I certainly understand your fatigue revisiting your ivermectin story, in fact just following your story from the beginning has exhausted me. I am amazed how you and your colleagues can keep up the fight day in and day out. However, your ivermecrin story and that Andrew Hill video was like a someone throwing cold water in my face, a real wake up to the depth of corruption in the health and academic buracracies. So yes, this story is worth repeating for as long as you have the strength. 💙💙💙
Thank you Dr Tess for your ongoing hard work. You are an inspiration and I admire your courage , resilience and determination to keep fighting for us all. I wish there were more people with your integrity.
It is not possible to thank you enough. My husband and I have used ivermectin very successfully. We take it with us when we travel. I purchased an emergency medical kit from the US Wellness Company. After four years of fearmongering by the gov’t and the nhs, including our GPs, I will never be at their mercy again. Never.
My daughter would be a live today I’d she had been treated for Covid 19 with Ivermectin which I was aware of from the beginning. The most frustrating thing was it’s unavailability.
The numerous events which took place to squash the use of Ivermectin which Tess Lawrie wrote in detail is another horrendous tragedy, how can people sleep at night is beyond me.
About the same time covid appeared the flu disappeared .How do people know what they had was not the flu but the covid . ? How are they able to diagnose their illness to be the covid ,when many Doctors claim ,all the symptoms of the covid are the same as that of the flu ? Is the covidian cult no a permanent fixture in the mind of any one getting a runny nose or the cold ? By the way if one does get a cold or the flu ,we should treat it with remedies that worked in the past ,not as it was done in the last four years treat it with deadly poisons ,like remdesivir ,deadly poison shots for profit ,etc. ,that cause even a harmless flu to turn deadly and can kill us ,not the all mighty COVID BULL SHIT .
Thank you, brave Tess, for continuing to compile evidence and spread the message that Mistakes Were NOT Made.
When I published your Profile in Courage (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie) nearly three years ago, I never imagined I would have the honor of collaborating with you and dear Mike Yeadon on a project that would come to have historic significance and help accelerate the wakening of the world 🤗💗🙌
Thank you for revisiting this and releasing new information. It is paramount, even though you are tired of the story to recognize many new people have not heard this or followed you and in order for us to keep waking up the masses, we need this backstory along with the hard facts in order to bring change on the crimes that were committed against humanity. The IVM is a crucial lynchpin in proving everything that went wrong so please don't let the IVM story die. Thank you
I certainly understand your fatigue revisiting your ivermectin story, in fact just following your story from the beginning has exhausted me. I am amazed how you and your colleagues can keep up the fight day in and day out. However, your ivermecrin story and that Andrew Hill video was like a someone throwing cold water in my face, a real wake up to the depth of corruption in the health and academic buracracies. So yes, this story is worth repeating for as long as you have the strength. 💙💙💙
Well said, Henry. Totally agree.
Thank you Dr Tess for your ongoing hard work. You are an inspiration and I admire your courage , resilience and determination to keep fighting for us all. I wish there were more people with your integrity.
Ditto from me.
It is not possible to thank you enough. My husband and I have used ivermectin very successfully. We take it with us when we travel. I purchased an emergency medical kit from the US Wellness Company. After four years of fearmongering by the gov’t and the nhs, including our GPs, I will never be at their mercy again. Never.
My daughter would be a live today I’d she had been treated for Covid 19 with Ivermectin which I was aware of from the beginning. The most frustrating thing was it’s unavailability.
The numerous events which took place to squash the use of Ivermectin which Tess Lawrie wrote in detail is another horrendous tragedy, how can people sleep at night is beyond me.
About the same time covid appeared the flu disappeared .How do people know what they had was not the flu but the covid . ? How are they able to diagnose their illness to be the covid ,when many Doctors claim ,all the symptoms of the covid are the same as that of the flu ? Is the covidian cult no a permanent fixture in the mind of any one getting a runny nose or the cold ? By the way if one does get a cold or the flu ,we should treat it with remedies that worked in the past ,not as it was done in the last four years treat it with deadly poisons ,like remdesivir ,deadly poison shots for profit ,etc. ,that cause even a harmless flu to turn deadly and can kill us ,not the all mighty COVID BULL SHIT .
Yes, the stats are a joke! COVID ate the flu.. 🙃
Grieving so much & strugglingwith my own injuries....NEVER let them get away with it...
we must continue to speak out even when they threaten to jail us ...nothing can hurt me more than they already have done ! Keep going please 🙏 x
I will. Take care.
Thank you for your very hard work and leadership !!
Dear Dr Tess, we can't thank you enough. You're fighting so hard for this, and we're ever so grateful. Thank you!
Powerful concise, and covers it all. Thank you.
Still wearing my 'Ivermectin' tshirt and similar ones wherever I go.
Still smiling and talking to anyone interested.
And the interested are growing so I'm encouraged.
Thanks to everyone doing their bit.
Special thanks to Tess and friends.
Thank you, brave Tess, for continuing to compile evidence and spread the message that Mistakes Were NOT Made.
When I published your Profile in Courage (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie) nearly three years ago, I never imagined I would have the honor of collaborating with you and dear Mike Yeadon on a project that would come to have historic significance and help accelerate the wakening of the world 🤗💗🙌
• https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem
• https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a
• https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-one-poem-to
• https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-video-dr-mike
It seems we live in a world controlled by evil!
This is devastating, then again the stark truth can be
IVERMECTIN/Hydroxy work Who Knew, When did they Know Who suppressed it
Accountability Now, Now, Now
Just got my Ivermectin preparing for winter! Just in case.
Thank you Tess, God bless you x
Thank you for revisiting this and releasing new information. It is paramount, even though you are tired of the story to recognize many new people have not heard this or followed you and in order for us to keep waking up the masses, we need this backstory along with the hard facts in order to bring change on the crimes that were committed against humanity. The IVM is a crucial lynchpin in proving everything that went wrong so please don't let the IVM story die. Thank you
Didn’t realise Dr Tess’ middle name is RESILIENT. My superhero