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I used to be a follower of Dr. Yeadon also. At one point we had good discussions. He had an excellent understanding of why elderly cannot build immunity to vaccines. He understands the thymus importance and immunesenenscence in elderly and immunocompromized. Then suddenly he connected with people who don't believe in viruses and his beliefs evolved into not believing in Respiratory viruses, then, when questioned extensively on his lack of belief in viruses ability to infect the Respiratory tract in immunocompromized, he decided viruses do not exist at all and he made a telling statement to me one day inferring believing in viruses isn't beneficial to the cause. Therefore he decided to stray from all his previous knowledge and beliefs to attack anyone who does believe in viruses and treats sick people in need of help. He vascillates from what appears to be a humble, downtrodden, clueless ex-Pfizer rep... to his alter ego Tim Truth, a man who makes fun of and attacks others for their beliefs, attributing bad motives to everything they do, not giving any acknowledgement that actual sick people who needed help were being helped by FLCCC. As if FLCCC turning these people away was the right thing to do. Taking away options and demonizing ivermectin is more important than helping people.

How many lives has Tim Truth saved in his Pfizer career? How many is he saving now demonizing doctors who helped others?

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You put so well what has happened to Mike. I had no idea all these discussions were going on, as I don't look at Telegram etc. But I noticed he was a bit prickly in the Delingpole discussion and assumed it was just me! I think you're spot-on with the Tim Truth thing! I believe Mike is INFJ personality type, as am I. They are sensitive people with integrity and are good at seeing patterns. Unfortunately we can sometimes make patterns erroneously! And also become obsessive and uncompromising. A very unhealthy INFJ was Hitler! I can see all these things in myself, where I'm a sweet and lovely, highly empathetic person (sometimes to my detriment) but if I go off-balance, I become closed-minded and a 'martyr to the cause', proselytising and shutting everyone out, if they disagree. This used to be unusual for me, but more common since 2021 and, more recently, all the crap that's happening in the UK. I think Mike's behaviour is a sign that he isn't coping very well. He will be taking everything to heart and feeling it deeply, which will make him dig his heels in further. He won't want to hear anything that contradicts his carefully constructed view of the world (like most people, only worse!)

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"He vascillates from what appears to be a humble, downtrodden, clueless ex-Pfizer rep... to his alter ego Tim Truth, a man who makes fun of and attacks others for their beliefs, attributing bad motives to everything they do..."

Oh this is really interesting. Do you believe that those unpleasant tweets from years back which were supposedly unearthed -- and which he claims were a result of hacking and falsely planted -- were actually legit? To be clear: I believe in freedom of speech and I never thought that those tweets, if true, should have discredited him as a voice on covid. But now I'm just starting to wonder if his claiming that he was hacked and that he never posted those tweets was just a lie.

I have always respected the guy but I do remember an interaction with him on Substack where he commented on a Joel Smalley article saying something dismissive like "Well there was no virus circulating". I asked him if he could please clarify what he meant, and he wrote back something snappy and didn't offer an explanation at all.

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Absolutely. Tim West/,Tim Truth got on my page shortly after I posted these comments and I called him Yeadon. He got so passed he cussed me put, called me the cabal's wet dream and said I am "endangering his children with what I said." If this isn't an admission of TT/TW being Yeadon I'm not sure what is. I told him that and he didn't respond. He didn't respond to a lot of my good questions either, just like Yeadon, avoiding what he doesn't want to acknowledge.

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This was very revealing post, thank you!

I have a question, if you don't mind. When you say "his alter ego Tim Truth", are you implying that Mike Yeadon and Tim Truth are synonymous?

I must say, I had never considered that possibility. It would make him a Jekyll and Hyde character.

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Hi Tim,

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply Dr Yeadon and TimTruth are one and the same. Far from it.

TimTruth doesn't seem to understand the basic essence of what makes something toxic, which is the amount of the something.

It's very simple, and why Dr Yeadon has been bamboozled by the massive overinterpretations of TT is a huge puzzle to me.

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Ralph, I totally agree. The dose makes the poison. Also, people will be judged by who they associate with, and Mike Yeadon is associating with some extremely intolerant people. Both Tim Truth and Tim West have proven themselves far too willing to remove comments they disagree with, which means it's pointless trying to communicate with them.

Interestingly, there is another Substack site run by someone who calls himself Suavek, who is dedicated to publishing MIke Yeadon's comments, which I think is a very commendable and useful service. Also Suavek writes in a more tolerant and reasonable tone than either TT or TW, so I think this is a different individual. However, I posted a comment on Suavek's Substack today politely questioning the "No Virus" theory and stating that during "2020, many people were very sick", as I know for a fact as some of my own neighbors and friends here in rural Japan were very sick and had to be hospitalized with severe respiratory conditions, including one in their 40s and one in their 50s, and the host deleted it.

The host then posted a response that "My entire Substack is piecing together the most important evidence of medical fraud and the non-existence of "Covid". If someone writes "friendly" comments claiming that "many people were very sick", they are just spreading fraudulent state propaganda. In this comment, the confusion of readers was clearly observable as the primary goal. Again, there were no compelling counterarguments that could refute the arguments of the article, just a very thin one, but more on that later. I suspect that these people use scripts that are very similar for months and are later changed depending on current needs. For some time now, I have been seeing relatively long comments that contain small "smoke grenades" inside, like this: "Many people were very sick...". It seems that the 77th Brigade expects that the long comment will be quickly skimmed over by the author of the article and the small "smoke grenade" will be overlooked."

So, according to this "truth-seeker", I am spreading State propaganda and working for the 77th Brigade.

I also mentioned that some people had raised the question that cancer might be caused by parasites. I didn't support this position but merely cited it as a possible reason why anti-parasitics such as ivermectin might be effective in treating cancer.

In reply to this, the host continued: " Interestingly, there was a claim here, which I know from Tess ( Dr. Tess Lawrie ? ), that "cancer is caused by parasites" ( https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannelChat/120337 ) and should therefore be treated with IVM. Although the commentator was able to reproduce this specific detail, he was completely ignorant of the basics of medical fraud (no particular health threat in 2020 / no "Covid"). A normal person in 2024 now knows the most important basics of medical lies, but he cannot always know all the details because he often does not have the time for that. If it is the other way around, as is the case here, then the suspicion is that this is a pre-written script that an unsuspecting agent is working with. If I am wrong, please correct me and provide arguments to the contrary."

I would been happy to have continued to explore the issue of whether parasites might cause cancer with Suavek, but that fact that he deleted my original comment meant that I was not longer prepared to discuss anything more with him, because I will no longer engage with people who delete my comments if they don't agree with them. That's one red line I won't let anyone cross. I told Suavek that I was very disappointed because I had thought they were more reasonable than Tim Truth or Tim West, and that I would report about how I had been treated whether the opportunity arose. I also told Suavek not to bother to write to me again because any email from them would go straight to my junk folder. And I deleted my subscription to that stack.

So, it seems Mike Yeadon is surrounded by three cyberbullies who delete or ban commentators who don't toe whatever party line they are peddling—including at least one who attributes any effort to question the tenets as proof of membership in some State propaganda organization.

My current question is, Could this be a tacit admission by way of projection that these people themselves are working for State propaganda organization, or are they just being paranoid? Either way, at the end of the day, I expect that they won't end up with a very broad church or a very large congregation.

I have stated that I have a lot of respect for Mike Yeadon, but I have no respect for TT or TW, I have to judge people by the company they keep. As my old granny told me, "birds of a feather flock together." As for Suavek, my attitude is that people who cavalierly delete my very reasonable and polite comments and then smear me for good measure are contemptible.

I would never try to censor opinions just because I disagree with them. I moderated and wrote for a political site for many years and when people posted differing opinions, or even if they used insults or became abusive, I would simply counter the opinions and give them a dose of their own medicine. People who run blogs or stack can censor whoever they want, but I certainly won't hang around places where that happens as a default measure for dealing with differences of opinion or inconvenient questions.

And just to show there are no hard feelings on my side, here is an introduction to Suavek's Substack for anyone who is interested in checking it out. If you drop by, just tell them "Tim Groves" sent you!


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Hi Tim,

First off I completely agree with your take on TT & TW.

Also, I still believe MY to be an honourable man - BUT (again I agree) he is being ill advised by the above duo.

As to Sauvek, my contact with him has been recent and limited. He and MY seem to be a mutual appreciation society, but other than this I have no knowledge of his veracity.

He has also been banned by TW in the past but possibly because of his uncritical support for MY he is back in the fold.

If I have a criticism of Sauvek, it his uncritical support for MY against all odds.

Whilst I am banned from the MY channels, he has personally replied to a direct quote from one of my posts on Sauvek's channel and taken issue with it. I have no right of redress, which would be quite easy, were MY to reinstate me on his channels as requested.

However, I don't think he is on charge any more. Perhaps he should consider a move to Stockholm? Sad.

There are other stalwarts out there like the Bailey's, Cowan et al, but every authoratative voice is important and MY is in danger if being further marginalised with some of his latest unsupportable comments.

I note he is now backtracking most ungraciously from his "most vicious anti-fertility" garbage about IVM.

Go figure...

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I've just been blocked by Suavek after he posted crap about me.

Are they ALL insane?

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My take is that they are all anally retentive retards who have no intention of ever growing to maturity and control freaks who enjoy wielding and exercising the power to censor and ban anyone who dares to question or depart from their version of the supreme truth.

Leaving them alone and letting them run their little corner of the Substack-o-sphere without interference is probably the best way of assuring they are safely occupied and not getting into or causing trouble in the grownup world outside.

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I think there is certainly the "wanting to be a big fish in the little pond" syndrome at play. Some of them certainly suit this paradigm, but Yeadon WAS a big fish.

He's slowly turning himself into a smaller one, whether by design or due to the skill of his handler I wouldn't like to say.

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Thank you, Ralph. I appreciate your sharing your experiences and impressions on this.

We're living at a time when ordinary people have unprecedented opportunities to communicate, discuss things, and "do their own research", and I'm very grateful for that.

But at the same time, this amazing access to information at our fingertips allows anyone to pretend and possibly to convince themselves that they are an expert, and also to show off their expertise to anyone who's interested. I sense a sort of mental "cosplay" at work in all three of these people presenting MY's views. And the fact that they all take a "Starmeresque" attitude dissent tells me that they are authoritarians who cannot tolerate any dissent or counterargument whatsoever.

It is pretty rich that MY, who is always complaining about being one of the most censored and deplatformed voices attacking the official narrative on Covid, the Vax and Everything, is happy to have his material presented by people who are quick to delete inconvenient comments and ban commenters while slurring them as State propaganda agents. Yes, it does have a whiff of Stockholm Syndrome about it.

I think Mike and his audience would be far better served if he posted his ideas and opinions on a blog or on his own website—I think he can afford to set one up independently—and just putting his stuff out on that, with or without allowing comments. There's no need for Facebook, X, Wordpress, Substack, Telegram or whatever. And it is counterproductive to allow comments if you only want to hear from people who agree with you.

One of my favorite books is Games People Play by Eric Berne. If Eric was around in our era, he could have a field day analyzing the games played by social media operatives. I suppose banning people is the online equivalent of "It's My Ball and I'm Going Home!"


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This is cut & pasted from the MY solo chat channel from Tim West. He's either completely insane or it's some kind of sick joke.

"Trump is the saviour of us all. I have a friend who works for him so I know this for a fact. When Trump shits it comes out as mango sorbet.

He cleverly hides behind the mask of a repulsive Zionist Masonist deep state cabal puppet as a ploy.

He started operation Warp speed to save lives - using 4th dimensional logic this is obvious.

Trump and Blair are the reincarnations of the Archangels Gabriel and Michael.

I have a Trump shaped toilet roll holder. I can’t get enough of him.

He makes Jesus look like Shaking Stevens."

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Ralph, please excuse the long delay in this response.

Actually, I think this rant by Tim West is a little over the top, but not certifiably so for a significant portion of the cleverer members of the British and Irish populations. They tend to go rather heavy on sarcasm. And I believe the more established UK universities use to teach this kind of rhetorical technique a long time ago. Perhaps the British picked it up from the Ancient Greeks.

At school in the 1970s, I had a physics teacher who enjoyed ridiculing some of his pupils, including me, using a milder form of what West has done above. These days it would be called child abuse, but back then it was just the teacher being a smart arse.

John Cleese as Basil Fawlty was a prime exponent of the art as a form of comedy. It would be rare to meet someone as fluent in sarcasm laced with irony as Fawlty in real life. But perhaps Tim West fancies himself as a talented comedian and is modelling his delivery on Cleese. The result, in any case, is that West comes across as unhinged, just like Fawlty does in the comedy series.

Wikipedia has a good article on Sarcasm, in which the following appears:

Professionals in psychology and related fields have long looked upon sarcasm negatively,[12][13] particularly noting that sarcasm tends to be a maladaptive coping mechanism for those with unresolved anger or frustrations. Psychologist Clifford N. Lazarus describes sarcasm as "hostility disguised as humor". While an occasional sarcastic comment may enliven a conversation, Lazarus suggests that too frequent use of sarcasm tends to "overwhelm the emotional flavor of any conversation".


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Hi Tim,

We had a saying where I grew up:

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

It can be the funniest as well, but the pivotal fact about using sarcasm is the recipient(s) of it must know it is sarcasm.

Otherwise it comes across as highly offensive or simple madness.

I had the unfortunate experience of "talking' with West in the Yeadon solo channel before he blocked me from it and everything else he could.

My major crime?

To point out his hypocrisy in banning another contributor for "umbrellaing" (his silly term) a racial/religious group when in his OWN previous post in the string he had done exactly the same to a VERY slightly different racial/religious group.

He may not be mad, but he is certainly unpleasant and irrational in my experience and if many others, also banned by him.

Read his garbage pink/green concept of truth. Listen to his music. Simply look at him.

I have now been branded a saboteur of Yeadon by Yeadon himself. If he knew me and what I have done in my life he would be deeply embarrassed. I offered to tell him but he declined. I don't even know if he gets to read his own messages with the control West has over him.

Yeadon has been increadingly inflammatory and somewhat irrational since West got involved with him. Just look at his comments on ivermectin and his childish response to Tess Lawrie, who took him to task.

It's like someone else is writing his script

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

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I totally agree with you about Mike's recent behaviour and I really don't know what to make of it. But I'm afraid he's no longer a reliable commentator as far as I'm concerned, even though I agree with a lot of what he says.

MIke is, however, comes across as very mild mannered and well-intentioned, which is in stark comparison with Tim West's insufferable arrogance and out-of-control ego.

I suppose MIke could be cracking up due to the pressure of living with "all that knowledge". Or he could be under some kind of mind control. Or he could be facing threats or blackmail. Or he could have been a willing participant in the op from Day 1. I seriously doubt the last possibility, but how can we tell really.

This past couple of months I've had some rather confrontational discussions with several people I know offline who reacted hysterically or hostilely and with the classic symptoms of psychological denial to my sincere attempts to explain points related matters covid and vaccine. This kind of shook me, and at the moment I am focusing on trying to learn more and get a better grasp of the subject than to try to educate or argue with other people.

I think a lot of people who took a lot of jabs have bought into the bamboozle so completely that they can't face the possibility that they might have been hoodwinked, let alone that they may have poisoned themselves and literally taken years off their lives. It seems almost cruel to challenge them about it.

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I once wrote to a friend that Yeadon is either:

a) seriously worried about being killed, and/or

b) been taken to Room 101, and/or

c) been handled very cleverly, and/or

d) is the best shill ever.

The only one I seriously doubt is the latter.

The other three are all possible, and something has changed. That's the only thing we know for certain.

I still find him an honourable man, but he lost my support when he accused me of being a saboteur of his channel.

He also defends West against any and all criticism. God knows I tried to tell him the damage West does to him but he's just not interested.

Sometimes I wonder if people just like allopreening and I'm not very good at preening myself, let alone others. I may be wrong sometimes but I'll always say what I think.

It has never done me any good. 😂

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I can't find a way to share the link from Telegram but there is a channel recently set up to discuss MY posts without interference or censorship from anyone. Called Independent Discussion Channel re Dr Mike Yeadon's posts, it's a safe haven from West et al and Orwellian censorship.

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Yes. Tim Truth is Yeadon. If someone can add receipts to my comment I would be most grateful. I was shown links that tie them together but unfortunately I don't have them.

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Thank you!

If this turns out to be true and verifiable, will be all over for Mike Yeadon's credibility. He's been presenting Tim Truth as a separate individual who fed him a dossier.

I had suspected that Tim Truth might be Tim the admin man at Mike's Telegram and Substack sites.

I can't wrap my head around this. It's too early in the morning here.

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I think Tim Truth and Tim West are far more likely to be one and the same.

It'd be wrong for there to be two different people who can write such rubbish.

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Wow. There's a plot twist I didn't see coming. I haven't followed Yeadon for some time and I'm not on Telegram. Definitely a lot to wrap ones mind around.

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This is Tim West, aka Timthagoras, Mike's admin man. Definitely not Mike in a wig!


But could this man also be Tim Truth?

Well, we know Mr. West is about as tolerant of dissent as Daarth Vader. And he calls his own Substack "Beyond Certainty", which is indicative of the sort of arrogant zealot who would be able to adopt a moniker such as Tim Truth without apparent irony.

Also, we know Mike doesn't have many friends these days. What are the odds that two of them are named Tim? :)

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Ok checked into this...Tim West appears to maybe perhaps be British but Tim Truth is an American. Tim Truth is definitely not Yeadon. Tim Truth has done interviews.

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Thank you! Yes, Tim West seems British to me, from his appearance.

And thanks to you, I've found a Bitchute video of Tim Truth interviewing Kevin McKairn, on vaccines and biowarfare, which I will listen to soon. It is three and a half hours long though.

From the voices, Tim Truth is American and Kevin McKairn is British.


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Yes. McCairn is British.

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I asked the person who told me about Y being TT if they know of anyone covering the "Yeadon is Tim Truth" situation right now. If they get back with me I will post it here.

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Seriously!!!!! Please don’t tell me someone else has sold out, I would have staked my life on Dr Yeadon being an honest man and until proven otherwise I will continue to keep the faith.

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I still consider Dr Yeadon to be the epitomy of honesty and integrity.

His close advisor(s) are another matter.

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I think he is on a heroes mission. He thinks he is saving lives denying viruses exist according to comments he has made to me, insinuations. I don't know the man though I only know how he ignored my questions. To me, anyone who has faith in any man or woman who puts themselves in a position of authority as a gatekeeper over truth is setting themselves up for possible disappointment. Faith is a personal thing though. 🙏 peace

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I really hope not.

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