Thank you, Rose. I often say I know .0000001% to the 20th power of all mankind's knowledge (but that tiny fraction into which I've done a deep dive I know quite well). And as Dennis Prager might say, I think it's wisdom. There are an awful lot of highly intelligent morons. I am still one of those in some areas (if I'm highly intelligent; but I will definitely take the "moron" part in many topics).
Thank you, Rose. I often say I know .0000001% to the 20th power of all mankind's knowledge (but that tiny fraction into which I've done a deep dive I know quite well). And as Dennis Prager might say, I think it's wisdom. There are an awful lot of highly intelligent morons. I am still one of those in some areas (if I'm highly intelligent; but I will definitely take the "moron" part in many topics).
The ability to change your mind is impressive in itself: so few can. Most of the people who have impressed me in my life are people who have changed their mind about something, including Suzanne Humphries and Andrew Wakefield.
Thank you, Rose. I often say I know .0000001% to the 20th power of all mankind's knowledge (but that tiny fraction into which I've done a deep dive I know quite well). And as Dennis Prager might say, I think it's wisdom. There are an awful lot of highly intelligent morons. I am still one of those in some areas (if I'm highly intelligent; but I will definitely take the "moron" part in many topics).
The ability to change your mind is impressive in itself: so few can. Most of the people who have impressed me in my life are people who have changed their mind about something, including Suzanne Humphries and Andrew Wakefield.
Yup. And to stand against the crowd, or the tank. Absolute heroes.