Aug 20, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Thank you so much for this. I’ve met Dr Wakefield and certainly believe him to be a man of high integrity who truly cares about the health and well-being of humans.

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Hi Tess and all,

Here is some information you will not have known and it is only being brought to light now on Euripides Substack.

Video & Audio Index: How the Case Against Andrew Wakefield Was Fixed – In Eight Steps A 21st Century Medical Controversy


This is an account of one of the worst and most extensive examples of official misinformation and manipulation ever perpetrated in healthcare world-wide prior to the Covid crisis.


The series documents the deliberate elaborate intentional and systematic fabrications perpetrated by three editors of the British Medical Journal in 2011. These editors publicly accused a doctor, Andrew Wakefield, of committing fraud in a scientific paper published in the Lancet medical journal which implicated the MMR vaccine in causing autism in children.

Why this, why now

Many people have been shocked to learn of false claims made by governments, some health officials, medical organisations and professionals concerning the supposed Covid 19 pandemic and the unsafe vaccines promoted as “safe and effective“ which were neither and of the billions of dollars, Euros, pounds and other currencies squandered and the vast profits made by the super-rich whilst the world was made poorer.


But what people do not know is how any of this was made possible nor the extent of official misinformation about health generally and how long misinformation has been promoted and used at all levels in healthcare world-wide to mislead and manipulate – in this case – entire countries.

This story starts forty years ago and brings us to the present day and the severe physical and mental harms still being done to children, who would otherwise be normal kids, and to adults and all their families, worldwide – for profit.

What is it all about?

The fraud allegations against Andrew Wakefield were and remain baseless fabrications – pure invention with no facts or evidence to back them up.

The BMJ had commercial agreements with MMR vaccine manufacturers which the three editors failed to disclose when they made their false fraud allegations against Andrew Wakefield.

The three editors’ allegations were claimed to be justified by a BMJ

commissioned article. The article claimed falsely Andrew Wakefield fabricated the results of investigations into 12 children in order to implicate the MMR vaccine in causing autism. The BMJ article claimed every element and aspect of the Lancet paper was fabricated by Wakefield.

The truth however is that the Lancet paper faithfully reported the results of investigations carried out by 12 specialist expert medical professionals at The Royal Free Hospital, London, England into 12 children. The children developed bowel disease and suffered developmental regression with nine diagnosed as autistic, two more as having autistic symptoms and one who suffered catastrophic regression within a short time of vaccination but had no autistic symptoms.

Family doctors, hospital doctors and parents had linked these problems to the administration of the MMR vaccine in eight of the twelve cases.

Andrew Wakefield was the co-ordinating author, who wrote the paper on behalf of his 12 colleagues based on the findings they had made when treating the children concerned. So there were 12 authors in addition to Andrew Wakefield.

The BMJ article was designed to claim falsely that an association between MMR vaccine and developmental regression and bowel disease in children was a fraud when it is not.

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

When I saw the demonisation of him and zero attempt to answer the questions he had raised I knew he was right. My sister was a nurse at the time and I think it was around then she started to wonder about vaccines again after seeing the massive over-reaction to someone asking simple questions that the government agencies our taxes pay for simply refused to engage with let alone answer.

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That sure sounds a lot like what happened to anyone who questioned the Covid injections and any protocols. People were told in no uncertain terms that the science was settled and that these so-called vaccines were safe, effective, NOT gene therapy in any way and definitely NOT experimental. Anyone who tried to voice a question or ask about an adverse event was shunned and demonized as a CoVIDIOT antivaxxer - even if you actually had taken the injections!

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

As a family nurse practitioner, I followed the research of Dr. Andrew Wakefield closely. When he left the UK and went to the USA, I continued to follow his efforts, including viewing the film Vaxxed. Dr. Wakefield was punished for speaking out, via his research into childhood immunisations. The same has happened more recently to every researcher, data analyst and doctor pursuing evidence of the dangers of covid jabs.

The power of big pharma appears to be insurmountable. But we can continue to decline and spread the research and data at our fingertips.

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When our daughter was born in 1977, there was a TV programme on the BBC no less, about the brain damage being caused to children by the whooping cough vaccine. It was introduced by Professor Gordon(?) Stewart, who was I think the Chief Medical Officer. I vividly remember him showing a graph demonstrating how much the death rate from infectious childhood diseases had declined before the introduction of vaccinations. (We were shocked, although a friend had already told us that his milkman's child had died from a smallpox vaccine.) Imagine such information being broadcast today! I honestly thought that I would rather my child died from whooping cough than have their life saved at such a horrible cost to another family. Of course all three grew up perfectly healthily and went through measles, chicken pox with no major problems. I think people avoid facing this problem because it's hard to imagine that the powers that be could be so uncaring and ruthless.

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Thank you for sharing this, Sheila.

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Aug 20, 2023·edited Aug 20, 2023

'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk is an excellent book on the history of vaccination.

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Agreed. It really helped me see vaccines differently.

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I had a BCG vaccine at age 15 in 1975. I had what was thought to be German measles that late spring, I think not long after the shot. I now suspect the vaccine. I was very ill for 2 weeks, temperature at least 104 F.

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

If only the truth tellers would become great enough in number they could overcome the monsters controlling medical care world wide. I'm glad Dr Wakefield has lived long enough to experience some support from physicians who 'woke up' during covid.

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Sad what people will do for money 💰 and fame like the cad who targeted Dr. Wakefield with his aberrant reporting!!! I would rather be right and truthful about things and broke any day than sell my soul to the highest bidder to nail another man to the wall and drag his name through the mud!!! Sad times we are living in for sure!!!

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More evidence that Big Pharma is evil….

I am a retired RN who used to work with in a neuro trauma ICU. When you get run over by a truck, even if you are in a coma, you HURT. We know this because our patient’s inter-cranial pressures would rise if narcotics were withheld.

Comatose patients on narcotics get constipated. Very, very constipated. To combat this, the trauma surgeons would order routinely scheduled oral Narcan via our comatose patient’s feeding tubes. It worked great —- the oral Narcan only worked on the gut tissue but did not reverse the pain relieving properties. The hospital pharmacists would compound the injectable generic Narcan into an oral formula that could be put into the feeding tubes.

But then, suddenly, the hospital pharmacists could no longer compound oral Narcan. The FDA stopped allowing it. Our wonderful solution to our patient’s constipation was illegal.

About a month later, the FDA approved an EXPENSIVE new oral drug to combat opioid induced constipation. Hmmm…. our hospital pharmacists could no longer use cheap generic Narcan, but had to use the expensive patent medication.

Big Pharma is evil.

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'Uh a malpractice' is an anagram of 'pharmaceutical'. There's a lot more besides.


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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Absolutely beautiful, honesty, integrity and courage, both Dr. Wakefield and you, Dr. Lawrie. When you hear the truth you can feel it, that is how you know the dfference between a lie and the truth.

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Others I know of scoff at the notion of just being able to tell who is lying and who is not. Not only can it be intuitive, but it is easily seen logically in most instances by looking at their incentive to lie, and if they are using any propaganda techniques like ad hominem attacks etc. First it is necessary to conceive of the possibility that people with the public trust could be dishonest, which many still cannot do (unless it is from another tribe/political party).

When America's Frontline Doctors gave their speech in summer 2020 at the US Capital I knew that what they were saying about HCQ was true, and I have used it prophylactically since then, no Covid (nor for wife either). The fact that Simone Gold was put in prison for 60 days shows how carefully they have been setting up their massive takeover: criminalize our ordinary behavior, legalize their criminal behavior. Katherine Watt (bailiwick news on Substack) chronicles all of this beautifully.

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Yes, people are easily manipulated, often by monetary gain. This has not changed in all of human history. It is the brave few with courage that save all of us.

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I am so sorry I used to mock Andrew Wakefield for what I learned about him in the propaganda mills. In the last 3.5 years I've learned what many of us have discovered from the likes of Dr. Lawrie: Dr. Wakefield is a man with integrity which, I've also discovered, few have.

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I despise most doctors nowadays. I trusted them with a cancer diagnosis in 2020 and have suffered the consequences of their ignorance.


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I have found even those who are relatively good are largely incurious. While "good" doctors are common, one cannot be a great doctor with a dearth of curiosity. And we need more great ones.

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Thank you, Rose. I often say I know .0000001% to the 20th power of all mankind's knowledge (but that tiny fraction into which I've done a deep dive I know quite well). And as Dennis Prager might say, I think it's wisdom. There are an awful lot of highly intelligent morons. I am still one of those in some areas (if I'm highly intelligent; but I will definitely take the "moron" part in many topics).

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The ability to change your mind is impressive in itself: so few can. Most of the people who have impressed me in my life are people who have changed their mind about something, including Suzanne Humphries and Andrew Wakefield.

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Yup. And to stand against the crowd, or the tank. Absolute heroes.

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Thank you for this very interesting article. Dr Andrew Wakefield is a HERO and a TRUTH SEEKER and TRUTH TELLER and so are you Dr Tess Lawrie! Happy to follow you. Keep up the good work. THE TRUTH WILL WIN!

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Iseem to know Dr Andrew Wakefield some how some way. Although I swear I've never heard this story. But the name resonates deep within me as a very special person with a true heart and faithful spirit. May God bless him and his family. He has suffered way too much for his honesty and truth. May parents wake up and stop INJECTING 💉 OUR KIDS! I STOPPED LONG AGO.

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The vaccines may have damaged the physical part of out society, but, the injection of propaganda, headed by big pharma, has damaged the soul and mind. The damage this has done to our society is only just being felt.

Dr. Wakefield and also you, Dr. Lawrie, are some of the champions of societal sanity. I hope one day, all you heroes will be appreciated openly, and, your stories are told to children, so they know the dangers of big money monsters that stab at the heart of our society.

Each time I hear a story of good people being brought down, makes me feel so hurt and angry. However, I now know there is no need to waste the emotions in this fashion. I hope we all wait calmly and act when there is an opening for us to do so.

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The Vaccine Holocaust: Laura Hayes - “Why Is This Legal?”

"We cannot, and should not, defend that which is indefensible, and that includes the barbaric and reprehensible practice of vaccination. " Laura Hayes


Laura Hayes's Powerful Speech : NO ON SB277 Sacramento at The Capitol on April 8, 2015


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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

“Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.

Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.”

Mahatma Gandhi


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Thanks for that

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

All vaccines are poisonous, toxics. All. Say NO to vaccines!

VACCINES INGREDIENTS been found in vaccines: Mercury, Formaldehyde (cancer agent), Monkey Kidney Cells, Aluminum, Aluminum Hydroxide, Polysorbate 80, MRC-5, Fetal DNA and a lot more. It is insane. Say no to vaccines. All vaccines! See for yourself : Vaccine Excipient Summary Included in U.S. Vaccines https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/b/excipient-table-2.pdf

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Insane! According to the CDC - "All babies should get the first shot of hepatitis B vaccine within 24 hours of birth. Here is the list of vaccines that kids have to receive from birth to eighteen years old. More than seventy. "https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/by-age/newborn-birth.html

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Thank you Rose. Much love to you!

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This article confirms the courageous efforts of Dr Wakefield. Thank you Dr Lawrie. I can attest to the truth behind the poison as my 12 year old child has never been vaccinated and enjoys wonderful God given health. Please continue offering these wonderfully written truth telling pieces !

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023

I wasn't aware of B Deer's investigations/campaign against Wakefield before reading this article.

I did a little searching on the internet and found an informative unheard article by.... B Deer !! :-)

Deer's article doesn't contain any substantive evidence of wrong doing by Wakefield. But the comments section is pure GOLD ! please read the comments section for a greater understanding of Wakefield's symptoms trial & GMC shenanigans. I still believe that Wakefield was correct and his initial finding should have prompted more investigations into the MMR jab.


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If you had any doubt about Wakefield and his paper, look up what happened to the senior author on the seminal paper. Unlike Wakefield, Prof. John Walker-Smith appealed, and won. The conclusion of the appeal is well worth reading, as it refutes almost every accusation against Wakefield. For some reason not much was said about this in the mainstream media.

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Many thanks for the link. I put things simply re vaccines.


I have not researched exactly what Andrew Wakefield said, but vaccines can only harm or kill if anything. they are great for big pharma's profits though.


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In England.....friends getting covid, two congested and fatigue for about a week, another congested said she felt like she got hit by a sledge hammer. Husband slightly congested, slight cough, no test, not getting worse. So is the next variant a nothing burger?? My sister just travelled from Philly to chgo. Said airports full. Companies saying they will not pay sick pay for off time related to covid?? My sisters also said no one will go along with another lockdown. That completes today’s survey effort.

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Thanks! Definitely feels like something is coming. I don't think it's a "nothing burger" but it may not be a variant either. It may well be a consequence of the covid vaccines. I do hope that whatever is coming, people will stand together and say a very firm 'No'.

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I feel and now observe that the covid vaccine damage is being labelled long covid and many of the harms are being branded a result of the virus not the vaccines. In other words there is a conserted effort to mask and market the results of their crimes on something else entirely. Slight of hand again.

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True, although there are other things to add to the mix of toxic substances.


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