Thanks Tess. This is the way. Modern science based medicine too often fails and poisons ( and makes excuses) mainly because it seems to think we are machines where one thing causes another. Life and health are not so simple. For us, medicine is an art, based on sympathy and trust, that acknowledges the mysteries of life, health and sickness and not a science based hubris that reduces those mysteries to protocols, drugs and "mechanisms of action". Thanks for your work and leadership.

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Yes, the men as machine model still underpins medical practice with little regard to the power of placebo and nocebo. Though drs tend to use nocebo effectively to create terminal patients and their palliative care.

I love the story: a daughter intercepted a dr’s prognosis for her father. She relayed the terminal prognosis as an all clear, nothing to worry about and he lived to a ripe old age.

Pointing the bone and voodoo are effective weapons when the practitioners are given unmerited authority and God like powers.

Early detection of the asymptomatic is just like cv19, it enrols patients to enter their realm of intense suffering and if they exit and live, heroic status.

Poison, burning and slicing must be cast out like the inquisition’s torture chambers.

Back to the machine men model.

We are not running on gases of combustion and exhaust.

Our physiology is powered by hydration not oxygenation. I have logically dismissed the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as a fraud.

My article is titled: we breathe air NOT oxygen. I tip over a few sacred cows.

Hydration equals SALT plus water.

This is why the demonisation of salt has resulted in the massive increase of chronic dis-ease.

It is also responsible for the massive increase in mental illness.

Hyponatremia or dehydration is the same condition. Hyponatremia is life threatening.

All emergencies are managed by the adrenals. All the adrenocorticol hormones are released.

Two mechanisms bring the adrenals online. Shock/trauma and dehydration/hyponatremia.

Chronic dehydration leads to adrenal fatigue which has been relabelled as chronic fatigue.

The adrenal response is FIGHT/FLIGHT/FREEZE. There is no access to the frontal cortex and reasoning. In this state, manipulation is easiest. Hence it’s an effective strategy to use on a population. The salt march of Gandhi was a protest against this practice in India.

My article: how does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking? Explains some of the implications of salt restriction.

Dryness or dehydration is our Achilles heel.

Water follows salt.

It’s time to get salty!

Read my articles by clicking on my blue icon.

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Unless and until I see gallows for all the jab pushers, I fear my mental health will continue to suffer.

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It's not only the jab pushers ,hospital extermination protocols are far worse . They wiped out my brother in there in six days ,when he went in there with a flu . Besides him millions suffered the same fate .

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Well, by jab pushers I mean everyone along the Warp Speed chain!

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My Oncologist told me Immunotherapy had no side effects. Luckily I expect lies nowadays. Totnes is twinned with Narnia, it's not so great in Exeter.

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Honjo Tasuku, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for developing Opdivo after uncovering the relationship between the PD-1 protein on immune T cells and the PD-L1 protein on cancer cells, wrote in a newspaper this spring that "The effectiveness rate is about half, and we still don't know why the other half are ineffective." In other words, even a Nobel Prize-caliber scholar still doesn't understand even the narrowest of immune functions. If you read books by basic research scholars such as immunologists, RNA scientists, and DNA scientists, you'll see that there are still many things we don't know. My impression is that it will be about 1,000 years before we can understand anything at all.

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I love the sound of Totnes HealthSource and I could not describe my feelings for what better health care could mean and be, than you have done.

Thank you for all the work you do to help the much needed changes come into being.

Many blessings to you dear lady.

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This sounds amazing, I would love to be a part of something like this and create a similar one here in north Norfolk... How did they get the funding ? Well done....

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Greetings from the Philippines, Dr. Lawrie! I read a while back for a call to throw away the cellphone, as it is one of the strongest factors causing chronic illnesses. I am very interested how this can be imagined done/concretely done when many of our transactions require one-time-PINs sent through the phone, and many of our important communication are through this device. I would be very grateful for a conversation with people who have managed to be active in their areas of activity without a cellphone. Have a good Sunday

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Incredible! I would work here for free!

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I look after my health ,and doctors can look after an illness if I have one ,provided politicians let them .

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I live in Canada, would like more access to your information here

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Hi Tess, has Dr x agreed to meet with you yet?

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Thanks Tess. It’s about the patient.

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