This is what ethics and integrity look like. Take note, all those thousands protecting your medical careers over human lives: you were never fit to be licensed as medical professionals. Or in any other occupation of consequence to human well-being. The world is bearing witness to your failing. We see you, your stain is imprinted in eternity. Gratitude, Dr Lawrie and team for these records and high standing. The Grand Juries are near.

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Dr Lawrie, you both intrigue us all, and make us proud as readers and supporters. Imagine a soft spoken woman with such strong convictions going up against Dr. Hill. Who knew he would embrace eternal weakness? The contest is won. Those who studied more, read more, worked more and prayed more (Tess, Marik, Kory, Malone, McCullogh, Cole, Kirsch, Syed, Bowden,James, Gold and Wolf, to name just a few), are the winners. We are all the beneficiaries. Dr. Hill will someday, be held to account for letting evil engulf him. It was his choice, after all.

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Do not ever inject or otherwise consume anything containing PEG. It is a known neurotoxin. This was an active ingredient in the IVM used in the linked study. It also is in the ‘beautiful’ deadly jabs. Always read the Material Safety Data Sheet for any Pharma concoction you expose your body to and engage your critical mind. IVM comes in different formulations. I am not promoting it although I have seen some rapid recoveries in people using it, and none have gone blind or died since. I also question the lacking spike in excess mortality in African population following widespread drug rollout out. That said, after what we’ve seen in the toxic biodefense jab the DOD did unleash onto the population in 2021, there is no guarantee that even previously beneficial pharmaceuticals may not suddenly be reformulated with added toxic ingredients. Revisiting this 2023 post reminds me of a time of hope that those we had worked so hard to awaken since 2020 would finally join us in stopping this war. Early in 2024 it became apparent that none of that would happen. Instead, widespread apathy set in after people realized that they had been deceived and criminally harmed. I have to admit that my trust in people has unrecoverably shattered since.

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Thanks for the handouts, disinformation specialist and Tim Truth disciple Ian Black. You have found your path, yayy! Yes, the brain space has become a battlefield and if we want to look at truth, humans have lost their brain some time ago. I know, I know, you must urgently tell me the whole human life-form is a ridiculous construct never proven to exist in a hypothetical universe. Neither does truth. You bet. Knowledge has become warfare. All of it, all sides, all the time. The best way back to sanity is to drop heroes, disciples to such, and all propaganda - which is all we are allowed to see today. Someone’s propaganda. The saddest of all lessons today is how shockingly many of us are willing to sell their soul and friends (I know, I know, never proven to exist, LOL) for so little.

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I'm no one's diciple. I am just sharing information, others must judge for themselves whether useful or not. Personally, I am not convinced that Covid exists at all and come to that viruses too. I don't take any pharmaceutical products and try to only eat things in their most natural form. We are all on a journey, learning as we go (hopefully). 🙂

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Very sensible outlook. Well, that goes for AIDS, monkey hives, chicken sniffles and any other monetizable and power hungry panic trap. Best wishes for your journey in this frayed world.

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As I wrote in the text accompanying your historic reading of “Mistakes Were NOT Made,” Tess:

“As if witnessing Tess’s heart-piercing reading of my poem wasn’t thrilling enough, the director and cinematographer—Mark Lawrie—also happens to be responsible for creating my number-one red-pilling video, A Letter to Dr Andrew Hill. I have referenced it more than any other video across my posts, and I consider it the most important eighteen minutes and fifty-three seconds you can spend to understand the scientific fraud underpinning COVID tyranny.” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a)

I also featured “A Letter to Dr Andrew Hill” in my letter to Alex Berenson in July 2022:

• “Letter to Alex Berenson on World Ivermectin Day” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-alex-berenson-on-world)

Now I consider it my #2 red-pilling video—after your reading of my poem :-) So you and Mark are responsible for two of the most significant videos of the COVID era, and collaborating with both of you has been one of the highlights of my life.

Just over two years ago, I published my case study of the ivermectin disinformation campaign:

• “Letter to a Scientifically-Minded Friend” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded)

It is amazing to think I didn’t know you, Pierre, or Paul Marik at the time of that writing but no doubt encountered your names while scouring PubMed for research on ivermectin. It wasn’t until I read the transcript of your exchange with Andrew Hill in “The Real Anthony Fauci” that I “met” you—and it was your heroic exchange with Andrew that inspired me to launch my Profiles in Courage series:

• “Profiles in Courage: Dr. Tess Lawrie” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie)

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Margaret Anna Alice , I’ve saved your entire comment and links into a digital file I have compiled. I am confused however , earlier I posted a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of those injured or killed due to ignoring the efficacy of cheaper and earlier treatment. I’ve posted similar on countless websites and never get a response….

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Thank you, JimB! I am unfamiliar with the class action suit you are referencing but am glad to hear something is underway!

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I would like to see many of the luminaries who have opposed both the ‘Covid’ protocols and the vaccine rollout join/testify in this lawsuit. On page 3 of the attached lawsuit there are links which catalogue numerous injuries and deaths due to the use of Remidesivir.

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I generally avoid clicking s3/Google Drive/Microsoft Cloud links and the like as a security precaution. Is this available on a Substack, or is it something I can find via search engine?

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It’s a safe link to the court docket, beyond that I don’t know.

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I found a couple of relevant articles:



I haven't had a chance to read this yet, but Unbekoming just published this article about remdesivir:


You may also be interested in the piece I wrote on hospicide last year where I address remdesivir:


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I remember watching your open letter to Andrew Hill and being very moved by it. This was my introduction to you - and to Andrew Hill. I was moved by your caring, recoiled from him.

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Repellent individual who represents everything that is wrong about our system which is about to turn global. Truly the banality of evil is terrifying, he is a soft, well-spoken man but condemned many to death with complete indifference.

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I also was repelled. Was he completely indifferent? I felt him wriggling like a worm on a hook. My sense is he did not want this confrontation with Tess Lawrie - not because he cared about the people - but he found it personally uncomfortable to be faced with the truth about the consequences of his actions.

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https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/13/how-my-ivermectin-research-led-to-twitter-death-threats. Judgement awaits him one that he won't wiggle out of, no remorse

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he could not look her in the eyes...coward...we know what will happen to him soon

(Revelation 21:8) But as for the cowards and those without faith and those who are disgusting in their filth and murderers and the sexually immoral and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This means the second death.”

pity...I will NOT shed a tear, it was HIS choice! force or not, his conscience was not guiding him to do right

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He is another POS like fauci who can lie and withhold information because he has been financially motivated by big pharma or whoever is paying him.These scumbags have no moral compass and clearly dont remember or care about their hippocratic oath to do no harm........

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Yes, like Fauci

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It looks like we (humanity, common folks, you and me) have a huge problem. Lots of money is taken from our earnings by force (taxation) to fund what is being advertised as health care. We then are coerced to part with more money by paying health insurance. As it turns out, the health care system is ineffective, corrupt, and basically operating against medical or plain scientific knowledge. The insurance system does everything not to provide insurance coverage, and is highly successful (which is measured in openly published profits).

Those who have insider knowledge - doctors, HCWs, scientists, researchers, and their families - keep silent (as long as they get paid) or, out of the blue, wake up angry and impotent, being only capable of finger pointing and commenting. Funny, because they are the only ones who could actually do something to make the system more efficient, more profitable (by cutting fancy things and optimizing spending) or, as a minimum, to make it at least appear to be patient-friendly. But, no. Is it because writing critical books about the system is more profitable or “safer”? Or is it because the image of unemployment is too scary? Even though these are all aspects of human behavior, and are understandable…

If we go this way, maybe we should give up the Samaritan image and start being honest and truthful? Why not tell the patient straight that we (the medical system) really do not know much about the human body, and we cannot even properly apply that which we know (iatrogenicity)? Why not be sincere and start actively promoting healthy lifestyle, healthy eating habits, healthy working routines, and healthy relationships (all being the dominant factors crippling the body’s natural strength) IN PLACE of serial prescribing things that the doctor really knows nothing about?

My point is that the whole system is running wrong. We are told one thing, and practice is worlds apart from it. I don’t mind if this is what it is. But if this is our reality, maybe we should stop proclaiming ethics, religious values, human values, saving life, helping in need, and similar cover stories? I am not referring to specific individuals still operating within this system who may have integrity. I mean the system itself that imposes corruption of humanity and destruction of social coexistence principles. It would be much healthier to know beforehand what we are up to. That would be the best starting point to make the system truly helpful.

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This may be of interest:

I have posted the following elsewhere and repeatedly.... and will likely continue to do so ... Please take what you like and leave the rest...



"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

~ Krishnamurti


"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)


NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society.

Furthermore, #childhood #adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.

The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...


Aware Parenting website:

"It is paradoxical, yet true:

Children are the most

in need of loving attention,

when they act the least deserving of it."

~ Aletha Solter



“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article 👇🏼




"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:




Why males are more violent:




Eric Clopper and Dr Denniston ... #circumcision




Dissolving my vaxxed illusions:




The Medical Mafia (2002)

~ Ghislaine Lanctôt

Direct link to PDF file: 👇🏼



Paul Valery declared “War is a place where young people who don’t know each other kill each other, based on decisions made by old people, who know each other and hate each other, but don’t kill each other.”


Harry Patch, last surviving soldier of WW2, who died in 2009, bravely said “War is organised murder and nothing else”.

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Great points, and how true. Most probably, they will remain unnoticed in the flood of comment words. This one post of your is worth making a separate full Substack. That's the only way to make it stand apart.

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That is a very good comment. I have copied for reference. As Dan means 'judge' one can say that is good judgement!

Re "Why not be sincere and start actively promoting healthy lifestyle, healthy eating habits, healthy working routines, and healthy relationships (all being the dominant factors crippling the body’s natural strength) IN PLACE of serial prescribing things that the doctor really knows nothing about?"

The medical profession as a whole will never be sincere as it loves the kudos of being called 'Doctor' and being seen as an expert. It also love the wealth that comes with it. It is the heart of mankind that is corrupt and pride the love of money the root of all kinds of evil.

The medical profession is not the only profession suffering from this but it has been exposed as perhaps the worst during this COVID nonsense.

And the whole system is not just running wrong it is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how the body works and disease in general.

We need precious little of what passes for health care and the money saved can be far better used to make sure food and water are truly clean and unpoisoned for example.

In the UK the NHS should be demolished and what is salvageable reused.

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Don’t judge me by Dans :-) (wrong spelling, should be dance)

I don’t judge the medicult for their practices. We are all profit-driven, it’s just the basic measurable aspect of this life. Same with power trips, we are all brought up undernourished in self-esteem, respect for the other, and the basic understanding of the dynamics of human relationships. With no education on how to navigate among and with others, we grasp the first tool available to everyone, the muscle power. Smart ones quickly outsource this manner to law enforcement, bodyguards or lawyers, effectively remaining in the shadow and paying others to take the beating.

Maybe this is where we are lost. If everyone learned the cause and effect law on their own physical body, responsibility would be equivalent to respect. But we don’t see hiding behind the back of the law or security employees as disrespect to the other.

We have also learned the art of twisting meanings and avoiding sharing personal opinions (even if they are temporary and may be subject to change in a minute). Who knows, maybe it is an act of revenge on our parents and teachers who required telling the truth - but we saw them lying 24/7 and denying it 48/7.

Whatever, we are weird beings, for sure.

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Goodness me. To see a coward close up like that. To see someone who knows that they have become a murderer for money. I cannot imagine how someone like him sleeps at night. I suppose I haven't watched any TV for the last few years. I turned it all off. I shouldn't be shocked but I felt sick looking at him, genuinely repulsed on the deepest level.

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No TV: that's a recurring theme amongst people who know what's going on!

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I threw my television away 20+ years ago.

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We had a teevee in the house when we were kids but I never allowed one in my own house. One of my kids has followed suit.

Furthermore, all mass media has long been banned as well. NO newspapers, magazines, etc.

It's an old and proven concept:

I have so completely withdrawn myself from these spectacles of usurpation & misrule, that I do not take a single newspaper, nor read one a month; & I feel myself infinitely the happier for it.

-Jefferson letter To Tench Coxe Monticello, May 1, 1794


I will add, that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods & errors.

-Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, 14 June 1807


He who reads nothing will still learn the great facts, and the details are all false.

-Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, 14 June 1807


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OUTSTANDING Geoff!!!! You’re in great company with our Founder, President Jefferson!

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Thank you. I post those and similar others quite a lot but it's surprising how underappreciated such things are.

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It’s very appreciated here! Early America was a different country than what we see today…and not in a good way. Some of us know that!

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Me too! So glad it meant that I didn't fall for any of this. I know people like this horrible man are out there but wow it's repulsive to see isn't it!

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"By no process can coercion be made equitable": I love that - very succinct. Always nice to find more sources of good books! Thanks Geoff.

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all accomplices WILL PAY, they cannot escape the Creator, they will be JUDGED...pity...

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I'll find an opportunity to play this song in an upcoming Better Way Livestream. Thank you for sharing!

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So Dr Lawrie , there is a class action lawsuit which has been filed on September 27, 2023 on behalf of persons who have been killed or severely injured by the ‘Covid protocol’.

What I would like to see is YOU, and numerous other expert witnesses subpoenaed to testify on behalf of those injured or killed. I am in Redding, California and the lawsuit was filed in Shasta County California. Ideally numerous witness/experts should be enjoined onto this lawsuit. Medical professionals such as Dr Marik, Dr Kory and Dr Brian Hooker who resides in Redding California. See attached lawsuit.


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Dr Brian Hooker is part of RFK Jr’s Childrens Health Defense.

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Great song, thank you for sharing Dollyboy. I can feel the anxious questioning in the words and the frustration in the music. Well played!

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Brilliant. Hope he's heard this. Not the type of dedication I'd like directed towards myself. But if you're fine with countless dying unnecessarily for lack of access to a safe effective drug or the damage done by the publicly approved treatment, I guess no worries. Probably puts on his headphones, pours a drink and serenades himself nightly to the tune.

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How are we EVER supposed to trust any doctor? Honestly.

Enough of the white coat iatrogenics. ENOUGH.

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That was the silent blessing in all of this- knocking doctors off their pedestals. They know next to nothing about health. They know pills and pain management by narcotic use and that’s about it.

When I took my kids for their annual visits, it was the first time I lost the blood in my face realizing how we are trained to revere doctors. It’s purely psychological. Those exams consisted of temperature and BP check, heart and lung check with stethoscope, then so strangely, the doctor sticking her hands down their underwear and fondling their testicles. All whilst Mom stands by and abides. I never even noticed before how odd this is, as 9 and 12 year olds really don’t need that sort of check. It’s done to establish complete dominion by doctors and WILLING submission by us all. Done matter-of-factly and routinely. They have complete access to our most vulnerable places. That’s how you establish control and subconscious unquestioning deference and allegiance.

More than half my life over and I never saw it through the proper lens before this.

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I was sent to a dermatology consultant as my psoriasis was playing up, I asked this consultant if food was a factor, the very quick response was a resounding no! I know that's bull, if I have a coke original, within 20 minutes my skin starts to itch. Certain food can also contribute to flare ups, I changed my diet to wholesome food, drastically cut out sugar, and had plenty of water. What helped also was fasting, this was actually for religious purposes but aided my skin in healing so now serves as a dual purpose. Had I gone down the medical route I would be on metformin and would have had to take blood samples every fortnight to ensure my liver was okay. So yes I agree with your statement in regard to many doctors being slaves to the pharmaceutical industry.

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"So yes I agree with your statement in regard to many doctors being slaves to the pharmaceutical industry."

Your observation is spot on, and has been for some time. Note the date.:

“…A great deal of what these doctors know about these new products, which now constitute the major part of their prescriptions, and for which they are in a position to prescribe so specifically, they have learned from the medical communications of the industry rather than from their schools, their professional societies, a text, or their teaching or communitv hospitals. In large measure, they have learned this from you. Thus the doctor has been twice blessed by you. <b>You have created the product, and you have instructed him as to its usage. You are emerging as a dominant influence in postgraduate therapeutics." </b> That the situation is as Dr. Dana described it no one doubts. But how many anxious patients would consider it altogether a blessing for their doctor's prescriptions to be determined bv people who sell drugs rather than by doctor-teachers who have only the patient's welfare to gain from use of any medicine they advise?

Do We Need a Census of Worthless Drugs?

by John Lear

The Saturday Review, May 7, 1960, pp. 53-57


The whole series of articles is worth reading and the points Lear makes are just as relevant today.

Please spread the word.

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Well said. I was diagnosed with a rare cancer in early 2020. I asked the oncologist who was proposing immuno-therapy which I accepted if I should change my diet. She said 'No'. My wife was a witness to this.

By Sept I knew what was really the cause of my facial palsy, sodium nitrite in bacon I ate. I despise most doctors now for the ignoramuses they are.


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Despise is too soft BM Happy New Year to you😃🇦🇺👍

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@Bal I and many others have seen relief from psoriasis through generous dosing of Vitamin-D3 and magnesium.

I rubbed a drop of Vitamin-D3 supplement oil onto some of my scaly spots and they cleared up first. I had increased my intake to 500ug=20'000IU daily at the time.

If you search for "Cholecalciferol Miraheze Kalle Pihlajasaari" you should find a table and a bunch of references as to how I came up with my maintenance dose. For treatment of any condition that is tractable to Vitamin-D3 I use double of what it says for my weight and BMI.

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Thanks for that information, I will obtain some topical vitamin D3 and magnesium, also will increase the oral dosage of the vitamin D. Dovabet a typical medication that is given to psoriasis sufferers is a vitamin D analogue so that might explain why the Vitamin D3 works. Thanks

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I think you meant to say that may be why the Dovabet works. :-)

More to the point, the only reason Dovabet exists is because Vitamin-D3 cannot be patented.

If it is infection or inflammation I will add Vitamin-C while symptomatic, if I suspect viral influence I will add olive leaf extract and NAC. If mucosal I add zinc lozenge and tablet and boiled onion milk or quercetin. Other vitamins help too. If you do not recall your dreams you can increase your B vitamins. A deficiency of one of them hinders dream recall, so I take a month of the STRONG-B tablets and then fall back to what is in a normal B-complex tablet.

We use the Seeking Health drops because they have 50ug=2000IU in one drop or you can just bite or cut a gel capsule to get some oil.

The skin conditions can take 9 months to clear up but for my father it was a decade of no help from doctors until my mother insisted he try Vitamin-D3 and then in 3, 6 and 9 months he resolved Psoriasis, sleep-apnea and Parkinsons tremors, I forget what order. My mild Psoriasis was basically gone in 3 months, after a sauna you could see the new skin was a bit more pink for a few months longer but I can no longer see where the scaly skin was.

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Me too! I’ve had two surgeries the last couple of years. My hernia surgery was CAUSED by the cancer surgery. Forcing a mask over my face, out of surgery did it for me! They’re telling me to breath (oxygen level), but put a mask over my face! I was in so much pain, it took me 15 minutes to get out of the car. Disgusting! I look at doctors now as paid off monsters.

I’m anti-vax forever!

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Such a great article describing in just enough detail how this whole system works--I've subscribed--thank you!

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Thank you for the interaction!! Much appreciated.

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I trust no doctor or nurse.

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Andy has such a hard time looking at Tess, wonder why?

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Sincerely and appreciatively Thank You Dr. Lawrie.

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Agree with Elsa. Your video motivated me to take action - and treat! My wife (RN) & I treated 1000+ using FLCCC protocols and we know we saved some lives. Thank you, and the whole gang of committed warriors.

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Dr. Lawrie, a consequence of Dr. Hill's corruption is the imminent implementation of the WHO pandemic treaty. The next step in totalitarian "healthcare." Or more accurately, population control through poisoning.

Dr. Andrew Hill's betrayal is going to grow far greater than he ever imagined. Please tell him that. 😕

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he will be judge as a goat ...so going into everlasting destruction...we will NOT see him on any beaches in the new paradise...great I hate this guy, not a righteous man, so not allowed

(Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.

think of all the heroes we will meet, and get to know each one of them...what a beautiful time we will have IF we endure to the end!

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The plan on how to provide that much needed nudge to society to accept the pharma industry’s sought after desire for an adult vaccine schedule that would function the same as the childhood schedule had been in the works so long before 2020, there was no way that anything was going to stand between us having a pandemic without a “vaccine” solution.

Gates undoubtedly had too much at stake in this venture by the time covid hit, there is no doubt ivermectin didn’t have a chance. To him 15,000 deaths a day was the best marketing possible, no amount of money could sell the “vaccine” as well. Think about it, Gate was giving TED talks in 2015 on exactly how the Corona virus pandemic was going to happen - everyone thought he was a genius. Now he’s talking (via GAVI June 2021) about the possibility, a what if, if the next pandemic is from the Nipah virus. How can there be a serious risk of a pandemic with that virus without gain of junction? But as we know Canada’s Winnipeg lab sent copies of the virus along with Ebola to Wuhan sometime after 2018 which resulted in the Chinese lab workers that organized the transfer quietly being escorted back to China in 2020. And of course Moderna filed with the FDA in 2022 to commence clinal trials on a Nipah virus mRNA vaccine. What would be perfect timing for the next pandemic that gates / Tedros / and the rest of the talking heads at WHO seem so confident is coming? 2025? By then all the WHO international health regulations and new pandemic treaty provision will be fully in place, that seems like good timing, but time will tell. If it does come in 2025, Astrid Sruckelberger’s (the 20 year WHO whistle blower scientist) 2021 warning should redeem her in the eyes of all those that said she was crazy.

Think of what has happened to the innocent of so many, to the trust in our institutions since 2020, it’s an incredible era in history, unfortunately with so many victims yet again. The people that lived WW2 are gone, there is not enough people with living memory to dig in and say this isn’t happening, our remembrance ceremonies once a year weren’t enough to keep that memory alive to prevent us from repeating history. In the end there is no substitute for living through a disaster to ensure you know you don’t want to repeat it.

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There are parallels to WW2 and very sadly, but necessarily, we are going though an image of it.


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I hope however he much he got bribed with eases living with his emense guilt. Whatless. He cant even look at Dr Tess in the eye. Speak up dude!!!!

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One of the most significant videos of our lives , thank you Tess for all you are all trying to do

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Tess says “we will forgive you, Andy.” Will we? Does she mean in the that new-agey kind of way? Because this man was personally responsible for millions of deaths- including those caused by the vaccine.

We know now that ivermectin was violently suppressed (by all means available) because the entire point of all of this— of developing and releasing Covid, of ensuring hospitals and nursing homes killed Covid patients, of locking down people and ruining businesses—was to get this bioweapon injected in as many western civilization individuals as possible.

He killed millions, he ruined the careers of doctors, and he’s likely ruined the lives of millions more children who will suffer lifelong effects of this poison.

I feel pretty good going to my death NOT forgiving Andrew Hill. He should be hung from the highest tree.

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He's also probably mentally deranged.

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Andrew Hill is a cowardly piece of shit that should be drawn and quartered in very slow motion.

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