It gets worse: Where I live, in British Columbia, Canada, the (globalist) government is the crack dealer. This is the global future. Gov wants everyone drugged and implanted.
Heroin has already been free and accessible here for anyone (under the auspices of "Harm Reduction", which by all stats and data failed at reducing any and all harm …
It gets worse: Where I live, in British Columbia, Canada, the (globalist) government is the crack dealer. This is the global future. Gov wants everyone drugged and implanted.
Heroin has already been free and accessible here for anyone (under the auspices of "Harm Reduction", which by all stats and data failed at reducing any and all harm for 20 years now). Weed is completely legal and controlled by the government. Starting in January, personal amounts of opioids, MDMA, coke, and meth will be decriminalized.
They couch it in the lying, dystopic lexicon of "social justice", but it's really just about gov control. And guess who will profit? Gov and pharma...exactly like the killshot.
More and more I am coming to the conclusion that the Canadian government has a vendetta out on its citizens. Anyone can request assisted suicide if they feel depressed; there are no abortion laws whatsoever; everyone has to get the safe and effective shots or be ostracized; suicide rates are highest amongst indigenous as are drug dependencies; they have been injecting kids for Covid since last summer; and had the longest lockdown in the world. Satan is alive and kicking in the true north.
I live in Vancouver Canada and escaped the shots so far .I know the concentration camp like conditions our loving politicos put us through .They make life as miserable and hard as they can .I'm 86 but still can't get on a city bus without a snout pouch . That is supposed to be lifted on July 1st. until next fall when all the terror will be back in full force .To go on a plain ,bus ,train or boat inside of Canada or exit the country one needs to be fully filled with the Trudeau venom .
Hi Joe, Most idiot Translink drivers are jabbed/masked/fearful BUT the mandates are OFF buses. The fearmongering 'Masks Recommended' is a coercive fear tactic. You ARE NOT required to mask on Vancouver transit (for now). The majority of transit users mask, but for NO REASON. NOT mandated right now. Breathe free!
Hi David, Yes, the current federal and provincial/territorial govs are puppet WEF setups, and they want us controlled or dead.
[But examples in your reply have very distinct histories and political/social evolutions. They serve WEF interests now, but they didn't begin that way at all.]
You're welcome! That's independent media. You'll get a pro-gov spin from our gov-purchased/controlled media at CBC, Globe&Mail, CTV, Global, Vancouver Sun. They'll present it as caring and destigmatizing. Because gov loves us!
That sweet looking Henry woman is a tarantula inside ,but she is the sickness boss in B.C. The federal sickness boss Tam is even worse .Did you ever look at her face ?She looks like the medicine priestess of some as yet undiscovered tribe in the Amazone jungle .She already gave notice as I saw on my computer that the new yruss she knows is just waiting for her command to devastate of what is left of us from the last extermination program
I believe that Tam thing was grown in a lab until evidence shows otherwise. And I hope everyone has seen all of Toronto comedian Ben Bankas' fantastic Tam comedy videos over the past year! He's on Instagram, Youtube, FB, Tiktok.
Thank you dear Zelda , Sadly commands ''BEFEHLS'' from the official tormentors is in force in an instant .Lawsuits take for ever often when most of the harm is already done or even are dismissed .Day by day it gets worse ,our winnings are less than band aids .
"Once upon a time" BC was 'best'? Genuinely no offense meant (I'm NOT being snarky or passive-aggressive), but if Plandemic showed us anything, it's that we were asleep. BC IS what it WAS; a place as good or bad as anywhere. The only thing remotely 'different' (from ROC) about it was its weather/climate. "Once upon a time" begins fairy tales.
Places aren't empirically anything. We infuse them with our abstract memories, ideas, fantasies, and projections. It wasn't 'better' then, and now it's not 'worse' now.
Are you in Canada? I can see why it might've appeared that way from outside. But our NDP gov is in lockstep with WEF, and BC has deep ties to the Chinese regime. Also, historically, BC has always been politically/socially unhinged (it has that in common with the US west coast).
Hey, I see you're dealing with serious health issues. Do you follow Jason Shurka? He just interviewed a woman connected to a 'new' physics-based healing paradigm that I couldn't possibly succeed at briefly describing. The idea is catching like wildfire, with people gathering to set up sites:
It gets worse: Where I live, in British Columbia, Canada, the (globalist) government is the crack dealer. This is the global future. Gov wants everyone drugged and implanted.
Heroin has already been free and accessible here for anyone (under the auspices of "Harm Reduction", which by all stats and data failed at reducing any and all harm for 20 years now). Weed is completely legal and controlled by the government. Starting in January, personal amounts of opioids, MDMA, coke, and meth will be decriminalized.
They couch it in the lying, dystopic lexicon of "social justice", but it's really just about gov control. And guess who will profit? Gov and pharma...exactly like the killshot.
More and more I am coming to the conclusion that the Canadian government has a vendetta out on its citizens. Anyone can request assisted suicide if they feel depressed; there are no abortion laws whatsoever; everyone has to get the safe and effective shots or be ostracized; suicide rates are highest amongst indigenous as are drug dependencies; they have been injecting kids for Covid since last summer; and had the longest lockdown in the world. Satan is alive and kicking in the true north.
Correction Melbourne Victoria won the prize for longest lockdown in the world.
Also Justin Trudeau attended the WEF young leaders forums years ago, planned attack.
I live in Vancouver Canada and escaped the shots so far .I know the concentration camp like conditions our loving politicos put us through .They make life as miserable and hard as they can .I'm 86 but still can't get on a city bus without a snout pouch . That is supposed to be lifted on July 1st. until next fall when all the terror will be back in full force .To go on a plain ,bus ,train or boat inside of Canada or exit the country one needs to be fully filled with the Trudeau venom .
Hi Joe, Most idiot Translink drivers are jabbed/masked/fearful BUT the mandates are OFF buses. The fearmongering 'Masks Recommended' is a coercive fear tactic. You ARE NOT required to mask on Vancouver transit (for now). The majority of transit users mask, but for NO REASON. NOT mandated right now. Breathe free!
Hi David, Yes, the current federal and provincial/territorial govs are puppet WEF setups, and they want us controlled or dead.
[But examples in your reply have very distinct histories and political/social evolutions. They serve WEF interests now, but they didn't begin that way at all.]
That’s appalling. Thank you for the link.
You're welcome! That's independent media. You'll get a pro-gov spin from our gov-purchased/controlled media at CBC, Globe&Mail, CTV, Global, Vancouver Sun. They'll present it as caring and destigmatizing. Because gov loves us!
Oregon is heading down the same path.
and I thought BC was the best of the provinces as far as freedom
Once upon a time...but that story led to this nightmare
I keep asking myself WHERE ARE THE HIPPIES?
I once lived in BC. I cannot believe what it's become. The treatment of Dr. Hoffe and Dr. Bruchet spoke volumes
That sweet looking Henry woman is a tarantula inside ,but she is the sickness boss in B.C. The federal sickness boss Tam is even worse .Did you ever look at her face ?She looks like the medicine priestess of some as yet undiscovered tribe in the Amazone jungle .She already gave notice as I saw on my computer that the new yruss she knows is just waiting for her command to devastate of what is left of us from the last extermination program
They're both chilling. Henry exudes iciness. After what she did to Dr. Hoffe, I wouldn't be surprised at anything about her.
And Dr. would be great to actually KNOW something about her qualifications for the lofty position she holds. We probably never will.
I believe that Tam thing was grown in a lab until evidence shows otherwise. And I hope everyone has seen all of Toronto comedian Ben Bankas' fantastic Tam comedy videos over the past year! He's on Instagram, Youtube, FB, Tiktok.
Yes, Joe, fortunately Herr Dr Bonnie Hitler, BC Public Health Fascist, is facing THREE separate lawsuits, so there's reason to smile right there.
Thank you dear Zelda , Sadly commands ''BEFEHLS'' from the official tormentors is in force in an instant .Lawsuits take for ever often when most of the harm is already done or even are dismissed .Day by day it gets worse ,our winnings are less than band aids .
"Once upon a time" BC was 'best'? Genuinely no offense meant (I'm NOT being snarky or passive-aggressive), but if Plandemic showed us anything, it's that we were asleep. BC IS what it WAS; a place as good or bad as anywhere. The only thing remotely 'different' (from ROC) about it was its weather/climate. "Once upon a time" begins fairy tales.
I am from BC, but haven't lived there in over 25 years. It was a wonderful place back then. I was upset to leave for Ontario.
One of the first battles I had in ON was over "mandatory" vaccinations, which were not yet a big thing in BC.
Long before covid, I stated that I would never again live in BC. It is beyond imagining. And that, coming from an Ontario resident!
Places aren't empirically anything. We infuse them with our abstract memories, ideas, fantasies, and projections. It wasn't 'better' then, and now it's not 'worse' now.
Are you in Canada? I can see why it might've appeared that way from outside. But our NDP gov is in lockstep with WEF, and BC has deep ties to the Chinese regime. Also, historically, BC has always been politically/socially unhinged (it has that in common with the US west coast).
No US. I have not been to BC is probably 20 years but it seemed conservative to me compared to the rest of Canada. Beautiful, beautiful place!
Only if you live in the northern wilderness as a hermit Gwen
You as well, Diane. Crazy times.
Hey, I see you're dealing with serious health issues. Do you follow Jason Shurka? He just interviewed a woman connected to a 'new' physics-based healing paradigm that I couldn't possibly succeed at briefly describing. The idea is catching like wildfire, with people gathering to set up sites:
I'm not promoting anything, just passing on the info.