My mother is dealing with the recurrence (from 4 years ago) of her colon cancer.

Probably caused by 20 years of exposure to prednisone for hepatic autoimmune disease. That disease „vanished“ after her first cancer diagnosis with the immediate stop of corticosteroids and changed lifestyle. Her liver enzymes haven´t been elevated since.

The tumor is in the area of the previous surgery but outside the colon.

She has practically no symptoms but decided to go for another surgery that is due this Wednesday, so wish us luck.

We have been using off label drugs and supplements for 4 years and it is highly probable that we have been able to prevent regrowth of some remaining (stem) cells until now. The original tumor was over 8 cm and inside the colon, now it´s roughly 2.5 cm and outside.

CEA started rising April 2022 but remained in the normal range until September when it went to 10.7. After that we went full protocol and it went to 11.4 in November and it´s 10.8 now. If the surgery is successful, it should collapse, of course.

In either case, we will continue our protocol and probably decline conventional chemo.

It is roughly the following:

Metformin: 2*500mg

Berberine: 1*400mg

Curcumin: 2800mg

Boswellia: 1800mg

EGCG: 1800mg

Aspirin: 100mg

Loratadin: 10mg

Diclofenac: 50mg

Ivermectin: 0.6mg/kg (now continuously for 2 months without any breaks or side effects)

Fenbendazole: 3 days on/4days off: 200mg

Atorvastatin: 20mg

Alpha lipoic acid: 1200mg

HCA: 1800mg

DCA: 25mg/kg 20 days on/10 days off

Glucosamine: 1000mg

Telmisartan: 40mg

Nitrendipin: 40mg

Citrus Pectin: 3000mg

Indole 3- Carbinol: 600mg

Melatonin: 20mg

Reishi: 1000mg

Coriolus: 1000mg

Chaga: 1000mg

Vitamins: C (3000mg), D3 (5000IU), B complex, A (10000IU), zinc (50mg), multivitamin.

Danshen, dandelion, chamomile tea.

Also: IP6+inositol (5g+5g) – when off DCA

After surgery we will add:

Dipyridamole: 200mg/day

CDB - 25mg

Omeprazole: 40-80mg 7days on/7days off

and possibly IVC.

Mostly vegetarian medium to low carb diet, light exercise, walking.




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Wow. This is very extensive and must be difficult for her to maintain both because of the amount she must take and the expense. I pray for her to have a positive outcome. As a survivor I know cancer sucks. God bless!! ❤️🙏

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For colon cancer you might want to try either Chris Wark's nutritional protocol or the Gerson nutritional therapy as an addition to the great approach you already have. Both work very well as the nutritional part of the protocol in advanced colon cancer. All the best wishes and God bless!

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What a wonderfully encouraging report!

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Thank you Tess, for another important article.! Yes starving cancer is a wonderful truly efficacious treatment.. there are several Drs that utilize a cancer starving protocol which typically includes No refined sugar, honey only, no rancid oils, Totally organic diet, reduced carbs.. forgotten some of their names.. but Mercola comes to mind. He stresses the importance of Fasting and a unique dietary protocol. Personally I had great success with Dr Johanna Budwigs diet.. it definitely starves cancer.. mine was prostate.. 20 yrs ago, now 73 and no cancer of any type .. I am a little disciplined though.. train hard 3 Xs a wk - easy 3 Xs a wk, 1 day off... weights, [rock climbing as much as possible], yoga 6 days, winter, ski extensively in the Sierra Nevada backcountry..

Perhaps as important as any aspect of Deep Fundamental long term healing is Consciously Choosing

to Serve the Infinite Unknowable each day, to Live Everyday.. to Thrive everyday, to Improve everyday... thats my program baby and I am stickin with it!

Appreciate you and your work you Wonderful Soul! Keep em coming!

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I recently read https://www.amazon.co.uk/World-Without-Cancer-Edward-Griffin/dp/0912986506 which is about B17 / Laetrile as an anti-cancer agent. It sounds like the studies done on that were similar to those done to 'prove' Ivermectin was useless for covid. Tess, it would be super interesting if you could dig up the studies and cast a professional eye on them. I've heard the "cancer needs glucose" theory before, and it seems pretty strong.

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I have read the book, and I have been eating apricot seeds since then, everyday. I believe what Griffin says, contrary to the misinformation about vit B17 on the internet. I am sure that Griffin is a person of integrety, he means well, he is telling the truth.

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This is an interesting article about the massive success a British group, led by David Noakes, they were having curing cancer using a substance called GcMaf.

GcMAF is a protein that is naturally occurring in healthy humans, there is a large body of sicentific literature recognisng that most if not all cancer patients stop producing McMAF.

Noakes and his team developed a way to synthesise GcMAF and were having huge success curing people written off as hopeles cancer cases by simply giving them this absent protein.

The highly effective treatment was non toxic, came with no adverse events and was cheap.

Naturally the British state put Noakes in prison and destroyed the work.

GcMAF and the Persecution of David Noakes, Lyn Thyer & Immuno Biotech


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I just read the article and it really is very upsetting to know that there are cures out there. I remember this story very well because I am originally from Guernsey and although I no longer reside there, I keep up with the local news every day. I remember the heartbreaking stories of people who were being successfully treated and then suddenly this hope was being torn away from them. It is all so utterly utterly wrong.

Thank you also Dr Tess for a wonderful interview with Jane. I have shared it with friends. 🙏🙏

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What an excellent, shocking, depraved picture of the deep corruption and immorality at the heart of our "health" systems.

Best article I've ever read on it.

Many thanks for posting.

The Public are sitting ducks for this predation and gross exploitation.

One can only hope karmic justice is served when the the people who fostered this criminal enterprise later become victims to it themselves.

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Great interview. Bought the book to give to my brother who is dealing with a cancer diagnosis. He just received it and in doing a quick look through was excited to see information that a conversation he recently had with a natural health source was referenced in the book. This has inspired him to dig in and read the book, along with medical terms reference source as this is new information for him.

Thank you for presenting this session. I thank our Creator that it was available for me to listen to. Blessings to you both.

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This is wonderful to hear, Val. Best wishes to you and your brother.

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Thank you again for the information you provide. I am hoping that one day The World Council for Health will replace WHO and some of the other systems that tell so many lies and nothing is open for discussion. I have lost so many people to cancer or should I say the usual treatment of that cancer "radiotherapy and Chemotherapy". 2 siblings and several friends. I don't know whether you can answer this question but do you know where I can buy Ivermectin in the Bristol area. I did read somewhere that chemists can now sell it over the counter but I haven't found one yet. Thank you again.

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Baking Soda : I never had cancer but I like to take 1/2 tea spoon of Baking Soda with warm water every morning follow by lemon juice, green tea, ginger and finally organic coffee while I do my exercises.

The statement to understand, remember and share here is : Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen.

¨Dr. Otto Warburg received the Nobel prize in 1931 for the discovery that unlike all other cells in the human body, cancer cells do not breathe oxygen. Cancer cells are anaerobic, which means that they derive their energy without needing oxygen. It turns out that cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen.¨ Read More https://killcancercells.com/cancer-researchers/warburg/

The Baking Soda Formula for Cancer https://energyiseverythingeie.com/health-wellness-1/the-baking-soda-formula-for-cancer

Lemon And Baking Soda: A Natural Cancer-Fighting Combination https://drfarrahmd.com/2019/01/lemon-and-baking-soda-cancer-fighting/

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Wow, interesting

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Cancer is a blood borne disease, in some cases - nothing ventured nothing gained - I would certainly do my electric cattle fence one second jolt if I was diagnosed with Cancer, actually I'd do it several times thinking payback is a bitch, bitch - of course, once it is in an advanced stage, medical practices to remove it, seems like the best option.

Not everyone dies from Cancer, some survive it and others for a quite considerable time, personally I think a strong attitude and determination not to let it rule one's life has very therapeutic effects on Cancer.

Met someone a year or so ago who said he has a radioactive seed medically inserted near his Cancer and it kept his Cancer under control and might have even reduced it a bit - never heard of that treatment before.

Both of my parents died of Cancer and Cancer is in my mother's side of the family - so these days I do the blood/shit test which can be bought from Chemists here, every few years (5 years between tests seems to be what the government here, has in mind for us oldies) - the easy alternative to colonoscopies - last one of those, I had 3, one after the other - a few weeks apart - the first 2 were duds, but the 3rd one was OK - then Covid stuck and that was the end of that - would I go back and have any more, not bloody likely, unless a shit test showed that I had the possibility of Cancer......but at 76, a lot like bolting the stable door after the horse had bolted.

I was prescribed 1/2 Aspirin daily, but I'd got into the routine of having 1 daily with my other medication, after food, to thin my blood - then I read that after 75 there really was no point in having Aspirin after that, because the assistance would have been minimal, if of any use at all (I've had bleeding Piles in the past) and hey presto, after a short time, no more traces of any blood in my stools - the reason I went in for the Colonoscopies in the first place!!

Good luck with your Mum

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I found this interview with Jane really valuable. My younger sister has a cancer diagnosis and it's a job getting past the chemo cult when people are understandably very scared. Tried and tested protocols that work are a godsend. Thank you

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Must read, The China Study, and the Future of Nutrition by Prof. T. Colin Campbell (emeritus now, from Cornell). His institute is https://nutritionstudies.org/ - I think hands down the whole foods plant-based diet is the winner in this context, though some might argue that Keto can accelerate the reversal, but it is not very sustainable. See also Dean Ornish's book "Undo It!"

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The China Study wasn’t a study. The author of the book cherry-picked the data to support his preconceived theory. Keep an open mind and read the debunking of The China Study. Easily found on the internet by searching for “debunking the China study.” I just found several articles picking apart that book. Peace and good health.

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God bless you for providing these messages, Tess. Jane McLelland is remarkable!

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Dr. Lawrie, that was a highly informative interview. 😁

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Such a priceless gift to so many through this conversation. As soon as I can I will donate as a Founding Member. Love your work Tess, more than there are stars in the sky.

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Thank you 😊🙏

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My wife had her thyroid removed in April (2024) and now she is scheduled for radiotherapy at the end of next week. Is this recommended or are there more natural solutions?

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