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Tess, thank you and the whole WCH so much for everything you do! I submitted my written statement, asking for a democratic process, the retainment of human rights, the sovereignty of goverments, the respect for the freedom of choice of every individual and a transparent and accountable to the public WHO. Yes, no idea whether any of this will be heard or make a difference. But I join you in the belief that it is necessary to state these and speak out.

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Thank you so much, SC.

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Dr. Tess, Can you help me? I am a nonconsensual subject in Darpa #braini and have had my head bludgeoned for 10 years for brain mapping, AI, predictive programming, robotics. Now I am literally getting radiation streamed to nonconsensual wifi implants in left ear and base of skull. I have reached out to many for help to no avail. These are crimes against humanity that equal abuses of Mengele. I need a surgeon to remove this repugnant wifi from me. I am an ordinary citizen being horrifically abused. They have stolen everything from me. The US federal govt. is diseased and harming innocent people in nonconsensual experiments. The medical field & law enforcement have been corrupted to smear the victims as mentally ill. We need help. Please help us.

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That's horrible beyond words. You have internet access, from the darpa facility or did you manage to escape? Are you at your own home now? Can you flee? In mexico I am sure you can find a doc that is willing to help. Also, destroying the electronics with an emp or disabling communication with a farraday cage could be helping.

I am also a mind control victim, from back 1980's as part of satanic ritual abuse, that no one was able to believe just because it was so extreme. I have no implants as far as I know.

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When you have ‘injectable implants’ powered by wifi and radiowaves, there is no escaping. Thank you for your respect. I literally have spent last three months traveling looking for escape without success. The topic generates extreme responses for obvious reasons. I hoped one of these brave doctors would help. These inhumane abuses must stop.

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I agree, let's publicly conspire to commit felonies, click here.

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I prefer the FBI have to rely on their unConstitutional mindreading to accuse me of specious ‘thought crime’ rather than actually conspire. But thank you for the invite.

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Ooh, not a bot, just a cut and paster. Interesting.

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Well what if EC is writing the truth? Look up project MK ultra. These things are real and have been done and probably still are being done by governments.

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Thank you Hermes. Literally makes me choke up as I have been hoping someone somewhere would care.

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I've decided to withdraw from this conversation as it appears to trigger one of my rules about who I do and do not allow myself to tease on the internet.

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