I really hope this happens. I would love to discover where the differences lie and clarify. I imagine you are both on the same side. Thank you.

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Dr. William Makis MD Aug 27, 2024

Ivermectin Success!


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I hope it happens, too. I admire your work and articles. I admired Yeadon for awhile as well. But his current “no virus” stance is not convincing to me anymore than I’ve been convinced by other writers. I’m in the camp of “something” causes colds and flus and they DO spread and make the rounds. My husband had a somewhat hostile person who was clearly sick sneeze right in his face just as we were headed out on a vacation. My husband got sick with the typical flu like symptoms and was in bed for the duration of the trip while I glumly puddled around on my own. I avoided the illness but it did not come from some poisonous atmospheric phenomenon. And all of the books and studies on viruses along with their biology and such……I’m open to us being wrong about that but that’s an awful lot of “wrong” to digest. I also understand quite well that unhealthy people are more prone to illness and infections. I’m a retired alternative practioner of over 35 years and had a hand in developing alternative communities and an herb guild. So that issue does not escape me.

Our world is certainly poisoned and being poisoned further…much of which is happening to counter global warming which, while we seem to be in a warming trend, isn’t a threat. And if you back off and look at the temp graphs, our time is a warming spike in an overall cooling trend. The synthetic poisons are harder for the planet to break down, including the warming countermeasures which do look to kill us off. The planet’s systems for balance are being effectually dismantled by the “warming” countermeasures. The poisons are toxic to us and making us sick and debilitating our immune systems. The countermeasures are reducing our solar levels that lasts and animals, both need to survive. Not to mention the toxic stuff shading us out. All this does make us prone to being sick and vulnerable to infections. This does not argue against infectious agents. Just that we might fend them off better if we were healthier. And quit mucking with our world.

But he now rants against IVM, supplements and I guess good food and herbs will be next?

I’ve shared this in comments but he seems less open to such thoughts than in the past. From my perspective, watching him over time, he’s either overwhelmed emotionally and cognitively by all of this or has been turned. 🤷‍♀️

Good luck. I hope you can get him to talk to you.

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Probably overwhelmed emotionally. It's hard not to be but especially more so in tbe public eye, seeing what's coming and trying to warn humanity. It must be exhausting. The level of evil we are facing is phenomenal. But definitely not turned. He's a man of integrity.

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He may not be 'turned', but he is certainly mistaken.

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Sorry, i cut myself off! thoughts on how things by chance pass through groups of people and it is a highly possible, and more than likely highly probable, line of thought. I do believe that the world is going to discover that most of what we have been taught and led to believe our whole lives is a lie and a lie that goes back not just 100’s of years but 1000’s to bring humanity to exactly where we find ourselves today.

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I highly recommend that you and your husband use preventative measures when traveling as per FLCCC protocols. I have never used IVM for prevention, but use nasal sprays, swabs and gargling. also I make sure to keep my VitD levels up and take extra vit C and zinc if I start to feel even a little bit off. I do this when traveling or have been in a large crowd or exposed to a likely sick person (ie symptomatic). Both my husband and myself have been able to stay healthy and enjoy our vacations -even while others in our group got sick. I don’t get hung up on whether it’s CoVid or not. I think we have been lied to or at least mislead for years that there is nothing you can do for colds and flues except to take injections.

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💯💯👏👏👏Bravo! Exactly.😊

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Unless you are suffering from ailments or some sort of immunosuppression this seems like overkill.

Why should anyone be medicating unnecessarily? I understand supplementation (I take vit d & magnesium) but being paranoid about sickness is bound to make us more stressed and possibly more susceptible.

We've got to also just live. Yes, we know we're being exposed to shit, but the best we can do is eat well, stay fit, get enough sleep, be connected to others, and try to find balance.

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How do you eat well when even Organic or wild food is contaminated by all sorts of gunk, including 'Smart Dust' sprayed by Chemtrail planes?

Wild Venison was found to contain the same kind of nano-tech as jabbed human blood. The water is contaminated, as are 'Organic' foods.

Even Dental Anaesthetic injections have been found to contain nano-tech.

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indeed .. and half these dissenting drs have taken anaesthetic recently from my observations :(

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Don't forget getting outside in nature and communing with our planet. We live in a fake environment which is not as we are designed to live, so all contact with our true home and natural environment strengthens and builds resilience. Get hands on plants, soil, trees etc and the microbiome sings with joy

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Dr Yeadon is without doubt an honourable man who will never be turned by the cabal! And I think you have pointed out very accurately all the many things that are happening deliberately to make people ill and that I would safely say is the cause of the worlds problems, not a simple and innocent spreading of colds and flu’s. I don’t know if you watched the James Delingpool interview with Dr Mike where he gives his

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Quite amazing article on this topic unless you've already had a chance to come across and read it 👋👍🙃🦘🙏


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I love Midwestern Doc!

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I adore MY, but very much agree with the gist of your comment

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The main issue that Tess and MY need to talk about is all cause mortality before the pandemic was declared, and what does this say about the existence and spread of a novel virus causing severe illness before the pandemic was declared? For this we can look at the work of Denis Rancourt e.g. this recent video https://t.me/Doctorsforcovidethics/1177 or this older article https://denisrancourt.ca/entries.php?id=9&name=2020_06_02_all_cause_mortality_during_covid_19_no_plague_and_a_likely_signature_of_mass_homicide_by_government_response. In 2021 I was interested in what the risk was of Covid-19, so I compared all cause mortality in 2020 with the average of the previous years, using England and Wales data. I found there was an increase in mortality, but I didn't check when that extra mortality occurred. Denis has done this.

They could discuss whether it has been proven that respiratory illnesses are transmissible and whether it has been proven that viruses exist, but this is a bit of a distraction from the above. To prove that respiratory illnesses are transmissible is really quite hard, as you would expect all your well subjects to have had some exposure to the infectious agent, which floats around freer than a bird. They may already be immune when you isolate them with a sick person and try and make them sick. Of course you would have to have a control where you isolate some other subjects with someone who is not clinically sick.

And the virus isolation issue could be discussed, but it a distraction from the core issue - if Covid is a disease we should be concerned about and we should learn how to treat, then why didn't it affect all cause mortality prior to a pandemic being declared?

But most of all remember no one is coming to save us and it is up to each of us to work to build a stronger face-face community.

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You've got good head on your shoulders! I had bought into the 'no virus' thing but idk, will have to revisit it. Can't go with him on his present course. Ivermectin✓

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Hi Forest

I've an alternative explanation for the seasonal occurrence of colds and flu, you may find of interest.

Cold air holds the least moisture.

Dry air causes dehydration of the respiratory mucosa.

If this is a small matter, a cold results as the mucosa goes into full production until the excess is flowing out our noses.

If this is a big matter, we are sent to bed with aches and pains as the body reclaims salt from all it's stores to boost the respiratory mucosa's recovery and the air conditioning role it provides the lungs.

The mucosa must condition the air we breathe so as it reaches the alveoli, the air must be at 100% humid or dew point.

The lung rehydrate the passing red blood cells in the alveoli capillaries with salt water. The moisture and salt arrive from the mucosa's ability to harvest moisture from the air. Salt is the drawing factor.

The red blood cells are rehydrated NOT oxygenated. In fact oxygen is the opposite of what the lungs require. Oxygen toxicity kills via its power to dehydrate.

The gaseous exchange is a left over from when men were discusses as machines.

We do not use gases of combustion and exhaust. We are not machine men.

We are vessels of salt water and balance our hydration NOT oxygenation.

The demonisation of salt has lead to the massive increase in chronic dis-ease.

Click on my blue icon if you are interested in reading my articles.

Yes, I tip over a few sacred cows because it's time to get salty and scrutinise all we were taught in our schooled daze. THEY are comfortable having every advantage by creating false narratives or LIES.

CV19 wasn't THEIR first rodeo, THEY have been playing us for fools for a long long time.

Let's change that!

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Dr. William Makis MD Aug 27, 2024

Ivermectin Success!


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Read before the joint meeting of the Section on Pharmacology and Therapeutics, the Section on Pathology and Physiology and the Section on Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the Seventieth Annual Session of the American Medical Association, Atlantic City, N. J., June, 1919.

Go to 2nd article: EXPERIMENTS TO DETERMINE MODE OF SPREAD OF INFLUENZA – I had found this once on the CDC and JAMA web sites but now they have been removed? – why? https://greatmountainpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Experiments-on-Flu-Spread-by-Rosenau.pdf

see Dr. Sam Bailey and Dr. Andrew Kaufman who explain what the exosomes do within our immune system. imo if the virus 'theory' gets blown apart, then the use of vax's will be stopped and the house of cards comes down?

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Dr Lawrie, you are an inspiration.

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AYE; hear HEAR !!

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Bless you Tess ! I've found you so balanced and reasonable and ethical throughout this covid insanity. You ask all the questions I want asked and you are willing to argue your stance. I hope you can keep it up it must be exhausting .

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Absolutely agree. Why can't I uptick comments?

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We can 'like' :) . I think we need to get the whole debate up to Tess' standards of integrity. Debate seems to have either turned nasty or ended entirely. Respectful debate over ivermectin or virus theory etc would still help us dont you think ?

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'You' obviously can 'like' a comment, but although I can comment, nothing happens if I try to 'like' a post. Why is that?

I absolutely agree about 'getting the whole debate up to Tess' standards of integrity.'

I have always been wary of Mike Yeadon and Dr. Robert Malone, though I welcome them coming out against Big Pharma. Mike Yeadon aappears to me to be a bit unhinged at times, possible the stress of knowing what Big Pharma, the US DoD, the Luciferian Globalists are doing (sterility & depopulation) and how the MSM are covering it up.

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well that is odd. I can generate likes .. hmmm. About a year ago debate seemed to end and people became cranky. Suddenly having to face practicalities i guess. Mike sounds very tired of all this so i dont blame him . He did speak out first here and it must have been difficult. He went on mainstream tv so he is a total hero. Him and Vernon Coleman . Not much reward for either of them for stepping up.

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Many good doctors, including Tess Lawrie and Dr. Makis, would LOVE to go on mainstream TV, but they are not blockrf by by the media, Big Time.

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as are Mike and Vernon now :(

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Thank you very much for standing up for us who defend your work by making this video. This shows your integrity in attacking it head on, out in the open. He won't take you up on this and frankly, you don't want him on your side going forward but I hope he does do a livestream with you so we can critically think for ourselves. He has gone off the deep end and has a vicious amount of followers who attack at every turn...especially the moderator/administrator of his Telegram channel. We saw his vitriol go against Robin M early on too and they were friends. Friends can disagree but Mike went full on hate....some friend. I think Mike Yeadon has been compromised, and is being played as a useful idiot by the very deep forces he rails against. They gave him the rodent study and sent him on his way knowing exactly what type of division he would sow.

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I was chucked off Mike Yeadon's Telegram channel, merely because I said we should not be bickering amongst ourselves because that plays into the tyrants' hands! The guy who chucked me off was an admin called Tim.

I tend to be in the no-virus camp and I'm not convinced that covid-19 was anything more than a fraud backed-up by psyops and iatrogenic harms. But even that did not stop me being cancelled. Because I agreed with early treatment - possibly with ivermectin - I was deemed to be asserting the existence of covid-19 and was serving the tyrants!

I am of the opinion that Mike Yeadon is essentially a good guy, and I followed him from the start of the pandemic fiasco. Unfortunately, he now has a tendency to see the negative in everything and everyone, goaded on by some fanatic followers - some feeding him dodgy dossiers like the ivermectin reports. These are not peer-reviewed and relate to overdoses to animals administered by injection, not orally as for onchocerciasis. I have sort of gone off injections over the last few years!

On the other hand, Tess Lawrie is positive, constructive, tolerant and open. Our energies are best put towards something constructive for the future of humanity. I do wish some of her qualities would rub off onto Mike Yeadon!

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Thank you for this. It is nice to hear from someone who does not believe in viruses yet doesn't want to tell people what to believe, insult them, their choices and demonize safe things, calling them poison.

I do believe in viruses and have no problem if someone believes different from me however the extreme backlash and barrage of logical fallacy arguments from NAV (Not A Virus) *who have no proof it isn't a virus* is exhausting and counterproductive, sewing division and at times, harming the movement to stop these sick globalists.

I've been away from substack for some time due to my son's health issues. Day one coming back, my first comment on Ana's page regarding spraying of polio vaccines, an NAV was relentless in their push for me to change my beliefs and everyone to dismiss me which feeds directly into the cabal's desire... for no one to be prosecuted for unleashing viruses onto us all, either through lab leak, GOF or vaccine contamination of cancer causing viruses, viruses that give people the disease they are meant to protect against.

I cannot even make a simple comment without being attacked by NAV. It is like an obsession to demand I change my beliefs, call me names, insinuate I am working for pharma because I don't agree. Meanwhile Yeadon actually worked for Pfizer.

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I am personally not convinced by either camps NAV or virus camp. It is just NOT black and white. I find that both sides have valid views, great explanations, compelling theories and all kind of "factual" data but still none of them can provide full, in details, complete satisfactory answer for all questions. Believing in viruses, to me makes sense a lot as modern medical science after discovering existence of bacterium soon found out that they are still not being able to control or stop various diseases...so has to be something beyond bacterium, much smaller as bacterium can " malfunction", get " infected"...

I kind of see "viruses" as not alive or dead, special nanoparticles, simple mRNA treads, ancient codes that were left after the cellular evolution which at one stage reached dead end, evolutionary molecular micro "space" junk. Human body with weakened and lowered immunity allows that junk trojan horse to enter the healthy cell, then it starts interacting with cellular machinery and itakes foreign proteins. Human body goes haywire, overreacts as foreign proteins start to appear in large numbers. Level and intensity of symptoms+ infectiousness is directly proportional to the metabolic health of individual. And basically that's where I am at in my understandings on this mattter

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You've basically summed up where I'm at too.

Viruses could be RNA sequences, or proteins, or agents of some sort (synthetic or biological). I like the idea of nanoparticles or ancient codes. There's clearly a differentiation vs bacteria or parasites in some instances, but as you note, other times it's not so clear. It may be that some diseases have been wrongly attributed to one or the other.

It's also the case that similar clusters of symptoms can have multiple causes, but modern medicine likes to conflate things so they are designated to be a single disease and therefore there is a bigger pool of patients to treat. In fact, many diseases are really "syndromes" (a collection of symptoms). This is the case with many autoimmune conditions, psychiatric diagnoses, and probably flu-like illnesses too.

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Viruses, shmiruses! Whatever, they injected us (one way or another - for the unjabbed, they got it in water, air (Chemtrails), 'shedding', in food) with if not viruses, with nano-tech, 'Spike Protein', mRNA and DNA, toxic 'adjuvants', lipid nanoparticles, and assorted contaminants.

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THERE IS MISDIRECTED COMPASSION HERE. People who do not call other people out ...when they lie or spread ..Mis-information think they are being ..RIGHTIOUS. NO, they are only thinking of themselves.

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You sound a bit like Kier Starmer there.

There are reasonable, polite and respectful ways of calling people out, and then there's bullying, indoctrination, struggle sessions, re-education camps, name calling, and psychological torture.

I prefer having the chap around for a cup of tea and a friendly chat to see where we agree and where we disagree.

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Another NAV fanatic, I assume?

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Very well said sir! That was his name...thank you. He kicked me off for the very same reasons aka early treatments worked for my loved ones, and that I didn't believe the no virus theory because many of my friends got sick with non typical flu type symptoms, and I said there is nothing positive to come about with this insider bickering and that we have bigger fish to fry and this argument isn't it. Tim took great pains and joyous glee in repeatedly telegramming me along with signaling that he was in charge and that he had to power to block me from the channel and delete every comment I made so that no one would read it. He even gave me a countdown to when he booted me This happened many months ago and frankly I moved on until today. This next line goes out to Tim aka Yeadon admin team and his minions who can share this with him. Someday our paths will cross as its inevitable since these are small circles and I get around. I'm not interested in debates, studies, or peer reviewed literature...you made it personal and so will I.

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The fact that one may be sick with non typical flu-like symptoms or even more severe symptoms than the usual flu does not prove that a virus (such as Covid) caused those symptoms and such belief does not debunk the "no virus theory"; but real evidence is found in the fact that the "virus" has never been cultured and isolated by anyone, anywhere in spite of claims to the contrary; McCullough makes the same case as you do while claiming that the "virus" was cultured and isolated by the Chinese and fully identified...which is quite simply and clearly NOT the case!

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The problem is, it doesn't prove it isn't a virus either. If someone has experienced a viral like illness spreading through their family and friends, something with an incubation period after direct contact, experienced this over and over and over (my husband caught covid 5xs from others who were sick) who has a right to gaslight them and demand they deny the existence of contagion? Who has a right to diagnose someone with something that does not fit the disease presentation? Who has a right to say it is all EMF when EMF didn't exist back when I got chicken pox as a child and every flu virus circulating at school. What right does anyone have to distort other people's reality, say what they are allowed to use as proof of their personal illness as if they are the arbiters of truth and gatekeepers of my family's health and disease?

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Have you personally ever researched virus isolation?For example people who don't believe in viruses throw out the excuse that they are cultured in monkey kidney cells. Do you know why they use monkey kidney cells? In the 1960's they found a monkey kidney cells line that did not have interferon alpha. The cells could not fight off viral infections and were therefore perfect for replicating viruses.

Not only does this backup how important the immune system is and it's production of interferon alpha in order to fight infections, it also shows why some people are more susceptible than others.Why not every single person who becomes infected?Develop symptoms or gets severely sick.Because each one of us has a unique immune system.

Every part of virus isolation and replication has logical reasons. Those who do not want to take the time to understand who want to call it very unreasonable and complex are welcome to do so but it doesn't make them arbiters of truth

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Thank you for taking the time to explain the ground truths.

For others who are on the fence, take a trip to PubMed and search for "virus human" and limit the date range to max 2019 if you want to ignore covid.

You will see that a LOT of published peer reviewed papers describe the MANY aspects of viral research. Many of the researchers have no conflicts of interest (some surely have in some direction) yet viruses are studied because they behaves like a virus.

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As per another message, this channel is for disaffected Yeadon supporters who have been banned by the demagogue Tim West.

And anyone else whol likes mature & polite debate without being banned.

It'd be good to see Dr Lawrie on there as well.


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Hear, hear!

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I've been banned by Tim West from everything he can chuck me from. Telegram and Substack channels. The man is an ignorant pig who cannot stand being contradicted or argued with. I think he had undue and coercive influence over Dr Yeadon, which is damaging his message. There is a new Independent Discussion channel starting which posts Dr Yeadon's posts for mature & polite debate without bans. It is in its infancy but deserves support and might just wake Dr Yeadon up a bit.

He's being very badly advised by fools.


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Yes Tim the admin guy is certainly not doing Dr Yeadon’s channel any favours, he is at times downright rude and so so opinionated to the point where anyone who dares to disagree even slightly is met with a condescending response, he’s right and everyone else is point blank wrong and obviously not up to his level of intelligence! But this is the thing that lets me know that he, or timtruth, are not Dr Yeadon! I’ve watched Dr Yeadon in several interviews and it’s my opinion that he doesn’t embrace being on the stage or the centre of attention, he looks uncomfortable when the attention is solely on him because basically I think he’s just a shy and unassuming man, unlike admin Tim who wears a fake wig in his profile pic! If a person is confident in the truth they speak then they shouldn’t need to hide behind a disguise unless of course he’s a crossdresser!🧐

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I’m a follower of Dr Yeadon and have never been vicious!

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I used to be a follower of Dr. Yeadon also. At one point we had good discussions. He had an excellent understanding of why elderly cannot build immunity to vaccines. He understands the thymus importance and immunesenenscence in elderly and immunocompromized. Then suddenly he connected with people who don't believe in viruses and his beliefs evolved into not believing in Respiratory viruses, then, when questioned extensively on his lack of belief in viruses ability to infect the Respiratory tract in immunocompromized, he decided viruses do not exist at all and he made a telling statement to me one day inferring believing in viruses isn't beneficial to the cause. Therefore he decided to stray from all his previous knowledge and beliefs to attack anyone who does believe in viruses and treats sick people in need of help. He vascillates from what appears to be a humble, downtrodden, clueless ex-Pfizer rep... to his alter ego Tim Truth, a man who makes fun of and attacks others for their beliefs, attributing bad motives to everything they do, not giving any acknowledgement that actual sick people who needed help were being helped by FLCCC. As if FLCCC turning these people away was the right thing to do. Taking away options and demonizing ivermectin is more important than helping people.

How many lives has Tim Truth saved in his Pfizer career? How many is he saving now demonizing doctors who helped others?

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You put so well what has happened to Mike. I had no idea all these discussions were going on, as I don't look at Telegram etc. But I noticed he was a bit prickly in the Delingpole discussion and assumed it was just me! I think you're spot-on with the Tim Truth thing! I believe Mike is INFJ personality type, as am I. They are sensitive people with integrity and are good at seeing patterns. Unfortunately we can sometimes make patterns erroneously! And also become obsessive and uncompromising. A very unhealthy INFJ was Hitler! I can see all these things in myself, where I'm a sweet and lovely, highly empathetic person (sometimes to my detriment) but if I go off-balance, I become closed-minded and a 'martyr to the cause', proselytising and shutting everyone out, if they disagree. This used to be unusual for me, but more common since 2021 and, more recently, all the crap that's happening in the UK. I think Mike's behaviour is a sign that he isn't coping very well. He will be taking everything to heart and feeling it deeply, which will make him dig his heels in further. He won't want to hear anything that contradicts his carefully constructed view of the world (like most people, only worse!)

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"He vascillates from what appears to be a humble, downtrodden, clueless ex-Pfizer rep... to his alter ego Tim Truth, a man who makes fun of and attacks others for their beliefs, attributing bad motives to everything they do..."

Oh this is really interesting. Do you believe that those unpleasant tweets from years back which were supposedly unearthed -- and which he claims were a result of hacking and falsely planted -- were actually legit? To be clear: I believe in freedom of speech and I never thought that those tweets, if true, should have discredited him as a voice on covid. But now I'm just starting to wonder if his claiming that he was hacked and that he never posted those tweets was just a lie.

I have always respected the guy but I do remember an interaction with him on Substack where he commented on a Joel Smalley article saying something dismissive like "Well there was no virus circulating". I asked him if he could please clarify what he meant, and he wrote back something snappy and didn't offer an explanation at all.

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Absolutely. Tim West/,Tim Truth got on my page shortly after I posted these comments and I called him Yeadon. He got so passed he cussed me put, called me the cabal's wet dream and said I am "endangering his children with what I said." If this isn't an admission of TT/TW being Yeadon I'm not sure what is. I told him that and he didn't respond. He didn't respond to a lot of my good questions either, just like Yeadon, avoiding what he doesn't want to acknowledge.

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This was very revealing post, thank you!

I have a question, if you don't mind. When you say "his alter ego Tim Truth", are you implying that Mike Yeadon and Tim Truth are synonymous?

I must say, I had never considered that possibility. It would make him a Jekyll and Hyde character.

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Hi Tim,

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply Dr Yeadon and TimTruth are one and the same. Far from it.

TimTruth doesn't seem to understand the basic essence of what makes something toxic, which is the amount of the something.

It's very simple, and why Dr Yeadon has been bamboozled by the massive overinterpretations of TT is a huge puzzle to me.

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Ralph, I totally agree. The dose makes the poison. Also, people will be judged by who they associate with, and Mike Yeadon is associating with some extremely intolerant people. Both Tim Truth and Tim West have proven themselves far too willing to remove comments they disagree with, which means it's pointless trying to communicate with them.

Interestingly, there is another Substack site run by someone who calls himself Suavek, who is dedicated to publishing MIke Yeadon's comments, which I think is a very commendable and useful service. Also Suavek writes in a more tolerant and reasonable tone than either TT or TW, so I think this is a different individual. However, I posted a comment on Suavek's Substack today politely questioning the "No Virus" theory and stating that during "2020, many people were very sick", as I know for a fact as some of my own neighbors and friends here in rural Japan were very sick and had to be hospitalized with severe respiratory conditions, including one in their 40s and one in their 50s, and the host deleted it.

The host then posted a response that "My entire Substack is piecing together the most important evidence of medical fraud and the non-existence of "Covid". If someone writes "friendly" comments claiming that "many people were very sick", they are just spreading fraudulent state propaganda. In this comment, the confusion of readers was clearly observable as the primary goal. Again, there were no compelling counterarguments that could refute the arguments of the article, just a very thin one, but more on that later. I suspect that these people use scripts that are very similar for months and are later changed depending on current needs. For some time now, I have been seeing relatively long comments that contain small "smoke grenades" inside, like this: "Many people were very sick...". It seems that the 77th Brigade expects that the long comment will be quickly skimmed over by the author of the article and the small "smoke grenade" will be overlooked."

So, according to this "truth-seeker", I am spreading State propaganda and working for the 77th Brigade.

I also mentioned that some people had raised the question that cancer might be caused by parasites. I didn't support this position but merely cited it as a possible reason why anti-parasitics such as ivermectin might be effective in treating cancer.

In reply to this, the host continued: " Interestingly, there was a claim here, which I know from Tess ( Dr. Tess Lawrie ? ), that "cancer is caused by parasites" ( https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannelChat/120337 ) and should therefore be treated with IVM. Although the commentator was able to reproduce this specific detail, he was completely ignorant of the basics of medical fraud (no particular health threat in 2020 / no "Covid"). A normal person in 2024 now knows the most important basics of medical lies, but he cannot always know all the details because he often does not have the time for that. If it is the other way around, as is the case here, then the suspicion is that this is a pre-written script that an unsuspecting agent is working with. If I am wrong, please correct me and provide arguments to the contrary."

I would been happy to have continued to explore the issue of whether parasites might cause cancer with Suavek, but that fact that he deleted my original comment meant that I was not longer prepared to discuss anything more with him, because I will no longer engage with people who delete my comments if they don't agree with them. That's one red line I won't let anyone cross. I told Suavek that I was very disappointed because I had thought they were more reasonable than Tim Truth or Tim West, and that I would report about how I had been treated whether the opportunity arose. I also told Suavek not to bother to write to me again because any email from them would go straight to my junk folder. And I deleted my subscription to that stack.

So, it seems Mike Yeadon is surrounded by three cyberbullies who delete or ban commentators who don't toe whatever party line they are peddling—including at least one who attributes any effort to question the tenets as proof of membership in some State propaganda organization.

My current question is, Could this be a tacit admission by way of projection that these people themselves are working for State propaganda organization, or are they just being paranoid? Either way, at the end of the day, I expect that they won't end up with a very broad church or a very large congregation.

I have stated that I have a lot of respect for Mike Yeadon, but I have no respect for TT or TW, I have to judge people by the company they keep. As my old granny told me, "birds of a feather flock together." As for Suavek, my attitude is that people who cavalierly delete my very reasonable and polite comments and then smear me for good measure are contemptible.

I would never try to censor opinions just because I disagree with them. I moderated and wrote for a political site for many years and when people posted differing opinions, or even if they used insults or became abusive, I would simply counter the opinions and give them a dose of their own medicine. People who run blogs or stack can censor whoever they want, but I certainly won't hang around places where that happens as a default measure for dealing with differences of opinion or inconvenient questions.

And just to show there are no hard feelings on my side, here is an introduction to Suavek's Substack for anyone who is interested in checking it out. If you drop by, just tell them "Tim Groves" sent you!


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Hi Tim,

First off I completely agree with your take on TT & TW.

Also, I still believe MY to be an honourable man - BUT (again I agree) he is being ill advised by the above duo.

As to Sauvek, my contact with him has been recent and limited. He and MY seem to be a mutual appreciation society, but other than this I have no knowledge of his veracity.

He has also been banned by TW in the past but possibly because of his uncritical support for MY he is back in the fold.

If I have a criticism of Sauvek, it his uncritical support for MY against all odds.

Whilst I am banned from the MY channels, he has personally replied to a direct quote from one of my posts on Sauvek's channel and taken issue with it. I have no right of redress, which would be quite easy, were MY to reinstate me on his channels as requested.

However, I don't think he is on charge any more. Perhaps he should consider a move to Stockholm? Sad.

There are other stalwarts out there like the Bailey's, Cowan et al, but every authoratative voice is important and MY is in danger if being further marginalised with some of his latest unsupportable comments.

I note he is now backtracking most ungraciously from his "most vicious anti-fertility" garbage about IVM.

Go figure...

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Yes. Tim Truth is Yeadon. If someone can add receipts to my comment I would be most grateful. I was shown links that tie them together but unfortunately I don't have them.

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Thank you!

If this turns out to be true and verifiable, will be all over for Mike Yeadon's credibility. He's been presenting Tim Truth as a separate individual who fed him a dossier.

I had suspected that Tim Truth might be Tim the admin man at Mike's Telegram and Substack sites.

I can't wrap my head around this. It's too early in the morning here.

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I think Tim Truth and Tim West are far more likely to be one and the same.

It'd be wrong for there to be two different people who can write such rubbish.

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Wow. There's a plot twist I didn't see coming. I haven't followed Yeadon for some time and I'm not on Telegram. Definitely a lot to wrap ones mind around.

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Seriously!!!!! Please don’t tell me someone else has sold out, I would have staked my life on Dr Yeadon being an honest man and until proven otherwise I will continue to keep the faith.

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I still consider Dr Yeadon to be the epitomy of honesty and integrity.

His close advisor(s) are another matter.

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I think he is on a heroes mission. He thinks he is saving lives denying viruses exist according to comments he has made to me, insinuations. I don't know the man though I only know how he ignored my questions. To me, anyone who has faith in any man or woman who puts themselves in a position of authority as a gatekeeper over truth is setting themselves up for possible disappointment. Faith is a personal thing though. 🙏 peace

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I really hope not.

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Dr Lawrie comes across as rational and balanced and I have highest respect for her for consistency and being a tough cookie in face of tremendous pressure from the toxic mRNA vaccine Cabal. Bless her together with Drs Kory, Marik and Peter McCullough, outstanding pillars of evidence based real sciences.

Please continue with holding the fort and not get side tracked with distractions from egoistic personnel and captured entities of Big pHARMas

Brisbane Qld

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Oh is that why the Telegram channel used to be Robin M and Mike Y and then it was no longer the both of them?

I don't follow this stuff too closely and I never really knew what the backstory was.

I feel Yeadon was still "on point" about 18 months ago when he explained on Delingpod why the injections were toxic by design. But since then or thereabouts, it appears he's become increasingly dogmatic and radicalised, for lack of better words.

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Right about the time Tim West got his claws into Dr Yeadon. Pure coincidence, of course.

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the LOIVE of MONEY ....is Rampant......This is very scary. Don't they realize that soon ...money will be valueless.....FOOD will be.... the life saving item. Do 't they fear.....GOD ? Do they really BELIEVE in HIM ? What the Globalists are doing to Children...is DIABOLICAL. We do need a ...CHASETISEMENT.... and it will NOT be soon enough. Too, much ....PAIN out there.

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THANK YOU, TESS! This is just what needs to happen to clear the air and allow us to move forward without rancor and mistrust that will only serve to undermine our efforts to stop the assault on humanity being waged by the global cabal.

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Please do talk to Dr Mike Yeadon, I think he is damning you all as the dangerous covid shot is still being pushed on people. Success will be when the mRNA platform is damned and the injured are helped not gaslit.

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I greatly admire you Dr. Lawrie and Mike Yeadon- and have followed you both since early on in the pandemic. You are so right in saying that we must be unified, not infighting, as the globalists would prefer.

There are surely multiple people out there who would enjoy the ratings boost to their podcast, by hosting you both in a debate format. It's just a matter of selecting the best option- and getting Mike on board. I hope he will. He kind of owes it to our movement, for the sake of unity.

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Perhaps it is time to just ignore Dr. Yeadon, who seems increasingly strange in his pronouncements. I thought he was originally a voice for sanity. That is no longer the case, but I suppose he still has a following. He lost me with his, to my mind, extremely unlikely, views quite a while back. I am being polite here.

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I don’t understand his stance, clearly you are or should be standing shoulder to shoulder, please Dr Yeadon, clarify your position asap. Thank you Tess for opening the dialogue, I pray he accepts & this is resolved 🤞

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I always thought Dr Yeadon was the rational voice of reason when it came to this global disasterous agenda! Dr Lawrie thank you for fighting so hard for medical righteousness. Hope this discussion of you two brilliant minds occurs. Share with the world your thoughts on true freedom and justice!

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Why not do a Zoom call, which can happen from anywhere, and can also easily be recorded? That way, there's really no excuse, because he can do it en route if he's traveling or on a lunch break.

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I hope you can clarify that ivermectin is not dangerous in normal dosages.

I hope he can clarify that "viral" pandemics are bs.

Maybe both of you can learn from this.

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What is it that he doesn’t agree with you about, he was one of the first people that made my ears prick up about the Covid scam when I heard him being interviewed on BBC radio 2 before he was silenced?

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He was on BBC? When was that?

I know he was on TalkRadio a couple times

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You are great - good luck. I hope Mike accepts and look forward to hearing what you both have to say.

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It gets more confusing by the day! I’ve been saying since 2021 that we all should be n the same page!! If they keep us divided then they win!! Honestly I do not know who or what to believe anymore!! My dog has been on ivermectin for 9 years!! Every month! Now fertility is not an issue for him but the harms supposedly caused by ivermectin that I was reading by Tim truth!! Insane!! Then you have all these doctors claiming it’s now a cancer cure!! And vitamins being toxic!!! That’s a new one recently I’ve been taking supplements like 10 years Now today I read collagen causes bleeding!!! Been on that for like 8 years. I have always respected Dr Yeadon along with many other doctors on substack who were exposing the covid shots!! It does seem that covid has turned into a money maker for so so many!! I just think if all these doctors got together and had unity that maybe we could get the MRNA products off the market but everyone seems to have their own agenda. I do hope Dr Tess and Dr Yeadon talk this out in a rational debate. The truth is somewhere in the middle!

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But haven’t we all come to realise that the things we believed our whole lives have now been totally inverted.

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Yes but some people are now claiming that EVERYTHING is a psyop.

Just yesterday I saw someone get 40 likes on a substack comment claiming that all serial killers are mind-controlled government agents.

These types of claims without substantial research or evidence to back them up are just lazy conjecture and armchair alarmism. At some point, how is this different to the people who thought they'd get covid from their groceries, or those who travel around with HEPA filters?

Don't get me wrong, we should question most -- if not all -- of what we think we know, but if we become gripped by fear that everything is fake and that everything around us is perpetually poisoning us, I don't see how we make sense of left & right and move forward in any meaningful way.

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The toxic vitamin story is recent and hasn't even come from the pharmacy cartel (that we know of).

Naturally, it's bollocks.

You might as well stop eating if anyone believes this nonsense.

If we stop taking alternatives to Rockerfellian drugs then what remedies do we have?

Depleted food full of chemicals?

They control the food, they control the water, they control the air, they control the radiation.

What exactly is left for us to combat these poisons?

Are they going to say Mrs Greaves Herbal is also nonsense? She knew stuff about herbs they are just now "discovering".

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