To this day, my unvaccinated family members continue to be treated like absolute dog-crap by the doctors, nurses, and other "medical professionals" who keep pushing the deathvaxx. Not only do they keep pushing the thing, but they become downright abusive. So let them get sued into oblivion for not only blindly following orders like sheep, but for knowingly murdering people long after ordinary people began to smell a rat and read the actual science. Millions of people have died around the world due to the deathvaxx, with billions more likely to develop turbo cancers, blood clots, autoimmune diseases, and infertility over the next decade. I hope any doctor or nurse who did not wake up and begin vociferously objecting gets put into the poor-house and loses their licenses to practice. I know too many GOOD doctors and nurses who quit their jobs or moved into parallel alternative health systems to avoid this conundrum, or at minimum, whispered warnings to their patients.

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I am an MD and IMHO the doctors ARE to blame for injury caused as a result of their advice to patients to take these shots.

No doctor is obligated to obey the State!

Doctors are obliged to disobey the state if it directs the doctor to do something that is injurious to the patient.

Doctors also have a legal obligation to remain knowledgeable. "I didn't know" is not an excuse for medical malpractice.

As I see it when this mRNA vaccine was announced my colleagues should have recognized that they had never heard of an mRNA vaccine and looked it up and upon learning what was in it and the paucity of controlled studies performed realized that it could be harmful and decide NOT to give it or advise people to take it until safety was fully determined.

The doctors who advised patients to take this and or administered it without knowledge of the science behind it ARE to blame for the adverse consequences.

This is very similar to the NAZI doctors. In Hitler's Germany any doctor refusing to participate in the murder was considered to be a consientious objector. They may have been ousted from clubs ad or professional societies but so what???


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Amen to that Creole Gumbo

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Well presented and a true indictment on the medical "professions" from top to bottom who failed to do what was right for their patients.

A spot on structured argument.

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Thank you so much. The really sad thing is that doctors who are employees seemed to have forgotten that their encounters with patients are private. All that would have been necessary was to just not mention the vax OR if the patient asked to respond by saying that safety and efficacy have not yet been established. There would be no real need for the employer hospital to fire the doctor if it is not documented by the doctor.

EXAMPLE: My husband is a cardiologist and saw an airline pilot who asked "Doctor, what do you think of the shot?" His reply was "I don't think it is safe or effective." The patient was delighted to hear that. I compare it to my own encounter with a cardiologist at the same facility who said to me "I see that you are an antivaxer (not true as I have had every vax except for TB) and I highly recommend that you take the CV19 AND your yearly flu shot." He was shilling for the institution and the CDC and had a fund of knowledge well BELOW my own. I found it disgusting.

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Well said. There is responsibility at all levels and that includes ourselves, doctors or not.

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Feb 22
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Thank you for reading it.

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Amen, Scottish Maiden. Amen!

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Well said. The thing is, all this is just the tip of the iceberg. It has been building up for years with doctors coming under big pharma's spell more and more to our detriment.


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Yes and what many people did not realize is that most doctors are no longer in private practice. I believe that 80% or more work for large health care entities. That removes ones ability to act independently. You cannot be fired when you own the business but you can always be fired if you are an employee and for whatever the employer chooses to fire you over. HE WHO SIGNS THE PAYCHECK HAS ALL THE POWER.

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In 2021 my good friend Stuart, a fully employed healthy 72 year old who took excellent care of himself, was required to get the jabs in order to keep his job as a security guard in a private Malibu residence. Shortly after getting them he was stricken with the prion disease CJD which is also known as Mad Cow. After being diagnosed with this always fatal condition his doctors were baffled and had no idea how someone could be fine one day and so wrecked the next. When I suggested to his family that perhaps they consider the possibility of the mRNA injections and check out the VAERS reports, they laughed and told me to just keep my conspiracy theories to myself. Had they bothered to look, they would have noticed that before CO-19 shots, there were no cases at all in the system and afterwards there are quite a few. And they would have probably filled out a report for Stuart who died soon after.

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I am so sorry about what happened to your friend, Jeff. As for his family's reaction, it is very scary for people to take this kind of information on board - it's so much easier to dismiss as a conspiracy theory. With such under-reporting, one can only wonder at the true scale of this 'iatrogenic' pandemic of vaccine harms.

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Thank you Tess. Makes me sometimes wonder if this great turning away is part of a mass hypnosis or a spell cast on those who haven’t kept their critical thinking skills sharp. If someone told me that they had information that I was a mark in a sinister secret crime, I’d want to look into it no matter how far fetched it happened to appear. But when the powers that be put up this Great Wall of silence, it takes courage and determination to see or hear what is the truth. Let’s continue to shout from the rooftops for as long as we can.

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You should file a VAERS report. You can do that. It does not have to be filed by family or doctor,

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Perhaps a truism is "sheep will be sheep."

On demand they queue up to me dipped.

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and who will be blamed for the hospital protocols that needlessly killed patients?


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The hospital administrators who took it upon themselves to override the doctors and order "protocols" and ordered doctor to follow those peotocols or lose their jobs were legally PRACTICING MEDICINE WITHOUT A LICENSE and should be prosecuted.

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I believe it was always the intention of the globalists for the tax payer to be hit the hardest through public money for compensation for experimental injection ADRs. Own nothing and bd happy. Covid is a psycho-social, medico-legal and systemic phenomena, therefore the response requires these perspectives. FLCCC Alliance must include such an inter-disciplinary approach in your work, to optimise the effectiveness of your work, and for sustainability.

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The two main objectives of the Covid scam were to make $billions for the pharmaceutical industry, and depopulate the world according to the WEF, and Bill & Melinda Gates dictates.

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It was known for years there would be "too many old people drawing retirement benefits" and not enough young people working to fill government coffers. I think the Covid-19 disease and vaxx was a plan by governments to depopulate the old and import younger, replacement "workers" from 3rd world countries to fix the Western government's financial crisis. But they are importing cultural chaos.

I think Bill Gates (and WEF) are not a good people, and took advantage of the Western governments perceived problem. And added resource depletion and climate change as ideological justification for democide.

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And in particular get rid of the elderly. After all they are getting SS checks and we need the money.

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Steps on the planned path to owning the world and enslaving humanity.

The world plus 5%

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Wait for the next thrilling installment of the 2024 Plandemic Plan by the unelected World Health Organization

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The buck doesn't stop with the doctors.

It includes the doctors,politicians, industry representatives, media persons those that are currently re writting societies ethics and morals to accept the concept of forced medical treatment. WEF

We followed the advice of medical professionals is unacceptable.

There were thousands of QUALIFIED credentialed persons with contrary opinion, there were historic events from which to draw information.

Nothing happened here that was new or to use the propagandist term "novel".

Remember we are always playing defence(catch-up) to their offence. We act only after seeing their next move. This is the next step.

The next step of blaming doctors is only designed to shift blame from all responsibile parties. Further consider this, the doctors can never really take any responsibility. We can't do without them, they also can pass the buck saying we took our lead from the government approved narrative. They can't be punished. The best we can do is change the term "doctor" to technician. I am thinking of those that didn't care enough to listen to one 30 minute youtube video of a qualified scientist. Saving the distinguished term "doctor" fro those that took the high ground foregoing the profit motive.

I posted about this before admittialy I didn't get mush response on that idea, maybe now?.

Nope we have an entire field of heros that spoke out and in many cases were destroyed for it.

We the informed must set the tone not Pharma.

IVERMECTION/Hydroxy work Who knew, When did they know, Who suppressed it

Accountability Now,Now,Now


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I am not sure who will ultimately be held responsible. I wish for justice. I put my faith in God.

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God is a figment of your imagination. Sigmund Freud was of the opinion that God is merely a projection of the superego.

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Doubtless Sigmund Freud knows better now.

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You really think that an invisible man in the sky controls the world ?

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You keep telling yourself that. You’ll find out for certain, eventually.

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The belief that there is no God is a projection of your superego .

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The Globalist Cabal believe in a God, but there's is the Horned 'God', Lucifer, qwhom they will unveil after WW III.

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Sigmund Freud was a figment of God's imagination. As the Bible says God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We live and love and have our being in the mind of God.

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Who wrote the bible ?

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The unvaccinated will be blamed

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That horse has already left the barn...

like Jacinda Ardern

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She does resemble a horse.

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Perhaps Gallop can do a poll on that. :)

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Don't rule it out...remember that the vast majority are vaxxed so scapegoat of a minority population is not unheard of throughout history.

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It's becoming increasingly obvious what shenanigans have been going on

They have stitched the great taking, the treasonous covert marshall law, and the covid fraud and genocide together in order to deal with the derivatives bubble.

Defusing the Derivatives Time Bomb: Some Proposed Solutions


The Moving Contradiction

it's not Malthus after all...


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As crazy as that sounds...

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That's a really good start, because...

then Doctors can get their lawyers involved.

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That’s a very interesting thought.

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This is disgusting - the same people who drove and supported an environment in which doctors lost their jobs for speaking against half-baked government policy.

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As an active GP and working throughout the height of COVID and in the COVID hubs I never received any advice or notification regarding yellow card reports. When I learnt of one of my pts dying after 7 days of their first jab it raised my concerns and I did my first yellow card report. Following this I came across countless significant and severe adverse reactions and have completed 40-50 yellow card reports but yet to hear anything come of this.

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Did you recommend the cv19 vaccine to your patients?

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Mr. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak forgets one important thing.

He is the Prime Minister thus, nothing would have happened under his governance if he had not agreed to .

He fought for having the job.

He got the job.

He took the paycheck and the advantages.

Thus he is the ultimate liable person (?) in all the chain of command that has been put in motion since he is at the wheel.


He may not invoke that he did not know given that his job is all about " to know " and he had all the required resources to know supposing he had wanted to.

He, and all his minions, are the perfect example of what is described in : " Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil ".

They just " followed the flow ".

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Well said. He also was also responsible as Chancellor of the Exchequer for hugely increasing UK debt for a fake pandemic. An anagram of his name is 'Hi risk anus'. This should have been a big warning.



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No one will be blamed. By the time anything is done, (like prison or hangings, if ever) we will be experiencing SARS CoV-7. There is no power on earth that is going to bring justice to the world because all the rubes are in on the con of the history of the world. It will go on and on and on because too many people are going to be scared out of their socks over and over. It's their nature.

The only thing that will stop it is a full bore pitchfork revolution across the world.

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May I suggest a completely PEACEFUL total strike ?

It would reach the same goal ( get rid of those " demociders " ) but without destruction nor bloodshed.

By the way it could be a good occasion to renew ties with neighbors.

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I can just hear the medical community saying "we were just following orders" and I ask where have I heard that before?. Following orders has never been a get out of jail free card.

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"we were just following orders" anagrams to

just lie werewolf wrongdoers

Re we just lowlife wrongdoers

And example of how the words define the truth but hidden away.

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The ACOG is still recommending the jab to pregnant women . Follow the money 💰

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Criminal! But there is hope -see this YouTube doctor Dr Annette Bosworth waking up to the truth about the Covid injections https://www.youtube.com/live/v3N-uFfvU5s?si=ys5MC8OsKPSAik0F. Trusting that more doctors will come forward.

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🙏⚔️, every patient I see , gets an ear full. 😁

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Sorry, NOT impressed with this doctor. Hearing warnings these past three years, she chose to ignore and not do her own research, meanwhile continuing to push the shots. I find it hard to believe that she has not seen vaccine injured among her patients.

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Looking great and speaking so clearly, Tess. If you cannot wake up UK zombie politicians - and the rest- nobody will. It is an great relief to see a person of your status, knowledge and integrity standing up for what is right.

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Many of the politicians are in on the scam.

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Maybe, or maybe most of them are lazy and ignorant along with self interested, blind, deaf and dumb.

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The people will be blamed, as always! Or the "anti-vaxxers" for not letting everyone know.

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I thought about telling people, but it was obvious that most people were so caught up in the hysteria that they likely would not have listened.

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I hear you Steve. We can only lead by example and our actions speak louder than words as they say. Are any around you finally coming to their senses?

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A few people I talked to, realize it. I doubt family members, like my dad and stepmom, do.

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Sorry to hear that Steve, at least you know you're not alone - so many of us have dealt with this and are stronger for it.

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