Melly, a combination of Jane McLelland's comprehensive approach (please read her book and take a look at the list of doctors familiar with the approach here:, the potent drug Fenbendazole (please see Joe Tippen's story who healed himself from stage IV lung cancer after conventional therapy coul…
Melly, a combination of Jane McLelland's comprehensive approach (please read her book and take a look at the list of doctors familiar with the approach here:, the potent drug Fenbendazole (please see Joe Tippen's story who healed himself from stage IV lung cancer after conventional therapy could not help him anymore;; please note, though, that Fenbendazole needs to be combined with McLelland's more comprehensive approach, alone it works only in a limited number of cases; it also needs to be combined with a liver protective agent) and parts of the Bob Beck protocol (; some instruments can directly target specific organs like the liver) might be able to help your father. Wishing you and your family all the best!
Melly, a combination of Jane McLelland's comprehensive approach (please read her book and take a look at the list of doctors familiar with the approach here:, the potent drug Fenbendazole (please see Joe Tippen's story who healed himself from stage IV lung cancer after conventional therapy could not help him anymore;; please note, though, that Fenbendazole needs to be combined with McLelland's more comprehensive approach, alone it works only in a limited number of cases; it also needs to be combined with a liver protective agent) and parts of the Bob Beck protocol (; some instruments can directly target specific organs like the liver) might be able to help your father. Wishing you and your family all the best!
Thank you!