Excellent article. I always ask people ,” what did humans actually eat BEFORE domesticated farming and grain 12 k years ago. They love to say Berries. I remind them that most climates only provide Berries for 3-4 months of the year. When they lose that portion of the discussion some revert back to the Bible and Adam and Eve in the Garden where all fruit and vegetables were provided. Which is where the convo ends . We are omnivores. Our teeth say it all. And when people realize we ate weeds ( greens ) fruit berries and small ANIMALS as well as large animals to keep our bodies going , all this vegan insanity will end.
Dr. Georgia Ede had a great review on the topic of TMAO https://www.diagnosisdiet.com/full-article/does-carnitine-from-red-meat-cause-heart-disease
Excellent article. I always ask people ,” what did humans actually eat BEFORE domesticated farming and grain 12 k years ago. They love to say Berries. I remind them that most climates only provide Berries for 3-4 months of the year. When they lose that portion of the discussion some revert back to the Bible and Adam and Eve in the Garden where all fruit and vegetables were provided. Which is where the convo ends . We are omnivores. Our teeth say it all. And when people realize we ate weeds ( greens ) fruit berries and small ANIMALS as well as large animals to keep our bodies going , all this vegan insanity will end.