Question: What do coffee, sugar, TV and alcohol have in common? Answer: They make us easier to govern.
This webinar with Jason Christoff, hosted by the incredible WCH Mind Health Committee is mind-blowing!
Did you know that the World Council for Health has a very lively Mind Health Committee that meets twice weekly in an open forum? Our WCH Committee is actively helping people step away from fear, become resilient and self-determining, and develop a thrive mind (instead of a hive mind!).
We’ve previously discussed on this Substack that the hidden meaning of government is mind control (govern = control, ment = mind) and many interesting perspectives were shared in the comments.
One of the many inspiring WCH Mind Health Webinars recently is this one from November 2023 on Mind Control: How it Works + Solutions with Jason Christoff.
Jason Christoff believes that the social decay we openly see in our world today has only come about because key players in our society are using this manipulative psychology against most of humanity.
Jason runs an international overcoming self sabotage & psychological reprogramming institute where students are educated on the subjects of mind control, brainwashing, behaviour modification & psychological manipulation.
If we are to survive and thrive in the upcoming years, Jason believes that we all must understand these processes to protect ourselves from future psychological operations.
By clicking here, you can watch this fascinating and empowering webinar by Jason, and be introduced to some of the WCH Mind Health Committee in the Q and A at the end of the presentation!
Join us today!
Why not meet the team virtually and be part of our amazingly supportive mind health community by joining our weekly webinars and meditations, starting today 28th February 2024 at 8pm UTC/GMT with Quantum Healing with Gerry Pyves? Please register here for today’s event.
Remember, if you miss these webinars you can always catch them up on the World Council for Health Mind Health Committee webpage or our extensive video library.
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Yes! I have been following Jason since 2021. Probably have listened to over 100 podcasts and he has taught me a lot. I no longer drink any caffeine (not that I was a big coffee drinker in the first place), stopped watching msm and cable tv, and pay a lot more attention to the negative propaganda in the movies, commercials and political bs trying to divide us. Eyes wide awake now and I always share Jason’s content. Enjoyed hearing him speak at the latest Round table on coofid with Senator Ron Johnson. So glad he’s getting presence in the states as soooo many are still fast asleep.
Have you come across the astonishing book, ‘The Indoctrinated Brian’ by German neuroscientist Michael Nehls?
He lays out a mind-blowing thesis that Covid was a three-pronged assault on the hippocampus, the seat of the autobiographical self. (Degradation of which leads ultimately to dementia but before that makes the victim compliant and susceptible to the acquisition of new belief systems.)
Firstly, he shows how the lockdown measures were all directly derived from the 8 techniques that Chinese communist ‘re-educators’ used on American POWs during the Korean War.
Isolation and enforced monotony
Threats and intimidation
Monopolisation of perception
Enforcement of trivial demands
Demonstration of omnipotence
Induced exhaustion
Occasional indulgences (often quickly withdrawn.)
It wasn’t known in the 1050s how or why these techniques worked but later neurobiological research revealed that they all degrade the hippocampus.
Even more amazing, he shows that the spike protein from the virus attacks the hippocampus and, of course, the vaccines deliberately encode for the spike protein. So the choice of the virus, the design of the vaccine and the selection of the lockdown measures all work in concert. Insane.