It looks like former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern got outta Dodge before the levy broke and is now holed up at Harvard. Interesting. USA does have an extradition treaty w New Zealand. It will be very interesting to see how Ms. Ardern responds to the whistleblower data.
It looks like former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern got outta Dodge before the levy broke and is now holed up at Harvard. Interesting. USA does have an extradition treaty w New Zealand. It will be very interesting to see how Ms. Ardern responds to the whistleblower data.
It looks like former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern got outta Dodge before the levy broke and is now holed up at Harvard. Interesting. USA does have an extradition treaty w New Zealand. It will be very interesting to see how Ms. Ardern responds to the whistleblower data.
She'd see it as a personal failure. It should have been 50% + not 30%.