transparency, which is a first step towards accountability. it makes the powerhungry psychopaths who pretend they're running 'ze wörld' very nervous when their plans get exposed for what they are (megalomaniac). we need to expose the corruption and more actions like the concerned parents are doing by taking back control of the education …
transparency, which is a first step towards accountability. it makes the powerhungry psychopaths who pretend they're running 'ze wörld' very nervous when their plans get exposed for what they are (megalomaniac). we need to expose the corruption and more actions like the concerned parents are doing by taking back control of the education their children receive. ask your GP about the package insert: informed consent!
transparency, which is a first step towards accountability. it makes the powerhungry psychopaths who pretend they're running 'ze wörld' very nervous when their plans get exposed for what they are (megalomaniac). we need to expose the corruption and more actions like the concerned parents are doing by taking back control of the education their children receive. ask your GP about the package insert: informed consent!