Those who lack the most iodine are pregnant women and that not only impact those persons but the baby they are pregnant of and the consequences are a lot more important than what people think usually.
Adequate level of Iodine being the unavoidable " ingredient " of a fully functional thyroid and this being in charge of producing so many i…
Those who lack the most iodine are pregnant women and that not only impact those persons but the baby they are pregnant of and the consequences are a lot more important than what people think usually.
Adequate level of Iodine being the unavoidable " ingredient " of a fully functional thyroid and this being in charge of producing so many important hormones to regulate a lot of fundamental reactions, iodine level should be verified regularly for pregnant, and from childhood to old age for everyone.
In nursing homes, they would simply modify the food and people would regain and maintain a lot better physical and mental health.
The simple fact consisting in the daily introduction of sauerkraut and lacto fermented organic food would rejuvenate those persons, given that no one is healthier than one's own microbiom and that the digestive tract contains more neurons than the brain and that the 2 are constantly communicating.
But the medical corps has become nothing more than the slave of BP so they " simply obey orders " from above as said some people in Nuremberg .
The same in hospital.
It would be an interesting research to be done.
At school, all along the curriculum, healthy nutrition corses should be mandatory.
Those who lack the most iodine are pregnant women and that not only impact those persons but the baby they are pregnant of and the consequences are a lot more important than what people think usually.
Adequate level of Iodine being the unavoidable " ingredient " of a fully functional thyroid and this being in charge of producing so many important hormones to regulate a lot of fundamental reactions, iodine level should be verified regularly for pregnant, and from childhood to old age for everyone.
My mother, who has been gone for 16 years, had so many problems with thyroid, hormones, etc!
With everything I know now, I bet she was deficient in so many things. I’m sure many people are.
I’m off all my meds, and have gone holistic, at 60! Exercise, sunshine, etc.
That is the right way to live .
I get so angry when people that are older get sick or deficient…that is NOT normal. But, people are brainwashed to think it is.
In nursing homes, they would simply modify the food and people would regain and maintain a lot better physical and mental health.
The simple fact consisting in the daily introduction of sauerkraut and lacto fermented organic food would rejuvenate those persons, given that no one is healthier than one's own microbiom and that the digestive tract contains more neurons than the brain and that the 2 are constantly communicating.
But the medical corps has become nothing more than the slave of BP so they " simply obey orders " from above as said some people in Nuremberg .
The same in hospital.
It would be an interesting research to be done.
At school, all along the curriculum, healthy nutrition corses should be mandatory.
Thank You.
Good article.
I also bake my sourdough bread and really appreciate a mix of rye, buckwheat, wheat and spelt.
Even though buckwheat is not a " cereal" it add some nutrients of its own and the mix of all generates an incomparable smell and taste.
The sourdough is mage of rye
FERMENTED foods! 👍👊