Hey, I see you're dealing with serious health issues. Do you follow Jason Shurka? He just interviewed a woman connected to a 'new' physics-based healing paradigm that I couldn't possibly succeed at briefly describing. The idea is catching like wildfire, with people gathering to set up sites:
Hey, I see you're dealing with serious health issues. Do you follow Jason Shurka? He just interviewed a woman connected to a 'new' physics-based healing paradigm that I couldn't possibly succeed at briefly describing. The idea is catching like wildfire, with people gathering to set up sites:
You as well, Diane. Crazy times.
Hey, I see you're dealing with serious health issues. Do you follow Jason Shurka? He just interviewed a woman connected to a 'new' physics-based healing paradigm that I couldn't possibly succeed at briefly describing. The idea is catching like wildfire, with people gathering to set up sites:
I'm not promoting anything, just passing on the info.