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It looks like we (humanity, common folks, you and me) have a huge problem. Lots of money is taken from our earnings by force (taxation) to fund what is being advertised as health care. We then are coerced to part with more money by paying health insurance. As it turns out, the health care system is ineffective, corrupt, and basically operating against medical or plain scientific knowledge. The insurance system does everything not to provide insurance coverage, and is highly successful (which is measured in openly published profits).

Those who have insider knowledge - doctors, HCWs, scientists, researchers, and their families - keep silent (as long as they get paid) or, out of the blue, wake up angry and impotent, being only capable of finger pointing and commenting. Funny, because they are the only ones who could actually do something to make the system more efficient, more profitable (by cutting fancy things and optimizing spending) or, as a minimum, to make it at least appear to be patient-friendly. But, no. Is it because writing critical books about the system is more profitable or “safer”? Or is it because the image of unemployment is too scary? Even though these are all aspects of human behavior, and are understandable…

If we go this way, maybe we should give up the Samaritan image and start being honest and truthful? Why not tell the patient straight that we (the medical system) really do not know much about the human body, and we cannot even properly apply that which we know (iatrogenicity)? Why not be sincere and start actively promoting healthy lifestyle, healthy eating habits, healthy working routines, and healthy relationships (all being the dominant factors crippling the body’s natural strength) IN PLACE of serial prescribing things that the doctor really knows nothing about?

My point is that the whole system is running wrong. We are told one thing, and practice is worlds apart from it. I don’t mind if this is what it is. But if this is our reality, maybe we should stop proclaiming ethics, religious values, human values, saving life, helping in need, and similar cover stories? I am not referring to specific individuals still operating within this system who may have integrity. I mean the system itself that imposes corruption of humanity and destruction of social coexistence principles. It would be much healthier to know beforehand what we are up to. That would be the best starting point to make the system truly helpful.

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This may be of interest:

I have posted the following elsewhere and repeatedly.... and will likely continue to do so ... Please take what you like and leave the rest...



"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

~ Krishnamurti


"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)


NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society.

Furthermore, #childhood #adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.

The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...


Aware Parenting website:

"It is paradoxical, yet true:

Children are the most

in need of loving attention,

when they act the least deserving of it."

~ Aletha Solter



“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article 👇🏼




"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:




Why males are more violent:




Eric Clopper and Dr Denniston ... #circumcision




Dissolving my vaxxed illusions:




The Medical Mafia (2002)

~ Ghislaine Lanctôt

Direct link to PDF file: 👇🏼



Paul Valery declared “War is a place where young people who don’t know each other kill each other, based on decisions made by old people, who know each other and hate each other, but don’t kill each other.”


Harry Patch, last surviving soldier of WW2, who died in 2009, bravely said “War is organised murder and nothing else”.

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Great points, and how true. Most probably, they will remain unnoticed in the flood of comment words. This one post of your is worth making a separate full Substack. That's the only way to make it stand apart.

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That is a very good comment. I have copied for reference. As Dan means 'judge' one can say that is good judgement!

Re "Why not be sincere and start actively promoting healthy lifestyle, healthy eating habits, healthy working routines, and healthy relationships (all being the dominant factors crippling the body’s natural strength) IN PLACE of serial prescribing things that the doctor really knows nothing about?"

The medical profession as a whole will never be sincere as it loves the kudos of being called 'Doctor' and being seen as an expert. It also love the wealth that comes with it. It is the heart of mankind that is corrupt and pride the love of money the root of all kinds of evil.

The medical profession is not the only profession suffering from this but it has been exposed as perhaps the worst during this COVID nonsense.

And the whole system is not just running wrong it is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how the body works and disease in general.

We need precious little of what passes for health care and the money saved can be far better used to make sure food and water are truly clean and unpoisoned for example.

In the UK the NHS should be demolished and what is salvageable reused.

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Don’t judge me by Dans :-) (wrong spelling, should be dance)

I don’t judge the medicult for their practices. We are all profit-driven, it’s just the basic measurable aspect of this life. Same with power trips, we are all brought up undernourished in self-esteem, respect for the other, and the basic understanding of the dynamics of human relationships. With no education on how to navigate among and with others, we grasp the first tool available to everyone, the muscle power. Smart ones quickly outsource this manner to law enforcement, bodyguards or lawyers, effectively remaining in the shadow and paying others to take the beating.

Maybe this is where we are lost. If everyone learned the cause and effect law on their own physical body, responsibility would be equivalent to respect. But we don’t see hiding behind the back of the law or security employees as disrespect to the other.

We have also learned the art of twisting meanings and avoiding sharing personal opinions (even if they are temporary and may be subject to change in a minute). Who knows, maybe it is an act of revenge on our parents and teachers who required telling the truth - but we saw them lying 24/7 and denying it 48/7.

Whatever, we are weird beings, for sure.

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