Let's focus on the real issue, the aluminum which Dr Christopher Exley found in 99% of autistic brains and 99% of the Alzheimer's brains at the brain bank.

Glysophate is bad too but it doesn't persist like aluminum.

The copper effect isn't permanent as glysophate gets used up.

But aluminum is not, it's a molecule that substitutes for other catalysts, slowing them down, destroying metabolism which leads to the body slowing down the healing process.

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Have you watched Janine's video Rob?

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Tess, have you watched any of the Scottish COVID inquiry the past 18 months given you previously said- ‘‘Time to shine a light into the darkness revealled at the Scottish COVID inquiry.’’

Well i’ve clearly done that so now what? No one in the ‘medical freedom’ community talks about it?


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These days I'm seeing them distracting from the truth.

They regularly ignore Occam's Razor in favor of more speculation.

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Actually the copper effect is permanent unless you realize that you (or your child) has a deficiency in copper and you adjust for that deficiency by adding copper which she proves in this video. Further, as this paper points out (see link), Glyphosate and Aluminum have a "binding relationship". Glyphosate actually stimulates the body to accept and absorb aluminum. Glyphosate disrupts gut bacteria, leading to an overgrowth of Clostridium difficile, also known as C.diff..


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Can we simply take copper supplements or should we get tested?

I’m always proactive and ready to take copper and zinc. We’ve already tried to eliminate the aluminum in our deodorant and cooking utensils.

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Agreed Betty, thank you.

Both copper toxicity and deficiency can be corrected. As can copper dependant cell signaling pathways and enzyme pathways can be restored once balance is found. Just be careful, most copper in supplements is copperII, the toxic form as they are mostly isolated copper salts. So don't take much, they bi-pass normal copper transport systems, therefore accumulate.

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You are correct Rob, aluminium accumulates, and so does copperII. It is just vastly unknown. Both are issues. Please read through the paper linked above. The body's healing process is copper dependant as copper is the precursor of collagen, elastin and ATP production.

Text from the International Journal of Molecular Sciences: "In the human body, copper is an important trace element and is a cofactor for several important enzymes involved in energy production, iron metabolism, neuropeptide activation, connective tissue synthesis, and neurotransmitter synthesis. Copper is also necessary for cellular processes, such as the regulation of intracellular signal transduction, catecholamine balance, myelination of neurons, and efficient synaptic transmission in the central nervous system." https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9698384/

Also as a natural antimicrobe, tissue healing, for white blood cell maintenance and oxidative stress.

Copper is part of the autism story. It is not the entire story.

Thank you.

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Wow! I live in Canada, but I do indeed think that tBobby Kennedy & others should be informed. Kudos to this brave Mom!

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Congratulations to this brave mother! But, copper metabolism aside, but what is glyphosfate doing inside a vaccine ????? Like graphene ? Is it necessary to kill and/or mutilate? When will these criminals be executed? By comparison, Adolf Hitler was a brat who tore the tails off lizards

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Glyphosate is in vaccines because many of the ingredients are derived from livestock who are fed gmo grains sprayed with glyphosate. It doesn’t wash dry or cook off entirely.

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Yes Zen, trace amounts. But why is there more gly in the MMR vaccines?

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I don't know. If anyone has this information, please share. There appears to be more glyphosate in the MMR vaccine.

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Fun fact: glyphosate was originally developed as a metal chelator (to dissolve rust in pipes) and later found to be useful as an herbicide and later general biocide by Monsanto.

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So right you are David!! Thank you. Glyphosate is a formidable chelator in water environments...guess what? The human body is +70% water.

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Clo2 denatures glyphosate in th human body

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Glyphosate is in much more than vaccines. It's loaded in GMO crops (corn, soybeans, sugar beets especially). It's loaded in grains and some beans too, as farmers use it to desiccate crops shortly before harvesting.

Stephanie Seneff has done a lot of work showing that glyphosate harms good bacteria in the GI tract. These good bacteria, "probiotics," both fend off illness-causing bacteria and provide many essential down-stream nutrients the body needs to be healthy.

In my post on autism, I lead with a graph using her data, as published in the Weston A Price Foundation, showing that autism has risen alarmingly in virtual lockstep with increased use in glyphosate.

Besides eating "organic," restoring probiotics is needed, and I discuss many other things parents can try. It depends on the specific biology of each child.

Very important is for parents to know that they are not the cause of their child's autism; no need to feel guilty. I'm told many do.

Try what I suggest: https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/autism-good-things-to-try-organic

And, of course, RFK Jr. and everyone else should learn of this.

Good Health to You!

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Agreed so much, thank you Ernest!

I have Stephanie and Nancy Swanson's graphs in my Glyphosate paper. Amazing work! Stephanie believes Glyphosate is the cause of autism. I think she is spot on. I believe glyphosate chelates copper leading to copper deficient food, breaking down the copper dependant cell signaling and copper dependent enzymes which leads to neurodegenerative conditions; not just autism, but it is the same process in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Disease too. Thank you !

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Interesting about copper deficiency. I apologize about not doing a deep dive; don't have the time. Does such deficiency show up in standard CBC blood tests? I have in mind that it can cause low red blood cell counts.

Just a thought: If memory serves, copper excess was thought to be a risk of using copper water pipes; if now they have been replaced by plastic or stainless steel, then...?

I certainly don't want this discussion of glyphosate to distract from concerns about how vaccines are made and used. By definition, they are intended to excite the immune system. The Swine Flu shot of 1976 shattered my health by greatly exciting my immune system. It disabled my parents too. I find it reasonable to ask how the onslaught of vaccine injections imposed on children after the 1986 law harmfully excited some of their immune systems. Throw in all the various ingredients that could produce allergic reactions, or are toxic, too. I don't know of anyone in the public debate who are asking this question, though of course some people must be doing so.

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Not a problem at all. Copper is a at least a year long struggle to even understand with little information.

Yes you can see a copper deficicency all over a standard blood test, the easiest markers to watch for are low WBC but yes it will throw off the RBC too.

YES copper water a pipes are a MAJOR aspect to copperII toxicity, you remember well. I have just collated stats from dozens of countries EVERY country with the highest incidences of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's use copper piping. EVERY counrty with low ALZ and PD incidences don't. It is a 100% match!! This information will be published here soon.

Re the vaccines you are right. There was a study done on vaccinated vs unvaccinated children. The results are SHOCKING. Coming soon. And thank you Ernest for the comments.

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It is never a bad idea to add more information to one’s basket when researching causes and effects. RFK, Jr. should at least see this, IMHO.

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Please send this information to RFK J.

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She shares detailed information that appears valuable for discussion.

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Aluminium exposure from vaccines and other sources is an important issue, however alu is not the cause of autism. The majority of children worldwide are vaccinated and exposed to aluminium in more or less the same dose, but the large majority do not develop autism. Why? Yes aluminium is a problem, but there is a pre-exisiting terrain that triggers some children to move into autism. When we focus on what this terrain is, we find the copper-zinc imbalance and the gradually reducing kidney function EVERY time. These 2 issues set the scence for autism. They also explain every symptom of autism and why some children are able to have their autism reversed. The video below explains this terrain in simple terms, but the science confirms this. Please research for yourselves; "copper and autism" and "kidneys and autism". The picture will begin to fall into place. More information coming. Thank you for your support.

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Correct Jeffrey Jaxen . He is on Substack. I have forwarded it to him, CHD, and the Highwire and my local functional medicine clinic in Marin CA.

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Thank you so much Carole. It is greatly appriciated.

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Tess, yes absolutely this great information and research should be shared with RFK Jr . Del Bigtree of The Highwire and Jeffery Jackson who is doing deep dives into this. ICANdecide.com , Children’s Health Defense would also be very interested. I will try to send it to them . Not how how this amazing dedication woman is contactable. Thank you for sharing it . 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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This is just an introductory video. A new video will be posted soon with more documents. There is also a solution. Yes aluminium is present but it is not the cause of autism. It is an important factor though as it causes oxidative stress. In autism all of the copper cell signaling pathways and copper dependant enzymes are dysfunctional in the copper hungry regions of the developing child's brain, with accumulated toxic copperII, aluminium and other metals, and a severe tissue copper I deficiency resulting in a copper-zinc imbalance.

Aluminium accumulation is occurring post vaccines, creating oxidative stress. However copper plays a major role in dealing with the oxidative stress from aluminium until the aluminium is eliminated. See : https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9698384/

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What the Hell is it they inject into human bodies?

Why don't they just ask a car-auto mechanic "develop" some more "tests" on us all - including our children..I sure hope you hear my sarcasm here...😰

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I hope you can work with Bobby to fix that little glyphosate in vaccines.

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Dr Exley and Dr Andrew Moulden, on Bitchute, who was suicided, knows real reasons. A Better Way..... are, like other prominant dissenters, "controlled opposition" to be heroes, and placate the angry mob. Wake up folks, make your own choices, no heroes here, or elsewhere!

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