I am not sure who will ultimately be held responsible. I wish for justice. I put my faith in God.
God is a figment of your imagination. Sigmund Freud was of the opinion that God is merely a projection of the superego.
Doubtless Sigmund Freud knows better now.
You really think that an invisible man in the sky controls the world ?
You keep telling yourself that. You’ll find out for certain, eventually.
The belief that there is no God is a projection of your superego .
The Globalist Cabal believe in a God, but there's is the Horned 'God', Lucifer, qwhom they will unveil after WW III.
Sigmund Freud was a figment of God's imagination. As the Bible says God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We live and love and have our being in the mind of God.
Who wrote the bible ?
I am not sure who will ultimately be held responsible. I wish for justice. I put my faith in God.
God is a figment of your imagination. Sigmund Freud was of the opinion that God is merely a projection of the superego.
Doubtless Sigmund Freud knows better now.
You really think that an invisible man in the sky controls the world ?
You keep telling yourself that. You’ll find out for certain, eventually.
The belief that there is no God is a projection of your superego .
The Globalist Cabal believe in a God, but there's is the Horned 'God', Lucifer, qwhom they will unveil after WW III.
Sigmund Freud was a figment of God's imagination. As the Bible says God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We live and love and have our being in the mind of God.
Who wrote the bible ?