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I remember what the Australian doctor said who proved that helicobacter pylori caused almost all stomach ulcers and a good number of stomach "cancers" both of which usually went into complete remission once the bug was gotten rid of with a couple of cheap over the counter drugs. He was asked why it had taken more than 10 years for fellow doctors to stop demonising him and actually start doing as he said they should and he replied that "Lots of people were making lots of money out of cutting people open and they didn't want to give up that income." So much for the hippocratic oath.

Essentially he was saying that we will never achieve a "health" service by putting the people in charge of it that profit from our ill health. What we have at the moment is an illness service that profits from keeping people ill. As the Goldman Sachs analyst said all those years ago "Cures are not a sustainable business model". https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/goldman-sachs-curing-cancer-business/

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I seem to recall gum mastic was a pretty good therapeutic for helicobacter overgrowth .. a few years ago i was offered the uk herbal archive to do something with. i asked my medical and pharma data friends if they would maybe crowdfund to digitise it but then i grew afraid this might put it in the hands of the wrong people who would bury it. I do hope it has been secured safely . its a treasure trove of knowledge . As we know, such knowledge is being lost, often deliberately, worldwide. Im very glad the public are finally waking up tho.. Maybe the Field has been Waked :)

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People used to laugh at me when I said I was buying a good dictionary, a few other books and a few of my favourite films on DVD because soon they would be changing those without anyone being aware of it. Those people don't laugh now.

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I did the same and people didnt laugh at me. implies a certain proportion of people were clued up. i recall in 2012 tonnes of people were reading 1984 and Platos republic. .. and fahrenheit 451. Keep your stash !!

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we knew there were health services which were paid if they cured people ... somewhere , cant recall where !.. Ive pointed this stuff out to Drs, pharmacists and professors of various types all my life. Its so obviously set up to malfunction. I thought Drs themselves would fight it cos they wouldnt want to be maimed by their own industry. I failed miserably to gain allies, they all seemed to expect me to solve it on my own lol. Its obviously difficult to build a good system, but cant we start with 'do no harm' at least ? ie if we aint broke dont fix us.

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Yes surely a pay only by positive results system wouldn't be that hard to set up. I think the figures are that 70% to 80% of oncologists would not take the chemotherapy and radiation treatments that they are all too willing to inflict on their patients. So they indeed do not want to be maimed by their own treatments. That figure of 70% to 80% has remained pretty static for all of the last 40 years from what I recall.

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