Mr. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak forgets one important thing.
He is the Prime Minister thus, nothing would have happened under his governance if he had not agreed to .
He fought for having the job.
He got the job.
He took the paycheck and the advantages.
Thus he is the ultimate liable person (?) in all the chain of command that has been put in motion since he is at the wheel.
He may not invoke that he did not know given that his job is all about " to know " and he had all the required resources to know supposing he had wanted to.
He, and all his minions, are the perfect example of what is described in : " Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil ".
Well said. He also was also responsible as Chancellor of the Exchequer for hugely increasing UK debt for a fake pandemic. An anagram of his name is 'Hi risk anus'. This should have been a big warning.
Mr. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak forgets one important thing.
He is the Prime Minister thus, nothing would have happened under his governance if he had not agreed to .
He fought for having the job.
He got the job.
He took the paycheck and the advantages.
Thus he is the ultimate liable person (?) in all the chain of command that has been put in motion since he is at the wheel.
He may not invoke that he did not know given that his job is all about " to know " and he had all the required resources to know supposing he had wanted to.
He, and all his minions, are the perfect example of what is described in : " Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil ".
They just " followed the flow ".
Well said. He also was also responsible as Chancellor of the Exchequer for hugely increasing UK debt for a fake pandemic. An anagram of his name is 'Hi risk anus'. This should have been a big warning.