Drs are really not interested in anything that might be helpful and goes against the narrative of the big Pharma drugs like chemo for cancer. My husband recently had HPV related cancer of the tonsils. We had special testing done in Europe where they tested circulating tumour cells in the blood against Vit C, Artimesia & Cucumin. Results showed that Vit C killed 45% of the cells in vitro, Artimesia 15% and Cucumin 85%!! My husband had the usual radiation/chemo treatment plus taking large doses of cucumin. He is in remission from 2yrs ago but the Drs really were not interested in these findings. We even donated a large sum of money for research but they wouldn't do any research into this discovery, and dont think that they would be recommending it to any similar patients either. No money to be made by the hospitals or Pharma, they have it all sewn up and the general public is suffering as a result

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Anti-cancer (in combination with Paclitaxel1/Taxol2): inhibitor of cancer stem-like cells 3, anti-mitotic 4, inhibit multidrug resistance of tumor cells5, KPNB1-dependent antitumor effects on Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) 6

IVM: Anti-“everything” 1 (multipurpose):

• Malaria2

• Epilepsy3

• Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease4

• Autism?: anecdotal evidence from an MD5 (please contact the author if you’ve got any)

• Anti-parasitic (broad-spectrum): Pinworm infection (enterobiasis), river blindness (onchocerciasis, Onchocerca volvulus), eyeworm (Loa loa), threadworm (strongyloidiasis), whipworm (Trichuris trichiura), Lymphatic filariasis due to Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, or Brugia timori, scabies, lice, bedbugs, rosacea (mites of the genus Demodex), blepharitis (eyelid inflammation), ascariasis, etc. 6

• Anti-bacterial

• Anti-cancer

• Anti-viral 7

◦ DNA viruses

1. Adenovirus (HAdV) 8

2. Equine herpes type 1

3. Polyomavirus BK

4. Pseudorabies

5. Porcine circovirus 2

6. Bovine herpesvirus 1

◦ RNA viruses

1. Influenza, both human and avian influenza A 9

2. Coronavirus 10: SARS-Cov-2 11, SARS-CoV-1, MERS, etc.?

3. Rotarivurs (zinc ionophore) 12

4. Hepatitis 13

5. Zika

6. Dengue

7. Chikungunya14

8. Yellow fever

9. West Nile virus

10. Hendra

11. Newcastle

12. Venezuelan equine encephalitis

13. Semliki forest

14. Sindbis

15. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome

16. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus type 1)

17. Ebola virus (EBOV)? 15

Moe here:


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You mention Epilepsy? Is there any scientific data on this . I know of a Dr who thinks epilepsy caused by certain parasites amoebas etc which would explain the effectiveness of IVM in epilepsy if there’s been any research in this area?

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Wow. Congrats!

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All med. establishments are geared to make money and have no interest to help or cure illness and suffering .I know that the brutal treatment protocol in hospitals for flu is deadly ,it killed my brother and untold others we never hear about ,because for pharma it's always the virus ,but they mean really the money .Big pharma is a big criminal organisation .Their crimes seem to be invisible to most ,but not for the ones who have critical thinking abilities .All the three letter outfits that are supposed to police the pill and venom brewers are payed off and on the side of the crime cartels .We hear here and there lonely voices of lawyers putting up a fight ,but where are the convictions ?? All the evil doers are free and living in luxury ,from money made by murdering .Not one has been arrested ,they are there plotting and scheming new and frightening attacks on us ,when the current terror is still active ,The venom injections are in the bodies of billions and doing the slow or sometime fast termination of life they are designed to do . Taking the venom was and still is forced on victims ,most often to be allowed to keep the job ,to live .However the injection may maim or kill you ,losing life and job at the same time .

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Tank you Joseph for showing interest ,what I write .What is happening can't be expressed in a few words .Books could be written about what seems insane .It not only seems so it is criminally insane .

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Could not have said it better myself. Nothing to add.

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Mar 12, 2023
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Glad you did what you did. Nothing like being confident in your use of ivermectin. I know two people who came back from death's door by getting ivermectin 1.87% horse wormer from the farm supply store.

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jams cari ,can you get someone to translate ,what you wrote to English

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My cancer patients who agree to take ivermectin seem to be doing exceptionally well. Our treatments already have a high rate of remission, but ivermectin seems to be making a helpful additional treatment. I cannot isolate that variable though, because as a cancer clinic, we are obligated to every patient to give them the best combination of synergistic treatments that we know. So this is merely my opinion from treating cancer patients for the last 16 years, and being impressed with the recent addition of ivermectin over the last 2 years.

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You might also be interested in the interview conducted by Tess with stage 4 cancer survivor and award-winning author Jane McLelland who has created an approach to cancer that has been described by a leading oncology researcher as a "monumental accomplishment. A strategy for surviving advanced cancer regardless of the tissue involved. Jane has done a great service to mankind!"

Please see: https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/how-to-starve-cancer/comment/12115369.

Jane McLelland has been awarded the Amazing Women Global Lifetime Achievement Award for her work and research with cancer. She also has written a highly recommendable book called 'How to starve cancer'. Contrary to what the title of the book implies, it is not mainly about diet but about blocking all the major known pathways cancer uses to signal, feed itself and to proliferate. This approach also directly targets the cancer stem cells which are often left behind in other forms of treatments. One of the pillars of Jane McLelland's approach is the use of a systematic combination of established and safe off-label drugs to block these pathways and neutralize the stem cells. There is a growing number of oncologists and doctors worldwide that are using this new approach with great success.

Furthermore, the potent drug fenbendazole (please see Joe Tippen's story who healed himself from stage IV lung cancer after conventional therapy could not help him anymore; https://mycancerstory.rocks/the-blog/) is a wise addition to any treatment protocol. Parts of the Bob Beck protocol (bobbeck.com), meanwhile, are very effective in targeting specific organs like, for example, the liver, the brain and also the lymph nodes.

I hope some of this information is interesting and helpful.

All the very best wishes for you and your patients!

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Their victims come to me for repair time after time. Unlike those you mentioned, I actually work full-time with cancer patients for 16 years in a clinical setting, having to reverse earlier injuries. And the ones you mentioned are not even the worst. The worst two are more famous and deadly wrong. And I see far more of their victims. The most highly acclaimed are not necessarily those who know what they're talking about. Charisma and videos with compelling music do not correlate at all with clinical success in beating cancer.

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The problem with hearing someone allege that one miracle substance will get rid of their cancer is that those cancer patients lose extremely crucial time in beginning treatments that will actually work for them. For every fad of the year, like fenbendazole, LDN, medical marijuana, etc., etc., etc., I know of many over the years who wasted valuable time only to be disappointed that that one "miracle" failed them, and now they have a widely metastasized cancer that is life-threatening. Then the cancer doctors who know what we are doing have a very hard time turning all that metastasis around toward remission.

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I agree

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Hi Shiloh,

Coincidentally, I recently posted a Joe Tippen interview on my Substack.

Important stuff this fenben.

Informative comment, thank you! ❤

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That's a great comment, coming from you Dr. Huber! I am reading your book on food choices. Thanks for all the great information and resources. Peace. :-)

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I'd trust "merely my opinion" from an honest doctor any day. Good to have your back up on Dr. Lawrie's article.

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I stumbled upon this news item just before "the pandemic".

Joe Tippens and fenbendazole:


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So, my husband had 1.5 years of actinic keratosis turned squamous cell lesions on head, ears, nose and neck, followed by dx of CLL which seemed to explain why everything kind of exploded. He is about to finish his obinutuzimab and venetoclax when a malignant squamous cell lymph node shows up. PET shows no other involvement. Now, he is to start Cemiplimab, but not for 3 weeks. He feels it is growing every day. He did not get vaccine and takes Ivermectin prophylactically weekly. Thoughts?

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"Veterinarians are more advanced than doctors when it comes to the anti-cancer potential of ivermectin."

Thank you for a great, much needed post!

Antiparasitics, such as HCQ, fenbendaziole, and ivermectin (IVM) may have an immuno-modulating effect of upregulating the TH1 arm of the immune system, which fights cancers and virus-infected cells. Many folks have an overactive TH2 arm, with an underactive TH1 arm. Some of these antiparasitics may bring TH1 & TH2 back into a better balance. Just saying that this is worth looking into .... Not saying it would work for anyone.

"Cancer, Deworming & Fenbendazole

Cancer is much less common in undeveloped nations; could regular deworming be the reason?"


Should we be surprised HCQ (and ivermectin, too) were made more difficult to obtain here? Couldn't be becuz of the influence of Big Harma, could it? Rhetorical questions.

"Fenbendazole, ivermectin and HCQ are kryptonite to Big Pharma."

~ Fen Ben at https://fenbendazole.substack.com/

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Came here to mention "Ben Fen" on Substack too.

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Less vaccinations is my belief.

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Joe Tippin tipped me off several years ago.

Remarkable stuff, this "medicine for dogs"... 😉


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In my experience with cancer patients ivermectin seems more effective against cancer than fenbendazole.

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Dr. Huber, is it okay to take ivermectin and fenbendazole at the same time?

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I don't see a conflict, and patients who chose to do that have not had adverse reactions that I've seen, except for this: Sometimes fenbendazole alone has been correlated with GI disturbance, such as constipation or non-specific GI malaise.

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Thank you for your reply. I appreciate it.

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The topic of antiparasitics as cancer treatment is compelling. And tragic, that the benefits are suppressed imho by putting profits over health. Thanks for sharing that.

If you wish to say something more: Is considering the roles of TH1 and TH2 useful in re-balancing the immune system, fighting certain cancers, and fighting "viruses"?

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I think the key here is that fenbendazole and ivermectin act synergistically against cancer. Both I and my sister overcame serious cancer using fenbendazole as the primary medicine.... this before we've now learned about the added and complimentary mechanisms of ivermectin.

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You and me both. Joe's blog was where i first heard about fenbendazole:


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G'day Don't Drink....

Thanks for links.

Also, would love a tshirt design to incorporate your injection graphic.

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"Also, would love a tshirt design to incorporate your injection graphic."

I have suggested this idea previously to a t-shirt printer, but i did not hear back, and have not followed up on it. I agree it would be a striking tshirt deezine. Don't know who created the graphic. But i liked it as a substack profile photo, and adopted it.

Only once did it cause a bit of trouble on substack out of the many thousands who have viewed it:


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Andrographis is the herbal form and I take it everyday. I believe it works. 💜 Surviving so far

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Yes also very good at treating COVID. The Thai government had the prisoners growing it for their treatment for COVID in 2021.https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-how-thailand-is-using-a-cheap-and-effective-traditional-herbal-medicine-to-treat-coronavirus-12428157

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Andrographis is the herbal form of ivermectin? Are you saying it is made from this or idea was derived or what? Thanks for clarifying

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May I inquire where you purchase yours? I want it without the magnesium sterate, which defeats the purpose. Is it liquid or pill form? Much appreciated!

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I do purchase mine off Amazon, not proud of that part. Anyway, the brand I get is free of magnesium stearate & other fillers. Andrographis Capsules Max Andrographides - 1,000mg Serving Size (120 Capsules) with AP-Bio (Patented Andrographis Paniculata Extract) - Clinically Studied for Immune System Health by Double Wood https://a.co/d/jaraKhe

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Can one buy ivermectin from veterinarians .? Owners of horses seem to be able to buy it from vets without any hustle or questions asked .Doctors don't prescribe it ,would vets .sell it if I tell him I have a horse ? Maybe I have to buy a horse now to get medicine that works .I live in a two bedroom apartment ,with my wife ,so one bedroom is always empty .I could make a horse pen out of the spare bedroom .I think I can get the horse up to the tenth floor in the elevator .

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I have ordered other supplements from Double Wood directly from their website

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Thank you ever so much!

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It clearly wasn't coincidence. My sister's friend is Indian and as she was in India on holiday last week my sister asked her to get some Ivermectin for us as it is an over the counter medication there. When she went to the counter with it she was grilled about what she was going to use it for. They were most anxious that she didn't want it for treating COVID. This for an over the counter drug there that she needed no prescription for. This evil cartel of death and disease preventing people getting effective cheap drugs has gone far enough. I still can't get the world's safest drug, Ivermectin, in the "free" UK.

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I've used Medical Freedom - HCQ for everyone uk, on telegram and all day chemist (website/ india) each a few times, and both reliable. india one takes couple weeks, and much cheaper. may hav to do bank transfer, unless hav mastercard, (visa required a photo id 🤷🏼‍♀️ )am in uk

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You can get the vet version at any tack shop.

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“deserves twice its Nobel Prize”

I just loved this line!❤️🙏

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Thanks for sharing this. I've hoarded three full prescriptions of IVM from the "pandemic" and usually take one dose monthly for gut health. I'b looking for a good holistic doctor now - someone with an open mind.

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Have you read Joe Tippens cancer blog? He has used dog dewormer for his cancer and has been NED for a few years now. Maybe we should all be going to veterinarians for our health.

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I recommend giving that news item a watch.

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"Using repurposed drugs for Cancer treatment" by Dr Jeffrey Dach calls ivermectin " one of the greatest medical accomplishments of the 20th century" and has a section on how it has been used.

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Fascinating. I worked on Avastin and now manage oncology clinical trials.

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I have used multiple times a site out of India called alldaychemist.com Great customer service and no issues with mail delivery so far. There is up to a month turnaround and one needs to use Bank draft for payment. Thankful to have found this supplier as well as https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/ for dosage recommendations.

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aha me too, posted above then saw this!

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Yes, I use the alldaychemist site, too. Very good service and recommended by Dr Bryan Ardis.

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There are several brands listed on there. Which one do you use?

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Austro Ivermectin 12mg

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I've actually purchased several brands to change it up. I always get the 12 mg . Hydroxychloroquine is priced reasonably as well.

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This is so interesting.

What a shame there are no trials to prove that this drug might help in cancer. Just because there is no profit for the pharmaceutical companies 🙈

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my friend IS getting it (ivm)for br ca in a new immunotherapy, merck has evergreend it ( with iron, in liposomal form). at hosp they keep telling her how VERY EXPENSIVE the immuno therapy is. she's had 2 weeks so far, one immuno/ chemo, one chemo. her reckoning is lump shrunk 50%. she was taking ivm anyway! and artemisinin, turkey tail, few other vits, primal or keto grass-fed diet,fasting around and on chemo days, no side effects so far.

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are you THE Christine Anderson?

if so 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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No Sorry I wish I was. Just an homeopath 😂

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"just" nothing....homeopathy rocks! 🥰

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OK. Just a thought. Shouldn’t the Gov’t be investing in ivermectin research since it is not commercially attractive? The fact that this is not being done, and in fact the opposite is being done, is just another example why the FDA/CDC/NIH is a waste of resources and have lost their way. Regulatory capture is real. Malfeasance and venality are in clear evidence among the leaders of these organizations.

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It does fall to patients and doctors to research 'off label' alternatives that might prove effective. There's no getting around that, once the original patent has expired, no longer is there any $$$ to be made for it. There's no getting around that.

The inconvenient truth is that each of us must eat everyday, so like it or not - however noble or ignoble our sensibilities may be may be - each of us must earn enough money to buy our daily bread. The devil is in the details, as how to get around that. Generic off-patent drugs, once intended to make drugs more affordable to more people, have been declared 'out of bounds' by regulatory capture by the pharmaceutical industry - you couldn't get ivermectin when you most needed it, during the recent pandemic.

Oddly enough, continuing the patent rights for a developer in perpetuity would have served us better in retrospect. Should we return to it? The old system would have solved the supply problem, but at what cost?

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I had ovarian cancer last August. The massive tumor was removed, and a hysterectomy was performed. I am extremely lucky that nothing else was needed.

But, from the research I’ve read, there ARE excellent cures for cancer! I think there always have been, but the greedy medical cartel hides these cures.

I have looked at these cures, such as

Fenbdazole, etc.

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