Sent this video to Simon Jupp our MP in East Devon. I also sent a message to the Sr GP at our surgery to ask him to please stop his phone message about how successful the covid vaxx campaign has been and how we must all be vigilant etc etc. instead please put us through to the appt desk. I also mentioned I was aware of many people who have suffered vaxx adverse events, deaths and at least six people I know with cancer. We must now step up and confront the gp’s. Let them know, we know the reality. The sooner honesty, truth and integrity is restored, the sooner the injured can receive the help they deserve.

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Great work, Mary Ann.

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Dr Tess…please check out bitchute ‘Universal Antidote’ documentary

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It is very simple. UK society, but far worse here in NZ (or Australia or Canada, or most places in the West) has been intentionally divided and thoroughly degraded by novel synthetic mRNA/LNP injections. Social trust has been deliberately undermined.

And ...the injections are NOT "vaccinations" and they do not engender immunity. They are neither safe nor effective, and any unpredictable antibody response is trivial and short lived.

The populous falls into 3 categories: CONNED; COERCED; CANCELLED.

The first question one asks any injectee, "would you have done it if you had a choice?" ie: not feared into it by GOV sponsored hyperbolic catastrophising (and psy-ops) or believed the transparent nonsense, "safe and effective?" Sort out the conned from the coerced.

The coerced, (also by fear), would NOT have taken it by choice. Instead, coerced by loss of job, being socially ostracized, prevented from attending events or cafés, unable to see or visit family etc...

The cancelled. Those mandated in NZ and elsewhere. No injection. No job. No income. Prevented from engaging in anything. Enduring a cancelled life.

Never in history have we witnessed such GOV and MSM treachery against its own people. The NAZIs cared for the German volk with far greater compassion. Schwab and his crowd of WEF thugs, groomed leadership acolytes and sycophants know only a dystopian cruelty, corruption, and corporation ameliorated by an addiction to the fantasies of the Metaverse, for which you will be convinced you need to pay.

Spare me the revenge. A time of account and retribution is at hand. It is a time for righteous anger and a time to care for the very many injured. It is a time to reject insanity, and finally and forever cancel the murderous failed 1848 experiment of Marx/Engels.

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I am in the US, in Oregon. I wish I could ask you to go for coffee. I so wish I could spend time with any sane man human being.Yes righteous anger.

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You brought a rare smile to my day, thank you ~ Cancelled in NZ.

Meanwhile our erstwhile Comrade PM, a WEF "groomed" young leader who infamously said, "yep" regarding the concrete division she and her admin/GOV imposed on NZ society ~ unvaxxed/vaxxed, flaunts herself in the US, spruiks on Colbert and attends an appointment at Black Rock Corp.

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Many of my activist friends here in the Boston area let everyone attending her speech in Harvard Yard know she wasn't welcome the other day. I believe she gave the commencement speech at Harvard

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I wish you were my neighbor.....I'm in IL... Feeling same.

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And before Marx/Engels, Robert Owens in Indiana (1825).

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Thanks for some in time learning. I was vaguely aware that there were 'socialist' attempts prior to Marx/Engels and your reference brought it sharply into focus.

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The manifest was actually given to Marx by a Zionist Jew, the Jews are always behind everything.

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If you or a loved one are vaccine injured please do connect with us


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I hope that you all find relief for your injuries. Please do check out the FLCCC vax injury protocol.

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Jun 1, 2022Edited
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Sincere condolences to you Diane. I call it Genocide in plain sight. This is what it is.

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Sorry to hear about your mother. My condolences. Man smh.

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Jun 3, 2022
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Dear Diane, the reason I have not replied to your comment is that I only just saw it. I am very sorry for what your mother had to go through, and for your loss. MCAS is definitely a feature of Covid and particularly long Covid. Pre-existing MCAS is certainly likely to be exacerbated by the gene-based covid vaccines, which place one's immune system in a constant reactive state in response to an infinite production of vaccine-induced spike proteins.

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Jun 4, 2022
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Jun 4, 2022
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Dear Diane, you have been through a lot and I understand the wish to inform and help others. Thanks for giving me your email address, there's someone I'd like to connect you with so bear with me and I'll be in touch with you directly.

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How can they call themselves doctors when they are completely ignoring patients, their symptoms and the correlation with the vaccine? Are they being paid off to keep silent?!?! This is the same story over and over again with thousands of people .

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The doctors, as we all were, are propagandized by the very people who they trust to direct their operating procedures, not to mention their right to practice. As is the standard practice, they are not taught to think out of the box, a box, whose construction, is to a large extent, constructed to the specification of big pharma. Big pharma's interest has not been the welfare of the people for a long time, if ever. The sad thing is, most of the doctors are not even conscious of the alternative explanations, they do not need to be paid off in those cases. They live in a whole constructed world that seem to be complete and reinforced by the other denizens of the pharma/media-verse. This alternate reality is sufficiently convincing that they see any counter point of view as fake and dangerous. We really have stopped valuing independent thinking to our determent.

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Try asking your gp for fluvoxamine instead of fluoxetine, you know, the ssri that also cures covid, or for ivermetin. When I poltely asked about iver at arsda, the uk wartmart, I was threatened with the harmacyst calling security!

I'm 77, not flu or cv jabbed , been on 4000 iu vit D for 2 yrs.....NOT SO MUCH AS A SNIFFLE! Were no longer running round the equator wearing a loincloth and carrying a spear! Ooh, and the good doctor and big farmer want us to take the $ lucrative statins to reduce cholesterol and that silly sunblock......well guess what?

Cholesterol plus uv makes vit D ! And the recommended threshold for taking stats has changed from 20% to 10% !

I'm stating to think gp stands for general person. There are a couple of doctors at my surgery whom I trust and I would not wish to compromise them. Any emails, correspondence now goes to management.

For years we've been told veggie oil not lard n dripping, cut down on the eggs, butter n full dairy....I fell for it. Now I'm self medicating on full fat deep fried chips, butter, n gold top, n no egg limit.


Watched a good darkhorse with Neil oliver yesterday, unusually uplifting for these times.

I am gradually losing mydaughter and so in law, not to corvid or va damage, but because they see me as an antivax conspiracy nutter. They've been lucky with their jabs and are totally unaware of any problems, or the wef, builderbuggerers etc., or what turdo and jokinda are doing to their people.

Good luck to us all. Must brace myself for the moneypox episode.

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On the Vit D. I've read that the reason attempts to 'cure' covid patients with massive Vit D doses had disappointing results at the same time a Kory was pointing out that in one cohort (at least) they failed to find a single covid patient amongst those with adequate Vit D levels - was/is that Vit D obtained the natural way, from sunlight, comes with melatonin, too.

Vit D from pills does not.

I've heard no more about it so I know nothing more.

But it's worth bearing in mind and getting into the sun as much as poss I think. :)

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Well said!

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Just now added your comment into my BeyondC19.org library, along with a link to your Substack:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/d27eabef0334

If, for any reason, you'd like me to remove this reference, just let me know and I will delete.

Thanks in advance.

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Thanks for your effort. We really are in this together.

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Yes how can medics keep quiet and ignore patients. If the ordinary public (many of whom have not had the privilege of a long education of a Dr) can work it out then so can they there is absolutely no excuse. They know, or many of them do by now.... They are taking the money per shot and following orders from above rather than face being discredited and losing their jobs. But if enough speak out and said no, then they wouldn't lose their jobs there would be too many and it would be too obvious to the public who trust their Dr. How dare they and now they push it on young children. When more of the public wake upto this and they are doing at a speed now, they will be held to account because what is occurring is a crime of the very worst kind.

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Education is not a guarantee for the ability to think outside of the herd. I have been through the education mill for many years, I am still being surprised what I believed in because of that system. Doctors are, in some part, technicians who follow techniques and inundated with statistical information, because biology is a messy affair. The statistics are given to them by all powerful regulating bodies which now more and more are getting their information from big pharma.

Have you tried to discuss your point of view with a run of the mill doctor. I have, with a relative who is a doctor and so is his wife, they have a whole body of information that is counter to the narrative you speak of, all the way down to studies that agree with their point of view. All this supplied by and backed up by their ruling bureaucracies.The majority live in this insulated bubble of self reinforcing information. Doctors, within the bubble, reinforce reinforce each others beliefs. To an outsider, it even might seem to be a cult like behaviour. I was able to salvage our relationship because we stopped trying to bludgeon each other to the opposite point of view. It was very painful, at least for me and it seemed the same for my relative.

We have doctors that are now not allowed to practice only because they disagree with the narrative, we have a doctor put in an asylum because he did the same. We have rules from medical bureaucracies that punishes those who dare speak out against the official narrative.

This is a whole meta-world the doctors are a part of. This is not so different from the time when the Catholic church would override science if it suited their agenda. Well today, the overriding agenda, is to make money and consolidate power. So are you surprised when the medical meta-world is brought to you by Pfizer.

You are also correct, that there is also the carrot of more $$ for the obedient, however, not all doctors are knowingly evil, I would even say that most are inherently sincere in wanting to help their patients. I guess I might be biased, but, I think that the real evil or the head of the snake is not the run of the mill doctor.

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I have no words that can adequately express how I feel about what has been and is currently being done on humanity. May God help us and may All peoples eyes and ears and most imortantly Hearts be opened and filled with compassion, love, and light. We must help our brothers, sisters, elderly, and children.

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I think that the most telling thing in this video was the response from the newspaper which said that they couldn't publish any negative vaccine stories. Hmm.... Identify who told them this and you've found out who your opponent is, perhaps?

Where I live the led signs on the side of the road have had their wording changed in the last two years from "use" to "obey" . I put in a FOI to the highways people and never got a reply. I think we all know who our opponents are but exposing them to all is not easy.

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Big pharma told the newspapers. WEF, Gates, big pharma, gov, corporations are all in on it. They have all the bases covered.

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"The power of the people really is greater than the people in power."

Thank you dearly, Tess, for being a beacon of light in these dark days. You are a hero to more of us than you will ever know. I admire you and your good work immensely. Sharing widely now . . . .

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Thank you for your kind words Metta, and for sharing.

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Saw this on another site:

Sign this petition if you are in the UK to

Open a Public Inquiry into Covid-19 Vaccine Safety


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That's so 2021; let's hear about monkeypox now :P!

I bet they have some GREAT vaccines in store for us!

Seriously though: these are the survivors - so many didn't make it to have their story heard...

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If we do not remain silent, the dead can speak through us.

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If the monkey pox effects mostly homosexual men than face pouches will not do this time .The rear end needs protection .Will the wearing of male chastity belts become mandatory ??

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We've been fighting on a dark war. Unfortunately, many doctors and decision makers will keep on the deceiving game for a long wile. We need to keep our courage and go on. Thanks for being brave, Dr Lawrie.

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May we be people of hope and bring that to others. Many many are suffering and we need to support them. I pray the Drs in this country wake up soon. Australia is deaf and dumb right now.

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Wheres old croc Dundee in your time of need. I knew oz had a lot of sheep but crikey,, so many sheeples!

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From the very beginning I have said:

"We Must Do The Next Right Thing."

Superb, Dr. Tess.

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I am another with injuries 😪 its been a long and hard journey of abuse dealth threats and ridicule on line accusing me of causing damage with mis information and being restricted or blocked by Facebook for trying to share my experience and warn others 😪

GPs have recorded everything at my request but don't believe vaccine injuries

My MP was disgusting and calls me a conspiracy nut 😒

The hardest thing is because I have long term conditions/ disabilities also its been even harder to get anyone to even listen or take me seriously!!!

I know and can evidence it from March last year when took first and only AstraZeneca.

All I want is transparency..to be truthful....

I have lost 20 friends / loved ones in 2 years ...none from any virus; many to I believe vax injuries and not being seen or missed diagnosis and suicide 😪😔

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I am so sorry, Kirst. You should not have to bear such treatment. If you haven't already, please do get in touch with UK CV Family. You deserve love, care and support. https://www.ukcvfamily.org/

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Thanks I wasn't aware of these guys but am involved with others . Thanks x

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The most effective insurance against the venom injury or death is to stay away from any injections .Health does not come from the point of a gun or the point if a needle .Do we want to trade some money for our health or life? If a doctor has to make a choice between his patient or his licence ,in most cases over 95% will chose his licence ,even if you may die .

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Will share and send to representatives in CT. Thank you and I couldn't agree more.

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A very. big thing, for many of us: to find how best to take action.

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