This is why I have repeatedly emphasized the heroic role of whistleblowers and hoped to inspire more brave souls to speak out with “Ode to a Whistleblower”:



As for the serial vaccinator and all others like that person, I dedicate “Eulogy for the COVID Kapos” to them:


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So many brave souls have yelled out the truth about the excess mortality for the last couple of years and continue to do so. I am unsure any whistleblower, as heroic as they are, can make the difference. However, every person who listens and have the clarity of thought to be outraged is one more point of pressure on the elitist agenda. The sum of which is historically considerable and is the thing the elitists have always feared. I think they may still feel that way, otherwise, there would be a lot less smoke and mirrors needed. I think that, we the people, are the only hope to bring about change and justice.

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Lt Col Theresa Long was a very brave whistleblower - immensely difficult and even dangerous to do such a thing as a serving officer. What was the result? Nothing!

The NZ whistleblower will not appear in the MSM, and the regulators will simply continue ignore or deny the validity of the data, the deaths, the injuries as they have done since early 2021,so, for all intents and purposes it will be as if he had said nothing, as far as the general public are aware.

This news will only circulate among those who are already aware and reading Substack regularly.

The medical profession will continue to behave with abject cowardice, and so on. New and harsh censorship law are being passed everywhere and Substack itself, and all independent media, will be broken or eliminated, we can be sure.

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You may be right as to the destruction of our sources of truth and open discussion , like Substack, we just have to keep going ......

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Shocking, staggering and mind-numbing. The video appropriately brings suppressed stifled emotion to the surface in exposing horrific death statistics. We're looking into the edge of an erupting volcano as more people slowly realise the extent of these crimes against humanity.

Statistics presented in the video show that New Zealand deaths following the Covid injections were between 23.75% and 31.94% at the high end or around 4.5% at the 'lower' end when the average death rate is 0.75% - let that sink in.

Many of us saw this coming in 2020 when it became clear that the globalist authoritarians were going to railroad the wholly unnecessary Covid injections through - no matter what anyone said. All part of their Evil Political Plandemic. It's been an unfolding slow-motion train wreck for OVER THREE YEARS.

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Truth tellers. We owe them so much.

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This data details only the deaths. How many more have been maimed or mortally injured by the jabs?

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I'm sitting in a cafe right now digesting this horrible figure - 30% !! Are weekly mortality statistics actually real at this point? Are the authorities now hiding real injury report numbers because of rising reactions? Or, was it just a super bad batch? I'm going to watch the video shortly but here's my post on the MHRA hiding 160,000 Yellow Cards below. Has huge implications for toxicity of follow up shots if definite.


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It looks like former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern got outta Dodge before the levy broke and is now holed up at Harvard. Interesting. USA does have an extradition treaty w New Zealand. It will be very interesting to see how Ms. Ardern responds to the whistleblower data.

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She'd see it as a personal failure. It should have been 50% + not 30%.

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10 mins ago

This is stunning because of the structure of data collection in New Zealand that has given this whistleblower such access to comprehensive information. Vital story. Nevertheless, I agree with Old School Counselor. I was repelled by the way the interviewer pushed Winston to greater expressions of emotion. He wasn't there to focus on his feelings. He was there because he is risking his life to bring the world some truth. God bless him. He was clearly uncomfortable and wanted to start over again, and she let him think he could, while keeping the camera rolling. The world has been manipulated by drama passing as news for the past three years. Let's not do that.

As an old news editor used to tell me "don't bury the lede". Let Winston tell the story. The data is the story. Start with that.

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That is the way liz gun operates - over emotive presentations. just look beyond all that and see the data.

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Then she should change: we do not need emotional vampires milking people.

Prof Fenton in the UK is a model of presentation, he lets the facts speak and does not indulge in theatrics even though his wife was gravely harmed.

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I felt and observed what Lynn described, and at the same time allowed space for something that I found "messy" or unnecessary in delivering this crucial information.

I pushed on to hear and see the message because I had been waiting for it based on the previous day's announcement that information was going to be revealed.

Steve Kirsch's presentation at MIT is another powerful punch forward. Steve had the data in his hands one month prior.

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So important! Thank you!

Winston should link up with Prof Norman Fenton!

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Important stuff but there is a bit too much drama for me as a person who is suspicious of emotion selling ideas. The data are enough.

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Good grief. Too much drama? How many DEATHS does it take to 'justify' any emotion???

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It seemed a bit contrived, but I am not implying that the presentation was not impactful.

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The only thing contrived was the Globalist Dystopian Covid-1984 Plandemic of recent years - in its entirety. That has been impactful.

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Too much drama? Tell you what, I would've been shattered if I came across this information.

I would've been scared to death to have to tell the world about it, in case they come looking for me.

I think Winston was very composed given what he's found out, and brave.

Of course you're free to express your opinion, like we all do. But whew, warm up that cold heart of yours a little.

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Hello Daniella. I do not have a cold heart and I appreciate the things you write. I work in the change business and I was offering my feedback for the presenters because I want our efforts to be successful. I also do appreciate the power of emotion to tell a story but extraneous screenplay might be counterproductive.

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Fair enough, I understand what you say. But I don't agree.

I think Winston came across OK given the shocking information he was showing us. Thanks for your message.

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Perceptions differ and I hope you are right because this is a huge story.

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Well, this person RISKS HIS OWN LIFE AND PROFESSIONAL CAREER, in addition to the emotions associated with witnessing genocide and murder

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Personally I'd rather just see the data without the drama

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I'm with you on this.

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Vaccination is the euthanasia of humanity slowed down in time.

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Yes, we could call it 'Phased Euthanasia'. Very clever of them.

Although given the nature of the deaths and many of the injuries, which are very painful and distressing, euthanasia is a debatable word.

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Thank you, Dr Lawrie. Here is the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society’s recent Melbourne presentation on excess deaths: https://rumble.com/v3yhlbs-amps-launch-of-too-many-deaths-at-wow-26th-november-2023.html

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There appear to be a lot of questions about these New Zealand data. Please see Igor Chukov's analysis: https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/i-analyzed-the-leaked-nz-whistleblower/

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Wow, I we may be near critical mass. Check out the presentation Steve Kirsch made tonight at MIT. Big crowd.


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I have to ask why Ardern is not on trial….. along with all the others of course….

She must have known, hence her rapid departure from office.

They surely can’t get away with this in the longer term?

Even the most dozy are going to wake up to what has been done to them.

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The "scientific" community is finally -beginning- to come to its senses. Next to come around, only after a -lot- of pressure from the public, will be the "legal" community, then after that will be the "journalists", and only then the "elected representatives". The medical establishment, which is part of the military, and the military itself including its "intelligence" arms, will be last.

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I am wary of the new “whistleblowers.”

I think it’s just more damage control as the tipping point of gen pop awareness has long since past. They need to 1) side with the outraged majority for attention and credibility to denounce “this” vaccine (again notice how the even more deadly Moderna keeps getting pass by these so-called whistleblowers) and 2) preserve at all costs the traditional view that all other vaccines are necessary and good. You know, “this was just an aberration.”

All vaccines are disease and death agents. Always have been.

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We have whistle blower protection laws all throughout the Western countries and those laws are now being ignored by governments as they hunt down whistle blowers to try to jail them eg Julian Assange. Of course fake whistle blowing on behalf of governments is still protected as it serves the WEFers agenda in some way or it wouldn't be getting "leaked".

I have now watched the video and I am maybe missing something here but Ed Dowd has been commenting on the New Zealand, Australian and UK government data for almost two years now stating exactly trhe same things as "Winston" so I'm wondering what this is all about this late on in the genocide process. Maybe "Winston" isn't aware of Ed Dowd's work and his book published almost exactly a year ago now regarding this titled "Cause Unknown" with the foreword written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and show for sale here on Amazon ..... https://www.amazon.com/Cause-Epidemic-Sudden-Childrens-Defense/dp/1510776397

Is this perhaps simply a way of the government through "Winston" of 1984 fame coming out with the horror data now as if this wasn't entirely obvious years ago so that government can say "Oops!! We had no idea we were continuing to poison people until good old "Winston" told us" ..... Remember their religion requires they tell you exactly what they are doing so the name "Winston Smith" would be an obvious way of doing that out in the open but hidden. The guys weird harping on about how special we all are and how it is a few hundred trillion to one that we are all here also rejects any form of creation which again is these WEFers to a "T" as they most certainly don't want to consider the upcoming judgement day for their crimes. If God decides you are going to exist the odds of the exact you existing is 1 to 1.

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The significance of having the governments chief statistician reveal that up to 1/3 of people jabbed in some areas died makes this the most powerful revelation to come out in the past 3 years!

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