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Hi Margaret Anna,
I am having trouble keeping up with the information overload now, but I thought I'd just touch bases to share some of my recent resources revealing what we're dealing with, though you may already be familiar with them.
1 — Andrew Lobaczewski's 'Political Ponerology; The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of T…
© 2025 Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD
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Hi Margaret Anna,
I am having trouble keeping up with the information overload now, but I thought I'd just touch bases to share some of my recent resources revealing what we're dealing with, though you may already be familiar with them.
1 — Andrew Lobaczewski's 'Political Ponerology; The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism. (the Cluster B in the family closet as a fractal of what is happening on the world stage)
2 — Mathew Crawford's substack ... (a reminder that this is not just a dysfunction of modernism or populations of scale)
3 — Dr. Ramani Durvasula, especially her MedCircle Master Class on the difference between psychopaths and sociopaths ... ... (more precision on individual behavior patterns ... and documentaries by the likes of Adam Curtis on the similar dysfunctions of groups).
I guess the only way I can cut through the information overload and communicate within a few short sentences requires me to oversimplify, but it appears that a significant portion of the collective gene pool of our species has kept us in a forever-war against our own worst nature.
The first three paragraphs of Chomsky's 2010 Chapel Hill speech, Human Intelligence and the Environment', has Evolutionary Biologist Ernst Mayr giving one unfortunate possibility for the near future ... ... human intelligence as an inevitably fatal mutation of a social primate. Ugh. That is one bitter taste of the black pill.
Glad to be on your side in this war.
Cheers, Margaret (and Tess).
Keep up the good fight.
— steve
Hi coop. Yes, I agree with you. That part of the collective gene pool I am referring to is the 'they' who are doing the propagandizing and worse. How did 'they' become that way ... attracted to concentrations of power over others? I don't think it is learned. Just a small, but salient proportion of any population is born 'bad to the bone', and no amount of education or good parenting can change them. Susan Sontag referred to them as 'the cruel 10%', Lobaczewski mentions around 6%, and at least some studies have shown as much as 30% of American CEOs (and I suspect politicians) are high in Cluster B personality disorders ... 'dark triad' traits — the pathological narcissists, machiavellian opportunists, and morphologically defined psychopaths among us. I am seeing the same types of people here in Japan, but because I am the perpetual foreigner, it is easy to see that where empathy-driven communities tend to identify and somewhat control them, rule-driven institutions seem to give them more niche opportunities to remain hidden until opportunity arises, and do damage when their opportunities come.
Interesting read, though way beyond my biology chops. I've occasionally seen Dr. Merritt on alternative media videos, and she comes across as authentic, but this is the first I've heard about the Ashkenazi immunity. Will have to read and triangulate more sources for that, though I am pretty sure the technology is close to, if not already, capable of producing such a scenario.