'Mistakes were NOT made': The LAWRIE FILES: This UK parliamentary submission on IVERMECTIN to MP Mr. Jeremy Hunt never saw the light of day
I am publishing it here so that all MP's and the UK public can become aware of what was hidden from them and start asking why.
Why was the evidence about safe and effective ivermectin, as well as information on the corruption within the scientific establishment, withheld from MPs and the public during the Covid Chapter?
Sometimes I get tired of this story of ivermectin and corruption and want to just move on, forgetting that many are new to the fact that Covid was a trillion dollar scam. Even though you may know of me and the World Council for Health now, you may not be aware of my former role as an independent research consultant evaluating and supplying evidence to the WHO and other health authorities. In addition, you may not know that I hold important proof of Covid malfeasance, including a recorded meeting with Liverpool University’s WHO Consultant Dr Andrew Hill.
Thus, I have decided to revisit and publish on relevant events and correspondence that I have had with public servants and health authorities since early 2021 on matters related to ivermectin and the Covid-19 injections (called ‘vaccines’). I trust this will be useful for assorted purposes, including revealing the extent of the malfeasance, holding key culprits to account, and bringing them to justice.
The Parliamentary Submission sent to MP Mr. Jeremy Hunt, the Chair of the Health & Social Care Committee
Below is the letter that accompanied my Parliamentary Submission to MP Mr. Jeremy Hunt on the 23/4th March 2021. The submission included the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD) group Evidence-to-Decision document and a pre-print version of our expert systematic review article later published in the American Journal of Therapeutics and now ranked 8th out of 26 million scientific articles.

A concerned MP, Ms. Andrea Jenkyns, forwarded my Parliamentary Submission to MP Mr. Jeremy Hunt with a covering email. However, the submission never saw the light of day. Mr. Hunt responded to me by email approximately two months later basically saying it was not his department. I have included this emailed response at the end of this article.
Please note that the Youtube video of the ivermectin expert panel discussion referenced at the end of the letter was taken down.
The Reply from MP Mr. Jeremy Hunt, Chair of the Health & Social Care Committee
This reply from MP Mr. Jeremy Hunt’s was received on May 7th, 2021, almost two months later at the height of the so-called ‘pandemic’ suggests to me a rather strange set of priorities from the Department of Health & Social Care Committee. The email for the HSCC Committee is hsccom@parliament.uk in case you wish to follow up.
7 May 2021
Dear Dr Lawrie
Thank you for your letter regarding the use of Ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of covid-19.
The role of the Health and Social Care Committee, of which I am Chair, is to scrutinise the policy, administration and expenditure of the Department of Health and Social Care and its arms’ length bodies.
While I am grateful for the information you have provided, the role of the Committee is not to advocate for specific therapies so I regret that I will not be able to meet with you on this occasion.
Best wishes
Jeremy Hunt
Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP
Chair, Health and Social Care Committee
House of Commons | London | SW1A 0AA
Mistakes were NOT made…
The brilliant writer and poet Margaret Anna Alice invited me and Dr. Mike Yeadon to do a 3-minute creative collaboration with her last year called ‘Mistakes were NOT made: An Anthem for Justice’. ‘Mistakes were not made’ was circulating on X (Twitter) again this week. You can watch my take here. I will publish Mike’s version in Part 2 of this ‘Mistakes were NOT made’ LAWRIE FILES series.
Last words for today
As you can see, I have been in this battle to breakthrough the corporate stranglehold on our governments and health systems for quite some time. I stopped working as a research consultant for health authorities in 2021. Since then, I have concentrated my efforts in service to the grassroots men and women, using my expertise and experience, advocating for a better way for heath, freedom and sovereignty.
Please do with this information whatever you deem useful. If my kind of advocacy is something that you value, please become a paid subscriber if you can. All proceeds go to the work of the World Council for Health. There’s a better way for our world. Thank you.
I certainly understand your fatigue revisiting your ivermectin story, in fact just following your story from the beginning has exhausted me. I am amazed how you and your colleagues can keep up the fight day in and day out. However, your ivermecrin story and that Andrew Hill video was like a someone throwing cold water in my face, a real wake up to the depth of corruption in the health and academic buracracies. So yes, this story is worth repeating for as long as you have the strength. 💙💙💙
Thank you Dr Tess for your ongoing hard work. You are an inspiration and I admire your courage , resilience and determination to keep fighting for us all. I wish there were more people with your integrity.