We need more heroes like Dr Mark Trozzi
He’s in the world’s emergency room doing what he can to keep our collective heart beating
Originally posted in May 2022. Cross-posted on 12 November 2023 following CPSO failings.
I was honoured to be highlighted as a ‘Covid hero’ by Dr Robert Malone on his Substack recently. It immediately brought another hero to mind, and I want to honour him in turn here today. Not just because he’s earned it (which he has), but also because he deserves recognition and our support.
You may already know him. Dr Mark Trozzi is an emergency room physician who’s been fighting public health disinformation and oppression since the beginning of the pandemic. He does this with the all-consuming energy and focus of an ER doctor doing all he can to keep his patient alive. In the early days, quite literally, since he was on call in multiple ERs, including a Covid-designated emergency department. So consider the absurdity that he was prevented from giving Covid patients the treatment they truly needed. His refusal to participate in unethical practices (including roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccines) made his position untenable and he had to resign.
While he quit his job, he did not quit the fight. Instead, he doubled down and has been working without pause to raise awareness about vaccine risks and the reality of Covid. Mark is from Canada, where tyranny’s boot has been stamping down particularly hard on its people these last two years. It’s not easy to turn your back on your career (and income) and face down such oppression. Yet that’s exactly what Mark has done, standing with the freedom truckers, calling out the injustices wreaked on them by their government, and doing whatever he can to help people. His website is full of useful and practical information about Covid-19 and how to stay healthy. He also volunteers his time and expertise with World Council for Health and is helping us to set up a new scientific journal.
Mark has given up a lot on behalf of us all. Knowing that he is on the frontline of this fight to save humanity helps me sleep at night. But I also worry about him. He works so hard and he needs our hands at his back. Please consider supporting him in his work. Do also visit his website – it’s a treasure trove of information.
Thank you, Mark. Thank you for everything you do.