Have you heard of the Tall Poppy Syndrome (TPS)? It’s a wide-spread cultural phenomenon with roots in New Zealand and Australia that refers to a propensity to resent, criticise or cut people down to size if they are successful. TPS is counter-intuitive to celebrating the achievements of others and building on them. It is with dismay that I note the prevalence of this phenomenon among the resistance movement of today, making us easy pickings for the powers that shouldn’t be.
In the weeks before and following the success of the second Better Way Conference in Bath this month, I and the World Council for Health have come under attack from individuals we have considered allies. One man even publicly accused us of grifting, which means making money dishonestly, as in a swindle, and shared a video on social media to this effect. One has to wonder what he hoped to achieve by pouring out his misinformed and angry point of view. In the video, which he has now retracted, he states that conference speakers, who kindly gave their time for free, were paid between £4,000 and £8,000.
When I messaged him privately to request a recorded conversation to set the record straight, he replied: “I [have already] apologised as I don’t want to spread misinformation, I do feel however that none of you are really helping in anyway and that’s my opinion, the prices are way out of budget for us commoners. Nothing has moved forward I’m struggling to see the benefit any DRs are now bringing to the table. We are no further forward despite donations, conferences, hearings and the such. There is still no trust in DRs, all you do is chat in groups and keep the public out.”
What a strange comment in the context of the Better Way Conference. Anyone who watched this conference or indeed BWC 2022 will know that doctors are among the minority at these events and topics covered extended far beyond medicine, providing a very public platform for a variety of speakers on artificial intelligence, government, sovereignty, transhumanism, the climate agenda, the fake food industry and the WHO/monopoly power grab.
It may be fair comment that the limited in-person Better Way Conference tickets were exclusive. Notwithstanding the fact that the Better Way event in itself - with venue hire, production and stage management, live streaming, security, and accommodation and travel costs - is expensive to hold, it remains the annual fundraiser for our continually expanding team and scope of work.
In addition, the entire weekend of excellent content was and still is available for viewing, downloading and sharing with others in the comfort of your home for under £40 for a virtual ticket.
Where we spend our money is where we place our attention and it is up to the individual to determine whether this amount, barely the price of an evening at the pub or a meal out, is money well spent.
If one remains uncertain whether to pay to watch to the 3-day content of the Better Way Conference 2023, why not decide after watching BWC 2022? It is available free to watch here. The content of the first Better Way Conference in 2022 is still highly relevant today – especially if one is new to the truth of what has been going on since 2020. There is also a 50 minute documentary of the event.
No one is coming to save us
To get back to the criticism about doctors not doing enough, I hear this man’s frustration; times are certainly challenging and bound to be even more so if one is waiting for others (doctors) to do something to save us. However, I do take issue with these sentiments being directed at myself and our World Council for Health team efforts.
I can honestly say that we are doing our best and cannot give an ounce more. Personally, I have not taken a week off since October 2021 and even then my work came with me much to the dismay of my family. Those working alongside me are equally thinly spread.
It is true that many people may not have heard of us or the scope of the humanitarian work that we are doing to empower health, freedom and sovereignty around the world. I believe that this is largely to do with the fierce censorship that we face and difficulty breaking through the barriers to truth constructed by big tech and enforced by government narratives and corporate media.
For the record, I list just some of our achievements and activities in the last two or so years below:
Creating international country councils for health
To counter the monopoly power grab by the World Health Organization and those behind the drive for a one world corporate government, we are in the process of decentralising the World Council for Health to form autonomous country councils. The Better Way Charter is an integral part of the decentralisation process with country steering committees pledging to align themselves with the Better Way ethos and principles. At BWC 2023 we announced the activation of eight country councils and expect to have a minimum of 25 by the end of 2023. I look forward to sharing more news on this in a separate posting.
Guidance and reports for policy makers
Since the launch of Covid-19, our initiatives have been at the forefront of efforts to alert the public to the real threats to our health and wellbeing, how to protect ourselves, and how to save lives. Some of our impactful reports and guides can be found here:
The BIRD recommendation on the use of ivermectin for Covid-19
The urgent preliminary report of the yellow card scheme (June 2021) and follow up report (August 2021)
At home Covid-19 treatment guide (Sept 2021)
Covid Vaccine Pharmacovigilance report (June 2022)
Spike protein detox guide (Nov 2021)
Landmark policy brief on Rejecting monopoly power over global public health (April 2023, updated May 2023).
Our guidance is used by international leaders, medical and legal experts, grass roots activists and members of the public alike and I am pleased to report that we have other important work in progress.
Research and peer-reviewed scientific publications
In collaboration with leading scientists and scientists we have published several peer reviewed papers and have several others in progress. Published papers include:
A landmark and highly referenced systematic review on ivermectin for covid. This article is ranked 8th out of more than 23 million tracked articles.
Scoping review of mechanisms of harms of covid vaccines
Review of emerging treatments for spikopathy and covid vaccine injury
An opinion piece on public trust
Lobbying governing bodies
During the Covid-19 years to date, we have written and contributed to many open letters to authorities and governing bodies, statements on current issues, press releases to alert and inform the public, collaborations, and petitions (including one to hold a UK parliamentary vote on the 2005 IHR amendments).
With war games currently taking place in Europe, you may be interested in our latest statement on false flag events.
As I write this, a dossier comprising the full WCH Policy Brief on the monopoly power grab, a summary, the amended 2005 WHO IHR document in question, and a cover letter with a notice of liability has been delivered to every UK parliamentarian today.
Video library and documentaries
The World Council for Health has an extensive library of educational videos on a wide variety of subjects by experts on health promotion, science, law, activism, education, vaccines, 5G, sovereignty, building conscious communities, mind health and much more, dating back to September 2021. This library is rich resource that is searchable by speaker name or topic.
We have also initiated and supported awareness-raising documentaries including:
Dear Andy on the corruption behind the suppression of ivermectin evidence
A letter to my MP on the failing of authorities to acknowledge Covid vaccine injury
Mistakes were not made, which is a creative collaboration to raise awareness of the agenda behind Covid-19.
Highlighting the work of others, we hold regular ‘Movie nights’ to bring important new documentaries to light, including Q and A’s with their producers and directors.
Educational and empowerment outreach
Our international steering committee and other team members are constantly doing interviews and attending international conferences and rallies around the world to educate, motivate and activate the public. We are very thinly spread and welcome and appreciate the collaboration with many others in this arena. The conferences that we have hosted include:
The International Ivermectin for Covid Conference (April 2021). This content is still highly relevant today and can be viewed here.
The Vaccine Causation Conference (Feb 2022). As above, and can be viewed here.
Better Way Conference (May 2022) As above, and can be viewed here.
UK Doctors’ Conference (Oct 2022). This was not recorded.
Better Way Conference 2023 (June). Available here.
We have also contributed to conferences in Austria, Brazil, Estonia, Portugal, Mexico, The Philippines, Malaysia, UK and USA.
Other educational initiatives include our weekly live-streamed general assembly meetings (now nearing 100 meetings), which can be viewed in our newsroom, live-streamed mind health webinars, social media outreach (twitter, telegram, rumble, odyssee, youtube, facebook, substack), and educational webinars hosted on SOURCE.
SOURCE empowerment platform
Source is our new WCH platform where among other things one can attend educational workshops and find a health practitioner to support your journey back to real health. If you are a health practitioner with a desire to contribute to a better way, please do consider signing up so that those seeking health guidance can find you.
This platform also has a number of practical resources and guides curated to inform self-sufficiency and community preparation for times of hardship and scarcity. We have a growing number of SOURCE ambassadors acting as representatives to assist with networking, community activation and empowerment.
There are also chat rooms where people can find help or help others with their learned wisdom and expertise. All we require to sign up to SOURCE is that one is aligned with the Better Way Charter way of doing things.
Educational leaflets in many languages
Our creative team has designed many leaflets for educating and sharing, helping people to get active in their communities wherever in the world you are. Some have been translated into more than 20 languages. Leaflets include education on the Better Way Charter as well as resources on treating covid, raising awareness of vaccine injury and support for the vaccine concerned.
Translating our material is key to getting the message out about Covid vaccine harms, the need for sovereignty, decentralised responsibility for health, and The Great FreeSet. Our translations department is growing with the help of an amazing team of international volunteer translators.
Prioritised international campaigns
We were the first organisation to publicly take a stand calling for a halt to the Covid-19 inoculations and to alert the public and leaders to the WHO power grab. Significant campaigns to date include:
Cease and desist the Covid Vaccines (December 2021)
‘Don’t be like Sparky campaign’ encouraging people to engage in healthy activities and to take responsibility for health (March 2022)
Our Stop the WHO campaign was launched in May 2022.
The Great FreeSet campaign, launched June 2023. This is an ongoing campaign to counter monopoly power by empowering ourselves to get free from an increasingly totalitarian system designed to exploit us.
We have also supported many partner campaigns, including the ‘Safer to Wait’ campaign.
Support for legal efforts
Our affidavits, evidence and actions have been and are used to support legal actions around the world, including in Canada, Ireland, Malaysia, South Africa, UK, and the USA. Most recently we are supporting a Judicial Review against the UK Metropolitan Police.
Energetic exchange and receiving value for value
Money is an essential tool and the form of energy needed to sustain effective human efforts. We cannot continue our work without this essential energetic exchange. Money is also the device used to create division, jealousy and destruction as noted above. In a system where money is power it is inevitable that this will be the ‘go to’ gripe for those falling into the controllers’ trap of undermining the efforts of others.
To prevent this from happening and mostly to innovate new systems of collaborating that empower sovereignty, equity and autonomy in the workplace, everyone undertaking paid work with EbMCsquared CIC, the non-profit management company of the World Council for Health, Better Way Conference and BiRD initiatives, receives the same modest maximum hourly remuneration. This includes scientists, graphic artists, web designers, accountants, law experts, political scientists, writers, administrative team members and me.
I say maximum because many of us choose to work in excess of 60 hours per week in this race to save humanity, which brings the hourly rate to a minimum wage. Paid team functions, currently numbering around 20 people at any given time, are supplemented by many others who generously offer their time and services for free.
As such, on a personal note I would like to highlight that since taking a public stand against corruption in January 2021, my income has been dramatically reduced, my workload has dramatically increased, and my reputation as a doctor and scientist has come under regular assault. Like many frontline warriors, I have sacrificed my professional career. Most painful is the loss of family.
For those who are feeling despondent, feeling fearful and upset that “nothing is happening”, that others are not doing enough, I urge you to look to yourself for action, to be the change you wish to see.
For those of us who wake up each day and put our shoulders to the grindstone to move this monumental effort forward inch by inch with perseverance, dedication and devotion, this can’t be further from the truth. We see and feel the change. The winds of positive change are here.
After writing this article, I felt like speaking with a friend about what was on my mind, so I had a chat with Darren Deojee. We recorded the conversation so feel free to have a listen.
Meanwhile, positive messages about the Better Way Conference keep pouring in. Here is one received from Professor Olle Johanssen today:
“This letter is very difficult to write ... I lack the proper English words, and terms like "amazing", "fabulous", "overwhelming", "fantastic", "stylish", and "classy", don't seem at all to speak for my inner feelings about the recent conference in Bath. It still feels like I am in a state of mental shell-shock!
I have been at many, many hundreds of meetings, seminars, conferences, and similar, and you immediately put yourself at the very top. The whole event, from start to finish, was like the best Lewis Hamilton formula 1 race: just perfect!
My most cordial and deeply felt thanks and congratulations to you all! 👍👏👍😊👍 (I am sorry that I don't have the personal email address to everyone behind the scenes, on them, and in front of them, but - please - convey my most heartfelt gratitude to everyone making this as memorable as any Nobel Conference.)”
Thank you for reading this very long article!
On grifting, gripes and gossip