All genetic modifications of any kind are acts of anti-humanism. Here we have the dog chasing the tail. The dog, having been poisoned and becoming diseased now must chase his tail where the proposed solutions are more drugs and DNA alterations of some sort.

Create the diseases and afflictions and then the cure automatically becomes the alteration of DNA/RNA and the internals of the body. It's an endless circle much like the dog spinning as it chases it's tail. The true solution is to eliminate the poisons and toxins in the first place.

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Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is a hero.

Among many others, Dr Tess Lawrie too.

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The focus on “genetic modification” is a completely wrong approach.

You should ask and demand precise answers to:

“What grounds authorize you to interfere with the biological mechanism of the human being?”

Because GM might be understandable ONLY when you know perfectly all interrelations of all systems of the human body AND in the perspective of at least three generations.

Otherwise, any GM manipulation is not part of medicine, but non-scientific experimentation.

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And totally against the Nuremburg Principles!

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Prof. Bhakdi not only brings scientific integrity and insight to this nightmarish scenario, but also expresses the gravitas deserving of such a calamity imposed on billions of unsuspecting humans.

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Dr B is a scientist of exceptional character, we need more like him in the near future.

Unfortunately, it gets worse, when we look at the nanopathology effects of the shedding phenomenon. The more shots, the m pore spike factories, the more exosomes shedding spike particulates into surrounding tissues, to be excreted via sweat, tears, bodily fluids, cells, etc into and onto surrounding individuals.

How much makes it through, we have no idea, but based on the saMRNA (self amplifying shots) it could be enough.

The human species has been irreversibly changed. But by how much, we won't know until we can stop the shots and honestly examine the situation.

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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We also have to have faith in our body's ability to rid itself of the un-needed and destructive. There are many detox programs also available to help it along. Fear is as destructive as spike proteins

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They are NOT mRNA they are ModRNA created in a Laboratory and patented and by US Law 2013, those who have that ModRNA DNA in them are no longer Human and all Human rights are lost:

“The Supreme Court ruled that if there is anything synthetic, not from nature, inside of our genome, then whoever owns the patent on those synthetic parts now owns part or all of you as a human. That means Bill and Melinda Gates, The Department of Defense, [and others] can literally own a human being. If this synthetic code is taken up into your genome, by law, you could be owned overnight.”

The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Granted mainstream media say the foregoing is “conspiracy theory.” But Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) the shots change your genetic code and 2) the shots do not stop the spread of COVID-19. He says the Moderna shot is “hacking the software of life” (at the 0:43 second mark, but the whole video is…disturbing).

Viral vectors do the same thing.

So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots? Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions. Once you get these shots, you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being. Prosthetic limbs, breast implants, etc. are not “natural” per se. But they are removable and not part of what fundamentally makes you human. Gene therapy is irreversible. Do the math yourself.

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Only by Maritime law, under which we struggle. The law of the Land is more just

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Sadly, correct. It will be challenged in courts, provided no legal parameters are put in place in the next few years to stop legal challenge full stop. But the precedent is already there in the Supreme Courts ruling of 2012.😐🤦‍♀️🤐

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I never really thought about how The Judges decide what everyone has to accept as legal. some things, like crime, go to the top of the list and are dealt with quickly, but others take a long time to get anywhere and seldom get as far as a Judgement and if by some mischance they do, then in years past the event, when quicker action might have done what our word of mouth cannot, especially from those elected to serve the needs of all and end up serving their own needs, at the cost of all, which is my take on Trump and now Biden.

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Apr 2Edited

Our governments are colluding with the WHO...they would love greater control of the people after which they supposedly care, but I think they are exhausted with taking responsibility, after all haven't they've been passing the buck to private enterprise for, electricity, the postal service, water management, etc, at least in the UK. They just like the nice wages attached to being a politician, they don't like the work required, and to my mind they are therefore not fit for purpose and should resign, then we could decide on hiring and firing people with the right skills...managers, not politicians

The nonsense and travesties we're experiencing is I think a direct result of our 'system' also being not fit for purpose and that's why those who have been in power and desire to remain in power are taking an active part in this concept of a 'new world order'. I think they've decided they'd like to both re-establish their long lost Feudalist regime, and also reduce the population, to a more manageable number.

I feel as many similarly minded people need to get together, (just as they have) to re-create some balance in this world, so I've put in the link below, just in case people haven't come across Michel Chossudovsky, (He has a Substack) and the people with whom he connects...all have heart..the more of us the better.


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Hello, dr. Lawrie.

First of all I would like to thank all of you who are tirelessly, for several years now, fighting against medical tyranny and other tyrannies that were added to it as a part of UN Agenda 2030 (the "4th Industrial revolution" i.e. The great reset).

I have a question that bothers me since I found out about it, cause I saw the horrendous evil potential of it.

In 2013. Supreme court gave a green light for an artificial (i.e. manmade) cRNA/cDNA to be patented.

Since we now know that PATENTED mRNA ((c)mRNA) from the "vaxx" enters the cell via reversed transcription, can these eugenicists - transhumanist monsters claim "ownership" over people in the near future? (when they lay a legal ground for it - to pass the laws, it is hasn't already been done)

I know it's not a question from Your medical field, but I'm sure that in your team there are lawyers who can address this question.

Here is the article I wrote about it last year. It's in Croatian, but right klick on it and You'll have it in English.


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Mar 26
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Oh! And blessings to you too sweet person.💗

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