Thank you for shining the spotlight on another unsung hero. It’s people like you and he and others who are fighting the good fight.

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The politicians called government and the pharma industry gangsters are deadly enemies of their own populations .It's not the Russians ,the Chinese and others often accused by the tyrants to be our enemies .Our own so called authorities are our deadly enemies ,who have killed and maimed and ruined ,millions .One of them was my brother ,who was murdered in a Canadian hospital in six short days ,when he entered with what he thought was a flu .Four people in their fifties next to my place died recently .Two of cancer and two of a heart attack .Was it murder by lethal injection .I noticed they did wear masks before they died ,so I surmise they took also the deadly shots . Heroic Doctors and some lawyers put up a fight for us ,but the evil forces more often than not are in a majority and powerful .The bottom line of all this is to exterminate us .If you don't believe it ,wait till they get to you ,it won't be long .

people next to me

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Sorry for your loss of your brother. Dealing with death is one thing, but dealing with an intentional death is much another thing.

Fauci killed my brother too during the AIDS epidemic and that almost destroyed me. I’m glad that I didn’t know that at the time and only found out years later.

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Since my brothers death ,something in me has also died .There is a profound difference ,dying of an illness ,or old age ,or be murdered .It's well known to the administrators of the death protocol that they commit murder for money .To treat a patient to make him better is a liability and it costs them money . Killing them is money in the bank .

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Yes Sam ,there are millions like us who can tell a similar horror story .

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It gives me such hope to hear about such heroes. I am in awe of you. God bless you both.

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Dr Trozzi’s latest video regarding the Pandemic Treaty and what a threat the WHO and IHR (International Health Regulations) are to humanity in a 1:18h discussion with two other doctors and a lawyer.


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You doctor's and scientists who are fighting for humanity are all hero's. Thank you.

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We also need more heroes like YOU, Tess :)...

Sorry, I didn't call you by your title; that is just because you are such a warm, kind and wonderful person and that beats all titles :-)!

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I have noticed genuine people don't need the ego validation of the trappings of their titles. But they may require it from people emoting disrespect.

I "second" your recognition. 🙂

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Here, here — I second the motion as well! Reading your comment reminded me of a high profile politician’s wife who I’ve read insists that her title be used … not a medical doctor or even one of the hard sciences!

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I agree Tess! Mark is a beautiful soul and has done so much to help educate Canada. Thank you Mark!

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Thank you for the awareness of yet another beautiful Soul who is holding the link of Humanity Strong… this light is shining brighter and brighter … and will reach the darkness … and when that occurs …we, All of us will see a better way forward emerge through the light! It is already happening ….God Bless Each and Everyone who is here to help Humanity Survive 🙏🌈

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Thanks for recognizing him Tess. I’ve not met him but have been equally impressed with his courage.

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Believe the capacity and finesse people like yourself and the fellow heroes & heroines you cite represent the highest of our present aspirations as humans. Your facility with care giving, true health awareness are impressive - along with your capacity to communicate in common sense language using graphics and the opportunities the internet provides us to be honest.

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Gratitude to all the brave professionals who speak out, and sympathy for those who don’t feel they can speak out, for whatever reason.

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Thank you. Just thank you.

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This and earlier posts are extraordinarily valuable in trying to restore integrity to the allopathic approach to health care (which addresses disease via drugs and vaccines). But they are not enough.

For superior resistance to falling ill in the first place, and for greater health, crucially needed is an extensive review of nutritional and other ways to strengthen the first two stages of the immune system (aka “innate”).

Stage one includes neutrophils, macrophages, and the like. They begin to go to work almost within minutes of the body’s detection of infection. Natural killer cells come in, as stage two, about three days after infection. Only after a week or two do antibodies, stage three, begin to form and work. When made healthy and strong by proper nutrition—the “complementary” approach, adding what is missing, completing the body’s needs—the first two stages can often preclude the need for drugs and vaccines.

Even when nutritional recommendations are made in the allopathic approach, they often lack something important. For example, although recommendations for vitamin D have become more common, usually lacking are recommendations also for adequate vitamin K2, magnesium, and vitamin A, all of which the body needs to make vitamin D work well. Further, they are treated as if they were allopathic drugs, such as employing black cumin seed (nigella sativa) only because compounds in it interfere with actions of the SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33746069/ And doses of such things as vitamin C are usually way too low for many uses. (Good for World Council for Health for giving one of Linus Pauling’s protocols. https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/vitamin-c-for-covid/ He later went to 12 grams in divided doses daily, bowel tolerance limited, to prevent infection in the first place.)

You can find “A fuller view of natural anti-infectives” in the health subsection of my new substack The Menelaus Gambit (Seeing Beneath the Illusions). https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/a-fuller-picture-of-natural-anti?s=w I have spent 50 years reading widely and using various techniques, first to ward off colds and flu, and then to ameliorate crippling and life-threatening consequences of the 1976 Swine Flu shot. The relevance is staggering.

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Thank you. Just thank you.

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Dr. Mark Trozzi is wonderful. The system is trying to spit out all the doctors who stood up for patients and against corrupt bureaucrats and against a system happy to kill our patients. Therefore he must be punished so no one dares do the same again.

We need to call out the system. What we have is public health and its henchmen who are happy to call down more death and destruction on the rest of us, "just following orders," while destroying the healthcare system at the same time.

We can't let them do this. It means saying NO as loudly as possible, every chance we get.

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Dr. Trozzi should consider moving to Alberta. I can't see Ontario or BC ever returning to pre-covidian days. Alberta and Saskatchewan are the only provinces left that have a hope in hell of remaining free.

My heart goes out to Dr. Trozzi. I hope he knows how many Canadians are grateful for his sacrifice.

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I'm not sure that Alberta would be a better location based on how Dr. William Makis has been treated there.

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Dr. Makis was not a practicing physician at the time which is why he was able to speak up in the first place. His license was never threatened. Premiere Smith has had conversations with him, so I don't know about you, but I see that as a positive.

Last week, Danielle Smith's government did a complete overhaul of Alberta Health Services. She's removed the power the upper management had, who were huge supporters of all things covid (masks, vaccines etc.) and created several new departments who report to the Minister of Health. Additionally, she has ensured, as she promised us, that there will never again be forced vaccinations, and the regulatory bodies who silenced doctors have also been dealt with.

It takes time to undo the controls that were put in place.

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Penny - you might want to listen to this video interview that appeared today (11/14/23) on Dr. Makis' substack . It may give you pause as to what is actually going on in Alberta...https://makismd.substack.com/p/interview-talk-truth-with-drwilliam

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Thanks for the link Debra. I watched the interview. I'm not surprised that they aren't letting him back into the clinics, and I'm not surprised that the college is threatening him if he treats people. It's sad but completely unsurprising. I was also not surprised when he said that the Minister of Health had no idea what was going on. She was only appointed to that position in Sept.

What I do know is that only 3700 people showed up at the UCP AGM to vote on policies - which included several covid policies such as unmuzzling doctors, never forcing vaccines again etc. While that was a historic number of people at any UCP convention and sent a message to the govt, it was still an unbelievably small number of people considering Alberta's population. If it's true that those of us who know are the silent majority, then perhaps more of us need to find the courage to speak a little louder.

I have to believe that Danielle Smith and her govt are doing what they can to find ways around the walls built by the NDP-appointed management within AHS because otherwise, there is no hope for any of us.

Those of us who have been harmed by covid and the whole plandemic want vindication. We want people to be publicly held accountable. We want the govt and the doctors to admit what they've done to us, but the odds of that happening are slim to none. Holding on to the anger will only harm us further - psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, and physiologically. We have to find a way to deal with what is in front of us and let go of the need to punish.

As I said, it takes time to turn things around.

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Though I am in the U.S., I have nevertheless been following many Canadian physicians from the beginning of the scamdemic. They are your country's heroes & salvation. Some of those doctors include Drs. Mark Trozzi, Chris Shoemaker, Daniel Nagase, Roger Hodkinson, Patrick Phillips, Chris Milburn, Laura Braden, Michael Palmer, Crystal Luchkiw, & Byram Bridle. Like many ethical doctors in the U.S. who tried to tell the truth about a great many things from the beginning & to save lives, they too have been persecuted & punished. As the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko demonstrated in March of 2020, covid was always a treatable infection. Even with the original virus, the survival rate was in excess of 99%. Even for those age 70+, the survival rate was 94.5%. There was never a need for a poorly tested experimental genetic product that is harming & killing people by the thousands. The acute, sub-acute, and long-term effects were & continue to be completely unknown. That any government would subject their citizens to such a product is reprehensible. That they would keep from them early out-patient treatment with re-purposed medications. proven to be safe, (such as HCQ & IVM) is just as reprehensible. I no longer trust any government, particularly western governments, to do the right thing by their citizens, in any capacity whatsoever. Likewise, I no longer trust our hospitals, who take their marching orders from our federal health agencies, to do the right thing by their patients. These governments all operated in lockstep with one another to oppress, demean, harm, and kill their citizens both by omission & by commission. I'm hoping to see all them pay dearly for their egregious transgressions. To add insult to injury, the Canadian government plans to make supplements harder to acquire. A U.S. Senator (Dick Durbin from Illinois) is trying to do likewise here. They are determined to keep people dependent upon Big Pharma, by any & all means possible. Between their regulations, mandates, & attempts to legislate, they have made much headway in recent years. When many elections appear to be rigged, the deck often seems to be stacked against the average citizen. Other than to stay informed & share information, there does not see to be much one can do - especially when so many prefer to remain either willfully blind or willfully ignorant.

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Agreed. I'm with you Debra.

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So much gratitude to each and everyone of you who stand for honour, truth, morals and respect for one and all.

The light each and everyone of you shine is breaking through the darkness ✨️

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