There's a huge growing market for an ethical medical system. I hope the next 10 years will bring a complete overhaul of how we view medicine, and the options that are available to us. Thank you for all your hard work!
Don't hold your breath re the media censorship! I think we're going to have join together in order to resist what WEF, WHO, Big Pharma, the mainstream media, governments (the list goes on) are planning for us.
transparency, which is a first step towards accountability. it makes the powerhungry psychopaths who pretend they're running 'ze wörld' very nervous when their plans get exposed for what they are (megalomaniac). we need to expose the corruption and more actions like the concerned parents are doing by taking back control of the education their children receive. ask your GP about the package insert: informed consent!
Every last one of the oligarchs and corporate executives involved in all things "covid", and every single politician that they payola'd into office---literally all elections are fake, fyi---and every single media participant that they assigned to push their nefarious narratives, should be arrested, charged with treason and murder, tried in real courts by real judges with real juries, convicted, and publicly executed.
Totally agree, except I hope it's much less than 10 years. To me, 10 years would allow the WHO and WEF to have a bigger grip on the world. Either way, it's going to be a major fight that has to be fought and won.
Isn’t it odd that every drug gets its list of potential side effects rattled of at the end of the ad showing two elderly folk surrounded by a kind of hazy glow - but not the mRNA jabs. They must not have any side effects since they are so safe and effective.
I might be off here and it may not apply in general but, I've noticed that until few years ago all the prescription medications would come with a leaflet containing basic
information including possible side effect. Now you're
being directed to the website. Being one of those "small print readers" that like to be informed, I'm thinking if that's the case in general, surely it's not done out of concern for the trees.
anything not printed on paper can be edited at the push of a button. This includes information about medications, books, articles on any topic; even history can be rewritten.
& the people/ actors on the commercials are getting younger and younger. I had a bulging eye from thyroid disease. Proper treatment eliminated it. There’s now a medication for that. I foolishly took Enbrel. Had to stop, it was like a tiny chemo treatment every week. I should have known because it was delivered to my door in a cooler and my money copay was 7$. That’s when leaky gut started. . I was in my mid 40’s & had to wear Depends to go grocery shopping. Then the dermatologist started moving my appointment back as soon as it was approaching. Dr LaDuca in Auburn New York. He was afraid I’d sue him. I just wanted him to help me, I was too weak to do anything involving the leagal system.
Thanks, it’s from having a genetic marker that mold & biotoxins make me ill. I have systematic inflammatory response syndrome . I can’t remember half of what my doctor has told me, he yells at me if I don’t bring a list of questions. I will read up on mast cell activation syndrome. I appreciate your sharing and taking time to build a website!
It gets worse: Where I live, in British Columbia, Canada, the (globalist) government is the crack dealer. This is the global future. Gov wants everyone drugged and implanted.
Heroin has already been free and accessible here for anyone (under the auspices of "Harm Reduction", which by all stats and data failed at reducing any and all harm for 20 years now). Weed is completely legal and controlled by the government. Starting in January, personal amounts of opioids, MDMA, coke, and meth will be decriminalized.
They couch it in the lying, dystopic lexicon of "social justice", but it's really just about gov control. And guess who will profit? Gov and pharma...exactly like the killshot.
More and more I am coming to the conclusion that the Canadian government has a vendetta out on its citizens. Anyone can request assisted suicide if they feel depressed; there are no abortion laws whatsoever; everyone has to get the safe and effective shots or be ostracized; suicide rates are highest amongst indigenous as are drug dependencies; they have been injecting kids for Covid since last summer; and had the longest lockdown in the world. Satan is alive and kicking in the true north.
I live in Vancouver Canada and escaped the shots so far .I know the concentration camp like conditions our loving politicos put us through .They make life as miserable and hard as they can .I'm 86 but still can't get on a city bus without a snout pouch . That is supposed to be lifted on July 1st. until next fall when all the terror will be back in full force .To go on a plain ,bus ,train or boat inside of Canada or exit the country one needs to be fully filled with the Trudeau venom .
Hi Joe, Most idiot Translink drivers are jabbed/masked/fearful BUT the mandates are OFF buses. The fearmongering 'Masks Recommended' is a coercive fear tactic. You ARE NOT required to mask on Vancouver transit (for now). The majority of transit users mask, but for NO REASON. NOT mandated right now. Breathe free!
Hi David, Yes, the current federal and provincial/territorial govs are puppet WEF setups, and they want us controlled or dead.
[But examples in your reply have very distinct histories and political/social evolutions. They serve WEF interests now, but they didn't begin that way at all.]
You're welcome! That's independent media. You'll get a pro-gov spin from our gov-purchased/controlled media at CBC, Globe&Mail, CTV, Global, Vancouver Sun. They'll present it as caring and destigmatizing. Because gov loves us!
That sweet looking Henry woman is a tarantula inside ,but she is the sickness boss in B.C. The federal sickness boss Tam is even worse .Did you ever look at her face ?She looks like the medicine priestess of some as yet undiscovered tribe in the Amazone jungle .She already gave notice as I saw on my computer that the new yruss she knows is just waiting for her command to devastate of what is left of us from the last extermination program
"Once upon a time" BC was 'best'? Genuinely no offense meant (I'm NOT being snarky or passive-aggressive), but if Plandemic showed us anything, it's that we were asleep. BC IS what it WAS; a place as good or bad as anywhere. The only thing remotely 'different' (from ROC) about it was its weather/climate. "Once upon a time" begins fairy tales.
Are you in Canada? I can see why it might've appeared that way from outside. But our NDP gov is in lockstep with WEF, and BC has deep ties to the Chinese regime. Also, historically, BC has always been politically/socially unhinged (it has that in common with the US west coast).
Hey, I see you're dealing with serious health issues. Do you follow Jason Shurka? He just interviewed a woman connected to a 'new' physics-based healing paradigm that I couldn't possibly succeed at briefly describing. The idea is catching like wildfire, with people gathering to set up sites:
I am looking forward to the day when Tess, Drs. Kory & Marik, Malone, Cole, and all the other doctors selflessly treating Clovid-19 with safe, effective treatments such as ivermectin, are able to bring about a radical overhaul of our so-called health care system. We need doctors trained in nutrition, gut health, optimum lifestyle choices, physical exercises, and so on. We do NOT need pill pushing doctors bribed by Big Pharma, who know nothing abuot nutrition and lifestyle changes to improve health. Thank you, Tess and all the other wonderful doctors for what you are doing.
Caring for our health is our responsibility .No doctor can do that .We can't call up our doctor and ask him please care for my health .However an honest real doctor can some times correct our problems caused by our careless life style
Nobel Laureate Dr. Richet warned us more than 100 years ago to never inject alien proteins into humans. Like Ignaz Semmelweis, Richet has been ignored, with the same devastating iatrogenic consequences.
1. Yes. I have not studied MCAS in depth. My understanding is at least some cases of MCAS are IgE mediated mast cell degranulation which is what Richet covers.
Dr. Tess you are fabulous and courageous, a real healer, standing up for people. Having grown up steeped in the medical world, reading my father's BMJ and despite his calling out bad doctors, i still had a basic trust in the medical systems. Now, like many others, i see through the whole facade. My parents were ridiculed for being old fashioned for declaring they would not be using their patients as guinea pigs for Thalidomide. So what has changed? Nothing. But now is the time for something new, something truly beautiful and regenerative. Something centred on real health and joyful living, not disease.
Please forward this to UK Column News ... they have been trying to get a response from MRHA re the Yellow Card data but get completely ignored. This must be exposed, and these dangerous injections stopped. Problem is, who's going to tell the millions of people who have had two or three of them (including my own family) that their immune systems have been compromised. They will not want to know surely.
AMEN! We should all stand behind this!! I say no to all future vaccines!!! We do need to be very careful though. I was trying to come off my High BP meds and found out that I can’t. I would love to find a doctor who knows how to treat with natural homeopathic remedies. For now I have no doctor. After my last doctor tried to force the vaccine on me and told me she would not prescribe me ivermectin or HCQ if I did get covid. I was gone. How to find a doctor that is not a puppet to big pharm?!?
I'm so glad Dr. Huber has a substack ,When I was a farmer I had a hay stack and a smoke stack . Right now I have a substack of money. We will have a lot of substacks of money in the new world order .
I stopped trusting my health to the Medical-Pharma Cartel 4 decades ago.. now 72 and very fit with No Health issues Thank God.. Yoga and an organic diet.. the Predatory nature of BIG PAHARMA Business has completely destroyed the Global health system...Absolutely, NO More Snake Oil secret formula vaccine POISON from the Big Pharma Crime syndicate... it is truly time for Nuremberg trials pt 2, Fauchi-Mengele, Collins, Walensky, the CDC, NIH, FNIH, and the WHO... Gates... Big Pharma Execs.. ALL should be in prison... lets make it happen... WE CAN
We just have to overwhelm our political reps till they agree.. they are all about the numbers.. keep spreading the mess to anyone with an a half way open mind. the tide can be turned but we have to hammer it out everyday.. emails, phone calls, financial if possible..
RFK, Jr. has noted the exponential increase in childhood illnesses coincident with the mass vaccination programs begun in the late 80s and early 90s. The trend line for only autism is incredible and shows nearly conclusively that something in vaccinations must be connected with the rise of the disease. But, any serious attempt to link pharmaceutical products with increases in disease simply cannot be explored if the funding for such research comes from Fauci's HIAID, as nearly all scientific research funding does. Unless things change markedly, we will never know the truth, and we will never be able to put a stop to these villains.
Medical mafia went after the people with studies and data on autism. I can’t remember when, possibly around 2010-12? Mysterious deaths. My insurance dictated doctor was treating Lyme successfully in Florida. They bullied him into submission. He’s counting the day s until he can retire and honestly is useless to me, I see him because I am on disability and he used to work with my integrative medicine doctor. He’s honestly just glad to be alive. Very sad. An uncounted casualty of Anthony Fauxchi.
I just looked on duck duck go, holistic doctors killed
Many many articles there. Sorry I can’t share links, slow internet today 💌
Dr Bradstreet is probably the best known. Many others. Mike Adams health ranger has articles too. Lots of the new age type holistic websites know about it ( I get annoyed with new Agee’s, I was one for 20 years and renounced it)
Reminds me of all the people who were going to testify against the Clintons and had strange accidents or fatal heart problems just before court/ testifying . The lists are both too long and NEVER investigated properly, just covered up.
Several years ago I went back to university to become an Integrative Medical Dr. When I graduated I was 63 yrs old. Our medical system is at a cross-roads at this point in time. Big pharma does not want individuals to be healthy! I agree 100%with what Dr. Tess wrote. I advise all be proactive in their life style choices, stay mentally and physically healthy. Stress has been shown to cause over 70% of disease. Laugh more, love more and maintain balance.
The narrative of public health figures worldwide has been carefully constructed over the past two years to foster a sense of dependence upon the collective.
Fostering dependence removes personal accountability for one’s health and increases susceptibility to messaging that does not align with actual data yet tragically fuels little resistance.
Little resistance results in continued fear -based messaging. In turn the public proclamations are utilized evermore to reinforce a narrative that has little semblance to any support of public health yet provides increasing opportunities for non-elected and elected individuals to assert desire and shape outcome.
To eliminate this weaponization of fear one must reclaim one’s health. It is time once again to be accountable for our own wellness and not give our power to those in the public realm whom are purportedly entrusted to provide guidance.
Without doing so we will continue to be subjugated to a narrative that incites the devolution of health and wellness.
A very frustrating situation - a giant juggernaut, well-developed. And there we are, most of us not injected. So I'm not shocked that a global iatrogenic emergency is imminent, My belief (like many people): this is intended. My concern isn't so much BP - rotten though it is - but whoever is behind the much bigger juggernaut.
Doctors and hospitals have gotten pretty good at saving people from trauma, such as vehicle accident injuries, gunshots, stabbing, falls, etc. What they are shockingly poor at is Health: nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, meditation, etc. If I get shot, I'll go to a hospital. If I want to be Healthy, I'll stay AWAY from doctors and hospitals. Dr. Tess is right: healthy people do not need injections.
A great piece and agree wholeheartedly #nomoreinjections
Although on your analogy of food ingredients- if your shocked at what the pharmaceutical companies get away with, you dont want to know what the agricultural companies and the manufacturing crew do!!! In truth, thats part of where pharma got their playbook. Eg Labelling, if it's under a certain limit, it doesn't have to be included as an ingredient. "Allowable limits". Which allows all sorts of stuff to get into the food chain, like genetically modified organisms. Yep. Even if your country has rules against gmos.🤔😐😑 Don't even open the Pandora box on the food chemical companies!
A return to the practice of medicine, as it was originally done, of Naturopathic priciples- removing the obstacle to cure and letting/supporting the body do the healing. I hope that becomes the future of medicine...again.
There are so many vectors that the current crop of mRNA vaxx's could do harm to the public presented by so many experts, including yourself Dr. Lawrie, that have fallen on deaf ears of the responsible organizations for our safety, makes me feel your term ‘Iatrogenic’ certainly does not apply to them.
They knew of Pfizer's own studies, early on, the very long list of adverse events linked to their vaxx, they attempted to hide the information, they ignored their own in-place adverse event reporting mechanisms, systems they themselves said was adequate in the past, they ignored scores of vaxx injured asking for help due to their pushing a known dangerous substance, they substituted science for scientism so the voices of scientists are not heard and scientific debate abolished, they used political, legal and enforcement personnel to force public acceptance. they injected as many people as possible into an pandemic with ineffective and dangerous substances short circuiting populations ability to reach herd immunity, they ignore evidence of countries that fared much better with little to no participation in their mandated black arts. I think that is enough, but certainly not a complete list, to indicate their knowing participation in a crime. These people, in no way, could be considered to be causing harm accidentally. The people they duped may claim this but not the obvious and repeat criminals in charge.
There's a huge growing market for an ethical medical system. I hope the next 10 years will bring a complete overhaul of how we view medicine, and the options that are available to us. Thank you for all your hard work!
I have hope that the media censorship is on it's last gasping breath.
Yes, so true. We need a complete overhaul. Thank you for all you do, as well.
Don't hold your breath re the media censorship! I think we're going to have join together in order to resist what WEF, WHO, Big Pharma, the mainstream media, governments (the list goes on) are planning for us.
We'll be able to start from scratch to build a society that "should be" by 2032, after our financial & societal collapse.
transparency, which is a first step towards accountability. it makes the powerhungry psychopaths who pretend they're running 'ze wörld' very nervous when their plans get exposed for what they are (megalomaniac). we need to expose the corruption and more actions like the concerned parents are doing by taking back control of the education their children receive. ask your GP about the package insert: informed consent!
Every last one of the oligarchs and corporate executives involved in all things "covid", and every single politician that they payola'd into office---literally all elections are fake, fyi---and every single media participant that they assigned to push their nefarious narratives, should be arrested, charged with treason and murder, tried in real courts by real judges with real juries, convicted, and publicly executed.
Totally agree, except I hope it's much less than 10 years. To me, 10 years would allow the WHO and WEF to have a bigger grip on the world. Either way, it's going to be a major fight that has to be fought and won.
Twenty years ago I wouldn't have said this, but I was already thinking it!
"I'd trust the crack dealer on the corner more than I trust Big Pharma."
And I sure as hell ain't seen nothing to make me change my mind since.
And you might have more fun with what the crack dealer has to offer.
You know better than that.
What? Not to make a joke?
Maybe you should try some SCHNAPS .??
Going to the shaman instead :)?
(definitely a step up in healthcare :P).
Too late all the positions for shawman are taken in Canada .But exterminators are still in high demand to finish the job .
Isn’t it odd that every drug gets its list of potential side effects rattled of at the end of the ad showing two elderly folk surrounded by a kind of hazy glow - but not the mRNA jabs. They must not have any side effects since they are so safe and effective.
I might be off here and it may not apply in general but, I've noticed that until few years ago all the prescription medications would come with a leaflet containing basic
information including possible side effect. Now you're
being directed to the website. Being one of those "small print readers" that like to be informed, I'm thinking if that's the case in general, surely it's not done out of concern for the trees.
anything not printed on paper can be edited at the push of a button. This includes information about medications, books, articles on any topic; even history can be rewritten.
Just occured to me: maybe the whole rush to transform/translate every little bit to digital was a plan all alone?!
the invaluable package insert!
I only wish Diane, it was my attempt at sarcasm.
& the people/ actors on the commercials are getting younger and younger. I had a bulging eye from thyroid disease. Proper treatment eliminated it. There’s now a medication for that. I foolishly took Enbrel. Had to stop, it was like a tiny chemo treatment every week. I should have known because it was delivered to my door in a cooler and my money copay was 7$. That’s when leaky gut started. . I was in my mid 40’s & had to wear Depends to go grocery shopping. Then the dermatologist started moving my appointment back as soon as it was approaching. Dr LaDuca in Auburn New York. He was afraid I’d sue him. I just wanted him to help me, I was too weak to do anything involving the leagal system.
Because of my integrative medicine doctor, I can shop again.
Thanks, it’s from having a genetic marker that mold & biotoxins make me ill. I have systematic inflammatory response syndrome . I can’t remember half of what my doctor has told me, he yells at me if I don’t bring a list of questions. I will read up on mast cell activation syndrome. I appreciate your sharing and taking time to build a website!
It’s obvious Diane knows what’s going on. I know so many who don’t, even ones who really should.
It gets worse: Where I live, in British Columbia, Canada, the (globalist) government is the crack dealer. This is the global future. Gov wants everyone drugged and implanted.
Heroin has already been free and accessible here for anyone (under the auspices of "Harm Reduction", which by all stats and data failed at reducing any and all harm for 20 years now). Weed is completely legal and controlled by the government. Starting in January, personal amounts of opioids, MDMA, coke, and meth will be decriminalized.
They couch it in the lying, dystopic lexicon of "social justice", but it's really just about gov control. And guess who will profit? Gov and pharma...exactly like the killshot.
More and more I am coming to the conclusion that the Canadian government has a vendetta out on its citizens. Anyone can request assisted suicide if they feel depressed; there are no abortion laws whatsoever; everyone has to get the safe and effective shots or be ostracized; suicide rates are highest amongst indigenous as are drug dependencies; they have been injecting kids for Covid since last summer; and had the longest lockdown in the world. Satan is alive and kicking in the true north.
Correction Melbourne Victoria won the prize for longest lockdown in the world.
Also Justin Trudeau attended the WEF young leaders forums years ago, planned attack.
I live in Vancouver Canada and escaped the shots so far .I know the concentration camp like conditions our loving politicos put us through .They make life as miserable and hard as they can .I'm 86 but still can't get on a city bus without a snout pouch . That is supposed to be lifted on July 1st. until next fall when all the terror will be back in full force .To go on a plain ,bus ,train or boat inside of Canada or exit the country one needs to be fully filled with the Trudeau venom .
Hi Joe, Most idiot Translink drivers are jabbed/masked/fearful BUT the mandates are OFF buses. The fearmongering 'Masks Recommended' is a coercive fear tactic. You ARE NOT required to mask on Vancouver transit (for now). The majority of transit users mask, but for NO REASON. NOT mandated right now. Breathe free!
Hi David, Yes, the current federal and provincial/territorial govs are puppet WEF setups, and they want us controlled or dead.
[But examples in your reply have very distinct histories and political/social evolutions. They serve WEF interests now, but they didn't begin that way at all.]
That’s appalling. Thank you for the link.
You're welcome! That's independent media. You'll get a pro-gov spin from our gov-purchased/controlled media at CBC, Globe&Mail, CTV, Global, Vancouver Sun. They'll present it as caring and destigmatizing. Because gov loves us!
Oregon is heading down the same path.
and I thought BC was the best of the provinces as far as freedom
Once upon a time...but that story led to this nightmare
I keep asking myself WHERE ARE THE HIPPIES?
I once lived in BC. I cannot believe what it's become. The treatment of Dr. Hoffe and Dr. Bruchet spoke volumes
That sweet looking Henry woman is a tarantula inside ,but she is the sickness boss in B.C. The federal sickness boss Tam is even worse .Did you ever look at her face ?She looks like the medicine priestess of some as yet undiscovered tribe in the Amazone jungle .She already gave notice as I saw on my computer that the new yruss she knows is just waiting for her command to devastate of what is left of us from the last extermination program
They're both chilling. Henry exudes iciness. After what she did to Dr. Hoffe, I wouldn't be surprised at anything about her.
And Dr. would be great to actually KNOW something about her qualifications for the lofty position she holds. We probably never will.
Yes, Joe, fortunately Herr Dr Bonnie Hitler, BC Public Health Fascist, is facing THREE separate lawsuits, so there's reason to smile right there.
"Once upon a time" BC was 'best'? Genuinely no offense meant (I'm NOT being snarky or passive-aggressive), but if Plandemic showed us anything, it's that we were asleep. BC IS what it WAS; a place as good or bad as anywhere. The only thing remotely 'different' (from ROC) about it was its weather/climate. "Once upon a time" begins fairy tales.
I am from BC, but haven't lived there in over 25 years. It was a wonderful place back then. I was upset to leave for Ontario.
One of the first battles I had in ON was over "mandatory" vaccinations, which were not yet a big thing in BC.
Long before covid, I stated that I would never again live in BC. It is beyond imagining. And that, coming from an Ontario resident!
Are you in Canada? I can see why it might've appeared that way from outside. But our NDP gov is in lockstep with WEF, and BC has deep ties to the Chinese regime. Also, historically, BC has always been politically/socially unhinged (it has that in common with the US west coast).
No US. I have not been to BC is probably 20 years but it seemed conservative to me compared to the rest of Canada. Beautiful, beautiful place!
Only if you live in the northern wilderness as a hermit Gwen
You as well, Diane. Crazy times.
Hey, I see you're dealing with serious health issues. Do you follow Jason Shurka? He just interviewed a woman connected to a 'new' physics-based healing paradigm that I couldn't possibly succeed at briefly describing. The idea is catching like wildfire, with people gathering to set up sites:
I'm not promoting anything, just passing on the info.
After all they are safe and effective.
I am looking forward to the day when Tess, Drs. Kory & Marik, Malone, Cole, and all the other doctors selflessly treating Clovid-19 with safe, effective treatments such as ivermectin, are able to bring about a radical overhaul of our so-called health care system. We need doctors trained in nutrition, gut health, optimum lifestyle choices, physical exercises, and so on. We do NOT need pill pushing doctors bribed by Big Pharma, who know nothing abuot nutrition and lifestyle changes to improve health. Thank you, Tess and all the other wonderful doctors for what you are doing.
Priceless & giving Hope too !
Are you familiar with Dr Zach Bush?
Caring for our health is our responsibility .No doctor can do that .We can't call up our doctor and ask him please care for my health .However an honest real doctor can some times correct our problems caused by our careless life style
Nobel Laureate Dr. Richet warned us more than 100 years ago to never inject alien proteins into humans. Like Ignaz Semmelweis, Richet has been ignored, with the same devastating iatrogenic consequences.
Vaccines and Biologics injury table based on mechanistic evidence – Feb 2020 Covering over 125 conditions
Thank you Vinu, most interesting
Diane, Sorry to hear about your MCAS.
1. Yes. I have not studied MCAS in depth. My understanding is at least some cases of MCAS are IgE mediated mast cell degranulation which is what Richet covers.
2,3. I am not familiar with these.
Thank you for your kind words.
Dr. Tess you are fabulous and courageous, a real healer, standing up for people. Having grown up steeped in the medical world, reading my father's BMJ and despite his calling out bad doctors, i still had a basic trust in the medical systems. Now, like many others, i see through the whole facade. My parents were ridiculed for being old fashioned for declaring they would not be using their patients as guinea pigs for Thalidomide. So what has changed? Nothing. But now is the time for something new, something truly beautiful and regenerative. Something centred on real health and joyful living, not disease.
Your parents sound wonderful, Carol
Please forward this to UK Column News ... they have been trying to get a response from MRHA re the Yellow Card data but get completely ignored. This must be exposed, and these dangerous injections stopped. Problem is, who's going to tell the millions of people who have had two or three of them (including my own family) that their immune systems have been compromised. They will not want to know surely.
The FLCCC has developed protocols for detox after jab. Check out their website.
AMEN! We should all stand behind this!! I say no to all future vaccines!!! We do need to be very careful though. I was trying to come off my High BP meds and found out that I can’t. I would love to find a doctor who knows how to treat with natural homeopathic remedies. For now I have no doctor. After my last doctor tried to force the vaccine on me and told me she would not prescribe me ivermectin or HCQ if I did get covid. I was gone. How to find a doctor that is not a puppet to big pharm?!?
If in UK have a look on the newly set up PHA ( Peoples Health Alliance ) website there are some doctors there who may be able to help.
I’m in US😢
try or look up FLCCC alliance ( same group) (Lizzie D beat me to it :-))
If they can’t help they maybe able to direct you to someone who can
Also Dr Colleen Huber has a website she is a naturopathic doctor. She was interviewed on Steve Kirsch’s zoom on Thursday gone.
Dr Huber has a substack:
I'm so glad Dr. Huber has a substack ,When I was a farmer I had a hay stack and a smoke stack . Right now I have a substack of money. We will have a lot of substacks of money in the new world order .
This is the group Dr. Pierre Kory founded:
Wonderful recommendations here from you all, thank you for supporting each other in this way.
And I live on planet earth .There are plans to change the name of the planet earth to planet of the insane .
Homeopathy is easy to learn yourself, there are many websites with information, try here:
I stopped trusting my health to the Medical-Pharma Cartel 4 decades ago.. now 72 and very fit with No Health issues Thank God.. Yoga and an organic diet.. the Predatory nature of BIG PAHARMA Business has completely destroyed the Global health system...Absolutely, NO More Snake Oil secret formula vaccine POISON from the Big Pharma Crime syndicate... it is truly time for Nuremberg trials pt 2, Fauchi-Mengele, Collins, Walensky, the CDC, NIH, FNIH, and the WHO... Gates... Big Pharma Execs.. ALL should be in prison... lets make it happen... WE CAN
Yes !!! , how?
We just have to overwhelm our political reps till they agree.. they are all about the numbers.. keep spreading the mess to anyone with an a half way open mind. the tide can be turned but we have to hammer it out everyday.. emails, phone calls, financial if possible..
Why is it that formerly decent people, as soon as they get voted into a position of authority become the enemy of the ones who voted them in .?
Because they were not decent people in the first place, they are planted by WEF.
RFK, Jr. has noted the exponential increase in childhood illnesses coincident with the mass vaccination programs begun in the late 80s and early 90s. The trend line for only autism is incredible and shows nearly conclusively that something in vaccinations must be connected with the rise of the disease. But, any serious attempt to link pharmaceutical products with increases in disease simply cannot be explored if the funding for such research comes from Fauci's HIAID, as nearly all scientific research funding does. Unless things change markedly, we will never know the truth, and we will never be able to put a stop to these villains.
Medical mafia went after the people with studies and data on autism. I can’t remember when, possibly around 2010-12? Mysterious deaths. My insurance dictated doctor was treating Lyme successfully in Florida. They bullied him into submission. He’s counting the day s until he can retire and honestly is useless to me, I see him because I am on disability and he used to work with my integrative medicine doctor. He’s honestly just glad to be alive. Very sad. An uncounted casualty of Anthony Fauxchi.
A dozen leaders in the field possibly more, suddenly dead.
I just looked on duck duck go, holistic doctors killed
Many many articles there. Sorry I can’t share links, slow internet today 💌
Dr Bradstreet is probably the best known. Many others. Mike Adams health ranger has articles too. Lots of the new age type holistic websites know about it ( I get annoyed with new Agee’s, I was one for 20 years and renounced it)
Brandy Vaughan...
Most welcome!
This Dr is one of many people who went against Fauci/Big Pharma etc., and was no longer .....
Reminds me of all the people who were going to testify against the Clintons and had strange accidents or fatal heart problems just before court/ testifying . The lists are both too long and NEVER investigated properly, just covered up.
Isn’t that part of the definition of a mafia ?
Several years ago I went back to university to become an Integrative Medical Dr. When I graduated I was 63 yrs old. Our medical system is at a cross-roads at this point in time. Big pharma does not want individuals to be healthy! I agree 100%with what Dr. Tess wrote. I advise all be proactive in their life style choices, stay mentally and physically healthy. Stress has been shown to cause over 70% of disease. Laugh more, love more and maintain balance.
Excellent advice, thank you!
The narrative of public health figures worldwide has been carefully constructed over the past two years to foster a sense of dependence upon the collective.
Fostering dependence removes personal accountability for one’s health and increases susceptibility to messaging that does not align with actual data yet tragically fuels little resistance.
Little resistance results in continued fear -based messaging. In turn the public proclamations are utilized evermore to reinforce a narrative that has little semblance to any support of public health yet provides increasing opportunities for non-elected and elected individuals to assert desire and shape outcome.
To eliminate this weaponization of fear one must reclaim one’s health. It is time once again to be accountable for our own wellness and not give our power to those in the public realm whom are purportedly entrusted to provide guidance.
Without doing so we will continue to be subjugated to a narrative that incites the devolution of health and wellness.
No more injections for healthy people!
A very frustrating situation - a giant juggernaut, well-developed. And there we are, most of us not injected. So I'm not shocked that a global iatrogenic emergency is imminent, My belief (like many people): this is intended. My concern isn't so much BP - rotten though it is - but whoever is behind the much bigger juggernaut.
Most not injected?
I'm talking about the people who see the giant nasty juggernaut, rotten to the core. Most of those people (those I know anyway) are not injected.
Doctors and hospitals have gotten pretty good at saving people from trauma, such as vehicle accident injuries, gunshots, stabbing, falls, etc. What they are shockingly poor at is Health: nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, meditation, etc. If I get shot, I'll go to a hospital. If I want to be Healthy, I'll stay AWAY from doctors and hospitals. Dr. Tess is right: healthy people do not need injections.
A great piece and agree wholeheartedly #nomoreinjections
Although on your analogy of food ingredients- if your shocked at what the pharmaceutical companies get away with, you dont want to know what the agricultural companies and the manufacturing crew do!!! In truth, thats part of where pharma got their playbook. Eg Labelling, if it's under a certain limit, it doesn't have to be included as an ingredient. "Allowable limits". Which allows all sorts of stuff to get into the food chain, like genetically modified organisms. Yep. Even if your country has rules against gmos.🤔😐😑 Don't even open the Pandora box on the food chemical companies!
A return to the practice of medicine, as it was originally done, of Naturopathic priciples- removing the obstacle to cure and letting/supporting the body do the healing. I hope that becomes the future of medicine...again.
Yes, good point.
Monsatan has to go. And the lobbyists.
There are so many vectors that the current crop of mRNA vaxx's could do harm to the public presented by so many experts, including yourself Dr. Lawrie, that have fallen on deaf ears of the responsible organizations for our safety, makes me feel your term ‘Iatrogenic’ certainly does not apply to them.
They knew of Pfizer's own studies, early on, the very long list of adverse events linked to their vaxx, they attempted to hide the information, they ignored their own in-place adverse event reporting mechanisms, systems they themselves said was adequate in the past, they ignored scores of vaxx injured asking for help due to their pushing a known dangerous substance, they substituted science for scientism so the voices of scientists are not heard and scientific debate abolished, they used political, legal and enforcement personnel to force public acceptance. they injected as many people as possible into an pandemic with ineffective and dangerous substances short circuiting populations ability to reach herd immunity, they ignore evidence of countries that fared much better with little to no participation in their mandated black arts. I think that is enough, but certainly not a complete list, to indicate their knowing participation in a crime. These people, in no way, could be considered to be causing harm accidentally. The people they duped may claim this but not the obvious and repeat criminals in charge.
"If you have not yet seen the documentary entitled 'A Letter to My MP' produced by James F. Wells, I strongly encourage it."
Ditto ~ 😿
Where to find it?
Apologies, the link had moved. Updated now.
A Letter to my MP? Whete is that located?
See link in Tess post.