For me, it stands to reason. Nobody I have spoken to has agreed to be controlled by foreign powers like the WHO, WEF etc. And I can't remember it ever being on any political party's manifesto coming up to election time, so therefore they did not have the blessing of the people of the UK.
If we go to our GP, he can only give us advice, and that is because we have free will. which is not given by government, and providing we do no harm, each of us is sovereign as we were born free and nobody can take that freedom unless we are a danger to others.
I have heard that government serves the people and also that the Crown also serves the people.
Telling us what is going to be, is control and unlawful from what I understand. And now we are seeing how government is committing harms, and again using powerful and stealthy psi-ops that are openly explained on their own webpages in a documents entitled MINDSPACE where it is explained how they go about changing peoples' views using without them even realizing it.. 'uniformed' consent?? Isn't that in itself a crime against the people of their own country? And in this case are they not conspiring with foreign powers for even more tyranny and control?
They don't give us rights, we are born with them...
We are also entitled to free speech, but they have ridden roughshod over that right too. Many of the worlds greatest minds, have been silenced and only the voices of those in the pockets of the world's tyrants have had access the Main Stream Media.
I feel strongly that my health is my own business, and that of my doctors should I choose to consult with him/her.
I have signed the petition to end our membership, but I have no intention of complying with anything that I consider to be experimental or dangerous. anyway, not matter how 'safe and effective' these lunatics claim them to be. I believe the whole pandemic was at best, not near as serious as the party-going, rule-breaking government were claiming, but having worked as a psychotherapist for 45+ years but now retired, back in 2020, the propaganda and silencing of competent experts showed me to my amazement (and horror) that it was all more than likely a giant hoax and a crime to humanity.
Thank you for all your do Dr Tess... I wish your team every success in this court case, and will hold it in my minds eye.
There is nothing more sinister than a vested interest masquerading as a moral principle. This is brilliant work. I love capitalism, free market economies. But when one organisation develops such wealth that they can interfere with the mechanisms of the market, then we no longer have an organic free market but a charade of manipulated outcomes. The RF has been playing this game for a very long time. Now we have organisations like Gates Foundation and the gigantic asset management companies doing the same. They all need to be broken up to reduce their capacity to influence, interfere and dictate.
Thanks Tess. It will be fascinating to see them try to wiggle their way out of this one. I had to fly the wrong way - the long way - around the world to get back home without injecting myself with their poison. These power mad lunatics have to be stopped and our Parliament, for all its manifold faults, might be the just the very place for that to happen. Please continue your fantastic work at educating and informing and be aware of your powers as a first class communicator.
LOVE IT! The last few videos I saw of the WHO just REEKS of desperation on their part to rush through their mandates and the IHR before... well, you know... Trump gets into office! But if I recall correctly, if the US attempts to join in by Biden, I seem to recall he and cabinet members have NOT signed any legal documents that attest to their authority. I presume they did this as a means to escape prosecution later. In the meantime, it undermines any legal authority to enter into any treaty or pact.
This campaign needs boosting somehow. I have donated but they need a lot more than the readers of this substack can provide. They have raised just over £6k but they need to get to £150k. Would GB News allow them on to talk about their case? How about Julia Hartley Brewer? Maybe Russell Brand?
sadly yes it is.....hover be very aware thes a petition on the uk parliament petition page..end the uks membersiup,of the world health currently has over 87000 signatures it needs a minimum of 100000 signatures to get it debated in parliament..folks thats where YOU come in firstly by signing it and then be sure to reshare it widely all over the uk with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can using all possible social media platforms and alternative outlets but dont bother with gestapo book who are blatantly shadow banning and suppressing it..and then be sure to get each one of them to do exactly the closing for more info on the who and the pandemic treaty be sure to check out both the steve kirsch substack also the james roguski syubstack
Could the work of Karen-Ruth Skölml be used as this is unlawful in the natural law sense as well as possibly illegal in the legal sense? Can we as sovereign individuals thank the govt and the WHO for their offer which unfortunately we need to decline? Can the People’s Lawyers draft something we could send to the govt and the WHO to opt out whether it is deemed legal or not?
The corruption runs very deep !
I 🙏 the power of people collectively swings in our favour.
Thank you for everything you do xx
Seriously, doesn't Tess and this organization put out so much valuable info and energy?!!
Hi Cara, sorry what's this link?
Hi Beth, sorry but what's this link about?
For me, it stands to reason. Nobody I have spoken to has agreed to be controlled by foreign powers like the WHO, WEF etc. And I can't remember it ever being on any political party's manifesto coming up to election time, so therefore they did not have the blessing of the people of the UK.
If we go to our GP, he can only give us advice, and that is because we have free will. which is not given by government, and providing we do no harm, each of us is sovereign as we were born free and nobody can take that freedom unless we are a danger to others.
I have heard that government serves the people and also that the Crown also serves the people.
Telling us what is going to be, is control and unlawful from what I understand. And now we are seeing how government is committing harms, and again using powerful and stealthy psi-ops that are openly explained on their own webpages in a documents entitled MINDSPACE where it is explained how they go about changing peoples' views using without them even realizing it.. 'uniformed' consent?? Isn't that in itself a crime against the people of their own country? And in this case are they not conspiring with foreign powers for even more tyranny and control?
They don't give us rights, we are born with them...
We are also entitled to free speech, but they have ridden roughshod over that right too. Many of the worlds greatest minds, have been silenced and only the voices of those in the pockets of the world's tyrants have had access the Main Stream Media.
I feel strongly that my health is my own business, and that of my doctors should I choose to consult with him/her.
I have signed the petition to end our membership, but I have no intention of complying with anything that I consider to be experimental or dangerous. anyway, not matter how 'safe and effective' these lunatics claim them to be. I believe the whole pandemic was at best, not near as serious as the party-going, rule-breaking government were claiming, but having worked as a psychotherapist for 45+ years but now retired, back in 2020, the propaganda and silencing of competent experts showed me to my amazement (and horror) that it was all more than likely a giant hoax and a crime to humanity.
Thank you for all your do Dr Tess... I wish your team every success in this court case, and will hold it in my minds eye.
There is nothing more sinister than a vested interest masquerading as a moral principle. This is brilliant work. I love capitalism, free market economies. But when one organisation develops such wealth that they can interfere with the mechanisms of the market, then we no longer have an organic free market but a charade of manipulated outcomes. The RF has been playing this game for a very long time. Now we have organisations like Gates Foundation and the gigantic asset management companies doing the same. They all need to be broken up to reduce their capacity to influence, interfere and dictate.
May I borrow your first sentence ? I can give you credit or just use " a wise man said "
And I agree .
Side note - that would be a great tshirt
For sure. I read it somewhere many years ago. Thank you.
Thanks Tess. It will be fascinating to see them try to wiggle their way out of this one. I had to fly the wrong way - the long way - around the world to get back home without injecting myself with their poison. These power mad lunatics have to be stopped and our Parliament, for all its manifold faults, might be the just the very place for that to happen. Please continue your fantastic work at educating and informing and be aware of your powers as a first class communicator.
They're professional wigglers, now aren't they?
Indeed, they are
LOVE IT! The last few videos I saw of the WHO just REEKS of desperation on their part to rush through their mandates and the IHR before... well, you know... Trump gets into office! But if I recall correctly, if the US attempts to join in by Biden, I seem to recall he and cabinet members have NOT signed any legal documents that attest to their authority. I presume they did this as a means to escape prosecution later. In the meantime, it undermines any legal authority to enter into any treaty or pact.
"Time for legal action"
Yes and for all Common Wealth countries aka “The West” it would also apply.
When ever a Govt follows an NGO they are creating a de facto Govt.
The government is forgetting who they work for, who they represent, who they are supposed to listen to!
We have one woman in Canada that’s waking us up to this
This campaign needs boosting somehow. I have donated but they need a lot more than the readers of this substack can provide. They have raised just over £6k but they need to get to £150k. Would GB News allow them on to talk about their case? How about Julia Hartley Brewer? Maybe Russell Brand?
sadly yes it is.....hover be very aware thes a petition on the uk parliament petition page..end the uks membersiup,of the world health currently has over 87000 signatures it needs a minimum of 100000 signatures to get it debated in parliament..folks thats where YOU come in firstly by signing it and then be sure to reshare it widely all over the uk with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can using all possible social media platforms and alternative outlets but dont bother with gestapo book who are blatantly shadow banning and suppressing it..and then be sure to get each one of them to do exactly the closing for more info on the who and the pandemic treaty be sure to check out both the steve kirsch substack also the james roguski syubstack
however even bad typo error
Really really hope so!!👏👏👏👏👏🙏🙏
Could the work of Karen-Ruth Skölml be used as this is unlawful in the natural law sense as well as possibly illegal in the legal sense? Can we as sovereign individuals thank the govt and the WHO for their offer which unfortunately we need to decline? Can the People’s Lawyers draft something we could send to the govt and the WHO to opt out whether it is deemed legal or not?
Knowing what occurred in 1946 with the UK, is it likely that other countries were deceived in the same way?
Can people from other countries sign the UK petition?
Amazing that only two "advisors" signed such a document. Too bad they signed their names to treason.
🇦🇺⚖️ Senate Inquiry - public hearing (live). Includes the mandates, the vaccines and the job losses. Absolutely disgusting.
Great news, let's hope the courts are functioning and apply the law. If not, the options are few.