i think we all communicate that way—to greater and lesser extents. spoken language itself is frequency which could function as a carrier wave for thought waves.

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consciousness is INFORMATION. it is the code or language of the Universe, or the simulation we are in. my use of the word simulation does not necessarily point to Technology.. but the Nature of how the Universe becomes.

When we are told that consciousness is EVERYTHING, and EVERYTHING is ENERGY, and then mystics tell us EVERYTHING is MIND... For me personally, this points to EVERYTHING that surrounds us is Information. To be conscious, is to be AWARE of information. Every living being is aware of information and uses this information to experience Life.

Why would autistic individuals be able to do what we all actually always are doing, tapping into information, why would their ability be more heightened. Could the vaccines be editing our genes for perception?

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Maybe, because of their awareness of difference they are more introspective and alert to clue gathering aka telepathy?

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Yes and to get more specific I have heard that people who are autistic are highly sensitive to sound and sight and touch.. Heightened sensitivity to environmental stimuli

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Yes, I can identify with those (amongst many) but generally think its time for a wider exploration of the term autism; its got a bit blanket-y, like IBS or fibromyalgia, ie there seems to be some pathology but we can’t isolate a cause so we’ll give it a name. In my own experience my maternal grandmother, my mother, myself my sisters and my daughter all demonstrate telepathic traits, so I’d say that there could be a genetic factor too.

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I just listened to episode one. I'm open minded about these subjects now, although I would've been completely dismissive of them just a few years ago and for most of my life before then. The first episode reminded me of the renowned psychoanalyst and researcher Stanislav Grof's book on spontaneous spiritual awakening being misdiagnosed as mental illness. He wrote this book back in the early 1990s after at least a decade of he and his wife working with patients and meeting with people who had been diagnosed with various mental illnesses. He became completely convinced that many of these people were not sick. Rather what was happening is that many people were beginning to experience a new stage of human evolution where spiritual experience was happening spontaneously. He compared these spontaneous awakenings to the traditional Hindu and Buddhist concept of kundalini experiences.

When I was skimming through the book a few weeks ago, I was thinking about whether autism, or at least some autism spectrum disorders, were not actually illnesses and perhaps also examples of a further evolution of the human species. I'm not sure if this phenomenon applies to all autism, but even if it is more limited, it definitely throws a wrench in the idea that these conditions are always due to brain damage caused by things like environmental toxins or vaccines. It's interesting that the same moment in time where Dr. Grof was making this observation about people who were awakening spiritually being misdiagnosed as having a mental illness is also when the autism epidemic exploded in the late 1980s. The theory of the autism epidemic being caused by environmental toxins and vaccines is largely based on a correlation in the timeline between the so-called epidemic and factors such as the change in the childhood vaccine schedule or the widespread use of glyphosate. But what if those factors were just coincidental to something that was already beginning to emerge in global consciousness?

To be clear, I've also been very open minded about the possibility of environmental toxins and vaccines being a causative factor in the development of autism. I believe there is evidence to suggest that is true in at least some cases. I certainly have no intention of being dismissive of mothers, physicians, and others who have observed a connection between vaccination and the onset of their child's condition. However, this documentary series definitely suggests that this is a very complex, multifaceted picture. It is also very possible that we are lumping together a wide range of different phenomenon under a single rubric when what we actually have are some instances of true disease and others perhaps demonstrating something else. We can't rule out the possibility that at least some of the explosion in autism fits into this non-disease category.

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After listening to a couple more episodes, my curiosity continues to grow. My current thinking right now is that this isn't in either/or situation of neurological damage versus spontaneous development of supernatural abilities. In the writings of Taoist, Hindu, and Buddhist philosophers going back to before the birth of Christ, there is a concept of supernatural abilities such as ESP and shared consciousness that develop spontaneously as one progresses through the stages of spiritual practice.

The observation of these phenomena has been reported in many different cultures including those with a tribal or shamanic perspective as well as those with an extensive written philosophical literature. This suggests that these are innate potential abilities of the human mind. There is a hypothesis that the human brain is not the source of mind but rather the physiological transducer of mind. From this perspective, it seems distinctly possible to me that when the physical brain experiences some sort of damage (vaccines, environmental toxins etc.) that interferes with the function of speech, the inherent plasticity of the brain would give access to an alternate mode of communication. The same way that some people who are blind have learned to navigate through the physical world using a form of echolocation similar to bats. There is certainly a biological and evolutionary imperative for the survival of the individual and the species that lends itself to this possibility assuming that these extrasensory forms of perception and communication actually exist

So, my new working hypothesis is that rather than these children experiencing a spontaneous development into the next stage of human evolution, they are experiencing an adaptation in the face of damage to their brains. The reason that I've shifted my thinking about this as I've continued through the podcast is because These children clearly have a developmental disorder that makes it impossible for them to function normally in society. Even with the ability to communicate throughspelling and telepathy, these children have other behavioral challenges. They are clearly highly intelligent and can obviously communicate through some mysterious means. However, the philosophical literature from eastern traditions on the development of these abilities frames them as powers that occur in connection with dramatically improved health, performance, and mental stability.

So, I think this phenomenon tells us a lot about what the human mind is capable of. But, we need to think carefully about the neurological damage that has allowed these abilities to emerge. I would say it behooves us even more than ever to determine what environmental and other factors are precipitating autism. Especially, if the claim that all autistic children have disability to some degree turns out to be true. It may be that we can somehow harness this power in others without the debilitating physical and behavioral side effects. And perhaps new treatments will emerge for autistic children that leave their extrasensory perception and communication intact while helping mitigate the other aspects of the condition.

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There's so much that we don't know about the spiritual world. Why is it that it is not easy to find in dominant media?

Is it that the unbelievers are ignoring the vast unquestionable rational and scientific evidence proving the existence of the immortal soul, unique-ensoulment, Judgement by God, eternal heaven, hell, and true religion?

You are not what you do, but you do what you are. How much are you worth? You are uniquely precious and loved! Science proved that you are of infinite value. To understand that, you’d need to read all of this. Have patience.

Where does the universe come from? Science proves that, out of nothing, nothing comes, yet God created EVERYTHING out of NOTHING, especially our immortal soul.

Science proved that God loves us so much, that He incarnated and shed every single drop of His precious Blood for each one of us (even if you were the only one on earth), to adopt us as sons/daughters of God and make us happy in this life but especially in the eternal one (Heaven), saving us from unhappiness in this life and in eternal one (hell). This is why you are worth more than all the riches, pleasures, knowledge or power on earth. You are worth your weight not in gold but in something eternally precious: love!

Atheists and agnostics would start to find answers in peer-reviewed Near Death Experiences. Consciousness, intelligence, will, are all spiritual properties of the spiritual immortal soul. How do we know that? some of the blind from birth see in colors for the first time when they are brain dead (no electricity, no activity, no bloodflow, no oxygen) and also no heartbeat and no breathing. The same happens with some of the deaf: they listen for the first time to conversations around or if they go up, even celestial music!

“there are characteristic features that are commonly observed in NDEs. These characteristics include a perception of seeing and hearing apart from the physical body, passing into or through a tunnel, encountering a mystical light, intense and generally positive emotions, a review of part or all of their prior life experiences, encountering deceased loved ones, and a choice to return to their earthly life.”


5 peer reviewed experiences (among dozens):


Neurosugeon testimony:


Struck by lighting and came back from near-death to tell us about how we will be Judged:


"God is love" says the Bible, the Word of God (1 John 4:7-12) Do you believe in love? then you believe in God. How do you prove love to yourself? If you prove love, you prove God! There’s no love without God, the source of all true love. He’s not only the love of my life, He is the life of my love!

Jesus said “I’m... the life.” (John 14:16)

“God gives life to everything.” (1 Timothy 6, 13)

Do you believe in life? You prove life, you prove God, eternal life, source of all life:


That is where you should start your journey of discovery, but first pray: "God, life of my love, if you exist, please show me the way to find the bliss of knowing You"

or even better:

Feel-think this with all your heart: “Jesus, if you are the Son of God, I consecrate my heart to your Heart. Please send me the Holy Spirit so I can see Truth and have the courage to change and follow Him wherever He leads.” Amen!

Mathematical proof of God’s mind

Who could have imagined that mathematical images could be so beautiful?:


Movie Review: After Death


Scientific proof of God and the soul:


Scientific proof of religion


What do you believe comes after death (Science backs religion)?



Which Christian denomination is more Biblical?


Why aren't atheists convinced by miracles which happened, and are scientifically proven?


If you want to find the true Church, among 40 thousand denominations, start reading the writings of the first Christians, before the Roman Empire, like Augustine of Hippo (start with Confessions):


Irenaeus of Lyon, etc.:


You'll discover which Church is the most faithful to the Bible and early Christianity before the Roman Empire. Hint: which religion you would belong to, if you were born 600 years ago, continuing uninterruptedly the teachings held by the early Christians?

If you read thoroughly John 6, the followers that left, didn't leave because "the Spirit that gives life and the flesh which profits nothing" but because they thought Jesus was telling them that they had to turn into cannibals by actually eating His flesh, just as the bread from heaven (manna).

He didn't mean that the consecrated bread would be just a symbol for His presence but actually His REAL physical presence. That's why he didn't stop them from leaving Him in the dozens or hundreds by saying?:

"Hey come back, it was just another parable, a symbolic metaphor !"

Because Jesus was indeed talking literally!

Biblical references about the Eucharist:




Scientifically Proven Eucharistic Miracles

Over 300 consecrated breads have turned into lab-confirmed fresh human heart-tissue, and the wine, into AB+ blood, even if blood-types were discovered 150 years ago while the first Eucharistic miracles happened 1000 years ago (which proves that the miracles are not a fabrication):






The beauty of the Church


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Dr. David Martin - 12 Senses… not just 5.

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Love this podcast! Binged through all of the episodes a couple of weeks ago. Everyone can benefit from listening. I’m hoping more episodes will be released!

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I am on Episode 8, and I agree that it is well worth the time to listen to all of them.

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It changes your perspective and takes away the fear of death!

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It’s interesting why we (“normal”, “non-telepathic”) people are so fascinated with extra-sensory perception. Is our “normal” life not satisfactory enough? Are we not fulfilled as human beings? Why cannot we be happy with the only life that we will ever have?

Just a few ages ago, the religious realm was the “other” world, the objective of the desired personal efforts. The Eastern cultures sublimated it into self-development to become more of oneself. The Euro-American culture remained with worshipping the Divine as the unattainable ideal. Plus the esoteric groups within this paradigm, which kind of overlaid the inner search over the worship layer.

The conquest of the Euro-American part by the so called science (or arbitrary sets of approved rules) initiated the compartmentalization of the society into “everybody” and the knowledgeable ones. The latter lay out all sorts of rules, procedures and approvals for everybody to obey and follow. Their “diagnoses” open new avenues of “scientific” research. Again, far and away from the “normal”.

Do we hate the “normal” so much? It seems only Zen (in various forms and under various names) has appreciated the normal as the way to learn one’s abilities and use them for self-development. According to it, you don’t need to travel to distant planets (destroying a lot of technology and burning a lot of fossil fuels through convenient explosions in failed attempts). There is no need to become or worship someone special. This very life, just the way it is, holds the secret key. The price to pay: ego, ambition, pride, greed (and peer-reviews :-)).

Yes, the mind is the barrier. The same mind that creates technology, “science” and stratification of people into the worthy ones (with certificates and diplomas) and the rest. The same mind that is so arrogantly talking about ancient archaeology, astronomical fantasies and historical false perspectives. The same mind that cannot come to peace with such simple, everyday states as jealousy, competitiveness, loneliness, hatred, greed - the basic obstacles so nicely presented and warned against in all religions.

How far are we from the advertising campaigns like “Become ESP master - use our mRNA technology to become an autistic clairvoyant”?

There is a reason why these “paranormal” abilities have always been secret and have always been taught solely person-to-person, to a very select small circle of those whose minds were no longer interested in mundane conquests…

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This brought back an interesting memory. About 20 years ago I read a theory that triggering autism with vaccines was being done purposefully to accelerate human evolution. I don’t remember the author or site but I do remember the theory. Hmmm…

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Thanks for the lead. Hopefully the information can still be found on the internet... Time to dig in.

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It is pretty clear to me that this is heaven precisely because we usually cannot hear the thoughts of others except in extremis.

Clearly in a conceptual multiverse such as this one reading minds etc is perfectly possible as is telling a mountain to move into the sea and it will do it if you truly believe it but what sort of world would it be if complete strangers on the Tube or the bus or passing in the street or sitting on the other side of the universe could read your thoughts? A damaged world that's what.

This is heaven precisely because we are able to be individuals without others prying on our private thoughts and the more damaged individuals there in the world, and these people are clearly damaged at a fundamental level as far as being able to care for themselves in the real world is concerned, the fewer freedoms we are going to have.

As Newton supposedly said “I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”

These children and adults are a few shiny pebbles along the way but the grown man knows the world he lives in and though these children can teach us things about our reality the last thing we want is to go down a path where individuals don't matter and only the collective does. The Borg was a warning not a plan for the future. Each of these adults and children would give anything to be independent and to be able to complain about their parents, their lives and their work the way most of us do and take for granted and you know what ....... that is all any decent parent would wish for them if they could have a wish come true, an independent child free of them and their constraining thoughts and that is why this universe was designed this way to free us of the noise of others. If we learn that from these poor children and adults we will have learned something worth learning.

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You make a good point. Privacy of our own thoughts and imagination surely should be cherished and guarded.

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I'm sure they shall be guarded despite Elon Musk's best efforts to overturn the privacy of thought. Someone very famous, very much more famous than little Musky, once said For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are my ways your ways ....... so his thoughts are clearly private unless he decides to share them and I think we are all afforded the same privacy rights here in this quiet reflection of the near infinite multiverse this little backwater place we call the universe, heaven ..... and home.

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They know our Thoughts are powerful, this is why they want full control of them.

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Yes indeed. However, as all of our thoughts help maintain this shared conceptual reality, as indeed the 100 monkey story shows, if they were permitted to control our thoughts humans would drift into nothingness much like Marty McFly's family picture in "Back to the Future" that was gradually fading away until he managed to get his parents back on track to end up together. So though I always ask what sort of father wouldn't let his children take part in their own creation you could also ask what sort of father wouldn't also limit their freedom to do certain things. Better to keep the kids away from that cliff rather than giving them the freedom to go over it and better to dress that small limit to freedom up in the language of Physics uncertainties rather than scare them with that truth. Physics is a good fairy story for the children and is much less frightening than the reality, don't look down because there is nothing there. As "the creator" in Blade Runner said


We began to recognize in them a strange obsession. After all, they are emotionally inexperienced, with only a few years in which to store up the experiences which you and I take for granted. If we gift them with a past, we create a cushion or a pillow for their emotions, and consequently, we can control them better.


Memories! You're talking about memories!

You see we already live in a controlled reality and we don't need any others like Musky et al interfering in what has always been planned for it.

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I have various telepathic experiences myself. There is various research published by Dean Radin (Noetic Science institute) and by Rupert Sheldrake (telepathy with dogs and other animals). I also advice to follow "New Thinking Allowed" on youtube with Jeffrey Mislove who is one of the few "experts" in parapsychology.

The videos with the tapes are not so impressive, as they show that there was physical contact with the parents. Not a "double blind" experiment as is done by Dean Radin and such.

I think that telepathy can better be understood, if you regard consciousness as non-physical. An easy way is to see consciousness as the "painter" and the physical body as the "canvas" into which we imprint our identity.

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Which of the podcast episodes spoke about animals? I listened to all and do not recall …

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I listened to the first episode. As Dr Powell says this would not pass the test of "science". So until this happens (if ever) we just have to keep going. The only problem is that there are people out there who only have nefarious goals when they learn of such abilities, Remote viewing is one of those abilities being used by the military and spy agencies.

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I wonder how many children described as autistic are sensitive children who have had a diagnosis of autism, in other words, a misdiagnosis which labels normal behaviour for sensitive children, as autism and sentences these children to a lifetime of stigma whereby they are not allowed to grow up being the normal gifted children that they are. Only 15 to 20% of the population are sensitives, or HSP/HSC and therefore the diagnosis of autism will always come from someone in the 85% bracket who do not understand sensitive people. Also important is that there is no medication for sensitives, but there is medication for autism/ADHD. Would you give any of these to a child with a developing brain? — Medications that may help with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) include antipsychotics, antidepressants, and other medications.


Risperidone: An atypical antipsychotic that can help with aggression, agitation, and impulsivity

Aripiprazole: An atypical antipsychotic that can help with agitation and irritability

Olanzapine: An atypical antipsychotic that can help with aggression and mood lability

Quetiapine: An atypical antipsychotic that can help with autism

Ziprasidone: An atypical antipsychotic that can help with autism


Citalopram: A selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that may help with anxiety and obsessive behavior

Other medications

Sodium valproate: Can help with mood lability and aggression, especially in people with intellectual impairment

Clonidine: A non-stimulant medication that can help with irritability and disruptive behavior

Omega-3 fatty acids: May help improve cognitive function and reduce hyperactivity

Other medications that may help with ASD include CNS stimulants and NMDA-receptor antagonists. In this list it notes aggression. I will suggest that it is the brain altering medication that is causing any aggression.

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There is a reason that such as telepathy, various esp etc are, by design, "shut down". Thus most "use" only a small portion of their brain. It has to do with being able to function in the world.

There are, now, defined paths that are becoming ever clearer which the seeker can seek and find to increase understanding and unfold, in a safe manner, the under utilized capabilities of the brain and mind'

Vaccination caused and increased autism is Not one of the paths.

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The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders.

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

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thank you

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