Dear Tess, Thank you so much to you and your team. I have virtually attended many events over the COVID years but never one that was so inspiring and hopeful. I loved seeing and hearing the emotions of the presenters as they expressed their experience of meeting their heroes and sheroes. It was really moving to realize how important this conference was for these courageous people--and for all of us watching from home. I can't express my deep gratitude for your vision and hard work to bring this to fruition. And I want you to know that I watched Letter to Andrew Hill. I didn't know about it until the conference. It was so touching and so brave of you and doctors Kory and Marik. What could have been different if Andy had only had "the balls" to stand for the truth! There is no choice. We must all do our very best to stand for the TRUTH!

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Dear Dr. Tess, my husband and I watched online and it was just what we needed—-encouraging and uplifting. Yes, we have a fight ahead of us, but our warriors are honorable and committed to stopping the harm and evil we are facing, and God is on our side. My husband, a retired 86 year old physician is stunned by what has happened to medicine. He heard your early interview with John Campbell and was so impressed with your integrity and courage. Many thanks for taking a stand and leading the way. You and the others inspire us. May God continue to bless and keep you.

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Thank you for midwifing this beauty, courage, inspiration, and love into being, Tess, Shabnam, and all of the other tender caretakers of this Better Way.

I felt grateful and privileged to have participated in the strategy session with so many of the heroic individuals I have come to respect over the past two years and the dozens of others I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time. Several of us have already connected and look forward to future collaborations. Thank you for facilitating those connections.

Here’s to a Better Way! 🦋💗👐

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Thank you so much for your dedication to truth, humanity, and to the science we all know still exists :)

While there were numerous speakers with great info, I must say that Caroline's presentation was especially moving. I can't tell you how many people I warned and every single one of them ended up taking the injection. The anti-vaxxer label really stuck with people and every one I know, save two, believe I'm a lunatic anti-vaxxer spouting conspiracy theories. Needless to say our relationships are more than strained and my frustration has come out in hurtful words more than once. After hearing Caroline speak, I am much more careful in how I choose my words and I am working toward regaining my empathy. Thank you for that :)

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Beautiful, Penny - thank you for sharing this.

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Thank you Dr Tess Lawrie. I have been so very grateful as I listen to the speakers.

As you say you begin to realise you are not alone. Please God we can see a good result from all of this, sooner rather than later. We have to find a way to stop all the evil and help others to see the truth.

If only the media would wake up too.

Pity they're already owned body, mind and soul. Let's hope for new independent reporting. I know there are a few already but you have to find the channels.

I wish for you and all concerned the success you deserve.

Ludwika. ❤️

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Dr. Tess, I am inspired every time I hear you speak or read your words. Thank you so much!

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How beautiful and inspiring. And yes, a better way by people coming together is the only way forward. Thank you so much for your leadership here.

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Your amazing!! I needed some good news, hope, love and togetherness! 💖

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It sure is great to see you on platform. Have followed you on WCH. Will make sure this goes on all platforms. Fast. From Alaska. Also Substack

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Dr Tess…early 2021 I communicated with you via Twitter…you are unstoppable force (Angel on our shoulders) .. please watch bitchute ‘Universal Antidote’ as possible remedy for vax injured. 🙏

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This message is uplifting and positive. I like that very much. Grassroots for now, but this is just the beginning of a real future in healthcare and medicine its a better model it will succeed. Thank you.

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Your joy is infectious. The simple truth you speak of was inspiring and brought to mind my take in that vein. We had two girls from Germany staying with us for a little over a month. When we reached the farm house one girl asked, " Are there any rules you want us to follow?". I had thought about this in the past and had an answer for her. I said " This is a small house and there are limited but sufficient amenities, since we will be jointly sharing this experience and for that experience to be a positive one for all, there is only one rule, before you act, think if this action is positive for everyone.". The time passed quickly and the memories, in my opinion, were quite positive. I thought any more complicated set of rules will be devices for miss-interpretation and may rub very different individuals differently, so, this simple rule was my best compromise. Of course, I was lucky, both girls took to the experience with a positive attitude. I am sure, if they were there only to maximize their own benefits, this small house would not be sufficient and the overall experience would have been much less positive. To this day, I remember with fondness, that simple experience.

If we could consider the effect on others, with respect, in any community, before we act, so many of our current problems would be minimized. Of course, I understand, that is just a quaint idea nowadays, in light of the current greed driven paradigm. However, I am of the old school, and to me that paradigm will lead to no good. I still have hope that we simple folk can discover simple principles that may still grant us all more peace, meaning and satisfaction over all.

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Love the instruction you gave - so simple.

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I’m honored, it’s your kindness, love and strength to fight for we the weaker and voiceless, that inspires my little efforts to share what has brought some goodness to my life.

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That's a really great principal for communal living. Sadly, it has been turned into a weapon by those wanting everyone to stop the spread of the virus - we were told not to think of ourselves, but to consider other people (and just get the jab). Get vaccinated to protect your elderly parents, your pregnant daughter, your patients.....even though they all took it anyway. Oh yes, and get it to avoid filling up the ICU beds with unvaccinated people. I have no more words.

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I was surprised to find a reply so much later to my comment. Thanks for replying.

There is a part of your statement that I'm unsure about. How the idea of thinking before you act and acting to promote the best in your community was weaponized?

Perhaps you are suggesting that our desire to be a part of the community caused us to accept the mandates more readily. If that is not the case, ignore what follows.

I would agree that most of the mandates are couched in terms of what is best for the community, however, the first part of my suggestion is about thinking for yourself first. This first step is crucial and it is this step that was short circuited by the propaganda, I am not a heroic figure and I did not rub the noses of the followers of the mandates in it. I have written about this in the past but have forgotten where.

I definitely do not put myself above society, but, this does not mean I follow the dictates of the elitist blindly. Early on, almost at the beginning, I doubted the official narratives. I did not get vaccinated, because in my assessment, I would not do society any good by doing so. I tried to discuss the concepts I learned with those close to me, I stopped my discussions when those close to me reacted very negatively. I treasure their relationship and respect their right of independent assessment and their choices. I still lost the closeness of some dear to me, but, I am working to rebuild. I wore a mask when the majority wore a mask. I distanced when those around me were distancing. I did not imprison myself. So you see, I was not a beacon of defiance. I was never without doubt of my own limited analysis. In many instances, I choose to follow the new norms when I was embedded in those who differed from my analysis. In many ways, I am the grey person in the crowd. My battles were small in scale but I never suffered from cognitive dissonance as I stayed true to myself. I am a part of society and it is not always a good thing, in my estimation, to attempt all the time to bring about revolutionary change when the probability of a good outcome is minimal, and the result of the revolution totally uncertain.

There are heroic figures out there, I cheer for them and try to help, because they are beacons that agree with my internal compass. If they diverge, I will make my own way or find another source of leadership.

So, I really don't see how the elitists have turned my guiding principles against me. I do see the harm they have caused to so many of my brothers and sisters, so, I know who the destructive elements of society are and I will actively work against them. These liars will always couch their agenda driven demands in terms of societal good, but, if you think first, those words have less impact. The manipulators have dropped their masks, we should now see them to be the monsters that they are. I have faith society can and must not continue to listen to the words of the snakes.

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Hi browntsunami. Thanks for taking the time to consider a response to me. I'm trying to recall the emotion that was behind my comment. That is not coming easily! But, what is best for society? That is the question, isn't it?

Thinking for one's self isn't necessarily weaponised. But surely you agree that being told that the putting of the good of society first by getting the jab has been the weapon that has harmed people in your circle? Those who did not think they had the right, or the knowledge, to withstand the pressure to conform. I was told that my not getting the 'jab' was selfish. Somehow it meant that I was causing other people harm by exposing them to the virus I clearly would succumb to because I was unprotected. I still think society would be better off by not having tried to vaccinate during a pandemic. By treating people who were sick, and allowing the virus to mutate and weaken, we still would have seen loss of life, but I'm sure it would be over by now, and we wouldn't be seeing the mental health problems, economic and social losses, and so on.

Slightly off topic - I think the main issue where I live is the mandating of a drug in order to participate in society. We had some of the tightest and long-lasting restrictions in the world. We were locked down and isolated from the rest of the world, and even our own country for months. The restaurants, theatres, cinemas, beaches, etc, I can live without. However, visiting aged parents in residential care or hospital, or other family members in hospital, I cannot. We are still required to be 'up to date' with both covid and flu vaccines to enter any healthcare facility. Like you, I accepted that some people felt the need to comply to all the directions to be safe. I didn't treat them with scorn either. I did all those external and temporary things (physical distancing, masks) when necessary too. But the strain on close relationships is clear, and will remain that way as long as I have the belief that the vaccine is ineffective and harmful.

I am a nurse, and lost my job at a time when nurses are in more demand than ever before, because I wouldn't participate in a drug trial. And if I continue to refuse and lose my family as well, what is the good of that? Here in Western Australia, we now have some very serious legislation giving our police power to act in whatever way they deem necessary to keep society safe from a virus. That includes breaking into homes of people they believe have been exposed, and forcefully vaccinating. That has been passed into law just this week. Isn't the rest of the world moving on?

I'm not sure I am making any sense, but thanks again for being kind, and cheering on the heroic figures. There are many of us cheering, and hoping that the light will break through, SOON.

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Hi again Beth,

I forgot to ask first, but, I have posted our interaction on my newsletter. I should have asked first if you would mind. If you want me to remove it just let me know and I will find out how. I thought the material might be interesting to my readers. Sorry for not asking first.

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Apology accepted. Leave it there. I hope your readers find it worthy of their reading time! I'm sure I could have written in a more coherent way, but given the time of my writing (the wee small hours of the day) my mind is not quite as sharp as it could be. Cheers

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Hi Beth,

Thank you for a thoughtful note. I feel your internal struggle through your words and I witness your external struggle in a more and more tyrannical world. I wish I had more than words help with your losses and pain at this moment. I am in Canada, certainly not a country that I recognize anymore. The militarization of the police is open for all to see, and their brutish use on those that would disagree with the "current thing" of a WEF appointed tyrant and his WEF appointed supporters is a show of how democracy and freedom dies. Many would even see the words "freedom and democracy" as just slogans used just before our current empire destroys another foreign country for having the temerity to not agree with the orders of the empire. So, as I see it, the tyranny we are facing in the west has its roots in the habits of empire from their foreign violent adventures. This is just coming home to roost.

Your very good point posing as a question, "But, what is best for society?", cannot have an answer. It has many (as you probably know). Since society is not a universal thing, in other words, we are not a global ant hill, there is not a simple single solution that does not have the potential to wipe out the majority of the planet. The one solution fits all concepts can only occur in the mind of the insanely narcissistic, or, the intellectually challenged. This, to my mind, is a function of the how society forms. Of course, you can create a mockery of a society, by strong arming the many to your whims. This was, in recent history, a method used brutally and ultimately unsuccessfully by Mao in China. We see the same sort of social engineering with western flavour in the western world.

As you can tell I am not terribly enamoured of individuals, no matter how good their hair-do looks, implementing their grossly inadequate agendas on the rest of humanity. I see them all as limited beings, with little to no superiority. You can see this, if you remove their one and only crutch, money. In my current view, more stable societies are products of slow and evolving forces that brings groups of people together due to defined genetic, philosophical and external environmental pressures. The group has a life of its own and is adaptable to change. Societies that survive provides for its members. There are distinct social groupings, which when a part is removed from its original setting and transplanted, will begin to build the old structures that they perceive as nurturing to them. Of course, I am not saying that the new entity is a wholesale clone of the original, it is the members who are tossed into a new and at many times foreign society adapts to the situation and tries to accrete parts of the old that has been nurturing to them. This in turn evolves the new society the individual finds themselves in. This evolutionary process is a trial and error one, not one of fully formed ideas in a persons limited mind, or even in the minds of bought and payed for handful of individuals.

So, I will arrive at my point, in a grouping of people who have been systemically divided in terms of ideas that does not serve the group, who have been told repeatedly the dominate members are intrinsically evil, who views the atrocities of a few (who are also responsible fro much of the previous point) as defining aspects of the grouping as a whole and the propaganda is 24/7. In that situation, I must ask, what society does one want to benefit? So, as you say, my quaint idea is appropriate for a subset of the whole, and it is simple, the rest is the slow evolution of an established society. The individuals need not be geniuses, they just need to be immersed in a social structure that makes sense to them and apply the now definable rule of what is best for the group and in turn themselves.

One problem with the fracturing of society by edict is the people no longer have a strong sense of their internal compass that aligns with the social norms. They become confused and are more willing to do what they are told by what they are told are their betters. This is not the end of the time tested societies, there are many of us who are fighting back against the few who have no sensitivity to the society that they are blindly destroying. These are a part of the external forces that societies has had to endure since time immemorable. This infection will cause a strong reaction, there are countless riots around the world, the societies knows its under attack. The control of propaganda through news makes the response seem local but it will come out. With the knowledge that we are not alone or powerless, the grey members of the different societies will take on the colour of warriors and combat the current crop of tyrants.

The vaxx, is just another Trojan horse to firstly instill compliance to the new tyranny, and secondly, to weaken and harm us internally (I am fairly sure this was deliberate, but certainty eludes me, at this time). I have faith in the wonderful societies that Australia has developed and I look forward to seeing its members recognize the importance of what it means to be Australian as we must do in Canada and in most parts of the world and start the process to rid our societies of this infection of fear and division sourced from the sick minds of the elitists.

I must be doubly hard for you, being a nurse, the calling to help others must be seriously challenged. I am seeing the cognitive dissonance in members of my own family who are in the medical profession. The situation will not evolve as planned by the elitists as they are not a part of the society and in the end numbers matter and they and their ideas will be cast aside.

Without an evolutionary view of how societies are formed, through trial and error over millenia. The elitist will not see the resistance coming and the harder they push, the more society will envelope the infection and eliminate it.

As I said in the beginning, these are just words, I am no seer the time scale is not known to me. The inability of the narcissistic elitists to see their shortcomings will make their actions ever more virulent and our response more urgent. You have shown your heroic nature. I hope when the opportunity arises, I will remember your sacrifice for an embattled society.

I know that it is hackneyed to say, but, it helps me to hear "“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”.

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Thank you again...we Aussies certainly feel for our Canadian mates. Here's to the prevailing of truth and kindness.

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Your simple rule, respect for everyone, may be quaint but, it is what all of us need to hear and follow. Your words affected me on such a deep level, that I oblige to take those words and remember to pass these on and live by them every single day. Bless you & your family ♥️

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Thank you for your blessing. The simple rule was probably already in your heart and mind all along. We have been on this journey for a long time, the rules for such a diverse group are likely simple and adaptable, that keeps us together in a nurturing fashion. I guess we just need to remind each other once in awhile.

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Thank you for your thoughts & for assisting me in creating reassurance within myself ♥️

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Hi Tess .. It was amazing to meet you Del Bigtree and Delores Cahill in the flesh last Sunday after following you for so long ... I agree Delores speech was so inspiring and full of Wows and OMG s .. and Del has such a presence..but someone I'd not heard of before was Darren Deojee..I loved what he said and put a completely different twist on finding our natives .. Thankyou for all you and all that took part do and have done over the last few yrs and before.. Giving us knowledge..opening our eyes ..Understanding Faith Hope and finding how we are to create our new free world ..X

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Thanks Tess. The Better Way is mighty. We are solid and we are strong and nothing can stop us now.

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Delighted that you are returning to the post today. Feeling cool, crisp, and strong!

I had always enjoyed seminars as such to reboot/defrag/dislodge old expectations into new ones.

Even if the time it takes newfound insights to ooze out thru the cracks, seemed like eternity!

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Thank you Tess. Bless you. You have encapsulated the essence of the Golden Rule, basically. If we all loved each other, (ie, put others before ourselves) there would be no need for laws.

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Thank you and your team so much for putting together this conference and making the replay available and affordable to those of us like me who could not afford the cost of attending in real time. I've listened to the first 4 hours of the first session and am anxious to view the rest. I've shared it widely in my community and on FB.

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Thank you so much, ShastaBetty, I'm so glad you are able to tune in and thank you for sharing it.

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