That was the silent blessing in all of this- knocking doctors off their pedestals. They know next to nothing about health. They know pills and pain management by narcotic use and that’s about it.
When I took my kids for their annual visits, it was the first time I lost the blood in my face realizing how we are trained to revere doctors. It’s purely psychological. Those exams consisted of temperature and BP check, heart and lung check with stethoscope, then so strangely, the doctor sticking her hands down their underwear and fondling their testicles. All whilst Mom stands by and abides. I never even noticed before how odd this is, as 9 and 12 year olds really don’t need that sort of check. It’s done to establish complete dominion by doctors and WILLING submission by us all. Done matter-of-factly and routinely. They have complete access to our most vulnerable places. That’s how you establish control and subconscious unquestioning deference and allegiance.
More than half my life over and I never saw it through the proper lens before this.
I was sent to a dermatology consultant as my psoriasis was playing up, I asked this consultant if food was a factor, the very quick response was a resounding no! I know that's bull, if I have a coke original, within 20 minutes my skin starts to itch. Certain food can also contribute to flare ups, I changed my diet to wholesome food, drastically cut out sugar, and had plenty of water. What helped also was fasting, this was actually for religious purposes but aided my skin in healing so now serves as a dual purpose. Had I gone down the medical route I would be on metformin and would have had to take blood samples every fortnight to ensure my liver was okay. So yes I agree with your statement in regard to many doctors being slaves to the pharmaceutical industry.
"So yes I agree with your statement in regard to many doctors being slaves to the pharmaceutical industry."
Your observation is spot on, and has been for some time. Note the date.:
“…A great deal of what these doctors know about these new products, which now constitute the major part of their prescriptions, and for which they are in a position to prescribe so specifically, they have learned from the medical communications of the industry rather than from their schools, their professional societies, a text, or their teaching or communitv hospitals. In large measure, they have learned this from you. Thus the doctor has been twice blessed by you. <b>You have created the product, and you have instructed him as to its usage. You are emerging as a dominant influence in postgraduate therapeutics." </b> That the situation is as Dr. Dana described it no one doubts. But how many anxious patients would consider it altogether a blessing for their doctor's prescriptions to be determined bv people who sell drugs rather than by doctor-teachers who have only the patient's welfare to gain from use of any medicine they advise?
Well said. I was diagnosed with a rare cancer in early 2020. I asked the oncologist who was proposing immuno-therapy which I accepted if I should change my diet. She said 'No'. My wife was a witness to this.
By Sept I knew what was really the cause of my facial palsy, sodium nitrite in bacon I ate. I despise most doctors now for the ignoramuses they are.
@Bal I and many others have seen relief from psoriasis through generous dosing of Vitamin-D3 and magnesium.
I rubbed a drop of Vitamin-D3 supplement oil onto some of my scaly spots and they cleared up first. I had increased my intake to 500ug=20'000IU daily at the time.
If you search for "Cholecalciferol Miraheze Kalle Pihlajasaari" you should find a table and a bunch of references as to how I came up with my maintenance dose. For treatment of any condition that is tractable to Vitamin-D3 I use double of what it says for my weight and BMI.
Thanks for that information, I will obtain some topical vitamin D3 and magnesium, also will increase the oral dosage of the vitamin D. Dovabet a typical medication that is given to psoriasis sufferers is a vitamin D analogue so that might explain why the Vitamin D3 works. Thanks
I think you meant to say that may be why the Dovabet works. :-)
More to the point, the only reason Dovabet exists is because Vitamin-D3 cannot be patented.
If it is infection or inflammation I will add Vitamin-C while symptomatic, if I suspect viral influence I will add olive leaf extract and NAC. If mucosal I add zinc lozenge and tablet and boiled onion milk or quercetin. Other vitamins help too. If you do not recall your dreams you can increase your B vitamins. A deficiency of one of them hinders dream recall, so I take a month of the STRONG-B tablets and then fall back to what is in a normal B-complex tablet.
We use the Seeking Health drops because they have 50ug=2000IU in one drop or you can just bite or cut a gel capsule to get some oil.
The skin conditions can take 9 months to clear up but for my father it was a decade of no help from doctors until my mother insisted he try Vitamin-D3 and then in 3, 6 and 9 months he resolved Psoriasis, sleep-apnea and Parkinsons tremors, I forget what order. My mild Psoriasis was basically gone in 3 months, after a sauna you could see the new skin was a bit more pink for a few months longer but I can no longer see where the scaly skin was.
Me too! I’ve had two surgeries the last couple of years. My hernia surgery was CAUSED by the cancer surgery. Forcing a mask over my face, out of surgery did it for me! They’re telling me to breath (oxygen level), but put a mask over my face! I was in so much pain, it took me 15 minutes to get out of the car. Disgusting! I look at doctors now as paid off monsters.
How are we EVER supposed to trust any doctor? Honestly.
Enough of the white coat iatrogenics. ENOUGH.
That was the silent blessing in all of this- knocking doctors off their pedestals. They know next to nothing about health. They know pills and pain management by narcotic use and that’s about it.
When I took my kids for their annual visits, it was the first time I lost the blood in my face realizing how we are trained to revere doctors. It’s purely psychological. Those exams consisted of temperature and BP check, heart and lung check with stethoscope, then so strangely, the doctor sticking her hands down their underwear and fondling their testicles. All whilst Mom stands by and abides. I never even noticed before how odd this is, as 9 and 12 year olds really don’t need that sort of check. It’s done to establish complete dominion by doctors and WILLING submission by us all. Done matter-of-factly and routinely. They have complete access to our most vulnerable places. That’s how you establish control and subconscious unquestioning deference and allegiance.
More than half my life over and I never saw it through the proper lens before this.
I was sent to a dermatology consultant as my psoriasis was playing up, I asked this consultant if food was a factor, the very quick response was a resounding no! I know that's bull, if I have a coke original, within 20 minutes my skin starts to itch. Certain food can also contribute to flare ups, I changed my diet to wholesome food, drastically cut out sugar, and had plenty of water. What helped also was fasting, this was actually for religious purposes but aided my skin in healing so now serves as a dual purpose. Had I gone down the medical route I would be on metformin and would have had to take blood samples every fortnight to ensure my liver was okay. So yes I agree with your statement in regard to many doctors being slaves to the pharmaceutical industry.
"So yes I agree with your statement in regard to many doctors being slaves to the pharmaceutical industry."
Your observation is spot on, and has been for some time. Note the date.:
“…A great deal of what these doctors know about these new products, which now constitute the major part of their prescriptions, and for which they are in a position to prescribe so specifically, they have learned from the medical communications of the industry rather than from their schools, their professional societies, a text, or their teaching or communitv hospitals. In large measure, they have learned this from you. Thus the doctor has been twice blessed by you. <b>You have created the product, and you have instructed him as to its usage. You are emerging as a dominant influence in postgraduate therapeutics." </b> That the situation is as Dr. Dana described it no one doubts. But how many anxious patients would consider it altogether a blessing for their doctor's prescriptions to be determined bv people who sell drugs rather than by doctor-teachers who have only the patient's welfare to gain from use of any medicine they advise?
Do We Need a Census of Worthless Drugs?
by John Lear
The Saturday Review, May 7, 1960, pp. 53-57
The whole series of articles is worth reading and the points Lear makes are just as relevant today.
Please spread the word.
Well said. I was diagnosed with a rare cancer in early 2020. I asked the oncologist who was proposing immuno-therapy which I accepted if I should change my diet. She said 'No'. My wife was a witness to this.
By Sept I knew what was really the cause of my facial palsy, sodium nitrite in bacon I ate. I despise most doctors now for the ignoramuses they are.
Despise is too soft BM Happy New Year to you😃🇦🇺👍
@Bal I and many others have seen relief from psoriasis through generous dosing of Vitamin-D3 and magnesium.
I rubbed a drop of Vitamin-D3 supplement oil onto some of my scaly spots and they cleared up first. I had increased my intake to 500ug=20'000IU daily at the time.
If you search for "Cholecalciferol Miraheze Kalle Pihlajasaari" you should find a table and a bunch of references as to how I came up with my maintenance dose. For treatment of any condition that is tractable to Vitamin-D3 I use double of what it says for my weight and BMI.
Thanks for that information, I will obtain some topical vitamin D3 and magnesium, also will increase the oral dosage of the vitamin D. Dovabet a typical medication that is given to psoriasis sufferers is a vitamin D analogue so that might explain why the Vitamin D3 works. Thanks
I think you meant to say that may be why the Dovabet works. :-)
More to the point, the only reason Dovabet exists is because Vitamin-D3 cannot be patented.
If it is infection or inflammation I will add Vitamin-C while symptomatic, if I suspect viral influence I will add olive leaf extract and NAC. If mucosal I add zinc lozenge and tablet and boiled onion milk or quercetin. Other vitamins help too. If you do not recall your dreams you can increase your B vitamins. A deficiency of one of them hinders dream recall, so I take a month of the STRONG-B tablets and then fall back to what is in a normal B-complex tablet.
We use the Seeking Health drops because they have 50ug=2000IU in one drop or you can just bite or cut a gel capsule to get some oil.
The skin conditions can take 9 months to clear up but for my father it was a decade of no help from doctors until my mother insisted he try Vitamin-D3 and then in 3, 6 and 9 months he resolved Psoriasis, sleep-apnea and Parkinsons tremors, I forget what order. My mild Psoriasis was basically gone in 3 months, after a sauna you could see the new skin was a bit more pink for a few months longer but I can no longer see where the scaly skin was.
Me too! I’ve had two surgeries the last couple of years. My hernia surgery was CAUSED by the cancer surgery. Forcing a mask over my face, out of surgery did it for me! They’re telling me to breath (oxygen level), but put a mask over my face! I was in so much pain, it took me 15 minutes to get out of the car. Disgusting! I look at doctors now as paid off monsters.
I’m anti-vax forever!
Agreed. Thank you.
Some fun reading on medical hypocrisy:
Such a great article describing in just enough detail how this whole system works--I've subscribed--thank you!
Thank you for the interaction!! Much appreciated.
I trust no doctor or nurse.