You might also be interested in the interview conducted by Tess with stage 4 cancer survivor and award-winning author Jane McLelland who has created an approach to cancer that has been described by a leading oncology researcher as a "monumental accomplishment. A strategy for surviving advanced cancer regardless of the tissue involved. Ja…
You might also be interested in the interview conducted by Tess with stage 4 cancer survivor and award-winning author Jane McLelland who has created an approach to cancer that has been described by a leading oncology researcher as a "monumental accomplishment. A strategy for surviving advanced cancer regardless of the tissue involved. Jane has done a great service to mankind!"
Jane McLelland has been awarded the Amazing Women Global Lifetime Achievement Award for her work and research with cancer. She also has written a highly recommendable book called 'How to starve cancer'. Contrary to what the title of the book implies, it is not mainly about diet but about blocking all the major known pathways cancer uses to signal, feed itself and to proliferate. This approach also directly targets the cancer stem cells which are often left behind in other forms of treatments. One of the pillars of Jane McLelland's approach is the use of a systematic combination of established and safe off-label drugs to block these pathways and neutralize the stem cells. There is a growing number of oncologists and doctors worldwide that are using this new approach with great success.
Furthermore, the potent drug fenbendazole (please see Joe Tippen's story who healed himself from stage IV lung cancer after conventional therapy could not help him anymore; is a wise addition to any treatment protocol. Parts of the Bob Beck protocol (, meanwhile, are very effective in targeting specific organs like, for example, the liver, the brain and also the lymph nodes.
I hope some of this information is interesting and helpful.
All the very best wishes for you and your patients!
Their victims come to me for repair time after time. Unlike those you mentioned, I actually work full-time with cancer patients for 16 years in a clinical setting, having to reverse earlier injuries. And the ones you mentioned are not even the worst. The worst two are more famous and deadly wrong. And I see far more of their victims. The most highly acclaimed are not necessarily those who know what they're talking about. Charisma and videos with compelling music do not correlate at all with clinical success in beating cancer.
The problem with hearing someone allege that one miracle substance will get rid of their cancer is that those cancer patients lose extremely crucial time in beginning treatments that will actually work for them. For every fad of the year, like fenbendazole, LDN, medical marijuana, etc., etc., etc., I know of many over the years who wasted valuable time only to be disappointed that that one "miracle" failed them, and now they have a widely metastasized cancer that is life-threatening. Then the cancer doctors who know what we are doing have a very hard time turning all that metastasis around toward remission.
You might also be interested in the interview conducted by Tess with stage 4 cancer survivor and award-winning author Jane McLelland who has created an approach to cancer that has been described by a leading oncology researcher as a "monumental accomplishment. A strategy for surviving advanced cancer regardless of the tissue involved. Jane has done a great service to mankind!"
Please see:
Jane McLelland has been awarded the Amazing Women Global Lifetime Achievement Award for her work and research with cancer. She also has written a highly recommendable book called 'How to starve cancer'. Contrary to what the title of the book implies, it is not mainly about diet but about blocking all the major known pathways cancer uses to signal, feed itself and to proliferate. This approach also directly targets the cancer stem cells which are often left behind in other forms of treatments. One of the pillars of Jane McLelland's approach is the use of a systematic combination of established and safe off-label drugs to block these pathways and neutralize the stem cells. There is a growing number of oncologists and doctors worldwide that are using this new approach with great success.
Furthermore, the potent drug fenbendazole (please see Joe Tippen's story who healed himself from stage IV lung cancer after conventional therapy could not help him anymore; is a wise addition to any treatment protocol. Parts of the Bob Beck protocol (, meanwhile, are very effective in targeting specific organs like, for example, the liver, the brain and also the lymph nodes.
I hope some of this information is interesting and helpful.
All the very best wishes for you and your patients!
Their victims come to me for repair time after time. Unlike those you mentioned, I actually work full-time with cancer patients for 16 years in a clinical setting, having to reverse earlier injuries. And the ones you mentioned are not even the worst. The worst two are more famous and deadly wrong. And I see far more of their victims. The most highly acclaimed are not necessarily those who know what they're talking about. Charisma and videos with compelling music do not correlate at all with clinical success in beating cancer.
The problem with hearing someone allege that one miracle substance will get rid of their cancer is that those cancer patients lose extremely crucial time in beginning treatments that will actually work for them. For every fad of the year, like fenbendazole, LDN, medical marijuana, etc., etc., etc., I know of many over the years who wasted valuable time only to be disappointed that that one "miracle" failed them, and now they have a widely metastasized cancer that is life-threatening. Then the cancer doctors who know what we are doing have a very hard time turning all that metastasis around toward remission.
I agree
Hi Shiloh,
Coincidentally, I recently posted a Joe Tippen interview on my Substack.
Important stuff this fenben.
Informative comment, thank you! ❤