Tess, with what you know now, would you be willing to consider a post on what other vaccines you would avoid? My daughter has only been partially vaccinated (she had what I considered an injury at age 1 vaccination as she stopped talking for a few months). Now at age 20 and going on a dental mission trip to Costa Rica, she’s being encouraged to get vaccinated for Hepatitis A, B, Malaria, and Typhoid. She’s also behind on everything else. I have lost my confidence on vaccines even more.

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The idea of health authorities recommending the mRNA shots to women trying or already pregnant is quite mind boggling to me. The trials were short, a few months, did not include women trying or actually pregnant but somehow the authorities knew the shots were Safe, and Effective. What was the evidence supporting this recommendation?

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I doubt the "covid pandemic" and government responses were "about health." Cognitive dissonance is an important tool for mind control.

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Vxing pregnant women seems like a marketing ploy to me. Ie it must be safe if recommended for pregnant women

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

A friend's daughter had a healthy boy during Covid but before any injections came along and she took the injections when they did come along as did her husband and since then she has had two miscarriages that she is aware of. I guess the jabs worked exactly as intended.

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