always follow your hunches and figure them out to the point you can validate them or reject them. However, do some 10-day jumpstarts as well. The typical experience is about a 20%-ish improvement in A1C even within the 10-day period and commensurate improvements in cholesterol lev…
always follow your hunches and figure them out to the point you can validate them or reject them. However, do some 10-day jumpstarts as well. The typical experience is about a 20%-ish improvement in A1C even within the 10-day period and commensurate improvements in cholesterol levels, weight loss, blood pressure, lipid panels. It's a canned program that is available through the not for profit plant pure communities, so your only problem is having a local clinic to work with, and a provider for the meals for the 10-day program. The format is to take the vitals before and after, teach them to make their own breakfast and healthy snacks, and then to provide lunch and dinner from outside, and depending on the configuration those ban be frozen meals that they can heat up at home. The point is making sure they are on the diet for the full 10 days, and then you do the vitals again afterwards.
always follow your hunches and figure them out to the point you can validate them or reject them. However, do some 10-day jumpstarts as well. The typical experience is about a 20%-ish improvement in A1C even within the 10-day period and commensurate improvements in cholesterol levels, weight loss, blood pressure, lipid panels. It's a canned program that is available through the not for profit plant pure communities, so your only problem is having a local clinic to work with, and a provider for the meals for the 10-day program. The format is to take the vitals before and after, teach them to make their own breakfast and healthy snacks, and then to provide lunch and dinner from outside, and depending on the configuration those ban be frozen meals that they can heat up at home. The point is making sure they are on the diet for the full 10 days, and then you do the vitals again afterwards.