of NIH funded, peer-reviewed research. And I have seen the results with hundreds of patients and those results speak for themselves and healthcare insurance often picks up the cost for the initial training of the patients. T2D and CVD are propbably 95% reversible with the diet and the patient retention after a year is 70-80%, whereas with statins most people give them up over the side effect, so by 6 months you have less than 50% retention. .

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Look up Denise Minger. She did a debunk of it about 5 years ago. She was a vegetarian/vegan before that.

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undoubtedly, he pissed many people off. Criticizing him is one thing however, but I have not seen any solid, peer-reviewed refutation of his major tenets. 70 years of peer-reviewed, solid research is not easy to overcome. For me the rest of the proof is the hundreds of patients I know of that are doing very well with this approach.

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I have never seen a long term vegetarian RTC. Let alone a comparison with keto paleo. Most studies that "prove" vegetarianism is good are observational and have such big flaws it boggles me why these are taken seriously.

For example, that study that defined a healthy diet (whole grains, vegetables, white meat, fish, no sugar etc) and was compared to the unhealthy diet (red meat, fast food, sugar, highly processed foods etc) and surprise, the unhealthy diet group had worse health outcomes. The authors happily blamed red meat for being unhealthy. Instead of the sugar, fast foods etc.

I am sure most people's health will improve on vegetarian diet in comparison with SAD. I think they will even improve further if they switch to keto paleo.

I believe there are three things we can say scientifically proven about food: sugars bad, highly processed foods bad and transfat is bad. For the rest I think I (we) know it but it's not tested.

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What proof do you have that the soi-disant "70 years of peer-reviewed research" is reliable?

Why should any rational human being accord any credibility to the findings of bodies that serve as a laundromat for their sponsors?

Do you think that brandishing "NIH" somehow bolsters your position?

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Are we mixing apples and oranges again? Just because you are familiar with cases of corruption at NIH, that does not mean they are corrupt all the time. T. Colin Campbell is a lone researcher, and he was being opposed constantly by the agribusiness, because his school, Cornell, is a land-grant university and controlled by the agribusiness. They even canceled his classes in 2007, even though he was a tenured professor. In spite of all that, his nutrition course has been an online bestseller. The reason he published his work as a popular book, The China Study, was exactly because of the academic boycott, which originated from the agribusiness, who want to sell you meat and dairy, and don't give a shit if you're healthy or not.

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I read the China Study- bought it hook line and sinker. Went responsibly vegetarian for four months and had never felt worse in my life. Everyone is different. Everything in moderation. And the old one man’s pill is another’s poison.

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Vegan here, grew up on a diary farm. Pretty much allergic to dairy. I also hate vaccines. But each to their own. And we are all different.

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It's a book, not a published and peer-reviewed study. And a very biased book based on his already pro-vegan beliefs, and he cherry-picked data that fit his bias. Campbell and the book is a diagrace to science and nutrition.

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The book is complete with references to all his peer-reviewed studies, so it is documented to a T, and contrary to what you state, he started out being raised on a dairy farm and studying traditional nutrition. He began to change only when his research in the field and some findings of other scientists woke him up to the fact that something was wrong. He spent the rest of his life documenting what he found. I have seen and heard him being cussed out by many, but I have yet to see anyone deliver proper, peer-reviewed refutations of his major findings. Name calling is the easy way out and does not impress me. In the meantime, I am also familiar with hundreds upon hundreds of patient case studies showing very consistent results. And, as Dean Ornish notes, after one year he usually has 70-80% compliancs, but with e.g. statins, the compliance will be below 50% in six months because of the side effects.

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I don't think the people behind the covid scare made the vegan diet up, I think they embraced it as a way to weaken us. Testosterone will plummet for example. So making people more agreeable and less able to defend them selves. Not to mention the small amount of muscle most vegetarians and vegans have. They won't be fit to defend themselves. They don't want to eitheir because their hormone profile changed. So that's am easy fight.

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Some of the people here might be familiar with Chris Masterjohn's excellent research on Covid-19 and are subscribed to his new substack. He has a PhD in Nutritional Sciences. Here was his review on The China Study and Denise Minger's critique: https://www.westonaprice.org/denise-mingers-refutation-of-campbells-china-study-generates-continued-debate/

Here is the link to Denise Minger's critique: https://deniseminger.com/2010/07/07/the-china-study-fact-or-fallac/

Sad to see I can't find "Polish a turd and find a diamond?" by Kurt Harris, MD on the internet, even using the Wayback Machine. It was another excellent critique of The China Study.

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It's very hard, sometimes impossible to get addicts to accept that their addition is harming or killing them. True for alcoholics, smokers, drug addicts, serial spikeshot takers, and that includes people who are addicted to and convinced they need meat, dairy, eggs. It's a waste of time to try to convince them; they display the same kind of cognitive dissonance protecting arguments as covidians, as you see here, and I've found over the years that it is best to leave them to discover the truth on their own, hopefully not the hard way.

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Indeed, so this is about secondary gain as Freud recognized, i.e. we do things against our own long term interest for satisfying a short term pleasure. I have a letter up for peer review on Academia about that very issue: The Wilful Ignorance of Secondary Gain in Public Health in General and Lifestyle Medicine in Particular

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Yeah no. The short term results for me: all health outcomes I tried to fix became worse. It's not about short term satisfaction, it's about long term health. I've never seen convincing research that (free pasture) meat is bad. Never seen it proven in a RCT. I think it is a form of self flaggelation and it's wrapped in cult, group think strategies to promote it to the masses. I do not know any true healthy vegans or vegetarians. They are always hungry.

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Listen, everyone should eat what makes them happy. The reason for change comes when you notice that you are ill because of the food you eat. This is the case for the majority of the population, see the stats on diabetes, cancer, autoimmune disease etc. Some people will become interested in changing the outcomes, and make the change accordingly. I agree many vegans and vegetarians are unhealthy, for most of them do not understand plant-based nutrition in the first place. That is up to them, But good, plant-based nutrition is now increasingly part of disease reversal programs for all of the chronic diseases I just mentioned. In NYC, where I live there are such programs at all major hospitals, and it is making its way into school programs as well. Various such examples around the country, but unless you feel the need to change, you probably won't anyway, so I have no need to argue with you. And yes, if you are on a plant-based diet, you would tend to eat more, because the coloric density is less, but that is exactly the key problem with animal nutrition. Meat takes longer to digest, hence constipation and also colon cancer is a bigger issue in that part of the population.

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Carnivore, myself and my husband, and our stools are regular and impeccable. No one needs plant fibre to be able to defecate well. On a "healthy" plant based diet I had irritable bowel syndrome, interstitial cystitis, constipation, which is all fixed now. Hmm......And remember Bill Gates wants stop the world eating meat and I do not trust him one inch. Nor the mainstream media who are all advocating this plant based diet.

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Congrats, but TMI. It all depends on what else you eat.

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All vegans and vegetarian people I know saw a decline in their health when they started. I tried it, and yes I did it right, and saw a decline in my health. On keto paleo I regained my health. So, yeah, it is hard to argue with that experience.

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Omnivores eat all. It remains a question of dose.

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Excellent article. I always ask people ,” what did humans actually eat BEFORE domesticated farming and grain 12 k years ago. They love to say Berries. I remind them that most climates only provide Berries for 3-4 months of the year. When they lose that portion of the discussion some revert back to the Bible and Adam and Eve in the Garden where all fruit and vegetables were provided. Which is where the convo ends . We are omnivores. Our teeth say it all. And when people realize we ate weeds ( greens ) fruit berries and small ANIMALS as well as large animals to keep our bodies going , all this vegan insanity will end.

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I did read up on it for decades Rogier. I got a degree in research and revisited alot the “ studies and research “ that posits plant based diets are healthier. They are equally bastardized. Highly biased. I strongly suggest you revisit them as well. The Green Movement which is part of the vegan vegetarian movement is there to drive us into eating bugs now

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"it will fail"

- in the classical sense maybe. But it doesn't matter in a totalitarian system. North Korea has been failing for quite a few decades.

When total surveillance, social credit score, programmable money are implemented.

You won't be able to buy more than the usual amount of food e.g. for a dissident refugee you're hiding, or for materials to make primitive weapons - the AI doesn't agree you need that.

This is not like any time before in history. There'll be no escape. Not even countries to run to, if you can even travel. The less technologized countries, I guess they'll somehow "take care" of them. They do have precious resources.

Do watch the 2010+ UN-financed propaganda videos like "Planned-opolis & 3 other scenarios", or UN (EU?) documents w.r.t. "Smart City" - key phrase "post choice society". Or what Klaus Schwab et al write ("4th industrial revolution") and say, or the predictions of the myterious Bill Gates.

They _really_ mean it. While the deep sleep sheep still giggle saying: "stop watching Alex Jones!" - well, look at what the perps are actually putting out there.

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Better is a carnivore diet. Take a look at Bill Gates. He is trying to stop us eating meat. What does that say? I am strict carnivore, 62 years and I have never been as healthy as I am now.

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Agree 1000%. Never felt better since I've gone carnivore. The SECOND I introduce anything else (potatoes or greens for instance), I feel like crap. Our choices are beef, pork, and eggs. We also enjoy cheeses. But that's about it!

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Bill Gates has some fake meat. Watch out for it I got very little info and lack trust!!

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... but then again - was isn't fake regarding Gates?

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So some say. LOL.

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I disagree with the diet needing to be plant-based, and have worked with clients suffering from "chronic" disease who improved their conditions through greater consumption of animal products and elimination of problematic plants. Please look into the research of Paleomedicina Hungary. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323151200_Therapeutic_protocol_of_ICMNI_-_Paleomedicina_Hungary

Here are scientific articles they've posted on their website: https://www.paleomedicina.com/en/?page=tartalom&tipus=cikk

Here is a doctor (Periodontist) who followed that protocol (along with others listed on his website) after an incurable multiple myeloma diagnosis. He recovered, and now helps others: http://drdanenberg.com/about/

Here is the daughter of Jordan Peterson (Mikhaila Peterson) presenting a TEDx talk that TEDx wouldn't publish about how by consuming a carnivore diet she experienced complete remission from a list of serious pathologies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ka9WBEijhk

PLEASE read this research by ALEPH2020 on vested interests (BlackRock, WEF, the Rockefeller Foundation, The World Resource Institute, etc) involved in steering the world population toward more "plant-based" eating https://aleph-2020.blogspot.com/2020/08/ideologies-and-vested-interests.html Frédéric Leroy - @fleroy1974 on Twitter has some excellent twitter threads on the subject of vested interests: https://twitter.com/fleroy1974

Dr. Paul Mason has a lot of great videos on the topic of injurious plant toxins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjQZCCiV6iA

.. as does Dr. Paul Saladino: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKikI_uNTnA

Nutrition experts have been battling research misconduct/fraud, unreported COIs, and epidemiological exaggerations for decades in the nutrition space (like Dr. Zoe Harcombe https://www.zoeharcombe.com/2022/03/will-cutting-meat-dairy-make-you-live-longer/, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick https://www.crossfit.com/essentials/malcolm-kendrick-ddc-lecture , and Dr. John Ioannidis https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2698337 ). Greg Glassman provided a platform for these experts & more, and fought the corruption https://www.crossfit.com/battles/crossfit-settles-lawsuit-with-hhs-after-agency-agrees-to-release-redacted-emails He became a wellcome target to accuse of racism in 2020. Complete loss in the fight against corruption plaguing our Public Health Institutions. I don't know ANY expert who was familiar with all the decades of malfeasance in Nutrition Research/Science who wasn't also quick to recognize covid inconsistencies and implausibilities in 2020. Here is my favorite dietician opining on the study you mentioned suggesting a plant-based diet had a 73% reduction in risk of moderate to severe covid outcomes: https://www.sacredcow.info/blog/being-vegan-contracting-covid-19

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That is a wonderful summary! Thank you! I love carnivore.

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Any suggestions on' Whole Foods'? Not sure what that means exactly. Not sure where to start. Is it affordable? Plant based diet? There's so much info, much of it useless. I don't know where to begin

Taking and have been all the supplements you do. Thank you kindly!!

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Here is a course: https://nutritionstudies.org/plant-based-health-mini-course/

The simple principle is that whole foods means "minimally processed" i.e. cutting and cooking are OK but not extracting, refining, Or check out this guy: https://plantbasedonabudget.com/

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Thank you kindly.

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Please read KETO books. Not from recipe books but medical science. Don’t go down the vegan / vegetarian path. A diet of mostly carbs is unhealthy. I know. I did it for almost a decade. Just make sure whatever you eat is organic.

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As a reformed vegetarian / vegan for 9 years wfo believed and read all the plant based books like “ Diet for a small planet et AL : it was all lies designed to trap us in the world they have planned for us. It took me going on a KETO diet to learn that I could eliminate pain and other diseases by eating like our ancestors did before domesticated. Farming. I went off it and am suffering. FYI. I do believe a diet mostly of pasture raised or wild meat , butter fat minimal amd vegetables fruit is the healthiest diet there is

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I think diabetes is a manufactured disease. From poisons in the environment. Maybe in the water on occasion.

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There is no accounting for what anyone thinks. But in the realm of evidence, I am familiar with truckoads of evidence where even within 10 days on a serious #WFPB diet people lower their A1C by 20% and in a vast number of cases go on to completely reverse diabetes in 3 weeks to 3 months.

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It's endemic here in NZ. Worse than elsewhere. Supposedly the bad diets of the working classes, mostly Polynesians and Maori. I have a hunch that it's a toxin in the environment so I'm taking aim at the mostly likely source of those toxins. It's just a hunch though.


NZ has not got fatter since 2006


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always follow your hunches and figure them out to the point you can validate them or reject them. However, do some 10-day jumpstarts as well. https://plantpurecommunities.org/oasis-jumpstart-program/ The typical experience is about a 20%-ish improvement in A1C even within the 10-day period and commensurate improvements in cholesterol levels, weight loss, blood pressure, lipid panels. It's a canned program that is available through the not for profit plant pure communities, so your only problem is having a local clinic to work with, and a provider for the meals for the 10-day program. The format is to take the vitals before and after, teach them to make their own breakfast and healthy snacks, and then to provide lunch and dinner from outside, and depending on the configuration those ban be frozen meals that they can heat up at home. The point is making sure they are on the diet for the full 10 days, and then you do the vitals again afterwards.

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I lowered my blood sugar to normal going on keto. Eating a vegetarian meditereanian diet ( no sugar but fruit ) my diabetes stayed present. That’s what the research says

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Your keto is vegetarian or not?

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No it was mixed. Meat dairy and veggies not high in carbs. I’m diabetic. Severe Gmo damage in 1998 after GMOs released into US food’s caused my gallbladder to fail , my pancreas to go haywire and I got a SEVERE egg allergy after eating eggs all my life. Within one year I gained over 50 lbs! Since then I’ve been diabetic. The only time my blood sugar was almost normal was on keto. I ate less than 35 carbs a day. Less than 1/2 cup of blueberries a day. No other fruit. Id be a fruitarian vegetarian if possible. I simply read medycal books on keto and challenged ALL the “ research” done use to defend vegetarianism/ veganism. The claims are easily proven false ir biased when one actually digs in. It’s a cult. Nothing more. I’m a trained hypnotherapist. Most people are cult believers.

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I think what might work for one person might not work for another. It wouldn't surprise me that someone from Scandanavia had a higher need for meat in their diet than someone from the Mediterranean. And I don't know where that leaves me as ma was pretty Nordic in appearance and pa is pretty Med in appearance. I seem to have abandoned the Nordic in me I guess, re diet anyway. I'm quite happy with it, no cult here.

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