My prediction and I hope I’m wrong, if they choose the UFO route (always a sign of cultural unrest) planes will “mysteriously” fall out of the sky. See the push to one pilot cockpits. This will please the climate lunatics and have a huge impact on the air travel industry. Of course our brave philanthropists will continue to use their jets safe in the knowledge that they haven’t upset “the alitens”. Sounds tinfoil hat but then history repeats but doesn’t rhyme. Did someone say Titanic?

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You know folks, if the Gates family, Soros family and all the other usual suspects went live on TV today from outside the White House, pulled at their faces to reveal alien forms beneath human face masks... and then told us that they come from a planet where prolonged exposure to CO2 kills them...

...I would not even blink an eye. Would not phase me.

In reality, we just have some of the most evil HUMANS ever running the planet at the moment. They have power and control over billions that previous dictators could not even dream about. Aliens coming to destroy us? Heck, they might be our last best hope.

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All makes so much sense.

So many have had our eyes opened to varying degrees. They keep doing what should be unimaginable but as you so rightly point our to us they've been programming the population for decades. Like you I avoid horror movies like the plague (sorry about the pun), but it seems they're quite instructive on where they're trying to take us.

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And to think that I actually liked Independence Day (ID4) when it first came out almost thirty years ago. How wonderfully innocent the world seemed back then.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Great piece, and i also think very apt. The cabal has too many millions of awake non compliant people fighting against them. Apart from injecting us through our food, they seem to be clutching at straws, i hope,. So i will continue non compliance, and wait for the aliens to change my mind.

Many thanks Neil.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

This is EXACTLY what I have been thinking will be the next attempt at controlling the masses. Thank you so much for putting your finger on it, Dr. Lawrie. Calling it out ahead of time is so powerful in shining the light of truth on all the lies. May we all continue to be vigilant, awake, and aware.

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It seems to me that the real issue is the weaponization of space, which is undoubtedly ongoing.

Basically we have a government run amok and aligned with forces that are using the leverage of government bureaucracy for their own ends of power and control.

Our governments have nearly unlimited power to impose police states on us, and it seems that the fundamental issue now is to take away that power so that no police state can be imposed. This is exactly why the 2nd Amendment is in place in the US: to prevent a tyrannical police state.

There's so much going on-- it's massive, and the bureaucracy and scheming are massive.

Many are touting RFK Jr as the savior of all this, but so long as the bureaucratic state is left intact and the EPA is given free reign to impose necessary actions to save the planet from non-existent CO2 catastrophe (which catastrophe RFK is fanatic about) then where are we? Police state conditions, made possible by the over-arching power of the state over individuals, are still possible, and many believe that a global police state is the end goal wherein the obedient will get the goods and the disobedient will be punished accordingly.

Take away the power of the government to impose a police state, and in essence that means stripping or very strictly limiting all emergency powers of the government and forcing an adherence to constitutional freedoms and the individual right to self-determination.

But this is NOT what climate fanatics want. See how RFK Jr fits in? Climate fanatics want a police state to save the planet because supposedly we have no other choice: those damn people are still driving to ski resorts and jetting off to vacation lands.

I do not believe RFK Jr will save us; I think we need to work on dismantling the false theory of CO2 catastrophe (since this underlies the Great Reset) and then work on dismantling global police state powers. Easy, right?

My two cents during these bewildering times.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

You work, your clarity and courage are so inspiring. I recommend you constantly and your WCH. From another South African. Now in Queensland

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The government’s April 23rd, 3pm emergency notification to everyone who carries a cell phone is part and parcel of the next step. Just like the plandemic, it is meant to scare the entire population as the gov’t says it will be used, for example, in a terrorist attack.. okayyyy. The good news is we can go to notifications in our phone settings and turn off “emergency” notifications. If you would like to decline i.e. not participate in this scaremongering, like many of us declined/chose not to participate in the fake “vaccinations”.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Fabulous article and not the only place I have read where an alien invasion may be the next excuse for making us think that we need to be "saved". So it won't be a surprise to me if that is announced. But think about it ..... anyone, thing, being that arrives here on Earth in a spacecraft is obviously highly evolved and intelligent. So what could there possibly be here on Earth that they don't already have, know or need? I only have to look at the crop circles that appear around the world to see that they have no bad intentions and in fact are showing us, (in a most beautiful and amazingly mathmatical way as every one has a mathmatical meaning that can be read), that they can simply come, they do their magnificent designs on the crops without doing any harm to the crop, and they simply then leave. I have no need or reason to fear these beings and would welcome their arrival and chance to see if they can help in fixing our broken world.

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How very appropriate that your list of apocalyptic fakes begins with "I am Legend", starring that most recently celebrated purveyor of the fake slap in the face, one Will Smith. If we fall for Hollywood yet again we will truly deserve that slap.

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I thought of I am Legend (book not film) when I was the only person I know, bar one friend, who didn't get the gene upgrade. Now I understand humans are chipped like pets, I don''t know whether to laugh or cry.

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From Over Here, I would say we don't need a different word for funny-looking people with funny-sounding voices: "Megalomaniac" fits the bill very well...

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Bravo Tess, bravo. Love you writing.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

I don’t believe the Cabal will do this because the cost of failure is too high.

For centuries they have ruled through concealment and stealth.

They have always known how fragile their position is.

If people become aware of them, the game is up.

With Covid they revealed far more of themselves than was good for them.

As a consequence they have woken a lot of people up.

If they try the fake alien invasion and 15% of the people don’t buy it, it will be disaster for the Cabal.

Why do they need this anyway?

The CBDCs represent a far more effective way to enslave humanity, and that project seems to be moving forward nicely for them.

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‘The Handmaids Tale’ is another show that has a background like Covid, minus the aliens. Virus kills most of the world, women are rendered infertile, and those women who can still have babies are forced into sex slavery to have babies for the rich and powerful. Gilead is the name of the country- which is also the name of a company that worked on Covid vaccines.

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