There's plenty of ways round that. In the UK Big Pharma sponsors/funds a lot of universities and medical schools to get their message across and GPs are bribed in all sorts of ways to prescribe their products. This has been going on for decades. Loads of GPs check on their computer now during consultations and you can bet the sites they are looking at are backed by Big Pharma. The infiltration is insidious.
I believe I read that US and New Zealand are the only countries that advertise for big Pharma. It's not allowed in every other country.
There's plenty of ways round that. In the UK Big Pharma sponsors/funds a lot of universities and medical schools to get their message across and GPs are bribed in all sorts of ways to prescribe their products. This has been going on for decades. Loads of GPs check on their computer now during consultations and you can bet the sites they are looking at are backed by Big Pharma. The infiltration is insidious.
Can pharma surrogates advertise, like the B&MG Foundation?