Perhaps it is time to just ignore Dr. Yeadon, who seems increasingly strange in his pronouncements. I thought he was originally a voice for sanity. That is no longer the case, but I suppose he still has a following. He lost me with his, to my mind, extremely unlikely, views quite a while back. I am being polite here.
Perhaps it is time to just ignore Dr. Yeadon, who seems increasingly strange in his pronouncements. I thought he was originally a voice for sanity. That is no longer the case, but I suppose he still has a following. He lost me with his, to my mind, extremely unlikely, views quite a while back. I am being polite here.
Perhaps it is time to just ignore Dr. Yeadon, who seems increasingly strange in his pronouncements. I thought he was originally a voice for sanity. That is no longer the case, but I suppose he still has a following. He lost me with his, to my mind, extremely unlikely, views quite a while back. I am being polite here.