I had not heard the name, the Tall Poppy Syndrome - but I recognize it - the cutting down of achievers, the belittling, undermining, denigrating of people who are achieving, doing. Also, I have often heard the criticism when there is a charge - everything should be free. But as you note, there are expenses creating something, plus in our lives we have expenses. I applaud all the massive work you do, and all you are achieving. Thank you, Tess, and all those working with you.

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I wish there would be Tess Lawries every where .She is one I respect and thank for giving all she got .I know how hard it is to overcome an evil that is destroying human life ,but also every thing that makes life worth living .I came across a serious problem in regard to the virus weapon and did something to correct it .I was ambushed by police and had court problems for about 8 month .I did win but not without losing almost all the meager savings I had .At 87 I can't do more and I'm sorry for not donating to such a good cause ,like the one you are working on ,since I can only afford the very basics ,to survive .15 month ago my brother went to a hospital with a flu and he was murdered with the treatment protocol .In the small apartment I live in ,two people died just recently with cancer .The cancer was in remission ,but they took the shots ,that may destroyed the immune system ,and lead to their death in a very short time .Now the one health dictator ship is what I'm most scared of .Will we be force injected and if I resist will I not be able to buy food ,have the pension cut off and not allowed to enter any premises ,even the apartment I live in ? In Canada where I live the communists under Trudeau will welcome with open arms the W.H.O. dictatorship .It will not be worth living after that .

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My heart goes out to you ❤️ Thank you for all you have done and no doubt still do.

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Do not let fear spoil your days about something that has not yet come to pass. See a better future than that the idiots wish to have come into being, see a future you would rather see. Miracles do happen. See yourself as protected, see yourself as safe. Blessings to you.

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dr lawrie ~ thank you so much for all you have done and continue to do. the scope is massive, creative, challenging. and special thanks for this thoughful, thorough, sensitive reply to criticism...

i just fell in love with you.

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That man is so far from the truth! I attended the conference this year and it was so much more than just chats. More so, the chats, debates and encounters that happened there were so rewarding. Not only did I learn new perspectives and heard about solutions and actions everyone can take - it also inspired me to finally do some of the things I had been holding off. I have now contacted media and an MP in Finland that I know personally (which makes it more likely they at least take a look) asking if they know the latest about WHO and its implications. I sent some articles and information and both have replied. It’s a drop, but like you said, we need to act ourselves if we want to feel something shifting.

Regarding the fees for the conference. Obviously what is a lot or a little is relative, but compared to a lot of online courses and events, especially taking into consideration everything we got, this was definitely not an expensive event. I am so grateful for your work and the work of everyone involved. Thank you🌻

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It is his truth and a lot of us who are supporters appreciate the work being done but agree to a good extent with him. The grown man knows the world he lives in and it sounds like he does but that doesn't mean we can't give the evil people in charge one last chance to stop doing what they are doing by using reason as Tess and all have been doing. I for one think the time has come to say the NHS and parliament for example are totally irredeemable and more and more men especially are thinking the same thing. The worms are waking up and soon they will turn and then all bets are off. That is all I think he was saying.

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Dear Dr. Lawrie...


To you and your team, your efforts do not go unnoticed, and the sacrifices you are making for the truth and A Better Way are beyond measure. THANK YOU THANK YOU you wonderful souls : )

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There has been so much strife and accusations within the freedom movement. Some very serious among leading figures where one has to wonder what is happening? Is it just 'ego'?

I see it this way, that all of existence on this planet has been thrown up into the air and everything has to find its new, rightful place. Dare I use the words a new, true and more enlightened order out of chaos. Paradigm shifts ARE messy! And brutal, it appears. At least on this 3D level where SO much evil is being exposed.

I've focused my attention on and support WCH, because that is where my trust lies. To me, WCH is heart and wisdom based and represents the possibility of an alternative to the WHO that encompasses issues that are now being ridiculed and dismissed - which is literally killing people. Living beings I should add. A World Council for Health the way it should be. 💎❤️🙏

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This is going to be a hard fight Tess, and no doubt some, are going to tire much earlier than others. The tendency for all revolutions is for them to devour their own. For some reason, it just seems to be wired into our nature. To expect trust in doctors to be rebuilt in a short period of time is simply naive.

Trust is slowly built and very quickly erased.

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I applaud your work and can I lay hope one of the Better Way councils spread my way here in my small corner of the world😊.

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I'm listening to the Canadian hearing against Dr Mark Trozzi. Days of garbage against him. It's horrifying what the good doctors are having to endure. I cheer him on and pray there's a good outcome.

For the conference I paid £30 for online access. Yes I'd like to be there for all the side meetings, chats etc but we can't all squeeze in! For now remote was great. And I've still got a session to go. Amazing listening to top experts then the next speaker explaining his drug addiction recovery and rapping. How inclusive is that? 👏👏👏

When all the 'normal' avenues in a democracy are closed, finding that new way is going to challenge all of us to our core as the old falls away. Keep going Tess and crew, we're with you and will help when and where we can. Bless you all 🙏

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Dr Tess, all of you at WCH are angels - with more love & strength than most of us.

Thanks for not giving up on those that haven't developed the moral character & compassion that you have Dr Tess.

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Thank you for what you are doing doc! Take such negativity with a pinch of salt.

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GOD bless you Dr. Tess for being a true Medical Truth Warrior for our Lord lives in the TRUTH. Our Creator is the wind beneath your beautiful wings. Thank you for your integrity, dedication & commitment to humankind, you are heard & deeply appreciated ...

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Dear Tess, there is much bitterness out there, which is so very sad, if the person who put out this nasty minded 'gossip' is not a 'troll', he is perhaps indicative of the disenchantment so many feel about all 'powers that be' and I suppose doctors in general fall under this heading and the many of them having not proved themselves either particularly knowledgeable or honourable, especially regarding the last three years, this seeming ignoramus of the World Council for Health's remit, has tarred all with the same brush.

I was only able to attend the last get together on Sunday in Bath of the wonderful conference, (wish I could have attended it all!), but far more wonderful than the conference is all the work that has been, and is being done by all you amazing people. Bless you all. Know you are loved by many and do not let that one ignorant person bring you down...do not waste your beautiful energy on his bitterness.

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I'll add a small donation later this month. I think you're doing, and have done, a superb job during these difficult times. 👏👏👏👏

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¨The dogs may bark, but the caravan moves on¨ Arabic proverb. I remember your first substack Tess. You have done a lot since then. It is amazing! Don't worry, be happy :)

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Thanks for the reminder re the 58 minute overview documentary on last year's conference. I look forward to seeing it. I believe alot of people are feeling the stress from the last 3 years of insanity. I take hope and inspiration from anyone trying to stand up for the common good and from anyone who put(s) their head above the parapet when it is so stressful and potentially dangerous.

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