Hello Daniella. I do not have a cold heart and I appreciate the things you write. I work in the change business and I was offering my feedback for the presenters because I want our efforts to be successful. I also do appreciate the power of emotion to tell a story but extraneous screenplay might be counterproductive.
Important stuff but there is a bit too much drama for me as a person who is suspicious of emotion selling ideas. The data are enough.
Good grief. Too much drama? How many DEATHS does it take to 'justify' any emotion???
It seemed a bit contrived, but I am not implying that the presentation was not impactful.
The only thing contrived was the Globalist Dystopian Covid-1984 Plandemic of recent years - in its entirety. That has been impactful.
Too much drama? Tell you what, I would've been shattered if I came across this information.
I would've been scared to death to have to tell the world about it, in case they come looking for me.
I think Winston was very composed given what he's found out, and brave.
Of course you're free to express your opinion, like we all do. But whew, warm up that cold heart of yours a little.
Hello Daniella. I do not have a cold heart and I appreciate the things you write. I work in the change business and I was offering my feedback for the presenters because I want our efforts to be successful. I also do appreciate the power of emotion to tell a story but extraneous screenplay might be counterproductive.
Fair enough, I understand what you say. But I don't agree.
I think Winston came across OK given the shocking information he was showing us. Thanks for your message.
Perceptions differ and I hope you are right because this is a huge story.
Well, this person RISKS HIS OWN LIFE AND PROFESSIONAL CAREER, in addition to the emotions associated with witnessing genocide and murder
Personally I'd rather just see the data without the drama
I'm with you on this.