
I’ve Got $100 That Says :

If Enough Doctors Die

We Can Cure Cancer.


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Dr. Lawrie, Dark Horse has thousands and thousands of listeners, on youtube, Rumble and now Locals (Heather Heying is on Patreon I think), so I bet many of those would buy online access tickets to this event. If you broadcast it, you might raise some good funding for The Better Way.

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Apr 10Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Keep up the good work!

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Bret got nothing right.. bush meat bandana panic & worst case scenario fear mongering and zero about virus biology where NO RNA molecules have the replication fidelity to pandemic & details of Bret's dad as the legend lawyer in antibody patent space & his brother at Palintir omitted.


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Weinstein is a renown poseur and a pseudo pandemic pusher. Why are you even associating yourself with this arse clown.

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More controlled opposition with no solutions, only leading you to another dead end. Wakey, wakey, folks, the jabs will keep on rolling, all of them, and these people will pretend they can stop it. They can't. Spend your money on long lasting candles instead!

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Is there a collective noun for a gathering of cynical grifters?

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This is what the renowned pseudo pandemic pusher was doing when it really mattered. Witness for yourself the self-proclaimed dissident thought leader and dream team poseur (definitely not fake opposition at all) with his magic bandana and goggles combo.


He was actually so certain in his own mind enough to promote this as a viable solution and actively encouraged thousands of people to follow his lead.

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Renowned evolutionary biologist B. Weinstein who insisted SARS -CoV-2 was of natural origin because that’s what evolution does; it creates new things more lethal more transmissible more everything… until it became very clear that furin cleavage site could NOT have evolved by any known evolutionary mechanism.

Bret probably thinks people are stupid or don’t remember how he flipped-flopped on his renowned evolutionary expertise…

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Can you please give an admirer the cite for Dr. Lawrie's "in a nutshell" summary of the article she wrote with others about the mRNA vaccines? Thank you. Alex Polikoff

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