I'm hoping and praying that if anything good comes out of all this "pandemic" insanity, it will be a waking up of a lot more M.D. doctors that the Big Pharma-defined "a pill for every ill" allopathic model which has served as the foundation of their entire professional education and of regulatory restrictions that seriously restrict their ability to freely practice true medicine is, to say the least, seriously flawed. After having been very nearly killed myself over 11 years ago by what I like to call the "medical-industrial establishment," I fortunately woke up in time to prevent them from finishing the job. I switched over about 10 years ago to using Naturopathic medicine and actually restored my health by removing the functional cause of my heart disease instead of just poisoning myself with artificial chemicals like statins and beta-blockers that are designed to simply suppress symptoms without addressing the underlying cause of disease. Thanks to making that switch, I am a lot healthier today at the age of 72 than I was 30 years ago. Had I remained the patient of well meaning but poorly educated allopathic doctors I almost certainly would be dead by now.
I have personal experience of Homeopathy helping myself and my children many times over the years. The first time was when my son was 2 and was quite ill with tonsilitis. The doctor said he couldn't do anything so I contacted a Homeopath. We carried a very ill child into his office. After a thorough consultation he gave us a remedy for him and after a good sleep he woke up back to his normal self. Both my children have had their eczema cured, my daughter had an abcess on her tooth which kept coming back until we used a homeopathic remedy for it and I have relied on it countless times over the years to improve my health. And yes it works on animals - my friend's horse was so lame that the vet had given up on her. I asked my homeopath for a remedy and he gave it to the horse and the next day the lameness was gone. Now my son who has Crohn's disease and has struggled for years with the inefficacy and side effects of the succession of allopathic drugs which were all he was offered by his gastroenterologist, is better than he has been since his diagnosis 10 years ago, using diet, acupuncture and chinese herbal medicine. I saw my previously very healthy mum and dad deteriorate in front of my eyes once they were put on a cocktail of drugs - my mum for heart disease and my dad for Parkinson's - which he developed a couple of years after being put on statins for no apparent reason. I wish they had woken up in time like Greg, but they had been brought up to trust and revere the medical profession and thought that the doctors knew best. If doctors and alternative practitioners got together to offer integrated care people would be so much healthier. The way homeopaths in particular have been denigrated by the media as 'quacks' has been shameful, and has resulted in me being unable to persuade any of my friends to try it. It is criminal that people should be given only the flawed allopathic model and denied access to try alternatives even when those drugs are not working or produce side effects which are as bad or sometimes worse than the original ailment.
I wouldn't say that these are necessarily the failures of modern medicine, but the failures of a "for profit" system... It is just silly to expect such system to prioritize anything else BUT profits.
Nothing "for profit" is good; how would one call "love for profit" :P?
A company in NZ has made a homeopathic preparation from all the vaccines available in NZ which I know has been used with amazing success in a few people in my local small town. I have no idea how they accessed the vials, but the remedy certainly seems to help at a simple 30C potency.
When you manufacture from the vaccines or anything ie a stdai of staph or strep or the flue shots it's called a homeopathic nosode, meaning it's the hair of the dog that bit you and an exactum.. In general most Homeopathic remedies are similimum (similar)with some few nosodes as an exactum..
I don't think the mainstream model is broken because the expectation of a disease management system to be anything else is beyond its remit. I am a naturopath and medically bilingual. What I mean by this is an initial training in the medical pathology laboratory in South Africa, then a public health degree and then a naturopathy degree. My motivation and passion has always been minimising harm. The new health model everyone is aspiring for ... is already here. It has been here for a very long time in complete health systems like Naturopathy, or Ayurveda ... as examples. These are systems focused on how to restore health, understand what health is, and what the pathway is to recover it. Let's not discount what mainstream can do... expertise in life saving measures, surgical expertise, imaging, some pharmaceuticals when necessary. The problem is health systems whether they be the NHS or Medicare in Australia only seem to offer one approach to the public. There needs to be a continuum... starting with Prevention and then all along this continuum working with real patient-centred care ALL options on the table with respectful value for the least invasive least harmful options offered first, then only as a last resort suppressive invasive treatments. We have to get egos out of the way and work out how to offer this kind of care. What I have observed is what has been called 'medical colonialism' in the literature. The usurping or cherry picking of for example this herb or that supplement instead of a drug without the practitioner prescribing these 'green medicines' having to complete training in these modalities. Respectful referral is needed. The best model of health care could be created. i picture this model regularly. How to fund it? How health practitioners get involved, who offers what in what order? Are there gatekeepers? How does the client/patient become educated about their options in this new model? Happy to talk more to Tess about this topic. I have thought about this ideal scenario for many years. How and where can it be manifested? Often alternative options are the best approach, sometimes complementary is the best approach - it all depends on the health presentation and what is efficacious and least harmful. Always taking into account the preference of the client/patient.
Thank you for this thoughtful and considered comment, Eta. Our team is actually exploring how we can help local communities establish alternative health provision, amongst other things. I've shared your comment with them and I will be in touch when we have something in place.
In fact there is a homeopathic remedy derived from snake venom called Vipera, indicated for uncontrolled nosebleeds (epistaxis) especially in nursing mothers, blood-congested veins, and venous congestion in general, especially with pains that feel as though the veins are bursting. If the mandated jabs ever become compulsory assault through police-enforcement, I'm keeping this one on hand in a 200c potency for sure.
I love this article thank you. There are beautiful parallel systems and movements - in health, education, diet and fitness, entertainment, media, tech, energy (esp quantum and love) - emerging increasingly everywhere. Magical joinings. The past is no indication of the future (not least because our understanding and application of human constructs such as time and space and energy are so unreliable :) Western/developed-world science and language are flawed in so many ways. There is a universal flow and we are all part of it. Quantum, like love, is mostly inexplicable, and so like love quantum can be believed, trusted, lived and and used, just as we love and dream and experience zeitgeist and other inexplicable phenomena. What we can imagine we can make reality, especially when enough of us are working on it :) It's definitely happening.
Homeopaths and other natural therapists all over the world are looking for and finding solutions to help the vax injured. In my field, Neuro-Training and kinesiology, we are having success in helping them, using techniques and knowledge from many different modalities including homeopathy & naturopathy.
We check the person against homeopathic versions of the vax, to find out what it has done to the person's nervous system and then start retraining their nervous system on how to deal with that including using techniques to deal with poisons and toxicity, change the chemistry of the blood, improve the function of the immune system, balance the heart and circulatory system and so on. Then finding what exact nutritional support they need to get them to the next stage of peeling back the layers. No medical drugs involved.
We do not have scientific research/proof that this works, only our clients experience of their symptoms getting better - e.g. no longer having chest pains, energy coming back, blood pressure reducing, headaches disappearing and so on
And before homeopathy, herbal medicine was used for thousands of years. Several herbs are confirmed working by researchers. Homeopathy works, because it works for animals. If it were fake, it would not. I always have a laugh when so called scientists declare some herb dangerous for the kidneys. They must have never read the side effects of most regular drugs ! One person told me that using nutmeg is dangerous. I had luckily just read that you need to use nutmeg by the whole nuts daily to get a possible side effect !
some herbs like bloodroot vary in potency (and therefore dangerousness) depending on their seasonal state like flowering or not. make sure you've got good references and check multiple ones to make sure of toxicity warnings, in the case of Back to Eden they left out the seasonal potency data and my mom almost took herself out from relying on incomplete information.
I never use anything that is not 100 percent safe. When one author considers an herb unsafe, I don't use it. I am glad your mom did not poison herself ! Usually I buy my herbs because my yard grows very little usable. Good luck with the herbal meds !
Another promising approach being pursued in America is 'Functional Medicine', in which a comprehensive assessment is made beforehand, and then lifestyle and dietary changes are pursued before proceeding to more intrusive medical options. Some physicians claim that over fifty percent of cases can be solved without proceeding to the medical phase.
Surely a small sample size, but in my case this has worked much better than fifty percent of the time when it comes to everyday health concerns. I've heard "That can't possibly work" more than once, especially when it comes to keeping my weight under control. I've often thought the same about the dietary approaches of others - my thoughts almost always tempered by the fact that their different approach has succeeded equally well for them. The weight stays off, and that's what counts.
In any event: pursue all options, you never know what's going to work. Keep an open mind about things, broaden your horizons, and the sky's the limit on the successes you can achieve.
If it wasn't for my kinesiologist using modalities of homeopathy ,herbals etc, along with supplements I would have died from sepsis 6 years ago.
Homeopafhy works but sometimes you need other things to, Especially powerful herbs like echinacefa and silica , tissues salts and so on.
The benefit of using kinesiology is the you get an accurate rx because the practionefr is tuning in to you whose body knows what it needs,We are energy and frequencies and that can be tuned into.Think about how zgitared you can get if music frequency is off ,
Sound's far fetched until you realise that it also worked on my pets , My dog lasted to 18 and 1/2 years
For a old style vaccine reaction the only remedy is homepathic Thuja.
You then need to find the rest of the puzzle ie heavy metals used as carriers ie thimerserol a mercury derivative ,a heavy metal has no business in anyone's body and mercury takes a lifetime and a half to detox if you do it naturally . Not funny eh,,,still using mercury in fillings ,lead in haircolour pigment , pencils etc..
My method for treating and minimizing the impact of CFS/M.E on myself and how this protocol may help the jab injured.
I believe the cause of CFS/M.E to be related to mitochondrial health and has epigenetic triggers. It seems to be particularly susceptible to inflammation. Possibly due to cytokines. The moment inflammation occurs, the mitochondria don't work properly anymore and then create additional oxidative stress and more systemic inflammation. In a process not unlike a carburetor on a car changing the oxygen to fuel ratio in the engine. Causing a car to run too rich or too lean if not celebrated correctly. Incomplete combustion results leading to poor energy. I think something like this is occuring at the mitochondrial level essentially leading to a downward spiral of fatigue and brainfog which takes weeks to recover and heal from.
1) Prevention is better than a cure. So avoid triggers of inflammation where possible. Eg. Exercise, inflammatory diet, alcohol consumption, extreme temperatures or excess emotional stress. Obviously it is impossible to eliminate these entirely but where it can be done, do it.
2) Where inflammation cannot be eliminated it should be minimized and this is done primarily with antiinflammatory diet, herbs and spices like turmeric, ginger or even stinging nettle tea, which stabilizes mast cells. But also with mental hygiene and mindfulness as stress and overthinking lead to increasing inflammation levels.
3) Habit and lifestyle changes take time. Neuroplasticity and hypnotherapy can help speed up the process of change required.
Major habit changes will be.
*Learning to pace and manage energy levels.
*Avoiding alcohol if you regularly drink as it both increases inflammation of the gut lining and the liver uses a lot of energy to metabolize.
*Increasing vegetable fibres in diet as they are fantastic pre-biotics.
*Learning to cook for yourself if you don't already so you can avoid artificial preservatives and replace sugary sauces with natural herbs and spices which have many benefits. From antiinflammatory to antioxidants.
*Learning mental hygiene processes and how to manage stress and grief better, or more effectively. I really like the Silva method as it is easy to learn and use.
*Learn gentle methods of exercise or partner massage as we still need some movement to promote lymphatic drainage, flexibility venous return and joint/myofascial health.
I think many jab injured will also benefit from a similar protocol. As fatigue, stress, oxidative stress and inflammation are tied together and hasten disease processes and worsening of symptoms.
I'm hoping and praying that if anything good comes out of all this "pandemic" insanity, it will be a waking up of a lot more M.D. doctors that the Big Pharma-defined "a pill for every ill" allopathic model which has served as the foundation of their entire professional education and of regulatory restrictions that seriously restrict their ability to freely practice true medicine is, to say the least, seriously flawed. After having been very nearly killed myself over 11 years ago by what I like to call the "medical-industrial establishment," I fortunately woke up in time to prevent them from finishing the job. I switched over about 10 years ago to using Naturopathic medicine and actually restored my health by removing the functional cause of my heart disease instead of just poisoning myself with artificial chemicals like statins and beta-blockers that are designed to simply suppress symptoms without addressing the underlying cause of disease. Thanks to making that switch, I am a lot healthier today at the age of 72 than I was 30 years ago. Had I remained the patient of well meaning but poorly educated allopathic doctors I almost certainly would be dead by now.
I have personal experience of Homeopathy helping myself and my children many times over the years. The first time was when my son was 2 and was quite ill with tonsilitis. The doctor said he couldn't do anything so I contacted a Homeopath. We carried a very ill child into his office. After a thorough consultation he gave us a remedy for him and after a good sleep he woke up back to his normal self. Both my children have had their eczema cured, my daughter had an abcess on her tooth which kept coming back until we used a homeopathic remedy for it and I have relied on it countless times over the years to improve my health. And yes it works on animals - my friend's horse was so lame that the vet had given up on her. I asked my homeopath for a remedy and he gave it to the horse and the next day the lameness was gone. Now my son who has Crohn's disease and has struggled for years with the inefficacy and side effects of the succession of allopathic drugs which were all he was offered by his gastroenterologist, is better than he has been since his diagnosis 10 years ago, using diet, acupuncture and chinese herbal medicine. I saw my previously very healthy mum and dad deteriorate in front of my eyes once they were put on a cocktail of drugs - my mum for heart disease and my dad for Parkinson's - which he developed a couple of years after being put on statins for no apparent reason. I wish they had woken up in time like Greg, but they had been brought up to trust and revere the medical profession and thought that the doctors knew best. If doctors and alternative practitioners got together to offer integrated care people would be so much healthier. The way homeopaths in particular have been denigrated by the media as 'quacks' has been shameful, and has resulted in me being unable to persuade any of my friends to try it. It is criminal that people should be given only the flawed allopathic model and denied access to try alternatives even when those drugs are not working or produce side effects which are as bad or sometimes worse than the original ailment.
I wouldn't say that these are necessarily the failures of modern medicine, but the failures of a "for profit" system... It is just silly to expect such system to prioritize anything else BUT profits.
Nothing "for profit" is good; how would one call "love for profit" :P?
A company in NZ has made a homeopathic preparation from all the vaccines available in NZ which I know has been used with amazing success in a few people in my local small town. I have no idea how they accessed the vials, but the remedy certainly seems to help at a simple 30C potency.
When you manufacture from the vaccines or anything ie a stdai of staph or strep or the flue shots it's called a homeopathic nosode, meaning it's the hair of the dog that bit you and an exactum.. In general most Homeopathic remedies are similimum (similar)with some few nosodes as an exactum..
In NZ we have a company that makes remedies f. I m amazed the companies like Hee,Dr Reickewitzl and Boiron haven't advanced anything yet.
I don't think the mainstream model is broken because the expectation of a disease management system to be anything else is beyond its remit. I am a naturopath and medically bilingual. What I mean by this is an initial training in the medical pathology laboratory in South Africa, then a public health degree and then a naturopathy degree. My motivation and passion has always been minimising harm. The new health model everyone is aspiring for ... is already here. It has been here for a very long time in complete health systems like Naturopathy, or Ayurveda ... as examples. These are systems focused on how to restore health, understand what health is, and what the pathway is to recover it. Let's not discount what mainstream can do... expertise in life saving measures, surgical expertise, imaging, some pharmaceuticals when necessary. The problem is health systems whether they be the NHS or Medicare in Australia only seem to offer one approach to the public. There needs to be a continuum... starting with Prevention and then all along this continuum working with real patient-centred care ALL options on the table with respectful value for the least invasive least harmful options offered first, then only as a last resort suppressive invasive treatments. We have to get egos out of the way and work out how to offer this kind of care. What I have observed is what has been called 'medical colonialism' in the literature. The usurping or cherry picking of for example this herb or that supplement instead of a drug without the practitioner prescribing these 'green medicines' having to complete training in these modalities. Respectful referral is needed. The best model of health care could be created. i picture this model regularly. How to fund it? How health practitioners get involved, who offers what in what order? Are there gatekeepers? How does the client/patient become educated about their options in this new model? Happy to talk more to Tess about this topic. I have thought about this ideal scenario for many years. How and where can it be manifested? Often alternative options are the best approach, sometimes complementary is the best approach - it all depends on the health presentation and what is efficacious and least harmful. Always taking into account the preference of the client/patient.
Thank you for this thoughtful and considered comment, Eta. Our team is actually exploring how we can help local communities establish alternative health provision, amongst other things. I've shared your comment with them and I will be in touch when we have something in place.
Excellent Tess, looking forward to making a contribution.
In fact there is a homeopathic remedy derived from snake venom called Vipera, indicated for uncontrolled nosebleeds (epistaxis) especially in nursing mothers, blood-congested veins, and venous congestion in general, especially with pains that feel as though the veins are bursting. If the mandated jabs ever become compulsory assault through police-enforcement, I'm keeping this one on hand in a 200c potency for sure.
Naja is also a snake remedy . PS 200 potency is not an advised dose for acute disease,, it's 30c and if chronic go lower ..
I love this article thank you. There are beautiful parallel systems and movements - in health, education, diet and fitness, entertainment, media, tech, energy (esp quantum and love) - emerging increasingly everywhere. Magical joinings. The past is no indication of the future (not least because our understanding and application of human constructs such as time and space and energy are so unreliable :) Western/developed-world science and language are flawed in so many ways. There is a universal flow and we are all part of it. Quantum, like love, is mostly inexplicable, and so like love quantum can be believed, trusted, lived and and used, just as we love and dream and experience zeitgeist and other inexplicable phenomena. What we can imagine we can make reality, especially when enough of us are working on it :) It's definitely happening.
Homeopaths and other natural therapists all over the world are looking for and finding solutions to help the vax injured. In my field, Neuro-Training and kinesiology, we are having success in helping them, using techniques and knowledge from many different modalities including homeopathy & naturopathy.
We check the person against homeopathic versions of the vax, to find out what it has done to the person's nervous system and then start retraining their nervous system on how to deal with that including using techniques to deal with poisons and toxicity, change the chemistry of the blood, improve the function of the immune system, balance the heart and circulatory system and so on. Then finding what exact nutritional support they need to get them to the next stage of peeling back the layers. No medical drugs involved.
We do not have scientific research/proof that this works, only our clients experience of their symptoms getting better - e.g. no longer having chest pains, energy coming back, blood pressure reducing, headaches disappearing and so on
And before homeopathy, herbal medicine was used for thousands of years. Several herbs are confirmed working by researchers. Homeopathy works, because it works for animals. If it were fake, it would not. I always have a laugh when so called scientists declare some herb dangerous for the kidneys. They must have never read the side effects of most regular drugs ! One person told me that using nutmeg is dangerous. I had luckily just read that you need to use nutmeg by the whole nuts daily to get a possible side effect !
some herbs like bloodroot vary in potency (and therefore dangerousness) depending on their seasonal state like flowering or not. make sure you've got good references and check multiple ones to make sure of toxicity warnings, in the case of Back to Eden they left out the seasonal potency data and my mom almost took herself out from relying on incomplete information.
I never use anything that is not 100 percent safe. When one author considers an herb unsafe, I don't use it. I am glad your mom did not poison herself ! Usually I buy my herbs because my yard grows very little usable. Good luck with the herbal meds !
Another promising approach being pursued in America is 'Functional Medicine', in which a comprehensive assessment is made beforehand, and then lifestyle and dietary changes are pursued before proceeding to more intrusive medical options. Some physicians claim that over fifty percent of cases can be solved without proceeding to the medical phase.
Surely a small sample size, but in my case this has worked much better than fifty percent of the time when it comes to everyday health concerns. I've heard "That can't possibly work" more than once, especially when it comes to keeping my weight under control. I've often thought the same about the dietary approaches of others - my thoughts almost always tempered by the fact that their different approach has succeeded equally well for them. The weight stays off, and that's what counts.
In any event: pursue all options, you never know what's going to work. Keep an open mind about things, broaden your horizons, and the sky's the limit on the successes you can achieve.
If it wasn't for my kinesiologist using modalities of homeopathy ,herbals etc, along with supplements I would have died from sepsis 6 years ago.
Homeopafhy works but sometimes you need other things to, Especially powerful herbs like echinacefa and silica , tissues salts and so on.
The benefit of using kinesiology is the you get an accurate rx because the practionefr is tuning in to you whose body knows what it needs,We are energy and frequencies and that can be tuned into.Think about how zgitared you can get if music frequency is off ,
Sound's far fetched until you realise that it also worked on my pets , My dog lasted to 18 and 1/2 years
The death of allopathic medicine in real time. I hope John D. Rockefeller is turning in his grave.
For a old style vaccine reaction the only remedy is homepathic Thuja.
You then need to find the rest of the puzzle ie heavy metals used as carriers ie thimerserol a mercury derivative ,a heavy metal has no business in anyone's body and mercury takes a lifetime and a half to detox if you do it naturally . Not funny eh,,,still using mercury in fillings ,lead in haircolour pigment , pencils etc..
Yes Thuja works magic for so many things I have found.
My only worry with this, while it's amazing, is that big pharma will start coming for supplements next...
They already are. Every communiry is going to have to learn how to grow medicinal plants.
My method for treating and minimizing the impact of CFS/M.E on myself and how this protocol may help the jab injured.
I believe the cause of CFS/M.E to be related to mitochondrial health and has epigenetic triggers. It seems to be particularly susceptible to inflammation. Possibly due to cytokines. The moment inflammation occurs, the mitochondria don't work properly anymore and then create additional oxidative stress and more systemic inflammation. In a process not unlike a carburetor on a car changing the oxygen to fuel ratio in the engine. Causing a car to run too rich or too lean if not celebrated correctly. Incomplete combustion results leading to poor energy. I think something like this is occuring at the mitochondrial level essentially leading to a downward spiral of fatigue and brainfog which takes weeks to recover and heal from.
1) Prevention is better than a cure. So avoid triggers of inflammation where possible. Eg. Exercise, inflammatory diet, alcohol consumption, extreme temperatures or excess emotional stress. Obviously it is impossible to eliminate these entirely but where it can be done, do it.
2) Where inflammation cannot be eliminated it should be minimized and this is done primarily with antiinflammatory diet, herbs and spices like turmeric, ginger or even stinging nettle tea, which stabilizes mast cells. But also with mental hygiene and mindfulness as stress and overthinking lead to increasing inflammation levels.
3) Habit and lifestyle changes take time. Neuroplasticity and hypnotherapy can help speed up the process of change required.
Major habit changes will be.
*Learning to pace and manage energy levels.
*Avoiding alcohol if you regularly drink as it both increases inflammation of the gut lining and the liver uses a lot of energy to metabolize.
*Increasing vegetable fibres in diet as they are fantastic pre-biotics.
*Learning to cook for yourself if you don't already so you can avoid artificial preservatives and replace sugary sauces with natural herbs and spices which have many benefits. From antiinflammatory to antioxidants.
*Learning mental hygiene processes and how to manage stress and grief better, or more effectively. I really like the Silva method as it is easy to learn and use.
*Learn gentle methods of exercise or partner massage as we still need some movement to promote lymphatic drainage, flexibility venous return and joint/myofascial health.
I think many jab injured will also benefit from a similar protocol. As fatigue, stress, oxidative stress and inflammation are tied together and hasten disease processes and worsening of symptoms.
I agree with Hubris [below]. The solution is to make medicine not for profit. No profit, no conflict of interests.